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TEACHINGS OF THE TEMPLE THE LORDS OF KARMALESSON 214In one sense the Lords of Karma are the administrators of Divine Justice . the Supreme power of the Universe, the Lord of the Absolute . the creator of motion, therefore the creator of cyclic action upon which all law is dependent. The Lords of Karma . high spiritual entities . guide and direct the action of every form of force and energy set free by gods, angels or man. The Higher Self of man is his own judge and executioner, but the Higher Self can only apply the effects of a given cause to the personal self after the Lords of Karma have reversed the stream of energy set free by that personal self as a result of any act that is contrary to law, for Divine law cannot be broken with impunity. Disobedience to a Divine law may obstruct the action of that law temporarily, but cannot do so permanently. Cyclic action will ultimately bring about conditions comparable to those which existed at the time the law was broken. The Karmic results of the disobedience may have been worked out in the meantime, leaving as it were, opportunity for final adjustment end a clear field at the close of the cycle. Man is so bound by familiar terras of expression, he is greatly handicapped in his efforts to understand super-physical phenomena [TT 528] when they are presented in unfamiliar terms and there are language by means of which certain forms of energy may be designated, or their action on the physical plane described ; for instance, the forms or degrees of energy which are generated by different sounds and motions and which so far as may be observed by the senses have no exterior effects. Every spoken word or sound, as well as every act of man tends to free a definite form of energy which must take a clearly defined course according to the guidance of the Lords of Karma. If you throw a stone into a pool of water, thus setting the water in motion, you have released some form or degree of energy ; the waves of water will moue outward until they reach the verge of the pool, where they will receive the impetus to return to their starting point. But action will not cease with that one round, the waves will complete many rounds before the initial force is exhausted, and the number of rounds will depend largely upon the size and weight of the stone cast into the water. So it is the size and weight of the stone, the original cause or motive of the act, which is cast into the Ocean of universal Life that determines how many times the waves . the effects of that cause . will return to the one responsible for the act, or how many incarnations will be affected as a result of that act. There are three grand divisions of the Lords of Karma, and very many times three minor divisions. As there is continuous interpenetration and correlation between different grades of force and substance, there is correspondingly continuous interchange, synchronous vibration, between all degrees and orders of the Lords of Karma and with the higher selves of all humanity ; consequently there is no possibility of a miscarriage of Divine Justice as a finality. For instance, a man may commit a murder as a result of a carefully considered plot and from an utterly selfish motive, thus throwing a very weighty stone . a great evil, into his individual pool of life and setting free a powerful stream of energy. Instead of allowing that stream of energy, weighted with evil as a result of the action of will and motive, to run its course and injuriously affect countless others, the Karmic Lords may turn that stream of energy back on its course to the Auric sphere of the one who sent it forth. The energy so returned is utilized by the Higher Self in working out the effects of that original cause upon the lower or personal self, and as the cause was so powerful for evil in itself, it may take the personal ego many incarnations to work out all the effects of that one cause ; i. e., the waves of the individual pool would return again and again to the point . the cause . where that heavily weighted stone was cast into the pool. It is a mistake to believe that the one who commits murder of the physical plane in one life must be killed in another life by his victim in order to satisfy the Karmic law. Such another act of disobedience to Divine Law could not satisfy Divine Justice. Divine Law always acts for the ultimate benefit of humanity, even when its decrees bring sorrow and loss upon the units of a race or a nation. Evil can never be overcome by evil on any plane of existence. The Higher Self has other ways of utilizing the return wave . the stream of energy turned back by the Karmic Lords, in such an instance as I have mentioned. In the eyes of the average man the punishment meted out to the murderer by the Higher Self might not seem commensurate to the crime, but if he were able to see far enough the future to behold the final result of the decrees of Karmic law upon the incarnating Ego of the murderer, he would be satisfied with the administration of Divine Justice. I have taken one of the worst of crimes to illustrate my point ; but the breaking of any Divine law will bring results in perfect accord with Divine Justice ; and all such universal laws are founded on universal principles. Those principles are the very foundation stones of the universe, and are therefore irrevocable and unalterable. So far as man . made laws are identical with Divine Laws, they are just ; but when they vary in the least they are mutable and cannot always stand the test of life.

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