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Re: God-Source VS Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters?

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Blessings Dove,

I found for my Self that the word of God is not outside of my Self

but deep within my Heart. To access that word and wisdom and guidance

I go deep within my Self and listen to the whispers of my Heart.

Sometimes it comes as feelings, sometimes it comes as signs...the

book falling of the shelf, the bird flying over my head, the smile of

the stranger, the deep eye contact with the beloved...I learned to

recognize those as the word of God speaking to me in many languages

and it opened the door for magic and magical life...very often after

something is reviled to my Self in my heart in Silence short after

that my inner guide and teacher puts in front of me confirmation of

the revelation in the words from Bible, books written by enlightened

masters, other spiritual scripts, changelings from Angels and

Ascended Masters and it makes me so happy to have those confirmations

that I am following that magic of personal communion with God inside

my Self. So I am happy there is more possible information and

guidance shared by others as this is the way they unconditionally

share their Love and their personalized I AM God Presence.

Look within your heart dear Dove. All the answers and knowledge is

already stored within your Self. Those who look outside will not find


And the highest Truth is that You Are what you are looking for.

With all my heart I wish you find the God inside your Self so you can

share with us God's words written by your very hand for we are just

the creation and instrument for the Divine.

Many Blessings,


Love Ewa

--- In , " dovetouched " <hisalone@...>



> I am studying and learning to move outside my christian box. I am

> deeply perplexed as to why no matter where I read, talk or learn


> past lives, reincarnation, dimensions, guides, angels ect no one

> mentions God's written words.

> It's as if the bible is not important nor has any significance at


> I am aware that many parts of the bible are incorrect but throwing


> the entire bible is like throwing out the baby with the bath water.

> New age spiritualism (seems) to rely heavily on what ascended


> or angels or guides have taught and said. Is the bible something


> is obsolete in speaking of source or God? It often appears that


> attention is given to the creation instead of the creator and I do


> understand this, at least this is what I am seeing.

> Could someone offer me advice in this difference I am noticing so


> searching will be less confusing for me. I want to make a sound


> in whether to continue studying these new things without judgement


> at best incorporate both.


> Blessings, Dove


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Hello Dove and Ewa loves! First of all, Ewa, beautifully said about finding God within. Very true in so many ways! Dove, this way of "new age" thinking is actually a very ancient one. Much older than before Jesus was even born. One book that I've read that acts as my bible is the book of the Essenes. I've found so much truth and beauty in the words of those books. But not just in those books, in SO many. Every book holds important fundementals of truth and spiritual morals. New age way of thinking is a combination of so many beliefs and religions. Right now channeling ascended Masters, and angels is where many people are putting their attention. It's up to them how they perceive what they're reading, and how attached they become with it. Just as people did with the bible. To be completely honest I don't enjoy the bible. I see a lot of violence and suffering in the stories and it's hard for me to completely understand the humanity in those lessons. I don't feel a connection with God and his word when I read the bible. Although the overall lessons are wonderful, I still have a hard time understanding God and Mans connection through the suffering of the lessons. My connection with God, or the source is through much like what Ewa said, looking inside for the voice of our creator. Or seeing it in someone else, recognizing it in nature. I see God as a static part of everything. Not good, not bad, he just is. The Masters and Angels are being channeled to aid us in bridging the "God-mind" with the "Man-mind" so we can ascend to a higher way of be-ing. I think this is why you're seeing so much writing on these beings and not much on God. I've actually had to stop and remind myself when I was praying that I don't need to always ask for healing through my guides, I can ask God himself if my heart and mind are open. I try not to read too many channeled messages because I don't want to become reliant on that. I read some of them, and they have been very helpful, but I try not to become overly concerned with them. The Angels and Masters understand that the info they put out there will be read by the right people at the right time. It's healthy to have judgment in what you're reading and studying. If it doesn't resonate with you, then take what you can from it and continue your studies where you feel most comfortable. We're all on separate journeys that run into one, so when you find your truth it's another unique thread tied in with everyone else! We build for God through experience. My love to you Dove, you are very special. A truth seeker indeed! Light and blessings,Stef> >> > I am studying and learning to move outside my christian box. I am > > deeply perplexed as to why no matter where I read, talk or learn > about > > past lives, reincarnation, dimensions, guides, angels ect no one > > mentions God's written words. > > It's as if the bible is not important nor has any significance at > all. > > I am aware that many parts of the bible are incorrect but throwing > out > > the entire bible is like throwing out the baby with the bath water. > > New age spiritualism (seems) to rely heavily on what ascended > masters > > or angels or guides have taught and said. Is the bible something > that > > is obsolete in speaking of source or God? It often appears that > more > > attention is given to the creation instead of the creator and I do > not > > understand this, at least this is what I am seeing.> > Could someone offer me advice in this difference I am noticing so > my > > searching will be less confusing for me. I want to make a sound > choice > > in whether to continue studying these new things without judgement > or > > at best incorporate both.> > > > Blessings, Dove> >>

