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[FW] The nature of peace

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Peace is a personal experience which is not determined by external circumstances.

Peace can be experienced in tumult.

Peace can be experienced in silence.

Peace can be experienced in chaos.

The key to experiencing peace is acceptance.

When what is is accepted, what is can be taken in and integrated.

When what is is taken in and integrated oneness is experienced. Sometimes this is called being in the zone.

Being in the zone results from strict attention to the moment without judgment. Every molecule of what is flows as if directed but not because of the exercise of control but rather because of the surrender that comes of not attempting to control. Surrender results in participation in rather than power over. This is significant, because what is is. It cannot be controlled, but it can be known. It can be embodied. Being in the zone is the experience of embodying what is without attempting to change it in any way. It is an exploration, a journey of coming to know what is. It is not an experience of creating or of controlling.

Peace is the experience of oneness. It is the experience of knowing that whatever the circumstances that may arise, there is nothing to fear. Peace is the experience of fearlessness. Fearlessness includes the awareness that come what may, nothing can harm.

Harm is not what it seems. Harm is not injury to the body. Harm is not loss of life. Harm is not poverty. Harm is not powerlessness. Harm is not illness. In fact, harm cannot actually occur. The whole concept of harm and harming is a misconception.

If it is true that reality is in unity, even though not often experienced as such, then there is only one thing and, put another way, only one moment. Since there is only one moment, then the one thing that is the unity of all that is must exist forever, which means that it cannot be destroyed. The one thing that is the unity of all that is cannot even be harmed, because once in being it must always be in being just as it is now. It has no beginning and no end. It can be neither created nor destroyed. It just is and it includes everything that is without exception.

Peace is knowing this.

Peace is not life without war. Peace is knowing that whatever circumstances arise, no harm will come and nothing will be destroyed. Peace is being willing to enter into any experience with abandon, because there is no concern for safety. That which is indestructible is not concerned with its safety.

Peace is not heedless. The experience of oneness leads to an awareness of the interconnectedness of all that is, since all that is is in unity. Regardless of appearances, separation does not exist.

The personal experience of peace leads to an end of conflict because it becomes obvious that attacks on others are attacks on self. Because the experience of peace includes the experience of oneness, it becomes apparent that both the attacker and the one attacked are the same. The attacker actually experiences the attack.

Peace is not a necessary experience. It must be sought out with great determination and desire. Peace must be wanted deeply. The path to peace is simple but not easy.

A way to practice peace is to treat each being that you encounter, human or otherwise, with the respect you would wish for yourself. This behavior will affect your experience, and because of the unified nature of what is, it will affect each being's experience.

It is possible to practice peace as a way to come to know peace. Blind respect of other beings will lead to peace. The complexity and true nature of others will become apparent. Out of respect openness emerges and defenses are lowered.

There is concern that one sided peace will lead to weakness. The experience of peace is not a sign of weakness. One who is at peace will not attack because fearlessness knows no need of defense. One who is at peace is not concerned with dying because in unity nothing ceases to exist no matter what. For one who is at peace dying is not experienced as loss or failure. Dying is a transition, one that can be as fulfilling and interesting as any other.

Peace is not attained by accumulation. Peace is not attained by domination. Peace is not attained by mutual agreement. Peace just is. It is available to be experienced at any time by anyone in any circumstances. It can be experienced by a single being by a group of beings or by all beings at once. Being committed to the experience of peace is always fulfilling.

Copyright 2002 Ann E. Hastings

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