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Re: Pythagorean System~Secret Codes Of The Universe

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Fascinating, !

Another book I like- an oldie but goodie is Dan Millman's " the Life

You Were Born to Live, " which also works with numerology.

Love & Thanks,



> ..Pythagorean System..






> [star signs - Goodman]







> Hb29kbWFuLmpwZw==>





> This is about the " Pythagorean " system taught by that ancient Greek

> mathematician, Pythagoras.


> If you have read " Goodman's STAR SIGNS " (hmm...that title


> familiar), you may have noticed her chapter on the " Qabala " system,

> which assigns different letters to the numbers than the " Greek "


> does, because it is based on the 22-letter Hebrew alphabet.


> This may be confusing at first, so just realize there ARE two


> In this article, we are only using your BIRTH DATE, not the

letters in

> your names, so the results should be the same in either system.


> What may further confuse you in your reading, is that different


> assign different names to the same things.


> You'll just have to make notes and choose for yourself which names


> use. What I call the " Birthdate Number " or " Destiny Number " in this

> article may be called the " Life Path Number " or something else by

> another author.


> I hope you find this article easy to understand and practical.



> How to " Reduce " Numbers

> In Pythagorean numerology we use only the single digit numbers 1


> 9, plus the double numbers 11, 22, and sometimes 33, 44, etc.,

which are

> called " Master Numbers " . Any other numbers are " reduced " to one of


> by first adding up the individual digits.


> For example: 1996=1+9+9+6=25.


> If the sum is still not one of these numbers, then add the


> digits again until you reduce it to a single digit number 1 to 9,

or a

> master number 11, 22, etc. In our example 1996, we again reduce


> to get the final " reduced " number.


> With 1993 =1+9+9+3=22 we do NOT reduce the 22 because it is a


> Number. But we can write 22/4 to ALSO refer to its ROOT number


> The " Year Number " and " Birth Year Number "

> We reduced the date for the present year 1996 to a single digit


> 7.


> This is how we determine the " year number " for any calendar year,

> including your own year of birth.


> Here are more examples:

> 1995=1+9+9+5=24=2+4= " a 6 year " . If born in 1948=1+9+4+8=22/4 then


> was " a 22/4 birth year " .

> The " Birth Date Number " or " Destiny Number "

> (also called the " Life Path Number " )



> Calculate SEPARATELY the " birth year number " and write it down,


> any master numbers.


> Then write down the number of your birth month from 1 to 12 as



> January=1,

> February=2, etc.


> For double-digit months, reduce them to single digits:


> October=10=1+0=1,


> November=11=1+1=2,


> December=12=1+2=3.


> Then write down the number of your birth date from 1 to 31, and


> any double digits except 11 and 22.


> For example: the 21st of the month = 21=2+1=3 or the 12th =



> Now add the three reduced numbers for year, month and day, then


> that sum to a single digit number, unless it's a Master Number 11,


> etc.


> This is your " Destiny Number " or " Life Path Number " .


> Now do your own:


> YOUR Birthdate........Birth Year.......Month..........Day in



> .....................1 + 9 + [...] + [...] ..... [...] + [...] ....

> [...] + [...]


> Sum of digits.......... =[....] ........... =[....] ........... =



> Which reduces to.... =[....] ........... =[....] .......... =[....]

> (don't reduce 11 or 22)


> Sum of all three is...... [....] .......... +[....] ............

> +[....]=[....]=[...+...] (don't reduce 11 or 22)


> Reduces to the " Destiny Number " ...................... =[....]

> The " Destiny Direction Number "

> Here is where Numerology combines with Astrology.


