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Re: Confused by Emotions

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Hello , What you are feeling is just a reflect or side effect of being an EMPATH. This is a natural feeling or behavior for sensitive souls that "naturally " tend to feel in their own flesh and blood(sometimes ) and on their emotional body all pains of others. It is not easy to be this way, but the first step is to be aware, that this is basically an energetic situation. You need to control or at least able to control the amount of energy that enters your auric field, or energetic template. You may want to develop some meditation practices, some breathing techniques, and above all, practice grounding If you search here on this group, through all the messages, we may be able to find very simple but efficient grounding techniques. This will for sure mitigate many of those symptoms.I will be placing some good videos I found here soon, about grounding, NamasteLiane--- In , "nicole muhammad" <Muhammad@...> wrote of :>> Greetings to all! I have a question, well I think it is a question, > maybe it is more like a situation. I tend to pick up on other peoples > very intense feelings, all of my life. If someone is depressed, or sad, > or angry, or jealous, or whatever, not only do i pick up on these > feelings and thoughts, but I over sympathise to the point of taking > them as my own. Now I am feeling very sad and angry all of the time and > I am thinking about dying alot. I have not been able to find a happy > place anymore, I am confused about whether or not I am REALLY FEELING > THIS WAY or if I am picking up on the feelings of others as usual. I > guess my question is : DOes anyone know how I can shake this darkness I > am not used to feeling heavy all of the time, I do not know what to do, > I usually hug trees alot and paint or sing or write something, I seem > to be losing interest in those things now, HELP!! I just keep getting > sadder and sadder.>

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Dear ,

Feeling " sad and angry and thinking about dying a lot " is a serious

problem. I am not a counselor or therapist, so I am not addressing

this from that perspective. There are some therapists who have a

spiritual perspective who might be able to " treat " you, if that is

what you want.

You might also consider anonymous fellowship for overemotionality.

If you live in a big city, there is likely something that would be a

fit, at least to help you feel eye to eye, in persan connection with

others who understand. Hoever, there is the danger of picking up

stuff from them too!

What you describe is called clairsentience, or being an Empath. For

people who are clairsentient, picking up other people's feelings is

is a common problem. I am highly empathic too, so I know what you

mean. I would suggest that you:

Select your companions very carefully. Choose basically happy

people, who take responsibility for their emotions.

For now, until you get this in balance, you may want to avoid large

crowds. Choose the mom and pop store over a Super-Walmart, for

picking up an item, or you may pick up more than than you want! When

you go into a crowd of people, " Bubble up. " Be aware of and

stregthen your aura. In fact " Bubble up " every day, when you get up.

When you finish engaging with someone who has heavy energy, do some

symbolic cleansing. After a session hypnotherapy & spiritual

coaching session with a client, any client, whether s/he is in my

office or by telephone, I always wash my hands. And, as I do, I do a

mental/enegetic cleansing.

You can also imagine posting " sentries, " " guardians " , or fiercely

protective little angels around you at the level of the 2nd chakra,

which is the chakra of clairsentience. Ask them to protect your

second chakra from the energy of others.

Read books about managing your energy.

Read posts of this group about energy and spiritual self-protection.

Learn Reiki and use it on yourself as well as others (also your

plants and animals).

Have plants and animals!

Get lots of excercise, do something creative and do some social

service to keep your energy flowing outwards.

Laugh regularly.

In balance, clairsentience is a gift. You have been given a great

gift that can be helpful to you and others. Humanity needs lots of



Kanta Bosniak




umanityHealing , " nicole muhammad "

<Muhammad@...> wrote:


> Greetings to all! I have a question, well I think it is a


> maybe it is more like a situation. I tend to pick up on other


> very intense feelings, all of my life. If someone is depressed, or


> or angry, or jealous, or whatever, not only do i pick up on these

> feelings and thoughts, but I over sympathise to the point of


> them as my own. Now I am feeling very sad and angry all of the

time and

> I am thinking about dying alot. I have not been able to find a


> place anymore, I am confused about whether or not I am REALLY


> THIS WAY or if I am picking up on the feelings of others as usual.


> guess my question is : DOes anyone know how I can shake this

darkness I

> am not used to feeling heavy all of the time, I do not know what

to do,

> I usually hug trees alot and paint or sing or write something, I


> to be losing interest in those things now, HELP!! I just keep


> sadder and sadder.


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Greetings ,

First of all it is great that you can so clearly recognize that those

are not you feelings and emotions.

