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Friend Is...' Category - I thank God for giving me such wonderful and amazing friends !!! Your are such a blessing to me. Have a beautiful day/evening!~*~Namaste~*~Life......I am the new year.I am an unspoiled page in your book of time.I am your next chance at the art of living.I am your opportunity to practicewhat you have learned about lifeduring the last twelve months.All that you soughtand didn't find is hidden in me,waiting for you to search it outwith more determination.All the good that you tried forand didn't achieveis mine to grantwhen you have fewer conflicting desires.All that you dreamed but didn't dare to do,all that you hoped but did not will,all the faith that you claimed but did not have --these slumber lightly,waiting to be awakenedby the touch of a strong purpose.I am your opportunityto renew your allegiance to

Him who said,"behold, I make all things new."I am the new year.With all the wisdom that experience can instill in us,let us start a new year in a positive path where our hearts minds and spirits can walk only in the path of truth and love.Remember that~Forgiveness is not something we do for other people,We do it for ourselves in order to get well and move on.Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. Cheryl ~ 2008 ~

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Gloria

Great stories. Thank you.

Ive been up to Canada a few times.

Thats part of Europe, right? Or Africa?

Just kidding. lol

During the 1960's I went up there often to play music with my bands, and smuggle drugs.

We would stay a few days or a week, and head back south.

I was heavy on the needle back then. A major hippy druggie musician.

Bell bottoms, pokadots, long hair, drugs, loud music, sex, anti-establishment.

Thats when I think I got HCV.

Later I went up there to avoid the Vietnam war in 1970.

The Govt had a lottery number system in those days for the draft.

Anyways, I saw all my friends go off to war and die, or get maimed, or just disappear.

I was scared it would soon be my turn to go into the meat grinder, so instead I fled to Montreal where I had friends.

I stayed a few months, and then the Govt quit the lottery system, my number never got picked.

I met a group of people there who were off to California on bicycles, so I joined them.

Some from Europe, Canada, the USA. There was a lot of us.

We rode from Montreal to Vancouver, then south to San francisco.

It took all spring and summer.

Of course we cheated, and got rides in pickup trucks sometimes for a few miles.

That beat me to death.....4000 miles of hardship.

I remember the misquito clouds, starving, getting rained on, the mud, sleeping under sheets of plastic, campfires, flat tires.

Later in 1975-76, my GF and I, and her daughter, would drive up to Canada from Washington, Idaho, or Montana, and trade for indian stuff, fossils, artifacts, crafts, semi precious stones, leather goods, etc.

We traveled a circle route from Canada to Mexico, and all the western USA states.

We sold where ever we could, gift shops, pow wows, gatherings, communes, all kinds of shows, and lived out of our car, and trailer.

I remember we stopped in Washington and thinned apples, and later picked fruit, playing at migrant workers.

I always thought that if crap hit the fan for me in the states, I would run up to the Northwest Territorys, and live in the woods, or mountains, far from danger.

Nice dream, but to build a log cabin from scratch by hand, to make it through the harsh winters, wasnt very realistic.

Ya'll got bears, and 14 months of winter snow.

That kind of life is super hard. I like my comfort. lol

And since 1980 my health has gone downhill bigtime.

Now Im old and disabled.

Got lots of memorys of adventures, and even more of dreams that never happened.

The last time I left the USA was back in 1980 when another GF and I ran away to Beleze and Mexico for several winter months.

There we lived with the natives, ate psychedellic mushrooms, fished, scuba dived the coral reefs, chased ghosts in the Mayan ruins, hung out in the jungle, and went naked.

Great fun that, but again, not something I would want to repeat now.

As a kid, I saw post WW2 Europe, North Africa, and the Far East with my family.

As an adult, Ive seen all 50 United States, Mexico, Beleze, Canada.

Always dreamed of floating the Amazon river from Peru to the Atlantic Ocean, through Brazil.

Dreamed too of canoeing from the Grand Tetons in Wyoming, to the Gulf of Mexico.

Now my great adventure is growing old, and avoiding treatment for HCV. lol

Kansas isnt so bad as long as you dont have to go out of your house.

I can make believe its anywhere, planet Earth.

Ive got everything I need but a lady, a car, and a cat.

Life is still good, I can still smile everyday.