> To your " Destiny Number " ; add your " Sun Sign number " according to


> following table (your answer to " What's your sign? " eg. Aries,


> etc.):

> ARI=1 or TAU=2 or GEM=3 or CAN=4 or LEO=5 or VIR=6 or LIB=7 or

SCO=8 or

> SAG=9 or CAP=10 or AQU=11 or PIS=12


> " Destiny Number " + " Sun Sign Number " = " Destiny Direction Number "


> .................... [....] + [....] ................... = [....] =

> [....+....] = [....] (don't reduce 11 or 22)

> INTERPRETATIONS of the " Destiny Numbers " :

> FIND your " Destiny Number " below and read its interpretation

as " Your

> Destiny IS... "


> Then find your " Destiny DIRECTION Number " and read its


> as:


> " You'll FULFILL your Destiny THROUGH learning and applying... "



> 1 = SELF-DEVELOPMENT: Individuality, independence, initiative,

> inventiveness, self-reliance, self-sufficiency and, above all,

> leadership.


> 2 SELF-SURRENDER: Humility, submitting oneself to serve others,

> community work, kindness, co-operation, diplomacy, peace-making,

> patience, listening, sensitivity to others.


> 3 = SELF-EXPRESSION: Expressing in outer form the inner you,


> thoughts/feelings/beliefs, creativity, artistry, beauty, using


> to benefit all, humour, friendship.


> 4 = SELF-DISCIPLINE: Doing what needs to be done, duty, work and

> service, self-control, efficiency, organization, building, laying


> foundations, attention to detail, accuracy.


> 5 = SELF-EMANCIPATION: Being free and learning what that means,


> to change, unexpected situations, new ideas, exploration,


> travel, observing, learning to let others have their freedom.


> 6 = SELF-HARMONY: Bringing harmony to others and to the situations


> find yourself in, learning you are only in harmony when you meet


> responsibilities to others willingly, learning the value of home


> family and helping others, learning when to help and when to let


> help themselves.


> 7 = INNER SELF: Finding wisdom within yourself, discovering the


> inside, learning to think, analysis, study, reading, meditation,

> introspection, perspective, searching for Truth, spending time

alone and

> learning not to fear being alone.


> 8 = SELF-POWER: Finding the power you possess and putting it to

use in

> the material world, learning how spiritual laws lead to material

> success, learning to manage and achieve and accomplish material


> without greed or selfishness or ruthlessness, being in business,

> learning to give so you can be open to receive.


> 9 = SELFLESSNESS: Sacrificing self-interest to serve others,


> service, learning to be loving, caring, giving and generous, being

> understanding, sympathetic and sensitive, learning to put aside

> prejudices, being what you would like others to be, being of help,

> making the world a bit better.


> 11 = SELF-ILLUMINATION: Seeking Truth wherever it may be found (in


> or in confusion or in solitude or in crowds; even amidst hype,

> half-truths or lies), learning to use your intuition and trust it,

> having faith, seeing the best in others, living your truth,

sharing your

> revelations, learning proper use of psychic powers, heeding inner

> guidance, being compassionate, being bold but humble.


> 22 = SELF-MASTERY: Finding the great power within you and using it

to do

> great things to benefit many others, learning not to limit

yourself yet

> not glorify yourself (being guided only by the needs of humanity

and how

> your abilities can be put to use in a big way), being a visionary


> being a builder.




> [Photobucket]







> =>

> Love~All~Ways

> ♥~Karma♥









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Yes!! This is one of my favorite books by Goodman.. I have read

her books since I was 12 years old.. OOOOOOOOOOOH that was a long time

ago.. I am 51 now.. EEEEEEEEEK!!

But I encourage everyone to read either Sun Signs.. or Star Signs..

And LoveSigns..By Goodman.. She is my teacher and mentor..

Love to you Kanta


> >

> > ..Pythagorean System..

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > [star signs - Goodman]

> >

> <http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vczE0Ni5waG90b2J1Y2tldC5jb20vYWxi

> dW1\

> >

> zL3IyNDUvZnJvemVuaGVyby8/YWN0aW9uPXZpZXcmY3VycmVudD1TdGFyc2lnbnMtTGlu

> ZGF\

> > Hb29kbWFuLmpwZw==>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > This is about the " Pythagorean " system taught by that ancient Greek

> > mathematician, Pythagoras.

> >

> > If you have read " Goodman's STAR SIGNS " (hmm...that title

> sounds

> > familiar), you may have noticed her chapter on the " Qabala " system,

> > which assigns different letters to the numbers than the " Greek "

> system

> > does, because it is based on the 22-letter Hebrew alphabet.