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Dearest Dove, Please read this as the personal truth, for me, that it is, and not a part of any "ism". The Bible has been read, interpreted, discussed, studied for thousands of years, and we are still in the world we live in, with all the actions that the old ones cautioned against. Question, did God stop giving direction, after the Bible was written? Now the chroniclers who were sited, could they well have been channels? Because what are the Angels, Ascended Masters and others of the Light, other than messengers from God Source? If you listen and read the message today, it is nothing more or less than the message written down, way back when. The only exception, is Personal Responsibility and Empowerment. The God Source is available to everyone, no middleman needed, if we live "The Way" of God. If we don't live "The Way", no middleman on Earth can assume our

responsibility for what we do, or don't do. Jesus, according to the Bible, said "I am the way." Walk the path, be the path You KNOW the Way. And at least for me, no book of instructions can override that which is inborn. Do unto others, forgive that which is unintended, deal with that which is intended with discernment and compassion and forgive this also, live to Conscience and Truth always. Like I stated, just my perceptions, but they seem to bear up through experience. Also, to your question concerning the apparent paradox between the focus of Creation vs Creator, the largest portion of the box you mentioned encompassing Christianity is the concept of Separation from Source, and the NEED of a conduit to God. THERE IS NO SEPARATION. There never was, and quite frankly, can never be. Everything you perceive, both inner and outer, is God. The ONLY thing that separates you from

God, is, well, you. Many Blessings and Much Love, Mark dovetouched <hisalone@...> wrote: I am studying and learning to move outside my christian box. I am deeply perplexed as to why no matter where I read, talk or learn about past lives, reincarnation, dimensions, guides, angels ect no one mentions God's written words. It's as if the bible is not important nor has any significance at all. I am aware that many parts of the bible are incorrect but throwing out the entire bible is

like throwing out the baby with the bath water. New age spiritualism (seems) to rely heavily on what ascended masters or angels or guides have taught and said. Is the bible something that is obsolete in speaking of source or God? It often appears that more attention is given to the creation instead of the creator and I do not understand this, at least this is what I am seeing.Could someone offer me advice in this difference I am noticing so my searching will be less confusing for me. I want to make a sound choice in whether to continue studying these new things without judgement or at best incorporate both.Blessings, Dove

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> > >

> > > I am studying and learning to move outside my christian box. I


> > > deeply perplexed as to why no matter where I read, talk or learn

> > about

> > > past lives, reincarnation, dimensions, guides, angels ect no one

> > > mentions God's written words.

> > > It's as if the bible is not important nor has any significance


> > all.

> > > I am aware that many parts of the bible are incorrect but


> > out

> > > the entire bible is like throwing out the baby with the bath


> > > New age spiritualism (seems) to rely heavily on what ascended

> > masters

> > > or angels or guides have taught and said. Is the bible something

> > that

> > > is obsolete in speaking of source or God? It often appears that

> > more

> > > attention is given to the creation instead of the creator and I


> > not

> > > understand this, at least this is what I am seeing.

