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Old soul Young soul - Questions(to dovetouched and all)

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Hello dear,I agree with you, we all have many questions about the life and how we fit on it. My definition of old and young souls before was very simple: Souls created before Atlantis were Old soul, and souls created after Atlantis , were new souls. I posted that because I thought it was interesting the stages that I guess we all cross during our learning experiences on the wheel of Life. I can answer you (again) what I feel, my impressions, and they do not mean they are the absolute truth, because you know that everything is a matter of perception... Yes, I do think that those categories are not necessary isolated in themselves.. I do believe we progress and mature but we may still linger on many traits from other levels. The conquer of levels are not automatic.. they demand the "proof" of learning of certain lessons that are required to the soul. For instance.. I know that there are specific lessons on how to be humble.. therefore if you accomplished the learning experiences contained on this specific program, your upgrade is just a natural result. It is more like, we do not need to repeat eight grade after we got what we need to learn to enter High school. There are many theories about what happens to a soul when one chose to commit suicide. Yes, it is true we have to repeat the lessons, but the Divine Mind(GOD) is merciful enough to allow the repetition to happen in various ways , or even on afterlife. We are the ones that can chose how we play those lessons,the intensity and the content.We have free will, it is a divine right. There are many levels after the mature soul, we are speaking here basically of levels that a Regular Human soul can achieve.. .There are many alternative planes of existence that you can opt after you are done , if you wish so.. as a human being or a Very old mature soul. Like we discuss before the Angelic real is an opt for those that are prepared and wants to go through this line of evolution... Many others.. Like always said... My Father's house has many Mansions... and that is true. About the dark night of the soul.. many people has said many things about it, and I personally believe this term is kind of abused. The dark nigh can develop itself on the course of years... and the signs are pretty obvious. People tend to name dark night any attunnement that life give to us, from time to time. Dark night is eminently a spiritual process, where you regain the understanding of your life purpose and where you shed old concepts, or set of beliefs that no longer fit your new way to see life. About the afterlife and re-incarnation this is a set of beliefs that for many could be difficult to accept or understand. I myself prefer to think that there is wisdom and learning behindevery life lesson, and to me looks like a waste to a soul, after all the learning, we just disappear , cease to exist, or just have one chance to do the best in life, it just does not seem fair to me... I hope my answers and impressions helped... They are not the absolute truth, and I invite others to add their point of view. In perfect love and perfect trust,Liane>> I read the descriptions and it has helped me understand myself better > and those in my life. I still have some questions though if anyone > can answer them. > > Can we have a mixing of levels? I see myself mostly fitting the > mature soul but I fit a few others too. > > If we reach one level, pass on and come back do we move forward to > the next level automatically? > > If we commit suicide do we force ourselves to repeat lets say the > mature level again instead of moving into the old soul?> > Isn't there levels higher than the old soul? I seem to sense many > people here being on a much higher plane than old soul> > I've been asking how do I know if there is an after life but I also > would like to know how do we know there is reincarnation? > > Someone mentioned that I was going through a "dark night" well how > long does that last? I seem to have been in it most of my life. I'm a > slow learner of sorts.> > I have so many darn questions I hope I don't overwhelm anyone. I go > back and forth taking my lessons and hiding in order to absorb what I > can and then coming back and again. I am thankful for all of you here > for this group IS the ONLY place I can come too and trust I am going > to learn love, insight, wisdom and maturity.>

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