> >

> > This may be confusing at first, so just realize there ARE two

> systems.

> > In this article, we are only using your BIRTH DATE, not the

> letters in

> > your names, so the results should be the same in either system.

> >

> > What may further confuse you in your reading, is that different

> authors

> > assign different names to the same things.

> >

> > You'll just have to make notes and choose for yourself which names

> to

> > use. What I call the " Birthdate Number " or " Destiny Number " in this

> > article may be called the " Life Path Number " or something else by

> > another author.

> >

> > I hope you find this article easy to understand and practical.

> >

> >

> > How to " Reduce " Numbers

> > In Pythagorean numerology we use only the single digit numbers 1

> through

> > 9, plus the double numbers 11, 22, and sometimes 33, 44, etc.,

> which are

> > called " Master Numbers " . Any other numbers are " reduced " to one of

> these

> > by first adding up the individual digits.

> >

> > For example: 1996=1+9+9+6=25.

> >

> > If the sum is still not one of these numbers, then add the

> individual

> > digits again until you reduce it to a single digit number 1 to 9,

> or a

> > master number 11, 22, etc. In our example 1996, we again reduce

> 25=2+5=7

> > to get the final " reduced " number.

> >

> > With 1993 =1+9+9+3=22 we do NOT reduce the 22 because it is a

> Master

> > Number. But we can write 22/4 to ALSO refer to its ROOT number

> 2+2=4.

> > The " Year Number " and " Birth Year Number "

> > We reduced the date for the present year 1996 to a single digit

> number

> > 7.

> >

> > This is how we determine the " year number " for any calendar year,

> > including your own year of birth.

> >

> > Here are more examples:

> > 1995=1+9+9+5=24=2+4= " a 6 year " . If born in 1948=1+9+4+8=22/4 then

> 1948

> > was " a 22/4 birth year " .

> > The " Birth Date Number " or " Destiny Number "

> > (also called the " Life Path Number " )

> >

> >

> > Calculate SEPARATELY the " birth year number " and write it down,

> keeping

> > any master numbers.

> >

> > Then write down the number of your birth month from 1 to 12 as

> follows:

> >

> > January=1,

> > February=2, etc.

> >

> > For double-digit months, reduce them to single digits:

> >

> > October=10=1+0=1,

> >

> > November=11=1+1=2,

> >

> > December=12=1+2=3.

> >

> > Then write down the number of your birth date from 1 to 31, and

> reduce

> > any double digits except 11 and 22.

> >

> > For example: the 21st of the month = 21=2+1=3 or the 12th =

> 12=1+2=3.

> >

> > Now add the three reduced numbers for year, month and day, then

> reduce

> > that sum to a single digit number, unless it's a Master Number 11,

> 22,

> > etc.

> >

> > This is your " Destiny Number " or " Life Path Number " .

> >

> > Now do your own:

> >

> > YOUR Birthdate........Birth Year.......Month..........Day in

> digits:

> >

> > .....................1 + 9 + [...] + [...] ..... [...] + [...] ....

> > [...] + [...]

> >

> > Sum of digits.......... =[....] ........... =[....] ........... =

> [....]

> >

> > Which reduces to.... =[....] ........... =[....] .......... =[....]

> > (don't reduce 11 or 22)

> >

> > Sum of all three is...... [....] .......... +[....] ............

> > +[....]=[....]=[...+...] (don't reduce 11 or 22)

> >

> > Reduces to the " Destiny Number " ...................... =[....]

> > The " Destiny Direction Number "

> > Here is where Numerology combines with Astrology.

