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A Letter To Me RePost [edited] From: What Is You Purpose

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MY ANSWER:I've sat here and read....and re-read....and read some more. You might

be surprised to know that I receive tons of mail like this through

these sites and over in a few . You are NOT alone.You

and I are so much alike it goes beyond saying. We have so many grand

ideas, and plans, and beautiful illusions, we can hardly keep track of

them all.We put 1000% into what we decide to do, and in most

cases we see returns of -1000%. Each time we come to the "end"[?] of

one of our potentials and possibilities, we have to recoil into

ourselves...to be alone. We are empty, even afraid. And it makes the

next thing we try a "challenge" greater than the last, because we start

to question ourselves, whom we know so well. We demand real

answers...deeper meaning, understanding....I've "been there -

done that" feelings of depression, "what's the point anyway", "I don't

think I have anything left to give"..me, much less anyone else. But,

somehow, someway...sunlight springs forth one day and this new energy

surfaces from what would appear to be nowhere.I wish you would

go on the profile [knightsintent] and start reading the "Living On

Love" books there...free to read or print out, in order.Those made A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE for me.I've come to understand the universe in much this way, as far as the "why"...NOTHING COMES TO US THAT ISN'T DRAWN!The

Law of Attraction in operation for one. But there's more. YOU ARE HERE

FOR A PURPOSE! We don't go looking for it...IT COMES TO US.I

know this may be hard to see at this point, but let's say that in a

way, those in your life who have "gone away", have only left

bodies...and the "conscious energy" that was them...is still the same

as it ever was...RIGHT NOW.And, let's say further, that,

speaking on a higher level, or level of the soul....they came into your

life...drawn to the souls connection, and that purpose was served.

Perhaps to work out old, lifetimes ago conflict or pains, or other

"energy".It is when we begin to take notice of the things we

do, that we discover, we have been "working our purpose all along".

Het, we are here "to serve". We are here to "send love and heal" all

that comes to us. And EVERYTHING that comes to us, is there for HEALING.I know you were "involved" with mainstream religion and Jesus, so let me use that train of thought for a moment...Didn't

J say....the kingdom is within. Within what? Within YOU. Go within.

That core place in ourselves...that is a place of LOVE.J said

the only thing was love. Love is what heals and grows and is always

present. J, for me, was not some guy who died on a "cross"[?] and all

is now "hunky dory". He was a man, who had discovered his CORE

ESSENCE......LOVE.What is LIGHT? Light is INFORMATION....you and I can surely relate to lots of information and in searching for answers.If

you could go through all the information, eventually, you end up in

only one place...LOVE. It is total information...or LIGHT. And light,

pure light, is LOVE.Jesus "was" LOVE....that's what he gave if

anything..the only answer ever needed...not some cross execution. He

experienced the total opposite of love. Total light and the total

opposite...if the ending story is to be believed.FOCUS....by

focusing on LOVE...being it, becoming it, sending it...we go "directly

to source". We bypass a lot of the information....and we show as light

as we go.The books above will go into detail on what love really is, how to use it and SEE THE RESULTS.By

using love...we become light...and we become healers...like-minded in

love. Love is never something "we get" or go looking for...love is

already present within. And we are not outside looking IN...we are

ALREADY IN...we are THAT. Our focus and POINT OF VIEW was just outside

of us...looking "out there" for what we sought.Love is what I'm

sending you right now...it is that which provides the words and

feelings. It is that which is already there...because...at out

core...within...is love and IT IS THE SAME THING...not separate....it's

the same "pool of thought"...the same love. This is how healing

occurs...this is how J healed others. This was the real early teaching,

not the later high-jacked ones.Let he who has an ear hear.....Our

purpose here now is to HEAL WHAT COMES TO US. How, we send love into

it...we become love. All the other let downs in our life...our

failures...our crash and burns....we ALL from our "being off purpose".I LOVE YOU...simply ~Be-Cause"....With much incredible connectionD~FRIENDS LETTER:----------------- Original Message -----------------From:Date: Jan 13, 2008 1:31 PM"Each

