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Date: Jan 15, 2008 3:31 PM

<center><font size= " 3 " ><font face= " verdana " ><font

color= " & #035;0063AF " ><strong><br /><big><img

src= " http://www.whatsuponplanetearth.com/images/whatsup_logo2.gif " /><br

/><br /><img

src= " http://www.whatsuponplanetearth.com/images/authorphoto.gif " /><br

/><br />January 15 , 2008

<br /><br />GOING THROUGH THE TUNNEL <br /> <br /></big></center><br

/>Greetings! <br /> <br />We are currently in the process of

" going through the tunnel " to the " other side, " in the

midst of the birth canal, or in a massive transition, whichever

definition you choose.<br /><br /> <br /><br />This phase of the process

is vitally necessary, but is also an important validation as well that

we are indeed poised to enter a very new world and reality very soon.

<br /><br /> <br /><br />Just like babies entering the birth canal, or

individuals experiencing the " tunnel " of a near death

experience, we are most assuredly going through the same.<br /><br />

<br /><br />We are leaving one reality, after our roles of transmuting

the denser energies have now been completed for this latest round (and a

long round it was!), and may now find ourselves " in between. " No

longer living in the old world reality, with a complete and total

severance, it can, at times, feel like we are not here nor there. But

even though, we may have a sense that a very new beginning, with an

excitement in the air, is on the very near horizon.<br /><br /> <br

/><br />Many of us are at different points of this tunnel or transition.

Some have already landed completely and are finished with the transition

and out of the tunnel, and others are in the midst of the transition,

still seeking clarity and a sense of place.<br /><br /> <br /><br

/>Symptoms of tunnel travel? Intense muscle aches, sinus pressure and

headaches, deep body pain, ringing in the ears, nausea, intestinal

distress, coughing and chest congestion, feelings of pressure or

toxicity in the body, insomnia, a feeling that absolutely nowhere feels

right or comfortable, and a wondering where oh where home might now be,

with seemingly nowhere else left to go, or nowhere left that seems to

" fit. " <br /><br /> <br /><br />We are indeed letting go and

releasing the intensely challenging experience of purging and

transmuting so may of the denser energies that seemed to embody nearly

all of 2007, and it can take awhile to complete this process. But before

we enter yet another higher realm or reality, we must be indeed free and

clear of any baggage or leftover energies from the long process that

2007 brought to us.<br /><br /> <br /><br />Having successfully

transmuted so many denser energies of the past, much was accomplished.

Many, many more of the lower vibrating energies were captured during

2007. Thus, much more of the planet was affected and carried forward. It

was a truly awesome and monumental experience. <br /><br /> <br /><br

/>And now, we are this close to setting foot on new land. The month of

January is a good time for tying up loose ends, for taking care of old

business that we had not had time to attend to, and for finalizing all

those last details that are necessary in order for us to move forward

into a new reality. And with a Mercury retrograde due to arrive on

January 28th, this process will be supported even further into February,

even though we will still have the opportunity to begin very new lives

during this time as well.<br /><br /> <br /><br />If you are one who is

experiencing muscle pain, shoulder and neck tightness and pain,

headaches, and most any of the symptoms mentioned earlier in this energy

alert, know that when you get through this transition tunnel, these

symptoms simply vanish and you will feel better than you have felt in a

very long time. A lightness will engulf you, and you will feel as if you

have let go of all the burdens you have ever carried, as if you had

dis-connected from an old reality of struggle and pain, and suddenly

burst into a reality of light, joy, pleasure, a deep contentedness, and

a knowing that all your needs will always be met with no effort

required. <br /><br /> <br /><br />The discomfort is part of the final

release process. Just as an individual releases all of the remnants of

his/her human experience in one fell swoop when they go through the

dying process in the old 3D reality, we are now experiencing a great

release before we enter a higher dimension. Only with the ascension

process, we are dying while we are alive, so this process occurs in

smaller segments. None-the-less, the current leap we are now

experiencing is a substantial one indeed.<br /><br /> <br /><br />There

are many dimensional portals in the area where I currently live in New

Mexico. And access to them is set up in a very interesting way. The most

evident access to the most substantial portal attracts all kinds of

energies, as many different forms are attracted to this opening and seem

to want entry. There is also much darkness there, and all these energies

seem to bottleneck at the most evident entry point, wanting to get in

and bumping into each other. In addition, much of anything is turned

away, as the ugliness and darkness serves to discourage and re-route all

those who feel inclined to enter. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Our temporary

