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[FW] The Daily Motivator - Ralph Marston

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Positive purpose


Certain opportunities will come and go. Yet it is never too

Late and never too early to experience the richness of

Living with positive purpose.

Circumstances change from moment to moment, week to week,

And year to year. And in every circumstance there are ways

To find true fulfillment.

You can always make a difference. You can always make a

Valuable contribution.

By so doing, you connect yourself to life's greatest

Treasures. For the treasures that bring fulfillment are the

Ones you have a part in creating.

The joys of this golden moment are yours to live, no matter

How you arrived here. For in this moment you have the

Opportunity to give the best of yourself.

This day is as fresh and wonderful and filled with

Opportunity as any you've ever known. Live it with positive

Purpose, and taste the richness you will surely create.

~~Ralph Marston

Oh Great Spirit, who made all races, look kindly upon the whole human family and take away the arrogance and hatred which separates us from our brothers.... Cherokee Prayer

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