> > > Could someone offer me advice in this difference I am noticing


> > my

> > > searching will be less confusing for me. I want to make a sound

> > choice

> > > in whether to continue studying these new things without


> > or

> > > at best incorporate both.

> > >

> > > Blessings, Dove

> > >

> >


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Hi Everyone,

I'm so thankful to Dove for starting this thread. So very

interesting and Dove has voiced so very precisely what I've failed to

be able to put into words.

There are so many new ones in the group since I've been silent. I've

been reading posts here and there when I saw one of interest, and I

can't really tell you exactly where my head has been! I've missed

the angels on this group though.

Ewa, your response to Dove was like reading poetry. It was very

lovely and really touched my heart. I've read it several times so

the beauty could sink in.

Stefanie, your post filled my eyes with tears BECAUSE...well it was

that one line about you not enjoying the Bible. OMG! As a much

younger person and in another life when I was once married to a

minister - I was so uncomfortable with so much of my " religious "

life. I was raised in a very strict Pentecostal home. I was taught

to NEVER question ministers (after all, they were Men of God!) I've

read the Bible cover to cover. Through the years I have memorized a

lot of it. Was taught that the Holy Bible was the ONLY word of God.

I don't even know exactly how to express what I have felt all my

life - I just knew there was a LOT more and though my parents and

those around me had good intentions, what I was taught was not

something I was comfortable living. And so I struggled. Especially

after marrying a minister. When I read your statement " To be

completely honest, I don't enjoy the Bible " my first reaction

was " OMG can she say that??? " . Because even though I've had a very

easy time wrapping my heart around so many of the teachings I have

been exposed to in the past few years, I still have my head wrapped

around the God of my childhood, who would strike me dead for thinking

such a thing! It was freeing to read your letter. Those of you that

know know how " lovingly insane " he is! If there are two people

who are exact opposites it would be and my minister ex-

husband. But I tell you, this insane has taught me more truths

than I think I had been taught my whole life up to the time I met him

a little over 10 years ago. And it was all because he taught me it

was okay to question anyone and anything. And it was okay to think

for myself. How freeing that has been! And reading your post today

Stefanie, took another big ugly chunk out of me and I felt healed in

a way. Truth is, I don't read my Bible anymore. For the past 10

years I've read everything BUT that. Like you, I don't enjoy it! It

has always been a book of fear to me. I do love learning about Jesus

though. I had never heard of the Essenes and quickly did an internet

search and oh my goodness started printing stuff out so I could study

it later.

I am rambling...

But I just wanted to tell this.

And I love you all!

> > >

> > > I am studying and learning to move outside my christian box. I


> > > deeply perplexed as to why no matter where I read, talk or learn

> > about

> > > past lives, reincarnation, dimensions, guides, angels ect no one

> > > mentions God's written words.

> > > It's as if the bible is not important nor has any significance


> > all.

> > > I am aware that many parts of the bible are incorrect but


> > out

> > > the entire bible is like throwing out the baby with the bath


> > > New age spiritualism (seems) to rely heavily on what ascended

> > masters

> > > or angels or guides have taught and said. Is the bible something

> > that

> > > is obsolete in speaking of source or God? It often appears that

> > more

> > > attention is given to the creation instead of the creator and I


> > not

> > > understand this, at least this is what I am seeing.

> > > Could someone offer me advice in this difference I am noticing


> > my

> > > searching will be less confusing for me. I want to make a sound

> > choice

> > > in whether to continue studying these new things without


> > or

> > > at best incorporate both.

