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Re:Cheryl Re: New Year Blues

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Hello Dearest ;

I hope you gain comfort from some of Cheryl's and my words. I am more confident of the afterlife than I am of this life. I have had more than 10 visits to the other side before Dr.s restarted my heart, and my mother and aunt have also had a near death experience, which they wrote about in great detail. There everything is brighter, more colorful, thinking is more clear, its as though THAT is the real life, and this life is like a dream compared to that world. The women in my family have had experiences of seeing the spirit of family members visit them once or twice in their lives, me included. At a funeral, the lady who I was there for put her hand on my shoulder, and it was exactly the shape of a hand and felt like pins and needles. I was on the end seat in the church, then I watched in awe as the lady in front of me reached for her shoulder to see what was touching her, and the person in front of her then reached for his shoulder to see what was touching him, all the way to the front row,so this lady was touching the shoulder of everyone on the end row. The night before the funeral, I dreamed that Debbie (the lady who died) was showing me her house in heaven, and she was showing me her library, because I am a writer and love books. When one of her friends got up to speak, she said "Last night I dreamed that Debbie was showing me her house. She was showing me her amazing sewing room, because Iove to sew." I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. I then went to work in a funeral home, and so many were mourning so painfully, that after work I would go home and call them and tell them "I was not representing the company but would they like to know about the place their loved one is?" I was able to comfort all of them, and for that I am grateful.

This life is just a school. In the full picture of eternity, earth life is just a short commercial. We have existed forever in different forms, and we will continue to exist forever. Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only change forms. Feel free to write to me anytime. My Dad just died 1 month ago so I am feeling the blues pretty badly. My brother and I are struggling to keep Mom alive and making ourselves very sick doing it. I am already considered terminal, so I am worn out. My husband is in the war zone and can't get home despite all these crisises, soI am past the blues. I am having anxiety attacks and crying jags. I thankfully have faith and that lifts me, or it would be worse; and what makes me stop crying for Dad is to know he is happy and with his family and not suffering.

I am in constant pain, disabling pain, and my morphine is not enough, and my Dr. is out of the country for 6 months. This quote may be something you can associate with. It was writtten about fibro, (just 1 of my 8 diseases), but it goes for ANY chronic pain.

Chronic pain is a world unto itself. The simple things in life are nolonger simple. In fact, life itself is no longer simple. Pain moves frombeing an unwanted, occasional guest intruding in one's life to being thedriving force behind nearly all decisions. Daily choices are governed bythe need to survive mentally, physically and emotionally from day to day.Ordinary life becomes a battlefield. And too often the losers in thisbattle are those who suffer and their families and friends.Acute, short-term pain has a face we recognize. A slip of a knife leaves agaping wound. A bump on the head leaves a bruise and a lump. A broken boneis signified by a limb in a cast. The agony of an abscessed tooth fills allaround with sympathy. These injuries hurt but they will heal and mostimportantly, the sufferers have directions for seeking help. You cutyourself? Go to the emergency room. You have an abscessed tooth? Go to adentist. In these and many other instances the sufferers do indeed have across to bear but they also have hope. Billions of dollars are spent onadvertising all kinds of pain relief for these situations, convincing mostpeople in our society that relief is just a swallow, a rub, or an injectionaway. Cause and effect. If it hurts, use our product and your pain will goaway.But what about the patient who suffers from fibromyalgia or chronicmyofascial pain. Where is the source of the pain? It has to be something!After all, other types of pain go away. If it doesn't go away, maybe it'sthe sufferer's fault. Maybe you did something to deserve this pain. Atleast that's what some may think.Chronic pain is exhausting in every way: physically, mentally, emotionally,spiritually and financially. It robs the sufferers of their families,friends, jobs and relationships, even their life force. Pain is supposed tobe a warning to tell our brains that there is a problem needing to becorrected. Chronic pain, however, becomes the problem in and of itself.Acute pain protects life. Chronic pain destroys it.Chronic pain also brings isolation, both real and perceived. It may bebrought on by the victims themselves, a careless word dropped by a familymember exhausted by the struggle, or by a noncaring, miseducated health careprofessional. Being alone violates the basic need all humans have for thecompany of others. "Misery loves company" may be true about short-termpain, but chronic misery can build a wall that sometimes will keep even themost caring people at a distance, sending the sufferer further and furtheraway from human solace.~Devin Starlanyl M.D. (also fibro patient) in her book

Fibromyalgia & Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Blessings, Sheila

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