Second great - you take action to correct it!

Take what resonates:

Reconnect with your Self - (your Self is just pure bliss, love and

happiness)- through nature, beauty, love, truth, energy, creativity,

meditation or just laugh at yourself, do not take things too

seriously :-0

Close you aura - " I allow only the energy of Unconditional Love to

enter in and out my energy field. Amen " 3X

Ask Angels for help - " Beloved AA could you please come and

protect me. Thank you. Amen "

Cut cords - " Beloved AA could you please come and cut all the

cords which are draining my energy field. Thank you. Amen "

Use Silver Violet Flame - Beloved Saint Germaine and AA Zadkile could

you please send through me Silver Violet Flame of transmutation. May

all negativity and karma be transmuted into purity and joy. Thank

you. Amen.

Visualize yourself surrounded by Silver Violet Flame.

Other mantra to repeat

" I am a being of Silver Violet Fire

I am a purity God desires "

(I can attune you to Silver Violet Flame if you want)

Visualize yourself standing under a waterfall. Feel the water

cleansing your energy filed.

Take a shower. Sometimes few showers as needed. Take an aromatic bath

or salt bath.

Keep with you tourmaline stone. Tourmaline absorbs lover energies.

Hug a friend or a stranger ;-)

(at your own risk;-)

Put your hands on your Heart and feel your own Love, Love, Love ļ

Go and watch children playing.

Have fun, go parting ;-)

Watch comedy! Laughter is such a good remedy.

With Love

I hope you feel better :-)



> Greetings to all! I have a question, well I think it is a question,

> maybe it is more like a situation. I tend to pick up on other


> very intense feelings, all of my life. If someone is depressed, or


> or angry, or jealous, or whatever, not only do i pick up on these

> feelings and thoughts, but I over sympathise to the point of taking

> them as my own. Now I am feeling very sad and angry all of the time


> I am thinking about dying alot. I have not been able to find a


> place anymore, I am confused about whether or not I am REALLY


> THIS WAY or if I am picking up on the feelings of others as usual.


> guess my question is : DOes anyone know how I can shake this

darkness I

> am not used to feeling heavy all of the time, I do not know what to


> I usually hug trees alot and paint or sing or write something, I


> to be losing interest in those things now, HELP!! I just keep


> sadder and sadder.


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Greetings ,

Me again lol

nice synch...just opened my myspace and saw this so I am

reposting...sending Love Ewa

Psychic Protections

By Tonya Somers


Psychic Protections

People in our lives connect to us with psychic energetic cords. These

are usually people that we have had intimate moments and/or contact

with (good friends, family or lovers), which allows them to stay in

your aura. It is important to remove the cords of the people we no

longer want to have attached to us anymore, so that their energy will

not stay entangled in our own. This is especially important regarding

our exes, no matter how many of them we have in our past.If you do

not remove the psychic cord of an ex, any new potential mate will

unconsciously pick up on the connection that binds you to someone

else. I have done many readings for many people that have not had a

date for another 20 years and don't know why, they are still

connected to an ex. Or, even worse you will draw someone to you that

recognizes that old energy as close to their own and you will find

yourself in a very similar bad relationship and same bad lesson to be


Anyone can attach to anyone at any given moment, (read the aura

section) even the person that drives by you and yells at you in

traffic can connect to you with a black chord, they need to be

released daily to prevent future health problems. You can do the


Meditate and call in your spirit guides/angels and visualize all the

black cords. Ask your guides/angels to help you disconnect to anyone

who has sent you negative energy in any shape or form. Ask that all

negative connections be broken.

Picture all the cords or webs attached into your body. Imagine a

giant pair of scissors and cut all the black cords. Or better yet,

picture yourself pulling those cords out by their very roots. Some

roots go deep. Pull hard and do it with intention!

Any epsom salt bath, lavendar bath or a coconut juice bath can help

facilitate cord removal, have a white candle lit while in the bath.

You may cry during this exercise - but that's okay, it's part of the

healing process. It is important to note that the negative person may

try to call you to connect with you very soon after this exercise.

As you remove the black cords, see them and the person attached turn

to golden dust and blow them away. You will feel great! I do this

exercise daily!..

Akashic record breaking of your karma

Put yourself into a slight meditation and request the Akashic Record

Librarian to come to you. Have the librarian bring to your feet your

stack of books from the Hall of Records. These books (called the

Akashic Records) will contain every past life you have had. They are

your soul's record.