> > >

> > > Blessings, Dove

> > >

> >


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Oh gorgeous, beautiful . I love your heart! You're so honest and open about how you feel, and about your past. I'll always have deep respect for you.I do think Dove has a gift for putting into words the important questions we would all like to ask, and didn't even know we wanted to ask it! hehehe It's a great chance for deeper reflection. Deep respect to you as well Dove. My heart goes out to you about your past suppression with your ex-husband. I've met a few people who have had similar experiences with their religious husbands and families and have decided to leave the religious life for the spiritual life. Seeking a specific kind of freedom that's always been there waiting. I've always been very lucky to never have been spiritually suppressed. I've lived with many different families growing up and have been exposed to different ways of belief. The fanatical down to the belief in nothing at all. So sometimes when I say things like "not enjoying the bible" I don't realize that to some that's like opening up a portal into an unknown world! LOL! I'm still very young and have pretty much raised myself by observing others accomplishments and mistakes. Religion is one area I've always had a deep empathy for those who are fearful to step out of their box and ask those questions. To take up the power of questioning that God gave to us in the first place. I've always seen God as wanting us to develop an independent character of spiritual strength and experience so we are worthy to sit at his side, and not be his fearful servants kissing his feet on the floor. That's the human twist that Man has given the name of God. Fear and control, and that we find God outside of ourselves. When the truth is God is in everything, and we ARE God! When we fear to question God, we fear to be independent and that ultimately cuts us away from the true divinity we are. The source, or the God residing in ourselves. This is how I see it. Others may view it differently. I'm so happy that you've released some old ugliness you've carried around for so long . And you couldn't have a better teacher in chaotic love and understanding than ! LOL!!! And he couldn't have a stronger woman by his side. Love to you,Stef> > > >> > > > I am studying and learning to move outside my christian box. I > am> > > > deeply perplexed as to why no matter where I read, talk or learn> > > about> > > > past lives, reincarnation, dimensions, guides, angels ect no one> > > > mentions God's written words.> > > > It's as if the bible is not important nor has any significance > at> > > all.> > > > I am aware that many parts of the bible are incorrect but > throwing> > > out> > > > the entire bible is like throwing out the baby with the bath > water.> > > > New age spiritualism (seems) to rely heavily on what ascended> > > masters> > > > or angels or guides have taught and said. Is the bible something> > > that> > > > is obsolete in speaking of source or God? It often appears that> > > more> > > > attention is given to the creation instead of the creator and I > do> > > not> > > > understand this, at least this is what I am seeing.> > > > Could someone offer me advice in this difference I am noticing > so> > > my> > > > searching will be less confusing for me. I want to make a sound> > > choice> > > > in whether to continue studying these new things without > judgement> > > or> > > > at best incorporate both.> > > >> > > > Blessings, Dove> > > >> > >> >>

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Good Morning Friends,

I'm reading " Jung and the Lost Gospels " which is about the texts of

the Essenes and the Gnostics. The contrast between reliousity and

spirituality is directly addressed. Rigid, rule bound religiosity is

described as an extremely negative influence that we must rise above

to fulfill our true spiritual potential. Ditto over-intellectuality

and the arrogance of the mental mind, which is ego-based and seeks


As I arose this morning it I thought, " Yes! This is what a hypnosis

induction does. It ferries the client from judgement and

constriction to the gentler shores of love and creativity. "

And, I felt renewed and invigorated to be doing what I do.


Kanta Bosniak

, " Stefanie " <diddiejar@...> wrote:


> Oh gorgeous, beautiful . I love your heart! You're so honest


> open about how you feel, and about your past. I'll always have deep

> respect for you.


> I do think Dove has a gift for putting into words the important

> questions we would all like to ask, and didn't even know we wanted


> ask it! hehehe It's a great chance for deeper reflection. Deep


> to you as well Dove.