I can even manage a little wiggle on my way to the bathroom. lol


don in ks

From: Gloria <gadamscan (DOT) ca>Subject: [ ] Live"Hep C Web Warriors" < >Date: Friday, November 27, 2009, 8:40 PM

Don and anyone else!!It's neat to find out where each of us actually live and how that, although we may be spread all over North America - this nasty virus has actually brought us together!!So, if you've been reading along, I'm sure you all know now where I am on the planet!! Where are each of you??GloriaPS: My 7th to last shot tonite!!!!!!

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I'd forgot about Vietnam in the 70's particularly. It sure helped populate, especially some of our islands off our coast here.Even my Dad, who had been military, said at that time - it didn't matter to him if the dodgers wanted to come here, after all it's not their war; but, if they cause any trouble that we shouldn't deal with it for more than a day. Just send them home!!That bicycle trip would have been absolutely gruelling!! Depending on the season, you could have run into the biggest mosquitoes I've ever seen down around the border say of North Dakota. Then, you have to go through a long and extremely boring ride across 3 provinces of wheat farms. A hill there would almost shock you awake. However, just at the west side of Alberta you

start into the Rocky Mountains. I didn't know bicycles or the idiots on them, could ever do that kind of trip through the Rockies. Some cars don't do it well!! Back then would have been the route at Pass and that was decidedly extremely dangerous. Now there are several routes through and we don't think any more about it than - hmm which pass should we do this time. Once through the Rockies, you get a bit of a reprieve by coming through our almost desert coming into the Interior. Used to and still do a lot, grow all our fruit there. Now, it's mostly known for the the wine. Anyway, then it's up and over the Coastal Range. Not quite as high as the Rockies; but, who would know that on a bicycle.LOL the Northwest Territories!!! You would probably freeze to death before you could get a cabin built. Six months of dark in the winter (no sun hardly pops over the horizon) and then

six months of the light being on 24hrs. My hubby went up to work in the Diamond Mines in the Territories a few years back. Cost us $1000 just to make sure he wouldn't freeze to death in the first few minutes outdoors. Three weeks later, I helped his previous assistant get the proper clothes to go up there and work too. Do you ever get a show on TV about the Ice Truckers??? We get it here on our History channel. They can only move big heavy equipment etc. around up there in the dead of winter. Most of the Territories are little lakes and bogs; thus, only have a road when it's dead frozen. That part of the Territories are now called Nunavet and the Eskimo's govern it provincially. However Don, I'm jealous that you had the nerve back then to do all those things. I wanted to so badly; but, couldn't quite leave the safety of having a bit of money to live on. Perhaps that's another

reason that I began drinking so heavily. I was so disappointed in myself for not having enough free thinking just to take off!! LOL my dreams used to be, to build a cabin somewhere in the numerous mountains we live in here. Out where society isn't encroaching yet. My cabin would be sitting on the plateau next to a pretty little creek that supplied all the fresh water. Ok, so I'd have a cabin magically, I'd have water and surely I could learn how to chop wood for warmth. However, my biggest concern was that I was city raised for the most part, don't think I could shoot any animal even if I believe in it and finally, I haven't got a clue nor an interest in gardening. So, my little dream would always stop with the cabin and the creek!!!Gloria

Hi Gloria

Great stories. Thank you.

Ive been up to Canada a few times.

Thats part of Europe, right? Or Africa?

Just kidding. lol

During the 1960's I went up there often to play music with my bands, and smuggle drugs.

We would stay a few days or a week, and head back south.

I was heavy on the needle back then. A major hippy druggie musician.

Bell bottoms, pokadots, long hair, drugs, loud music, sex, anti-establishment.

Thats when I think I got HCV.

Later I went up there to avoid the Vietnam war in 1970.

The Govt had a lottery number system in those days for the draft.

Anyways, I saw all my friends go off to war and die, or get maimed, or just disappear.

I was scared it would soon be my turn to go into the meat grinder, so instead I fled to Montreal where I had friends.

I stayed a few months, and then the Govt quit the lottery system, my number never got picked.

I met a group of people there who were off to California on bicycles, so I joined them.

Some from Europe, Canada, the USA. There was a lot of us.

We rode from Montreal to Vancouver, then south to San francisco.

It took all spring and summer.

Of course we cheated, and got rides in pickup trucks sometimes for a few miles.

That beat me to death.....4000 miles of hardship.

I remember the misquito clouds, starving, getting rained on, the mud, sleeping under sheets of plastic, campfires, flat tires.

