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The Lightworker's Manifesto: A Primer for Coming Times, Part 2 By DL Zeta

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The Lightworker's Manifesto: A Primer for Coming Times, Part 2

The rapidly unfolding energies on the Earth plane are asking those who

seek to heal and transform the world to step into a New Time. During

this New Time, many on Earth will awaken and join your efforts to

anchor heaven to Earth. Bringing your focus to this effort is

important. You are being asked to come into a greater place of

discernment in how you spend your time. You are being asked to become

conscious creators. As creator of your reality, you step into a place

of total self-responsibility.

The First Point of Light is Self-Responsibility

We have given you 12 points of light for lightworkers, which you will

find listed once again at the end of this discussion. The first point

of light we will describe for you is a prerequisite for all the rest;

that is, self-responsibibility.

The foundation of all efforts to transform your world is

self-responsibility. This is the most fundamental step in spiritual

growth and awakening. While great steps have been taken in your

present timeframe, limiting misunderstandings still linger among

sincere seekers. One main thread of limitation is the baggage of old

ways and ideas. Encoded within these old ideas are limiting

thoughtforms of lack, wishful thinking, and neediness. These

thoughtforms run contrary to the idea of an unlimited, infinite self.

Even in the " New Age community, " many still operate in a soup of

codependence and misunderstanding about their role as creator of their

own existence. There is still the lingering misconception that

" others " call the shots. In these times to come there is no place for

the illusion of victimhood. Each person must accept and own

responsibility for their own reality - no exceptions.

Whatever change arrives in your world will be of your own doing. If

you do not take the responsibility to create the changes you seek,

they will not happen. Within the " new age movement " it is possible to

believe that retreats, workshops, techniques, books and teachers will

" fix, " one's life. It is important to understand that none of these

will be of any use without you. You are the one who takes the tools

you receive and uses them on your own behalf. Techniques and workshops

are resources you can utilize to transform your reality but left

unused, they are little, if any, benefit. This is like leaning your

shovel against the porch all the while longing for the holes to get

dug in which to plant your spring flowers. The shovel cannot work by

itself. You must be the one to use the shovel to dig the hole.

Intimate relationships are also affected by one's willingness to

accept responsibility for their own reality. Many seek a " soulmate " in

the hope that their life will become more peaceful and loving. The

truth is that the arrival of a soulmate will bring exactly the same

amount of love you have always had - with the exception that the

soulmate will reflect to you (painfully in some cases) all the ways in

which you love, and the ways in which you don't love. It is impossible

for another to give you what you don't have within yourself. Another

can only reflect what you already have within your self.

As you head deeper into transition times, you will find some people

calling upon you to save them from themselves. We will explain here

why this is not possible and not in harmony with the higher good of all.

The `Outer Savior' Thoughtform

We will bring your attention to a thoughtform that permeates your

world and serves as gatekeeper to higher consciousness. That is, the

belief in an " outer savior " . This thoughtform inserted into human

consciousness effectively " dumbs down " humanity. While some may

perceive this insert as a form of " conspiracy, " this is ultimately not

the case. It is intended as part of the scheme for Earth school

curriculum that " veils " or " inserts " hold consciousness within a

certain pattern until it chooses to step outside them.

You may look around you and see many variations of the outer savior

thoughtform. It may seem at first glance that this thoughtform mostly

applies to the category of religion. It is illusory to think that

human existence can be compartmentalized. The religious belief in an

outer savior translates itself into beliefs about relationships

(others must save and rescue me from myself), beliefs about livelihood

(something or someone must give me a break), health (doctors and

others must heal me), stewardship of the Earth and all its creatures

(someone must do something), spiritual connection (ministers and other

" middleman " must define and facilitate my connection with spirit).

The outer savior thoughtform, in fact, permeates every facet of a

person's existence in much the same way that a virus infects a computer.

When a person awakens and " sees through " the outer savior thoughtform,

they by definition take the next step toward complete

self-responsibility. That is, they understand, accept, embrace and

practice the belief that they themselves (and no other), create every

single aspect of their reality. Once a person comes into this place

of total self-responsibility, they are empowered to begin creating

what they truly desire.

Discernment and Self-Responsibility

Understand, a person who has not yet come into complete

self-responsibility will not be able to advance far beyond a basic

level of consciousness. Self-responsibility is the key that turns the

lock in the door that leads to high-vibrational consciousness.

If a person is demanding you " do it for them, " or " fix " their reality,

this is an indicator they have not come into a place of

self-responsibility. As long as they choose to hold onto the outer

savior belief, there is no person, organization, technique, method, or

idea that can transform their life. Self-responsibility is the

gatekeeper that bars those who hold the outer savior thoughtform from

entering into higher consciousness.

This gate was set up by design to assist human consciousness in its

journey of becoming. You as lightworkers are called upon to examine

your own lives in terms of the outer savior thoughtform and gain

awareness of how it works around you. You are asked to question if you

are in any way still invested in the outer savior belief. Examine if

there are ways in which you still hold blame toward others or hold

others responsible for any aspect of your existence.

Once you have resolved this question within yourself, you are ready to

make self-responsibility the foundation of all your teachings and

sharing with others. When you build your life on the foundation of

self-responsibility, you open the door for many to come into their

true power as the masterful creator of their own reality.

Next week we will discuss the second point of light, expanding your

beliefs to take in more of who you are.

The Twelve Points of Light for Lightworkers

One) Practice Self-Responsibility in All Things

Two) Expand Your Beliefs to Take in More of Who You Are

Three) Transform the Energies you Encounter

Five) Trust in Your Highest Vision

Six) Practice Honesty, Clear Seeing & Discernment

Seven) Release Resistance and Come into a Place of Surrender

Eight) Allow Your Spiritual Purpose to Become Your Guiding Star

Nine) Set the Intention to Work from the Perspective of Your Higher Self

Ten) Honor and Work with Your Own Energy

Eleven) Learn to Travel in Consciousness

Twelve) Ask for and Open to Receive Spiritual Guidance


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