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The Eternal Song

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HEAVEN #2585 The Eternal Song

a message from God channeled by Gloria Wendroff

Sunday, 23 December, 2007viewed 33 times, no comments- be the first to comment!

"God said." God doesn't really say. God loves.

I speak with the love in My heart for all the beautiful people on Earth strewn before Me.

You may think it is haphazard where you are in the group photo of life in the world. Beloved, you are exactly where you are meant to be, exactly in the right spot, only you are not where you think you are. You may think you're in the back row, or on a very edge, perhaps even cut off. These are impossibilities.

You must know I see this photo better than you do. I took it! Everyone is seated in front, smack in the center. You are in front, right in the center. Forget the facts and possibilities you know. Forget facts. Facts are the impossibilities. Just listen to the Truth of My heart now. Hear My heart beat now.

My heart speaks to you. The love from My heart nuzzles you along. Whatever your form may be, you are nuzzled by My heart. Be you a human being, puppy, elephant, giraffe, sand on the beach, I nuzzle you with My love. I can do nothing else. My heart can do nothing else. You are powerless in that you are susceptible to My love. You cannot escape. My love is far and wide. My love finds you, and brings you back.

Do you not know that I breathe you in and out? Do you not know that I am your very breath, and you are Mine? Of course it is My breath that breathed life into you, and I breathe you still. This is My reward. This is renewable, Our love. I am the Great Source in life, and I recycle Myself through you.

Do you not know that I live through you? I am the Parent who enjoys everything you do. I enjoy watching you at work or play. May there be no difference between your work and play. May one meld into the other. May Joy be your name. Take the temperature of My heart, and what can your life be but joy, and what can you be but My joy?

Shake out those old thoughts from your head. Renew yourself. Recycle yourself. Rise up to the forefront of My heart. There is a place waiting for you. Not actually waiting for you, for you are already embraced in My heart. You save your own place, for you are already sitting in it.

Never mind who or what you thought you were. Join with Me now in My thinking. Hear My heart beat. That is My thinking. My heart beats for you, and it is you I think of. You, beloveds, are the Eternal Song in My heart.

When you hear Me speak to you, you are hearing the rumble of My heart. From this infinite beat of love, you pick up the vibration, and the vibration assembles itself into thought and resonates through you into words. Of course, you hear from Me. The sounds you hear are Mine. My heart beats a drum, and you know the meaning of every throb of My heart. Your heart translates My every beat. You hear with your heart. The beat of My heart is love, love itself. And the beat of My heart is translated into words. Every beat says, "I love you." That is My refrain. I say it not once nor twice but eternally. That moment will come when you hear My words to you, My words to you repeated again and again, repeated infinitely, "I love you. I love you. I love you."

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