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Beautiful Quotes

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"There is in all visible things - a hidden wholeness." -- Merton "From a hologrammaticviewpoint, ...you are one little physical image that reflects all of humanity when projected spiritually upon the cosmic screen." -- Wayne Dyer EVERYTHING is connected! The universe is a hologram where every part contains the whole. Outside echoes the inside. We are all a microcosm of each other. The big picture is within us and even our cells. Be open to see the interconnections, influences and inter-relationships of things. "Unity consciousness is a state of enlightenment where we pierce the mask of illusion which creates separation and fragmentation. Behind the appearance of separation is one unified field of wholeness." -- Deepak Chopra

"To me there is no difference between one person and another; I behold all as soul-reflections of the one God. I can't think of anyone as a stranger, for I know that we are all part of the One Spirit."-- Paramahansa Yogananda Cheryl ~ 2008 ~

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