> >

> > To your " Destiny Number " ; add your " Sun Sign number " according to

> the

> > following table (your answer to " What's your sign? " eg. Aries,

> Taurus,

> > etc.):

> > ARI=1 or TAU=2 or GEM=3 or CAN=4 or LEO=5 or VIR=6 or LIB=7 or

> SCO=8 or

> > SAG=9 or CAP=10 or AQU=11 or PIS=12

> >

> > " Destiny Number " + " Sun Sign Number " = " Destiny Direction Number "

> >

> > .................... [....] + [....] ................... = [....] =

> > [....+....] = [....] (don't reduce 11 or 22)

> > INTERPRETATIONS of the " Destiny Numbers " :

> > FIND your " Destiny Number " below and read its interpretation

> as " Your

> > Destiny IS... "

> >

> > Then find your " Destiny DIRECTION Number " and read its

> interpretation

> > as:

> >

> > " You'll FULFILL your Destiny THROUGH learning and applying... "

> >

> >

> > 1 = SELF-DEVELOPMENT: Individuality, independence, initiative,

> > inventiveness, self-reliance, self-sufficiency and, above all,

> > leadership.

> >

> > 2 SELF-SURRENDER: Humility, submitting oneself to serve others,

> > community work, kindness, co-operation, diplomacy, peace-making,

> > patience, listening, sensitivity to others.

> >

> > 3 = SELF-EXPRESSION: Expressing in outer form the inner you,

> sharing

> > thoughts/feelings/beliefs, creativity, artistry, beauty, using

> talents

> > to benefit all, humour, friendship.

> >

> > 4 = SELF-DISCIPLINE: Doing what needs to be done, duty, work and

> > service, self-control, efficiency, organization, building, laying

> firm

> > foundations, attention to detail, accuracy.

> >

> > 5 = SELF-EMANCIPATION: Being free and learning what that means,

> adapting

> > to change, unexpected situations, new ideas, exploration,

> adventure,

> > travel, observing, learning to let others have their freedom.

> >

> > 6 = SELF-HARMONY: Bringing harmony to others and to the situations

> you

> > find yourself in, learning you are only in harmony when you meet

> your

> > responsibilities to others willingly, learning the value of home

> and

> > family and helping others, learning when to help and when to let

> others

> > help themselves.

> >

> > 7 = INNER SELF: Finding wisdom within yourself, discovering the

> Self

> > inside, learning to think, analysis, study, reading, meditation,

> > introspection, perspective, searching for Truth, spending time

> alone and

> > learning not to fear being alone.

> >

> > 8 = SELF-POWER: Finding the power you possess and putting it to

> use in

> > the material world, learning how spiritual laws lead to material

> > success, learning to manage and achieve and accomplish material

> success

> > without greed or selfishness or ruthlessness, being in business,

> > learning to give so you can be open to receive.

> >

> > 9 = SELFLESSNESS: Sacrificing self-interest to serve others,

> selfless

> > service, learning to be loving, caring, giving and generous, being

> > understanding, sympathetic and sensitive, learning to put aside

> > prejudices, being what you would like others to be, being of help,

> > making the world a bit better.

> >

> > 11 = SELF-ILLUMINATION: Seeking Truth wherever it may be found (in

> quiet

> > or in confusion or in solitude or in crowds; even amidst hype,

> > half-truths or lies), learning to use your intuition and trust it,

> > having faith, seeing the best in others, living your truth,

> sharing your

> > revelations, learning proper use of psychic powers, heeding inner

> > guidance, being compassionate, being bold but humble.

> >

> > 22 = SELF-MASTERY: Finding the great power within you and using it

> to do

> > great things to benefit many others, learning not to limit

> yourself yet

> > not glorify yourself (being guided only by the needs of humanity

> and how

> > your abilities can be put to use in a big way), being a visionary

> and

> > being a builder.

> >

> >

> >

> > [Photobucket]

> >

> <http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vczIwMC5waG90b2J1Y2tldC5jb20vYWxi

> dW1\

> >

> zL2FhMTkwL01zQW5hc3Rhc2lhLz9hY3Rpb249dmlldyZjdXJyZW50PTExMWJvd2lhMy5n

> aWY\

> > =>

> > Love~All~Ways

> > ♥~Karma♥

> >

> <http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcHJvZmlsZS5teXNwYWNlLmNvbS9pbmRl

> eC5\

> >

> jZm0/ZnVzZWFjdGlvbj11c2VyLnZpZXdwcm9maWxlJmZyaWVuZGlkPTYxNTEzNTQ3Jk15

> VG9\


> >


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