Each library visit should be based on a specific topic or issue, one

per session. You might speak the names of people who are causing you

pain or mental anguish. Perhaps money issues or health issues will be

your focus. Example: " Please bring me all the books of every lifetime

I have had in pain. " This can be done for prosperity issues,

relationships, sibling rivalry, parental issues, attracting bad

relationships, etc!

When you feel the books at your feet, imagine them disintegrating

into a pile of dust. Blow them away with a golden tornado. You can

also help your loved ones & your young children early in life by

accessing their records.

But remember to only do what is for the highest good of the

individual with love and pure intention in your heart...

Psychic Protections for your daily use:

Surround yourself in a bubble of protection (like the good witch in

the Wizard of Oz) full of golden and purple tornadoes spinning inside

with you. Picture mirrors facing outwards of the bubble. Say out

loud: " I now ward off all negative energy sent in my direction. I now

ask these mirrors to send back all negativity to the Universe and to

turn the negative energy to positive light. Anyone who sends me any

negative energy or thoughts will no longer be able to connect to me.

I am now protected by angels/spirit guides daily.If someone is

sending you negative energy on purpose, you can re-direct it back at

them with the mirrors mentioned in the above exercise.

Psychic Protection for your daily use

Shielding: After you ground and center, allow energy to build up in

your heart chakra. See a green spiral spinning faster and faster.

Then send the energy out into your eggshell shaped aura. Visualize

this egg shape and see it surround you - even to the point of

extending into the Earth just underneath your feet. Visualize and, if

desired, say out loud that you shield yourself. At this point you

need to set up the type of shield that you desire. There are many

variations on this theme. The most basic is the mirror shield where

any type of energy, good or bad, is deflected back to the sender.

Another is a net or mesh shield that only allows good energy inside.

Or your shield may take in bad stuff and then transmute it to good

vibes. Or negative energy may be grounded into Mother Earth where she

will then take care of it.One may like to surround one's self with a

three-dimensional star of whatever color. There are many types of

shield shapes, colors and functions; try different things and

experiment. Shielding is very important because as you become more

sensitive to energy, you become more sensitive to positive and

negative energies. Shielding helps to protect you and, equally as

important, helps to protect others from you! It is a good idea to

shield when you know that you will be going to a public place or a

tough situation (in particular, shopping malls, government buildings,

police stations, prison, and the like - trust us on this!). You may

find that you will need to first do a quick grounding and centering

to build up the energy to establish your shield. Of course, with

these basic energy exercises, you may fine-tune and augment them to

satisfy your particular yen.

How to recognize an energy drainer

An energy drainer is a person that learns from an early age how to

drain people of their life force. A drainer can make you feel ill,

tired, drained and mentally taxed. These are the people who take and

take and never give. Most people recognize energy suckers but still

engage with them out of guilt or a sense of duty. Energy suckers tend

to have messy lives. They are in a constant state of drama or trauma.

And they are in constant need of attention. Energy Drainers have

never learned the tools to find energy in a healthy way (exercise,

meditation, etc.), so they become parasites.

Your Mate is a drainer

If you feel your mate is draining your energy remember it may not be

intentional. Perhaps they are naturally trying to remove the

negativity from themselves and do not know how to properly get rid of

the " waste " from such a removal. Because you and your mate have such

a strong connection you might be taking on the " waste " .Recite the

same meditation listed above, before sleep at night. As you lay down

in bed, visualize a 10 foot mirrored wall between you and your mate

down the middle of the bed. Say to your mate (quietly): " May all of

your negative energy go far away from me out to sea or the mountains

for the Universe to change to Golden Light to heal the planet and

others. " Saying these words will heal your loved one and help you to


Sitting across from a drainer at any table or desk, Imagine a disco

mirrored ball between the two of you. Imagine a horse shoe aimed at

the person in front of you and say or visualize (quietly): " May all

your negative energy be taken into the horseshoe on the left side.

May the energy be pulled into the middle of the ball and turned into

Golden God Light. Let it flow back through the right side of the

horseshoe. Only when it is transformed into the Golden God Light may

it return to you as healing and healthy energy.

Intentional attack directly aimed at you

This defense may be used everyday. Imagine you are wearing ruby red

slippers (Wizard of Oz) and spread the ruby energy all the way up

into your body. You can also wear a ruby. Dark energy cannot

penetrate rubies...

Defend your home from a neighbors energy

Imagine a huge mirrored wall between your houses (or walls in an

apartment). Imagine the wall is ruby red and all energy being

directed at you will reflect back upon them. You can also purchase a

small mirror to place on a window facing toward your neighbor.