Later in 1975-76, my GF and I, and her daughter, would drive up to Canada from Washington, Idaho, or Montana, and trade for indian stuff, fossils, artifacts, crafts, semi precious stones, leather goods, etc.

We traveled a circle route from Canada to Mexico, and all the western USA states.

We sold where ever we could, gift shops, pow wows, gatherings, communes, all kinds of shows, and lived out of our car, and trailer.

I remember we stopped in Washington and thinned apples, and later picked fruit, playing at migrant workers.

I always thought that if crap hit the fan for me in the states, I would run up to the Northwest Territorys, and live in the woods, or mountains, far from danger.

Nice dream, but to build a log cabin from scratch by hand, to make it through the harsh winters, wasnt very realistic.

Ya'll got bears, and 14 months of winter snow.

That kind of life is super hard. I like my comfort. lol

And since 1980 my health has gone downhill bigtime.

Now Im old and disabled.

Got lots of memorys of adventures, and even more of dreams that never happened.

The last time I left the USA was back in 1980 when another GF and I ran away to Beleze and Mexico for several winter months.

There we lived with the natives, ate psychedellic mushrooms, fished, scuba dived the coral reefs, chased ghosts in the Mayan ruins, hung out in the jungle, and went naked.

Great fun that, but again, not something I would want to repeat now.

As a kid, I saw post WW2 Europe, North Africa, and the Far East with my family.

As an adult, Ive seen all 50 United States, Mexico, Beleze, Canada.

Always dreamed of floating the Amazon river from Peru to the Atlantic Ocean, through Brazil.

Dreamed too of canoeing from the Grand Tetons in Wyoming, to the Gulf of Mexico.

Now my great adventure is growing old, and avoiding treatment for HCV. lol

Kansas isnt so bad as long as you dont have to go out of your house.

I can make believe its anywhere, planet Earth.

Ive got everything I need but a lady, a car, and a cat.

Life is still good, I can still smile everyday.

I can even manage a little wiggle on my way to the bathroom. lol


don in ks

From: Gloria <gadamscan (DOT) ca>Subject: [ ] Live"Hep C Web Warriors" < >Date: Friday, November 27, 2009, 8:40 PM

Don and anyone else!!It's neat to find out where each of us actually live and how that, although we may be spread all over North America - this nasty virus has actually brought us together!!So, if you've been reading along, I'm sure you all know now where I am on the planet!! Where are each of you??GloriaPS: My 7th to last shot tonite!!!!!!

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  • 8 months later...
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Gloria,It sounds like you have just turned a beautiful corner. The difference in this e-mail from your previous ones is remarkable. Good for you. You have gracefully come to terms with what has happened and where you now stand, on your own two feet. I can feel the difference in you just by reading this. You've come a long way on this journey of yours. Now you can sit back and enjoy it.Hugs,Teri From: Gloria <gadamscan@...>Hep C Web Warriors < >Sent: Tue, August 3, 2010 1:30:36 AMSubject: [ ] Life

Hey GangJust wanted to catch you all up about what's been happening in my world away up here!!Last Monday, I drove down island (about 1-1/2 hrs) away and picked up my beloved great-niece. We enjoyed our 3 night visit tremendously. Best of all, was when we were trying to put up the screened room that I had bought a number of years ago. Here we were fighting to figure it out and the whole time, we had it upside down!! All we could do, was sit down and squeal with laughter at ourselves. Then, sadly I had to drive her back on Thursday evening.However, on Sat. her older sister called me and she and her two young sons were out at the lake, camping. So, of course, I went out there and had a super visit. The 4 yr. old was soo very more well behaved than he was at

Christmas. In fact, he and my dog were stuck to each other like glue. Then, on Sunday, I picked up the two nieces that live here and their daughters and off we went back to the lake for more of a visit.There was a time there that I felt like I was in heaven!! All my little waifs, from my husband's huge family were all around me like grandchildren. In fact, in light of the fact that my husband's two brats, never gave a thought to rejecting me and so taking their children away, I was just so proud to be so very loved by all these kids. Even if the oldest turned 30 in July. LOLYou see, the two great-nieces, lost their mother to a heart attack almost 8 yrs ago. The one that came and stayed with me, was only 11 when that happened and up to not long before, was still sleeping with her mother. The older one turned 19, the very day after her mother's death. I have always felt guilty that I