> My heart goes out to you about your past suppression with


> ex-husband. I've met a few people who have had similar experiences


> their religious husbands and families and have decided to leave the

> religious life for the spiritual life. Seeking a specific kind of

> freedom that's always been there waiting. I've always been very

lucky to

> never have been spiritually suppressed. I've lived with many


> families growing up and have been exposed to different ways of


> The fanatical down to the belief in nothing at all. So sometimes

when I

> say things like " not enjoying the bible " I don't realize that to


> that's like opening up a portal into an unknown world! LOL! I'm


> very young and have pretty much raised myself by observing others

> accomplishments and mistakes. Religion is one area I've always had


> deep empathy for those who are fearful to step out of their box

and ask

> those questions. To take up the power of questioning that God gave

to us

> in the first place. I've always seen God as wanting us to develop


> independent character of spiritual strength and experience so we


> worthy to sit at his side, and not be his fearful servants kissing


> feet on the floor. That's the human twist that Man has given the

name of

> God. Fear and control, and that we find God outside of ourselves.


> the truth is God is in everything, and we ARE God! When we fear to

> question God, we fear to be independent and that ultimately cuts

us away

> from the true divinity we are. The source, or the God residing in

> ourselves.

> This is how I see it. Others may view it differently.

> I'm so happy that you've released some old ugliness you've carried

> around for so long . [:*]

> And you couldn't have a better teacher in chaotic love and


> than ! LOL!!! And he couldn't have a stronger woman by his



> Love to you,

> Stef







> > > > >

> > > > > I am studying and learning to move outside my christian

box. I

> > am

> > > > > deeply perplexed as to why no matter where I read, talk or


> > > > about

> > > > > past lives, reincarnation, dimensions, guides, angels ect

no one

> > > > > mentions God's written words.

> > > > > It's as if the bible is not important nor has any


> > at

> > > > all.

> > > > > I am aware that many parts of the bible are incorrect but

> > throwing

> > > > out

> > > > > the entire bible is like throwing out the baby with the


> > water.

> > > > > New age spiritualism (seems) to rely heavily on what


> > > > masters

> > > > > or angels or guides have taught and said. Is the bible


> > > > that

> > > > > is obsolete in speaking of source or God? It often appears


> > > > more

> > > > > attention is given to the creation instead of the creator

and I

> > do

> > > > not

> > > > > understand this, at least this is what I am seeing.

> > > > > Could someone offer me advice in this difference I am


> > so

> > > > my

> > > > > searching will be less confusing for me. I want to make a


> > > > choice

> > > > > in whether to continue studying these new things without

> > judgement

> > > > or

> > > > > at best incorporate both.

> > > > >

> > > > > Blessings, Dove

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Beautiful Ladies,

Thank you for your kind words and I also want to thank Dove for the

question :-)

Dove your question got me thinking the whole day about God hehehe and

I found it true that now days there is not that many scriptures and

maybe I did not come across which claim that they were written

directly from God and about God hmmm

maybe because

those who tell they do not know

those who know do not tell


That mystery can only be touched and tested


in the timeless now


non existence

becoming One with the One

to be of Love and Truth and Beauty

waves of Love creating

and Silent void resting

Pure Consciousness

where non exists and everything


ever expanding and changing

ecstasy and bliss

of pure being

and the act of creating

illusions ...

heheh anyway I thing God has a good life compassionately and

blissfully loving all of the creation


Dove are you a teacher?



> > > > > >

> > > > > > I am studying and learning to move outside my christian

> box. I

> > > am

> > > > > > deeply perplexed as to why no matter where I read, talk


> learn

> > > > > about

> > > > > > past lives, reincarnation, dimensions, guides, angels ect

> no one

> > > > > > mentions God's written words.

> > > > > > It's as if the bible is not important nor has any

> significance

> > > at

> > > > > all.

> > > > > > I am aware that many parts of the bible are incorrect but

> > > throwing

> > > > > out

> > > > > > the entire bible is like throwing out the baby with the

> bath

> > > water.