Again, this acts to reflect the negative psychic energy. If you are

in an apartment and the negativity is coming from above or below you,

place the ruby wall on the ceiling or the floor. Generally, this is a

good idea no matter what as the ruby wall helps to keep your home

energy just your own...

-- In , " nicole muhammad "

<Muhammad@...> wrote:


> Greetings to all! I have a question, well I think it is a question,

> maybe it is more like a situation. I tend to pick up on other


> very intense feelings, all of my life. If someone is depressed, or


> or angry, or jealous, or whatever, not only do i pick up on these

> feelings and thoughts, but I over sympathise to the point of taking

> them as my own. Now I am feeling very sad and angry all of the time


> I am thinking about dying alot. I have not been able to find a


> place anymore, I am confused about whether or not I am REALLY


> THIS WAY or if I am picking up on the feelings of others as usual.


> guess my question is : DOes anyone know how I can shake this

darkness I

> am not used to feeling heavy all of the time, I do not know what to


> I usually hug trees alot and paint or sing or write something, I


> to be losing interest in those things now, HELP!! I just keep


> sadder and sadder.


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When you find yourself getting into this mode of sympathizing with

others, observe that this is happening, and continue to observe that

this is happening over clock-time, observing and observing yourself

sympathizing at the time you are sympathizing, with the observation

being as impartial as is possible from a place within that is still.

Continuing to observe in an on-going manner the action of sympathizing

changes the energy, and raises it's frequency to something much

higher, much more joyful. The energy of sympathy changes to the energy

of compassion. That which is observed, alters through the light of our

own consciousness.

Thinking about it later on, does very little in the way of changing

anything, except maybe in the long run through replacement of habits.

Observation however acts immediately, and one can then also see the

mechanics of how the energies of sympathy - and other energies - are

being transfered back and forth, and the resultant pull (attraction)

of oneself in that direction. Unconscious habits, by becoming

conscious, lose their pull gradually, each time they are observed.

The observation should be complete even to the extent of seeing

oneself beginning to take the *first* few steps in the direction of

being pulled by someone else's energies/triggers. It is enough to

observe, if one is indeed observing, as to observe anything requires

stillness. When there is stillness, there is greater interest in

continuing to observe than continuing to do what one may unconsciously

have begun doing, as a habit. This way, one naturally stops

identifying with any unconscious pattern that may have developed, and

that may now have begun playing out quite automatically.

That is to say, that observation itself stops identification. No

additional efforts are required.

That which observes is free from (the influence of) that which is

observed. That which is not observed becomes our unconscious habits.

Also, observing this way (almost) continuously and impartially,

strengthens our energy field.

sadness can also be observed - and the observation changes the energy.

all the best :)



> Greetings to all! I have a question, well I think it is a question,

> maybe it is more like a situation. I tend to pick up on other peoples

> very intense feelings, all of my life. If someone is depressed, or sad,

> or angry, or jealous, or whatever, not only do i pick up on these

> feelings and thoughts, but I over sympathise to the point of taking

> them as my own. Now I am feeling very sad and angry all of the time and

> I am thinking about dying alot. I have not been able to find a happy

> place anymore, I am confused about whether or not I am REALLY FEELING

> THIS WAY or if I am picking up on the feelings of others as usual. I

> guess my question is : DOes anyone know how I can shake this darkness I

> am not used to feeling heavy all of the time, I do not know what to do,

> I usually hug trees alot and paint or sing or write something, I seem

> to be losing interest in those things now, HELP!! I just keep getting

> sadder and sadder.


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one more for you from myspace... :-) i love synch like that!


The Grandmothers' February Message

I was noticing that I had become very affected by the pain and

confusion of other people. I had become a psychic garbage collector-

picking up feelings, attitudes and ideas everywhere I went and all of

that stuff was making me sick--getting in the way of joy and freedom.

If people were angry, I felt it, if they were sad, my heart ached,

whatever it was, I took it in. A dear friend of mine had developed

cancer and, not only was the disease extremely challenging to her, I

was also being challenged. We were trying to build our faith through

this experience, but she was doing better than I was. " This sponging

up everything around me can't be right, " I said to myself. " How

helpful can I be to her if I am " feeling her pain? " I didn't want to

do it, but couldn't seem to stop. So I decided it was time to go to

the Grandmothers.

