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Earth Log by Celia Fenn

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Earth Log by Celia FennDecember 27th : A Power Surge on the Network....and the Approach ofComet Tuttle for New Year. Yesterday was quite a day. After the Peace ofChristmas, the chaos of yesterday was in marked contrast! People reported "symptoms" ranging from extreme tiredness and inabilityto wake up, to over stimulation and bouncing off the walls. For myself, Ihad

a headache, but that might have been because our Server crashed and I

spent most of the day trying to get the website back up again. With the help of Starchild's German Computer Angel called Oliver. Oliverknows how to work with the Ukrainians who service the ISP, they talktechno speak together, and Oliver gets far more done than I can as I tryto explain what is wrong in ordinary English. Thank You, Oliver! Anyway, I started to feel dizzy and spacey, and went to bed early. WhenI

got up to go to the bathroom, I was staggering around like I wasdrunk. I woke up with my Light Body vibrating and buzzing...and finallyrealized that there was something up in the Cosmic realms. So, I went off to the Spaceweather site to see what was going on "outthere" to cause such energy movements in the Light Body. Well, no sunspots and no solar flares or magnetic storms, that part is quiet. But,there is a Comet approaching Earth, and it will make its "fly past" onthe 1st of January - the 1:1:1. Here is an image of Comet Tuttle, that Iborrowed from www.Spaceweather. com.[tuttle] So, it seems like we will be having a Cosmic visitor to help us tocelebrate the coming of the New Year and a New Cycle of Creation andTransformation. The best way to work with this energy is to stay grounded. Don't try todo too much, eat regularly

and drink fresh water. Listen to your body,but also try to stay calm and centered. We are Moving through the Gateway of the New...the 1:1:1! It will be a Great year as we begin to Manifest the New Earth! December 26th : The Art of Living with Simplicity and Grace : Well, thisis the day after Christmas. For me, Christmas day was itself a peacefuland beautiful day, except for one small incident. I think back to 2004,and remember the Tsunami that occurred on the 26th of December, at a timewhen the planet, and we ourselves, we so unbalanced. And, on this day, Ihope that the time has indeed come when we can create Peace on ourEarth. Archangel has been speaking to me about Balance and howto hold balance in our lives, and that will be part of the channel forJanuary. But, back to Christmas day, and

the idea of living simply. I joined myneighbors for a traditional Christmas lunch. Here is South Africa, itis midsummer, and so the "tradition" is a barbecue and salads, followedby fruit salad and ice cream. All designed for outdoor living andChristmas in the garden, under the trees. It was simple, and verybeautiful and tranquil and harmonious. There was enough food, but it wasnot the lavish excess that one sometimes associates with Christmas. Itwas enough and it was good, and so was the company. I enjoyed what Iate, and I enjoyed being there, and then I went home and enjoyed thepeace and the rest. And so, I began to think about the whole idea of living with Simplicity. This was highlighted for me, as I checked out the CNN news and read anarticle about how the planet cannot sustain more consumerism. Thearticle spoke about how increased consumerism as a

solution to globalpoverty was just not possible, as the planet could not sustain higherlevels of consumption and, yes, greed. I was glad to read that. Twoyears ago, when I came back from a working trip to Hungary, I bought abook at furt airport to read on the plane. It was called "The Endof Poverty", by some hotshot academic from the USA, who advocated globalconsumerism and turning the entire planet into an ongoing sweatshopenvironment. I am therefore relieved to see that this is no longerconsidered to be the best option to alleviate poverty. I think we all realize that we cannot sustain the consumerist dream. Inmy own life, I have come to realize that I will never have the affluenceand luxury that the media portrays as "normal", and that is OK. I livein Africa, where there are great disparities between extreme wealth andextreme poverty. But, if you look around, you begin to realize

thatthere is actually enough for everyone, if we were to release ouraspirations for more and more and more. The idea of "abundance" has come to be associated with material wealthand consumerism in our society and in our minds. Many of us think of"abundance" as being able to have whatever we want in material terms. Ithink that is more like greed. When you are honest, you realize that youdo not need all that "stuff", and that the average human needs for foodand shelter would be easily met if we were to create a society withoutconsumerism and the continual creation of greed and need. I have come to think of "abundance" in human terms, as love andcompanionship and sharing. When you have this kind of abundance, thenyour material needs are always met anyway. It can be miraculous! Last week, Wilma, our Children's project organizer, and I

werecontemplating a bleak Christmas. The company that organizes my paymentsand donations has not paid me for two months, and money was low. We hadalmost enough to do our party for the children, but not enough left overfor us. I told a friend in Argentina about the situation, and sheimmediately wired me some money. The party went ahead and Wilma was ableto create a wonderful Christmas lunch for her family and friends aswell. I went to my neighbors, and all was well! It was the result of anetwork of caring and sharing people. It was indeed abundance! And so, on this quiet morning, I am enjoying an abundance of Peace andQuiet, as my neighborhood is peaceful as people sleep and rest. I amenjoying the Simple Grace of life on Planet Earth. I hope that you too are enjoying the energy of this Holiday time, as wemove now towards January and the New Year! And here is

my own vote for"Woman of the Year" in Africa. This is my friend Wilma, who runs ourChildren's project in her Community. She is a real example of theGoddess and Mother energy. She is grounded, compassionate, generous andcaring. She is a natural Leader, and people in her community respect herand work with her. In this image, she is sitting with a disabled childthat came to the party. In this community, the disabled are integratedinto the community as much as possible.[africanmadonna] So, from us, I would also like to thank all of you who donated to ourChildren's Project in 2007! You help us to help them! That is abundance!

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