rental house is near the entrance to this portal. It is common to see

cars drive up our street and then turn around, so the energies are

creating this scenario at all levels. Each time I venture to take a walk

into this area, I am severely warned to leave and turn back, as the area

is so condensed with dark energies which are stuck there, seeking

entry.<br /><br /> <br /><br />But this is a grand plan that is all so

very intentional. These entry areas to higher dimensions are

deliberately set up to appear as ugly and dark, so that most will be

repulsed, fooled, and turn back. And if one tries to access a higher

dimension through this portal by sheer will, intention, or force, they

will most assuredly have a very unpleasant experience. <br /><br /> <br

/><br />But once on the other side, it is a completely different story

and it can be difficult to ever leave once one arrives. It is a reality

and energy so removed from the old world and mainstream creations, that

one would think they have truly arrived in heaven on earth. I tell you

this because it is all so similar to what most of us have recently

experienced. We must go through the darkness to arrive in heaven, but we

go through it in a way that is not forced, intentional, or which comes

from an ego's desire.<br /><br /> <br /><br />We arrive by allowing,

transmuting, letting go of our arrogance, and having this experience

seemingly not even be our own idea. It comes though a gentle acceptance,

a willingness to let go of all we are being encouraged to let go of, and

a deep trust that we are being guided to the perfect place and the

perfect circumstances for our next level of existence, even though we

may not consciously know what that is. <br /><br /> <br /><br />I am

reminded of one of my favorite Underwood songs, All-American

Girl:<br /><br /> <br /><br />Since the day he got married,<br /><br

/>He'd been praying for a little baby boy<br /><br />Someone he

could take fishin' throw the football,<br /><br />And be his pride

and joy<br /><br />He could already see him,<br /><br />Holding that

trophy taking his team to state<br /><br />But when the nurse came in

with a little pink blanket,<br /><br />All those big dreams changed

and…<br /><br />Now he's wrapped around her finger,<br /><br

/>She's the center of his whole world,<br /><br />And his heart

belongs to that sweet little<br /><br />Beautiful, wonderful, perfect

All-American girl.<br /><br /> <br /><br />When Oprah Winfrey was

approached with an offer for a television talk show, she was not really

interested. It was not in her plan. She resisted. But after she

eventually took the plunge and did it, she said doing it felt " just

like breathing. " <br /><br /> <br /><br />At times, Source, or our

souls seem to know more than we consciously do in regard to what is best

for us. And when we arrive at this new place, we may indeed seem

uncomfortable at first, as it is so very new. This is because we have

let go of so much of the old, and a very new fit has now arrived for us.

But if we can know and accept that this very new home is as perfect as

it can be, and the best fit for our new selves and our new reality, and

if we can trust that it will in time indeed be right for us, we can then

experience more joy, love, ecstasy, and contentment than we have ever

known. <br /><br /> <br /><br />The familiar is gone. We have evolved

beyond it. Our old comfort zones can no longer be. Being willing to let

go of our old groves and securities can only serve to allow us through

the gates of this very new reality.<br /><br /> <br /><br />There are

those who have been preparing for their strongest desires for a long

time. They have been waiting for the right time, even though they may

not have been consciously aware of this. They may have experienced false

starts, sputtering and seemingly getting nowhere for quite awhile, as

their desires had run so deep, were so innate, for such a very long

time, that they could not understand why they were not manifesting.

" After all, wasn't it my life purpose here? " <br /><br /> <br

/><br />There are those whose wildest dreams would not seem to manifest,

but after much release of mis-perceptions and ego desires through the

process of the past few years, these desires may have changed or become

clarified. <br /><br /> <br /><br />But we are now ready to manifest our

deepest desires. Finally, oh finally. The time has come. It is time for

all we have ever wanted to arrive for us. It is time for our dreams to

come true. We no longer need to embody that sense that we are trying to

get somewhere, arrive at a destination, get everyone on board through

healing and teaching, and the like. Those days are over (although these

methods will still be utilized by some to assist those still in

transition and who are at varying levels).<br /><br /> <br /><br />We

are now indeed at a very new plateau and in a very new reality on planet

Earth. We have entered a new playground of experience. We get to create,

play with energy, and manifest whatever we want with no interference.<br

/><br /> <br /><br />Some may be so accustomed to being dictated to,

that this new freedom may not be comfortable. Like a dog who has been on

a chain its entire life, and now set free to explore all he desires,

this new change may be too much of a shock. For these individuals, it

may be a matter of reclaiming one's true power. But for those who

have already come to a point of knowing their true power, this time will

be an awesome one indeed.<br /><br /> <br /><br />Many new babies are

being born right now. They are coming to experience the new planet

Earth. They know that the coast is now clear. They are arriving in

masses. They come with great strength, giggles, and awesome dreams for

creating and sustaining a new reality. They will serve to sustain the

shift and to embody these higher energies. They are a part of the new.

They are a very new breed than ever before. We are now over a great

hurdle of evolution, and these new little ones will make sure this new

plateau remains intact and stabilized. They are very aware and know

exactly what they are doing.<br /><br /> <br /><br />They will insist on

a new reality, and accept nothing less. They are very firm indeed. They

will serve as the founders for a phase that is yet to arrive. They

represent a very new wave. And it is a big one. They are choosing to be

born at the time of new beginnings, as this time carries a very new

energy that they resonate with, and it is this ray or level of vibration

that they can access easily.<br /><br /> <br /><br />While these new

little ones and our other children are creating the new, many of us baby

boomers will get to finally retire, and simply enjoy the pleasures of a

new playground of creation. We can rest, be taken care of, create lives

of our dreams, and reap the rewards of a great plan accomplished. <br

/><br /> <br /><br />What is your deepest desire, you fondest dream,

your heaven on Earth? What joy will you choose to experience? What

responsibilities will you finally be ready to let go of? What kind of

peace will you know? What does it look like? Will you be ready and

willing to experience a great change?<br /><br /><br /><br /><center><br

/>www.whatsuponplanetearth.com<br /><br />Wishing you Heaven in your

heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these

miraculous times. <br /><br />Until next time, <br /><br /> <br

/><br /> & hearts brought to you by & hearts<br /><big><a


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9t " target= " _blank " ><img

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