This time as I approached them, the Grandmothers were standing beside

a lake, and as I came near, they opened their circle so I could step

into their midst. " Grandmothers, " I said to them, " I don't think I

know how to be in right relationship with others-animals as well as

people, " I explained. I'm too affected by their pain, " I said, " and

it wears me out. Please teach me the right relationship. "

Immediately their hands went to my heart and I stood still while they

held and nourished me with their touch. Everything in me calmed,

quieted and filled with peace and as it did, the Grandmothers and I

smiled at each other " Thank you, " I whispered and they turned and

pointed to the side, showing me how my energy had become frayed by

too much reaching out to others. As I looked, I saw what appeared to

be the frail and fragmented tail ends of energy trailing off into the


Then turning to me the Grandmothers said, " No more horizontal.

Vertical. " " What? " I wondered, " does this mean? " but before I could

say a word I saw my dear friend with cancer and realized that the

Grandmothers were with her and in her. I blinked, looked again and

they were her! She stood there, cancer and all, and it was the

Grandmothers who looked at me out of her eyes. I was dumbfounded. I

had been taught to " see God in everyone, " and had tried to do that

but the idea had remained just that. An idea. Now, however, I was

seeing the truth of this teaching. God was not to be sought in some

far off place; God was here-now!

I had been trying to be a friend to Margie, trying to fulfill her

needs myself and in her distress I hadn't seen who she really

was. " How ridiculous of me! " I cried, laughing at my blindness.

Margie's suffering had fooled me into thinking that was who she

was. " Yes, " the Grandmothers said as they patted my hands and stroked

my shoulders. " You didn't see us, " they said. " You were caught up;

you were playing along with the myth of separation from God. When you

were with her you were calling on us as if we were far away. As if we

were not already in her and of her, " they said. " Then, " they puffed

out their cheeks and pantomimed, " thinking that we were far away, you

held your breath and did everything you could do while you continued

to call on us as if we were somewhere off in the distance. No wonder

you are tired. We were already there, " they said. " We are there now. "

" Do not be so easily fooled by pain and distress, " the Grandmothers

said, shaking their heads. " It is dramatic, " they said, " and we are

aware of that, but we are present in every part of life. We are not

only present in the so-called 'good,' they said. " We are also present

in the 'bad.' We are within everyone at every moment. We are there in

the most distressing acts of human beings. It is a pity that no one

remembers this fact, " they said, " because if you did, such events

would change. Call us forth! " they exclaimed, " call us forth. Do not

call us as if we are coming from afar. We are there, waiting to be


" We recognize that what we are asking you to do is difficult, " they

said. " For thousands of years you have been conditioned to believe

that God is good and will only be found where goodness is present and

that pain, suffering and evil actions denote the absence of God. But

that is not true, " the Grandmothers said, giving me a fierce

look. " God is everywhere. There is nowhere God is not. And we remind

you that we are at one with God, " they said, " and as such, we hold

and love all life at every moment. We are present in the best of

times and we are there in the worst of times, " the Grandmothers said,

firmly nodding their heads up and down.

" Life is not some sort of macabre mistake, " they said. " It is not a

series of random events. Everything has its purpose- including

cancer, " they said, " and We Are There, " they said. " Call us forth! "

they commanded, " and recognize our presence.

" When you call us forth, " they said, " you crack open the myth that

you are 'here' and God is 'there.' By recognizing our presence, even

in these distressing times, you enable us to work with and through

you, to work with and through all who are present. We are in and with

the one who is suffering and we are in and with the one observing the

suffering. There is no separation, " the Grandmothers said,

emphasizing each word. " There is no separation, " they

repeated. " Remember this. "

*Loving Thanks for this go to*



forwarded with love¢¾

Spirit to Spirit


> Greetings to all! I have a question, well I think it is a question,

> maybe it is more like a situation. I tend to pick up on other


> very intense feelings, all of my life. If someone is depressed, or


> or angry, or jealous, or whatever, not only do i pick up on these

> feelings and thoughts, but I over sympathise to the point of taking

> them as my own. Now I am feeling very sad and angry all of the time


> I am thinking about dying alot. I have not been able to find a


> place anymore, I am confused about whether or not I am REALLY


> THIS WAY or if I am picking up on the feelings of others as usual.


> guess my question is : DOes anyone know how I can shake this

darkness I

> am not used to feeling heavy all of the time, I do not know what to


> I usually hug trees alot and paint or sing or write something, I


> to be losing interest in those things now, HELP!! I just keep


> sadder and sadder.


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