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Outside The Box

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Outside The Box

________________________________Outside of the Box________________________________.

.. . Are you thinking in the box? Are you in the box? Or are you not

quite in the box? 'You have to be totally trusting to get out of the

box.'You have all been inculcated from the time you were in the

crib to think in the box. How do you think you got out of the box?

'Your soul feels like it is being pinched.' 'The soul tells you.' 'The

soul wants to be free.' 'The soul says put me in a place where I can be

me.' Beautiful.'I can't not follow my hearts biddings now.' 'I

have to be free. It hurts too much to be in this confined situation.

Anything less is unacceptable.'So the more that you step out of the box what do you have time to do?To

live, be, think, feel, and observe what is going on around you with

people in the box. To observe the programming, to slow down enough to

what you feel and what you think, find out new things, read new books,

meet new people who are out of the box. To explore, to have enough time

to tune into Spirit, to meditate, to ponder yourself, to ponder life,

to look at the big picture, to do the inner work to embrace the fears

and clear them out. To bring in love. It can be a time of the ah

hahs—by saying, "Now I see how this works." "I see how this is run." "I

see people who are learning to make choices for themselves." You have

time to expand your horizons, to get a little weird. 'You find there is

beauty in the simplicity of life. You get simple, even if it is going

about your daily life just feeding the plants, being with the living

things, getting closer to the Earth.' You can go out and look at the

sky instead of keeping your nose in front of you. You can slow down a

bit.By taking time to listen to your own guidance and thinking

for yourself gets you out of the box. Everyone here is doing that.

Being more soul connected, connected to your Creator, reading channeled

information of higher messages that our Creator wants us to know about.

We are talking about higher finances, higher vibrational frequency

finances. There is a lot to be said for thinking out of the box.

Knowing that you don't have to go along with the crowd, watching the

same television programs, not letting someone else create your reality

for you, jumping on all of the latest trends are ways you can stray

from the box . . .You don't have follow the trends. Do you

think that you have been different all along? Have you always gone

along with the crowd?Parental and societal imprinting is how

you get into the box. From the get go most Lightworkers were never

really in the box even if you thought you fit in. You never felt like

you really belonged on the planet. You have all done your best to fit

in. You are not the misfits—but the outfits. In the corporate world you

get brainwashed with certain schools of thinking, certain ways that you

think things should be with so many rules that you have to follow. Much

of your autonomy is taken away from you. When you are out of the box

you have your own schedule. You are told you need all of those benefits

to compensate for the lack of freedom that you have in the corporate

world.What are the real bells and whistle of being out of the box?'Doing

what I came here to do.' 'I am helping to anchor in the world that is

coming in and it is an absolute joy and privilege to be doing it.' When

you speak words like these you can shatter the boxes around you . . .

you can be a shatterbox not a chatterbox.So you see that finances embrace all of these matters. Do you still think it is all crunching numbers?You don't have to go around in society and say that you are out of the box. They already know it because you are different.As

the constructs with which you have been so confined in the box begin to

crumble, the box starts breaking down. People start peeking over the

edge of the box. They might ask you how you are doing so well with all

of these changes? Why are you so loving and happy? Why do you have such

a big smile on your face? Why aren't you calling every hour about your

clients wondering where they are? Why do you have that big smirk on

your face? They'll start wanting what you have, which is your soul. It

is all about your soul.Because this whole focus on money has

created a prison for the soul. How can you tell when your soul is

shutting down? 'Stress, anxiety, fatigue, feeling imprisoned, taking

pills, depression, very painful life, a lot of difficulties, are some

of the signs.' Most people don't think they can survive without the

corporation because the corporation has programmed themselves into your

consciousness. People think they must have that corporation in order to

survive.Higher finances are soul connected. The organization or

corporation does not own your soul. You own your soul through your

direct connection with the Creator and through your direct expression

of your soul. Stepping out of the box is about re-educating your self

about what it is that you really came here to do. How does one

shut down one's soul? How does it happen? 'Over work, over fatigue,

imbalance, not enough time with family and friends, too much work, poor

nutrition, not enough time to eat well, no exercise, fear, being all

consumed with work 24/7, stress, drinking alcohol or doing other drugs,

identification with the title, money and organization—a gilded cage at

work that holds you in.' Shutting down the soul means you are totally

focused on work—workaholism, very easy and rewarded by society, taught

not to listen to self, handing away your power to others to make all of

the decisions; they tell you how you are supposed to live, loss of

boundaries, loss of sense of self, self esteem, being traumatized and

terrorized, trauma and abuse in the corporate world, the same kinds of

things that many people grow up with at home.There is a process

of reclaiming your self. Take advantage of the opportunities that are

available to you now to do this if necessary. You are Lightworkers. You

carry the Light and cannot let fear stop you from your work.________________________________thegroundcrew.com________________________________ lightworkers http://intentionalone.com/communityhttp://intentionalone.com/intent4knighthttp://intentionalone.com/intent4more

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