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The Light Worker's Manifesto: a Primer for Coming Times, Part 6 By DL Zeta

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We have given you 12 points

of light for lightworkers, which you will find listed once again at the end of

this discussion. The fifth point of light we describe today calls for you to

examine your beliefs and consciously choose those that are aligned with your

spiritual purpose. The fifth point of light is trusting in your highest vision.

Trusting in Your Highest


There are many times in your

life when pictures come into your mind of steps you can take that would bring

you to a place of greater joy and fulfillment. When such visions appear,

your heart beats quicker. You experience a great desire to follow this vision.

You may follow this new

picture for a time, until you feel a tug as if you have come to the end of an

invisible leash. Beyond this point, you can move no further. The

leash that keeps you from following your highest vision is your perceived

limitations. In other words, your beliefs about what is possible for you

and what is not. Beliefs about your possibilities can cause you to doubt

your highest visions. Since you do not believe you can scale the heights

of these visions, you think they must be "wrong," "just

fantasies," or "pipe dreams."

In fact, the opposite is

true. Your highest visions are designed to lead you toward your deepest

desires. These are the desires of your soul that help you fulfill your

purpose for this lifetime.

In order to truly progress

past perceived limitations, you must address the beliefs that operate behind


Discovering Your Core Beliefs

To discover your core

beliefs, look at what is manifesting in your life. If you see similar

threads occurring in your career, your health, and your relationships, you can

begin to question what beliefs you hold that are creating these circumstances.

If, for example, you find

your self stuck year after year in a job you no longer enjoy, if you find you

remain in relationships that do not honor you, if you find your health

declining, if you have a way of neglecting your physical well-being, you likely

hold core beliefs that you do not deserve better - that you do not deserve to

have what you want or to move toward your highest vision. In short, you don't

believe you are worthy.

These types of beliefs are

usually created early in life when stressful or traumatic events occur and are

misinterpreted by your younger self that doesn't yet have the ability to

understand what is happening. It may be that adults in your life were

caught up in their own abstractions and unable to be present with your child

self. As a child, you may have interpreted this to mean you were not worthy of

your parents' attention. This is just one of many common scenarios that

can create the core belief, "I am not worthy." Another scenario

involves instances where a child suffers a traumatic accident or illness, then

begins to feel the accident/illness is a judgment against them, that God is

punishing them for being "bad." In cases of divorce, the child

may believe that they have somehow caused their parents to break apart.

Since they are the cause of so much suffering and upset, they develop a belief

that they are bad and therefore unworthy of love. We can tell you that your

world is filled with adult "children" struggling with core beliefs

that invalidate their basic worth. In order to end this struggle and move

toward one's highest vision, it is necessary to gain awareness of such core

beliefs and transform them.

Transforming Core Beliefs

Once you recognize a core

belief that is undermining your efforts to progress on your path, you can begin

to gain awareness around this belief. Ask your self what realities you would

choose for your future and what beliefs you would need to hold to align with

those realities. Open to receive visions of this future from your higher self.

Accept that these visions are real and true for you, even if you don't know

within the moment how they will become your reality. As you trust in the

visions you receive, the universe will bring you the information, guidance and

resources you need to bring them into your reality.

Once you have the vision for

your future, hold it side-by-side with the belief you wish to transform. If the

old belief is "I am not worthy," you might wish to replace it with a

new belief that goes something like this: "I am an infinite being worthy

of all the universe has to offer." As you begin to act, think and

feel from the perspective of this new belief, you will receive information and

guidance that will make this belief more and more real in your physical world.

Inner Vision vs. the

Material World

Your highest visions will

always come from within. You will never find them in the material world. What

you see around you are the creations of the past. Your spirit is always moving

toward new experiences and understandings. It never seeks stagnancy or remaining

trapped in the past. Sometimes it happens in your world that a person looks at

their surroundings -- basically, the creations of the past -- and adopts this

as a vision for their future. It is a misunderstanding to believe that what you

are experiencing now (creations of the past) are the blueprint for your future.

This misunderstanding is a

common one that occurs when a person mistakenly believes that what they see in

their surroundings is more real than their inner vision. This cuts a

person off from new and exciting possibilities. It effectively enslaves

them because they have only what they see in their physical world from which to

draw in creating their future realities.

Your highest vision comes

from your soul and your spiritual guidance. When you energize the

realities your spirit brings you, you create your future from within, rather

than the stagnant energy of what has been. By trusting in your highest

vision, you are always energizing what is new and fresh and aligned with your

spiritual purpose. This is in stark contrast to what happens when you

limit your self by looking to physical reality to see what is possible in your


A Note about Quantum Change

One reason many people

resist moving toward their highest vision is that on some level they know this

will bring about great change in their life.

When you change a core

belief of "I am not worthy" to "I am worthy," this has the

effect of changing many secondary beliefs, thoughts, emotions, attitudes and ultimately,

one's actions. In effect, this creates quantum change that results in an

overall identity change.

When you change your

identity, you change your vibration. This de-magnetizes many situations

and people in your life. You may not be drawn to the same places, people,

and circumstances you once were.

New people and circumstances

will turn up in your life based on your new vibration. Your life will

rearrange itself to reflect the changes that have taken place. This

prospect of quantum change may seem scary - like stepping off into the unknown

- but this is what you are here for -- to experiment and learn. The

greatest joy you can experience on Earth is the joy of taking the steps of

trusting in your self and your highest vision.

Next week we will discuss

the sixth point of light, practicing honesty, clear-seeing and discernment.

The Twelve Points of Light for Lightworkers

One) Practice Self-Responsibility in All Things

Two) Expand Your Beliefs to Take in More of Who You Are

Three) Transform the Energies you Encounter

Four) Practice Kindness and Compassion

Five) Trust in Your Highest Vision

Six) Practice Honesty, Clear Seeing & Discernment

Seven) Release Resistance and Come into a Place of Surrender

Eight) Allow Your Spiritual Purpose to Become Your Guiding Star

Nine) Set the Intention to Work from the Perspective of Your Higher Self

Ten) Honor and Work with Your Own Energy

Eleven) Learn to Travel in Consciousness

Twelve) Ask for and Open to Receive Spiritual Guidance

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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