of us can do something totally unique. The challenge is to discover

your spiritual "niche" on earth, so you can realize your potential for

happiness. If you live untrue to this niche, your energy will be

unaligned with the Universal Energy, and you are likely to feel

something missing in your life. You'll experience a feeling of

dissonance, which can lead to disease."My gosh! Dis-ease. You

know, D, I wonder why the universe gives us all certain things to come

through while giving others certain "good" things to go through. I've

"come" through so much in 2007 that sometimes I don't honestly think

I'll recover. It sounds silly, I know but I can't see myself ever being

the woman I once was. I feel myself growing into a different person

that I don't know or have anything in common with. I am tired

of death. I am sick of hurting. I am no longer able to pray or see

things in a "better or brighter" light. My vision has become muddled

and dark. ly, I'm scared I've resigned myself to the fact that

this life just has nothing to offer me. I must've screwed up really big

in a precious life for me to lose all the ones I love and be sooo

unsuccessful and so lonely. But, I have so many dreams. I'm

scared that I'll never see them come to light. How can I possibly bring

happiness back my way? I don't want to live like this but I obviously

can't fix it. I probably need professional help. <wink>Sorry, I blabbed all this but you know me, I'm kinda a nutcase.Love you so super much------Original ARTICLE:----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: KnightsIntentDate: Jan 13, 2008 12:48 PMAre You Living Your Purpose?by Bruce D. Schneider, Ph. D.Though we are all one energy force, one mind, and One Spirit, eachsoul incarnated into a specific form on earth for a unique purpose. Weare here to experience different situations and similar situationsdifferently, and to share these experiences with the Universe, ourtotal consciousness. There are many different journeys to share. Thisis why there is more than one soul experiencing this world.Your journey is now and exists at this moment, whether you realize itor not. It will be more enjoyable if you consciously pursue yourspiritual purpose to bring the world to Love. You do this byexpressing Love in whatever you do, and most easily express it whendoing what you do best. Consciously following your spiritual purposebrings you ultimate joy, balance, peace, freedom, and happiness.You have seen them. He is the conductor exuding power and poise as hisorchestra performs a beautiful medley. She is the lawyer who fightsfor her client's life as if it were her own child on trial. She is thewaitress who serves customers with as much enthusiasm and caring asher personal friends. And he is the gas station attendant who stillcleans your windshield even when his co-workers won't. Who are thesepeople? They are spiritual beings who breathe life into their work.They are people who express themselves in what they do, and not simplyfor financial reward. They do it because they couldn't do their jobany other way. They are living their soul's purpose and consciouslydoing what they do with Love, and they are happier than most.Have you ever felt something missing in your life? If so, this couldbe the reason: The soul has a twofold purpose in each lifetime: (1)the universal purpose to rediscover itself as Love, and (2) anindividual purpose to experience a specific role it can do better ordifferently than any other soul in a given lifetime. The latterenables the soul to help itself and other souls more easily rediscoverLove. In other words, your individual purpose is the best way topromote the universal purpose.There are no "ideal" jobs. Not every person should be a healer or ateacher. We need conductors, lawyers, waitresses, and gas stationattendants. Each person lives his or her purpose by performing his orher job in a spiritually loving way, which reaps the many rewards of apurposeful and relatively stress-free life.We are specialEach of us can do something totally unique. The challenge is todiscover your spiritual "niche" on earth, so you can realize yourpotential for happiness. If you live untrue to this niche, your energywill be unaligned with the Universal Energy, and you are likely tofeel something missing in your life. You'll experience a feeling ofdissonance, which can lead to disease.Let us suppose, for example, that in this life you can best serve thejourney of Love by expressing yourself as a salesperson. But becauseof your free will, you did not choose that line of work. This cancause "dis-ease" in the form of unhappiness or even physical illness.Disease is a sign you aren't following a connected life, body, mind,and spirit. Clients who discovered this and how it was best for themto work, achieved more gratification in their lives. Some actuallyhealed their physical conditions just by making certain changes in howthey perceived their work. By understanding and living theirindividual purpose, they filled the void created by a disconnection tothe Divine and removed the feeling that something was "missing."Application: Hit the lottery and know your purposeOne of the surest ways to know if you are living your purpose is toimagine winning the lottery and having all the money you'll ever need.If you'd choose to continue doing what you do, it is surely yourpurpose. The rewards of living your soul's purpose go far beyondmoney. If you think you'd retire, you may just be burned out. If youdo hit the lottery, take a vacation and then do what you do with Love,instead of just going through the motions. You never need to retirefrom Love. You can always serve your purpose and enjoy what you aredoing and how you are doing it for a lifetime.When you are connected to your spiritual purpose, your life becomeseasier and more satisfying and rewarding. Why? Because you are nolonger operating as an isolated individual out of tune with theUniverse. Instead, you are working with the Universe, consciouslyconnected to the Universal Mind and utilizing the vast potential ofthe energy around you. When you find your true purpose, the Universehas no choice but to help you by providing information and energy.Adapted from Relax, You're Already Perfect: 10 Spiritual Lessons… toRemember, © Copyright 2002, by Bruce D Schneider, Ph. D., reprintedby permission of Hampton Roads Publishing.http://myspace.com/knightsintenthttp://intentionalone.com/intent4knighthttp://intentionalone.com/intent4morehttp://intentionalone.com/community

