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My Holiday Message

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With the Solstice fast approaching, I felt I had better share some

knowledge that some may not already be aware of, as well as get my own

personal intention for this Holiday out to share with all.

We are in a 9 year, Numerologically speaking, and we have a number of

strong Astrological/Astronomical influences before us with the

Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, Mars in Retrograde, Saturn soon to be in

Retrograde and the moon is going to be full in North Declination in

Cancer as well. What this all means is that we are coming to an end,

still with much to be done, and the energies of these planets are at a

strong opposition creating intense polarities.

Over the last 5 to 6 years, any time our planet has experienced great

human tragedy on a large scale, these planets, although individually,

were present in these positions and exacting their planetary

influences. Now keeping that in mind, and realizing that currently

these planets are ALL in these positions at one time together,

something largely destructive is on the Astrological map of tendencies

that will try to oppose our ability to view the big picture. The

Sabian Symbols for this full moon point strongly to keeping the bigger

picture in the forefront of our focus. So we must remain firm in our

larger focus of Unity for mankind and hold space for the purging,

cleansing, elimination, and ultimately, major transformation that is

upon us in this time.

Now I am not trying to predict some major calamity here. This isnt

about doom and gloom prophecies. All I am saying is that there is a

great need to wrap up old projects, tie up loose ends and basically

clean our own mental, physical & spiritual houses of all that no

longer serves the greater good so that we may shine our own lights

just that much brighter and provide as a beacon to those who are lost

in the fog of darkness & chaos that is seemingly running rampant at

this time. It will be up to us, Lightworkers, Healers & Frequency

Holders, to serve as human lightning rods, so to speak, so that we may

ground out these chaotic & even negative energies, transmuting that

which others are just not capable of at this time.

This is about remaining grounded and maintaining awareness of what is

going on around us so that we are not blind sided and lose our balance

and ability to respond (rather than react) when we see changes

occurring. I am offering this as we are preparing for Solstice

gatherings, ceremonies & meditations (whichever suits you personally)

because I feel this is a major aspect of our group work as

Lightworkers, Healers & Frequency Holders in service to Mother Earth &

all Her living beings. The more that we are aware of, the more we can

support each other in maintaining balance through transformational

time on the planet.

With Much Love for You ALL, I sincerely hope that you will join me in

keeping the bigger picture in focus this Holiday Season.

Be Well, Be Balanced, Be You

~Love All Ways~


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