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The Power of Compassion

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The Power of Compassion by Hoffman

My mother bought a computer this week and it was a big step for her. She has avoided moving into the computer age for many years, mostly because she was afraid of the technology. I helped her set it up and taught her the basics of email and the internet. The next day I got a frantic call because she could not make anything work and she knew she had received some emails and had no way of reading them. Although I tried to explain the process to her she just didn't understand. So I went to her house again and repeated the process. And a wonderful transformation took place and I saw how powerful compassion can be.

As an Indigo I didn't have a great relationship with my parents. In fact, some parts of my childhood were quite difficult and I spent many years being angry with my parents. As I have allowed myself to become compassionate, to learn to see them as human beings, to recognize that they also had fears and doubts, I have moved past the anger and stepped into greater understanding and peace. Yes, I was busy and had other things to do but my willingness to be compassionate created an opportunity for healing and transformation that blesses both of us.

When we allow ourselves to have compassion for others we step out of the emotional interactions we have with them and move into a different type of energy. What happened in the past no longer matters--

-we do not have the luxury of living in the past. Our place is in the present moment. We have a choice to learn compassion and reclaim the power in our lives or to live in the past, with the anger and hurt that resides there and give our power over to it. When we choose compassion we take back the power we lost in the past and use it to move forward on our path.

Seeing others with compassion is the most powerful thing that we can do for ourselves and for them. If we are to be the Light, to walk in the Light and to spread it to others, we must first practice it in our own lives. And the opportunity to do that is often with the people we least want to do it with, or who we feel do not deserve it. But compassion is something that we must be willing to give to everyone. It is our way of recognizing the divinity in each person and connecting with them at that point. When we can do that we reclaim our power and our path is free of the restrictions of the past and can move forward into a bright, light future.

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