didn't go with my heart and bring the youngest and her brother to live with us after social services removed them from their uncle's. But, now they know for sure that Auntie Gloria is much better health wise and can turn to me anytime that life gets scary.As for the two nieces, their mother is still out drugging and therefore, the girls won't let her see the granddaughters. She is missing out on so very much, just because she chose drugs over her family. Well, her loss is my gain!! In fact, the oldest of these two's daughters is on her way back, to spend more time with me and camping. She's now 9 yrs old and of course, has known me to always be close by since she was born. She wouldn't even know her real grandmother if they passed on the street. They were just going to see the fireworks display tonight, since it's BC Day here this past weekend. I'm also happy to report that I seem to be

getting back more energy as each week passes. I almost forgot what it was like to stay up past 9:00pm. Also, I may sleep till noon lots of day; but, I don't need to nap anymore.Besides, my overall general feeling is simply one of joy and happiness!! I can honestly say and not with harsh feelings either, that I feel sorry for my husband. To be so locked in his black mood and still blaming me for any and everything that his life has become, is so sad. But, I sure do know that I don't need to go there with him. Also, isn't it just so sad that the one sister he is sooo close to and his two children, also help feed his negative self?? I can't even begin to tell you how joyful I feel at being able to finally disconnect from all that.

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I can't wait to meet you. After the activity of baby shower and birth are over

I'm going to get busy on getting the enhanced license. If I have to do

treatment I would like to make it your way before then like the end of Sept.

maybe. See out it all goes.The time will come.

I'm glad you had such a nice time..with seemingly no worries. Just enjoying the

days as they came. Supposed to be a aurora borealis tonight. You might be able

to see it, i'm hoping I can.



> Hey Gang


> Just wanted to catch you all up about what's been happening in my world away


> here!!


> Last Monday, I drove down island (about 1-1/2 hrs) away and picked up my


> great-niece. We enjoyed our 3 night visit tremendously. Best of all, was


> we were trying to put up the screened room that I had bought a number of years

> ago. Here we were fighting to figure it out and the whole time, we had it

> upside down!! All we could do, was sit down and squeal with laughter at

> ourselves. Then, sadly I had to drive her back on Thursday evening.


> However, on Sat. her older sister called me and she and her two young sons


> out at the lake, camping. So, of course, I went out there and had a super

> visit. The 4 yr. old was soo very more well behaved than he was at Christmas.

> In fact, he and my dog were stuck to each other like glue. Then, on Sunday, I

> picked up the two nieces that live here and their daughters and off we went


> to the lake for more of a visit.


> There was a time there that I felt like I was in heaven!! All my little


> from my husband's huge family were all around me like grandchildren. In fact,

> in light of the fact that my husband's two brats, never gave a thought to

> rejecting me and so taking their children away, I was just so proud to be so

> very loved by all these kids. Even if the oldest turned 30 in July. LOL


> You see, the two great-nieces, lost their mother to a heart attack almost 8


> ago. The one that came and stayed with me, was only 11 when that happened and

> up to not long before, was still sleeping with her mother. The older one


> 19, the very day after her mother's death. I have always felt guilty that I

> didn't go with my heart and bring the youngest and her brother to live with us

> after social services removed them from their uncle's. But, now they know for

> sure that Auntie Gloria is much better health wise and can turn to me anytime

> that life gets scary.


> As for the two nieces, their mother is still out drugging and therefore, the

> girls won't let her see the granddaughters. She is missing out on so very


> just because she chose drugs over her family. Well, her loss is my gain!! In

> fact, the oldest of these two's daughters is on her way back, to spend more


> with me and camping. She's now 9 yrs old and of course, has known me to


> be close by since she was born. She wouldn't even know her real grandmother


> they passed on the street. They were just going to see the fireworks display

> tonight, since it's BC Day here this past weekend.



> I'm also happy to report that I seem to be getting back more energy as each


> passes. I almost forgot what it was like to stay up past 9:00pm. Also, I may

> sleep till noon lots of day; but, I don't need to nap anymore.


> Besides, my overall general feeling is simply one of joy and happiness!! I


> honestly say and not with harsh feelings either, that I feel sorry for my

> husband. To be so locked in his black mood and still blaming me for any and

> everything that his life has become, is so sad. But, I sure do know that I

> don't need to go there with him. Also, isn't it just so sad that the one


> he is sooo close to and his two children, also help feed his negative self??


> can't even begin to tell you how joyful I feel at being able to finally

> disconnect from all that.


