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The Holographic World, Part 1 By DL Zeta

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World Peace Is Holographic to Inner Peace


Importance of Inner Peace and Unification

As you

stand at the edge of a new time, you turn your thoughts toward the new world

that is to come. This is a world of

hearts united in the eternal oneness of the Now. Today we will speak of the

journey you can choose to undertake to help create this new world. The task at hand is to create peace and

unity within your self and extend this outward, ultimately joining together

with others in a vision of peace and unity that will heal the world through

time. It is in this way that you will

create the new world you have glimpsed in your dreams.

So how do

you go about creating this peace and unification? It is by first recognizing all the aspects of your selves, then

accepting and loving all these aspects unconditionally. When you can hold every part of your self in

a place of love and acceptance, you can begin to create harmony between these

aspects. As you create harmony between

every aspect of your self, you create inner unity. In other words, you become a whole person rather than a

fragmented assortment of dissenting energies.

Some of

these aspects of your self are conscious.

There are aspects from all different time periods of your present

life. Some of these are child selves

that are trapped in emotional energy - vulnerable and unable to free themselves

without your help. The act of recognizing these selves and assisting them in

consciousness is an act of love. This

act of love has the power to free your consciousness wherever it is trapped in



aspects reside in your subconscious and include the repertoire of your past and

future life selves incarnated throughout time. Some of these selves may be very

different from your present-moment self, yet you have much to gain by sharing

with them and vice-versa.


Individuals Create a Fragmented World


aspects of your own consciousness sounds simple enough, yet the fragmentation

of individuals is one of the greatest challenges that exists on Earth

today. A world of individuals who are

fragmented and divided within themselves can only create a fragmented, divided

world. In this way, the individual is

holographic to the whole.


energy is spent trying to bring different factions in your world together,

forging unity among different nations.

These efforts most always fall short of their goals because those

individuals trying to create the unity are fragmented within themselves. We will explain how this fragmenting occurs

and how it can be healed.


Nature of the Focus Self

At every

moment within each person's consciousness, there is a "focus self"

that directs the flow of attention and energy within the life. This "focus self" is akin to the

ego. Its job is to help you navigate on

the Earth plane, moving you through numerous realms of experience. By Divine plan, the "focus self"

serves as a filter, drawing experiences needed within the moment to learn and

grow. Ideally, an individual has many

focus selves throughout the course of a lifetime. The individual, depending on their level of awareness, may or may

not be aware of changeovers in focus selves, though they are likely to be aware

of time periods within their lives that are of distinctly different

flavors. As life lessons are completed,

the old focus self abdicates its position to other focus selves that are better

able to carry out new learning agendas.


in reality, this is not always how it works.

Whenever an individual identifies too closely with their focus self,

that self begins to wield a great deal of power in the life. Over-identification with the focus self is a

misunderstanding on the part of many individuals. This circumstance tends to occur when the individual identifies

almost exclusively with material reality.

In other words, they have tuned out their spiritual connection and come

to believe that what they experience with their physical senses is all there


When a

focus self becomes too powerful, it can begin to undermine growth by refusing

to allow anything that threatens its power.

Like a tyrannical dictator, it disempowers any new thought or idea that

might result in its "overthrow."


result is much the same as what happens in countries ruled by tyrannical dictators. People (less dominant aspects of your self)

become distrusting and fearful of expressing their opinions and feelings to the

powers that be (focus self). The

resulting discontent and divisiveness threads through each day's existence,

undermining manifestations, health, relationships and affecting every aspect of

the life.


this atmosphere of distrust and separation is the inner climate many on the

Earth plane experience every day. They

are at war within themselves. It is

impossible for an individual at war within themselves to become a source of

peace in the world. When you see

individuals participating in war, they are at the root attempting to force

their perspective on others in order to bring about world unification. The hope underneath this effort is that once

there is peace in the world, every being on Earth will have peace. In reality, the reverse is true. There will not be peace in the world until

individuals learn to create peace within themselves.

In part

two, we will explain how individuals can go about creating inner peace and

unity that they can extend out to the world, joining together with others in a

common dream for peace.

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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