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A Guide to Healing and Prayer

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Your Subconscious Mind, Healing

& Prayer

The main impediment in the way of

any prayer is too much intellect and too little devotion. If we do not pray at

all or pray without intensity and devotion, it is not what we consciously want

to happen in our life that does happen--it is what we believe to be true of

ourselves and others deep in our subconscious mind.

Our reality perfectly matches the

complex interior belief system that we are not even aware of most of the time.

If you want to know what exactly you have accumulated in your subconscious

mind, just look inside and around you and take an honest inventory of your life.

Are you happy, healthy, prosperous, optimistic? Through regular prayer and

meditation you can change any belief recorded in your subconscious mind, which

in turn will change the external condition.

Any belief recorded in our

subconscious mind that is less than the truth of our eternal oneness with the

presence of God appears as a darker pattern to the ever-present light of

Spirit. The Light can only reach us through our subconscious mind. The totality

of Divine Grace is always available to us, but it can only reach us if it finds

beliefs and qualities in our subconscious mind that are similar to its own

nature. Erroneous patterns overlap and sometimes make our mind almost

completely impenetrable to the Light. By a regular spiritual

effort--meditation, prayer, and remembrance of the Presence--we let more Light

in, which loosens and dislodges the hardened layers and eventually erases them.

Pay close attention to what you say,

especially if you are making an emotionally charged statement. Emotion is a

catalyst. Every time we make a forceful statement, a categorical pronouncement,

fused with a strong feeling, we are actually praying for that which we are

stating, and are thus creating our future experience. It is a sobering thought,

isn't it, and it is also a fact. Everyone can recall an instance or two of a

self-fulfilled prophesy.

Whatever we believe to be true deep

in our heart, we unknowingly pray for. We don't even have to verbalize it. Our

subconscious mind does the praying for us, in accordance with the guidelines we

ourselves put in there or unwittingly consented to during an unguarded moment.

Do we even know how many unguarded moments we are guilty of?

Your subconscious mind is always

listening and recording what you think, feel, and say. Be very careful when you

talk about health issues in general, your health in particular, and about other

people's health problems. Never make categorical statements like "so and

so has an incurable disease." Because if you do, not only are you not

helping that person, you can actually make the condition worse. It is a reverse

of a prayer for healing. And if you sincerely believe that there is a

possibility of an incurable disease for somebody else, you are playing with

fire--for what we believe to be true of others, we also believe to be true of

ourselves. Not in the conscious phase of our mind, but where it really

matters--in the subconscious mind. And that which we believe to be true of

ourselves must sooner or later manifest in our physical reality.

Do not acknowledge disease. Do not

say that so and so has leukemia. Instead, say that he or she has a temporary

condition referred to as "leukemia". Do not contribute to the

momentum that the condition already has. Do not give the condition a definite

and final name either, for if you do, you will be using the power of your

voice, thought and feeling to affirm the disease. Besides, the condition may

have been misdiagnosed, and you would be sending out a confusing message and


Always affirm the presence of God in

an area that is temporarily out of balance. With deep concentration and

devotion affirm that the healing has already taken place by the Grace of God.

"Thank you, Lord, for your healing presence".

Authors Details: Brother Aleksei Web Site

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