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I'm going to run outside right now and maybe over to the field to see if I can see that. BRBWell, I couldn't see any Northern Lights and I just hope that non of my neighbours peeked out their windows to see the old gal from next door, traipsing around in her jammies. LOL But, also, I realized that there is a frog or two hanging out in the bushes there.I really hope you can come this way too, and before you start treatment!! I suppose that the only reason for the delay in starting treatment now, will be just because you can't see the specialist until next month. However, when the results of my 1st liver biopsy came back, saying the same as yours does now - my specialist did not come across in any kind of panic. Because of the way our medical system

works here, he even suggested that I may not want to start until January of that year, so that we could save ourselves a bit of money. But, knowing as little as I did about the virus back then, we opted to get on with it immediately. So that turned out to be September 2004.Needless to say, I couldn't say whether than turned out to be the best thing, because we ended up having to pay for all of the medication ourselves and then had to go bankrupt later. Was it Trudy that was saying that she feels some guilt about the cost of her health??? Well, I understand that kind of feeling because I lived with it too. If I'd caught up on our Income Taxes, we would not have had to pay out that money and of course, after starting treatment, it was really hard to stay focused on completing them. Never could recoup that money!! Luv Gloria


I can't wait to meet you. After the activity of baby shower and birth are over I'm going to get busy on getting the enhanced license. If I have to do treatment I would like to make it your way before then like the end of Sept. maybe. See out it all goes.The time will come.

I'm glad you had such a nice time..with seemingly no worries. Just enjoying the days as they came. Supposed to be a aurora borealis tonight. You might be able to see it, i'm hoping I can.



> Hey Gang


> Just wanted to catch you all up about what's been happening in my world away up

> here!!


> Last Monday, I drove down island (about 1-1/2 hrs) away and picked up my beloved

> great-niece. We enjoyed our 3 night visit tremendously. Best of all, was when

> we were trying to put up the screened room that I had bought a number of years

> ago. Here we were fighting to figure it out and the whole time, we had it

> upside down!! All we could do, was sit down and squeal with laughter at

> ourselves. Then, sadly I had to drive her back on Thursday evening.


> However, on Sat. her older sister called me and she and her two young sons were

> out at the lake, camping. So, of course, I went out there and had a super

> visit. The 4 yr. old was soo very more well behaved than he was at Christmas.

> In fact, he and my dog were stuck to each other like glue. Then, on Sunday, I

> picked up the two nieces that live here and their daughters and off we went back

> to the lake for more of a visit.


> There was a time there that I felt like I was in heaven!! All my little waifs,

> from my husband's huge family were all around me like grandchildren. In fact,

> in light of the fact that my husband's two brats, never gave a thought to

> rejecting me and so taking their children away, I was just so proud to be so

> very loved by all these kids. Even if the oldest turned 30 in July. LOL


> You see, the two great-nieces, lost their mother to a heart attack almost 8 yrs

> ago. The one that came and stayed with me, was only 11 when that happened and

> up to not long before, was still sleeping with her mother. The older one turned

> 19, the very day after her mother's death. I have always felt guilty that I

> didn't go with my heart and bring the youngest and her brother to live with us

> after social services removed them from their uncle's. But, now they know for

> sure that Auntie Gloria is much better health wise and can turn to me anytime

> that life gets scary.


> As for the two nieces, their mother is still out drugging and therefore, the

> girls won't let her see the granddaughters. She is missing out on so very much,

> just because she chose drugs over her family. Well, her loss is my gain!! In

> fact, the oldest of these two's daughters is on her way back, to spend more time

> with me and camping. She's now 9 yrs old and of course, has known me to always

> be close by since she was born. She wouldn't even know her real grandmother if

> they passed on the street. They were just going to see the fireworks display

> tonight, since it's BC Day here this past weekend.



> I'm also happy to report that I seem to be getting back more energy as each week

> passes. I almost forgot what it was like to stay up past 9:00pm. Also, I may

> sleep till noon lots of day; but, I don't need to nap anymore.


> Besides, my overall general feeling is simply one of joy and happiness!! I can

> honestly say and not with harsh feelings either, that I feel sorry for my

> husband. To be so locked in his black mood and still blaming me for any and

> everything that his life has become, is so sad. But, I sure do know that I

> don't need to go there with him. Also, isn't it just so sad that the one sister

> he is sooo close to and his two children, also help feed his negative self?? I

> can't even begin to tell you how joyful I feel at being able to finally

> disconnect from all that.


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