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FW: Global Mayan Concordance Jan. 14, 2008...THIS IS EXCITING!!!

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-----Original Message-----

From: et@... [mailto:et@...]

Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2008 8:32 PM


Subject: Global Mayan Concordance Jan. 14, 2008


Thank you for participating in the Teleconference for Creating Global

Coherence. We were able to record the call, but some of the sound

quality is poor. We are trying to clean it up so that it is audible.

Once the recording is ready I will certainly let you know how you can

access it.

I will also send out some follow-up notes this week with the websites

that were mentioned on the call and the instructions for the modality

that we did to activate the chakra lines of force with the


In the meantime, here is a wonderful opportunity to support world

Oneness and the fulfillment of ancient prophecies that ph Giove

mentioned on the call on the Jan. 11th.

If you have any questions about this opportunity and meditation

please contact ph. His contact info is towards the bottom of this



Tobin, JD

Certified Resonance Repatterning & reg; Practitioner

www.LizTobin.com <http://www.megahrgroups.com/>

et@... <mailto:et@...>

P.O. Box 215

Boston, MA 02131


Here is what ph writes:

Please distribute immediately,

Sorry this is such late notice, but I just got the final details and

request directly from Mayan Elder, Don Oxlaj:

We have a significant opportunity to help empower the intentions of

our Grand Mayan Elder, Don Oxlaj, who will be giving a

speech in the Inauguration Ceremony of the new president of

Guatemala, Alvaro Colom, on Monday, January 14th, 2008:


I will be distributing Don 's speech, at his request, after

he delivers

it on Monday.

This is yet another fulfillment of the Eagle and Condor prophecy,

where the modern, technological world unites with the heart and

intuition of indigenous wisdom. President Colom himself is a

non-Mayan Mayan Priest, who has been a student of Don

Oxlaj. President Colom has formed a board of indigenous elders, lead

by Don ,

that he will regularly consult with.

Don has asked us to unite with him and other elders on

January 14th with a shared intention aligned with the speech he will

be giving. Here is the Concordance for all day January 14th in

whatever time zone you are in:

1. Ground and center yourself in your own spiritual practice, then

move your awareness to your heart center, feeling love, appreciation

and compassion for all life, and respect and honoring of our

indigenous elders on every continent, past and present.

2. See and feel the world united in oneness. See and feel Guatemala

and the world in peace and harmony, in fulfillment of the Mayan

prophecies of this time. Appreciate the living presence and deep

wisdom of the Mayan people as Guatemala and the world recognize this

precious wisdom from the Heart of the Earth.

3. Affirm with our Mayan Elders:

In the name of the Heart of the Heavens; Heart of the Earth, thank

you. Let the Spirit of our Ancestors, our Grand Mothers and Grand

Fathers, be here today.

Brothers and Sisters of all colors, holding hands around the planet,

we are one, like the fingers of one hand. Let us reflect on this, let

us meditate and pray in our own way, in our own language, according

to our own culture or religion, because we have only one Sun to shine

upon us equally, one air that we breathe and give us life, one water

that we drink and becomes blood in our veins, and we all live on our

one Mother Earth. She feeds us, she holds us. Brothers and Sisters of

all colors, together united we ask to be guided on the good path, to

give us good thinking, strengthen our hearts and our faith,

strengthen the conscience of the governors of our communities and of

our nations. Illuminate us, so there can be Life for our children and

our children's children.

We are one, like the fingers of one hand. We are the ones of

yesterday. We are the ones of today.

Thank you Heart of the Heavens. Thank you Heart of the Earth.

4. Smile in your heart to our Sisters and Brothers around the Earth

joining with us right now in oneness.

Thank you.

All my best,

ph Giove

Executive Director



See also: www.IntendBalance.com/maya2008


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