> > > > > > New age spiritualism (seems) to rely heavily on what

> ascended

> > > > > masters

> > > > > > or angels or guides have taught and said. Is the bible

> something

> > > > > that

> > > > > > is obsolete in speaking of source or God? It often


> that

> > > > > more

> > > > > > attention is given to the creation instead of the creator

> and I

> > > do

> > > > > not

> > > > > > understand this, at least this is what I am seeing.

> > > > > > Could someone offer me advice in this difference I am

> noticing

> > > so

> > > > > my

> > > > > > searching will be less confusing for me. I want to make a

> sound

> > > > > choice

> > > > > > in whether to continue studying these new things without

> > > judgement

> > > > > or

> > > > > > at best incorporate both.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Blessings, Dove

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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These are just thoughts for every one and not particularly directed

toward you but because you have brought up an excellent topic that I

enjoy discussing and I think it is brilliant and worth much effort to

examine and make discoveries.

My experiences and hours of Theta level channeling has revealed many

things to me. I have personaly experienced many horrible things on

this earth in the early years of my life. My life is much different

now. No Fear!

I think in general everyone is in searce of the truth.

If one had been born in East India it is most likely their believe

system would be Hindu. Depending on what part of the World a person

is born has a lot to do with what the culture teaches children to

believe and as they move through adolescence. They may question and

if not they follow on through their entire lifes without ever

questioning. However; certain Religions question others beliefs and

impose their beliefs on others and try to control others behaviors on

their religious days because they feel it is their duty to do so.

My point here is that if you were born in an area with few people in

a desolation and no one had a religion and there was not a god or

deity that people worshipped--think for a moment about that how oneu

might think or perceive their existence and others. Now just take all

that out of your mind now; what would your personality be like? Try

it some time you will be enlightend! Because then you will not be

biased or prejudiced to a preconditioned thinking response that is

causing so much dissonance in you thought processes. I have seen

people so preconditioned from childhood they felt they were unworthy

and full of sin at birth. They were full of fear and scared of God.

When I look at the beautiful smiles and happiness and innocence in my

grandsons. It is myself that I find ugliness not them. The society is

the (sin)a word I find abiguous (social corruptive mechanism) that

corrupts the children. If we all remained like children that

playfully went though the day helping one another so if one fell down

on the play ground and hugged one crying because they had a boo boo

or a scratched elbow genuinely showing true caring for each other and

not being selfish it there would be a day Duality would not exist. We

create duality by our choosing. Man is his own duality GOOD/EVIL all

in one Body/Mind created over time and not at birth.

To worry over the small trivial concepts of errors in a religious

book or which version or interpretation of a particular word in a

book is a waste of time. Time well spent is working to clear ones

mind, through meditation to reveal our inner mind power and inward

knowledge and connections to our soul and higher self to gain energy

and connecting with all the Energies of the Universe, Angels,

Ascended masters, God, Goddesses, and other Higher Enties in the

other Universes and dimensions that can help fix our situation that

has been contaminated down to the DNA level by other forces. Worry

only creates more worry and it is futuristic thinking that robs you

of the NOW which is all one gets.


Silver Shaman


--- In , " dovetouched " <hisalone@...>



> I am studying and learning to move outside my christian box. I am

> deeply perplexed as to why no matter where I read, talk or learn


> past lives, reincarnation, dimensions, guides, angels ect no one

> mentions God's written words.

> It's as if the bible is not important nor has any significance at


> I am aware that many parts of the bible are incorrect but throwing


> the entire bible is like throwing out the baby with the bath water.

> New age spiritualism (seems) to rely heavily on what ascended


> or angels or guides have taught and said. Is the bible something


> is obsolete in speaking of source or God? It often appears that


> attention is given to the creation instead of the creator and I do


> understand this, at least this is what I am seeing.

> Could someone offer me advice in this difference I am noticing so


> searching will be less confusing for me. I want to make a sound


> in whether to continue studying these new things without judgement


> at best incorporate both.


> Blessings, Dove


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