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and HH, warning long letter

I can relate to your friends letter so well bless her soul for reaching out it at times can take great strength to do even that. I try to remember that I yoyo that this spiritual journey I obviously am on is one where I take deep long breaths, ponder, relapse, grow and in time clarity begins to come. I've been doing this yoyo all my life and each year I get older it only gets worse however, I also am searching much deeper for my purpose because the pain is that bad.

You mention that our purpose comes to us that we need NOT search I somewhat agree with it and I get it. I know that those that seek find and those that go to the quiet place within to merely listen and or seek also find. I am learning to do more of the silence thing, journeling while I listen and then write.

This year I came to the realization that just maybe I spend way too much time on ME instead of others, that I am way too shut in with too much time on my hands and I don't properly take care of the gifts that God gave me. That being, a vast universe that heals my body every day, my own immune system. I sit and imagine all the things this body of mine has been put through via me and it's amazing I am still standing and breathing. I should thank it for holding out and defying my laziness and lack of wanting to connect to it. Who wants to connect to a fat body or one that causes us such immense pain we spend our waking hours disconnecting to survive. Our body is merely screaming at us to protect us, to tell us hey out there.." I need your help " and it won't quit until we listen. If our body is sick it stands to reason that many other aspects of us are as well. Soooo I have started with my thought life, my self worth, my dedication to feeding my spirit every single day, teaching my mind something every day, physically starting an exercise regimen. I hate exercise I paid a thousand dollars for a years membership that is finally ending but I am getting back up again and trying with a total gym in my home. Just five minutes is a forward motion. Sometimes we just have to get up and fight when we don't want too because we know the suffering will be even greater and we don't want to die an early death think of our grand children! I have fibro and take shots to supress my immune system. I am addicted to codiene and morphine and I've developed heart problems at the age of 45. This is my bottom. Like I said baby steps and because of this group, because of the things I am feeding my soul every day, because of my forced stubborness I know I am going to rise above.

I took your advice at least I think it was you hmm lol...and put notes all over my house with affirmations some from EFT videos at youtube (wonderful tool) and some from Abraham Hicks. I write poetry, take free classes at allpoetry.com and read old poets their wisdom is endless. Love i know is the source of it all but it's something I still have a hard time with. I've tried to read living on love and I dont get through it easily. I tend to want to get right to the end and work the instructions. Love in my world is not something that brought pleasure, good feelings, or even a feeling of belonging and for you all who can relate well it will take time to unlearn what we were taught love is. I read that adults must unlearn what society has taught them. We must learn to return to the child like state of love.

I almost tend to shrink when I here the word love because I don't get much of it now nor have I in my life and when I try to offer it myself it comes out in blips and bleeps. Abuse has a funny way of shutting down a spirit so hard not even the person can unlock it. I know I have love inside of me I've seen it flow out but it would be only by the grace of God. I can feel love on a empath level for others immensely to the point of taking on others emotions and pains but the love of God, the love of a husband and self love I don't grasp real well. I've longed and prayed and agonized over wanting to understand it, to become one with it but it still eludes me mostly.

I know for a fact that the part of the pain I feel is from not knowing what I am good at, what my real purpose is. I am good at too many things but not the best, not enough to say this is my calling. My gifts and interests are so many my mind swims with confusion as to what I should hone to offer up to God and others. If I knew what I was suppose to be doing I would finish college, I would start a business, I would write a book on it, I would shower others with it but I get side tracked with all my other interests because I get bored too easily doing one thing. Its confusing where to others who are lucky they have known from a young age what they are good at. I have the label of mom and that is all I have ever known in my life no work ethics or social label and I know I am far more than a mother.....so who am I and what am I suppose to be doing for humanity...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lol. Ummmmmm maybe I should be writing and boring people yah thats it !! Snort!

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