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FWD: Honoring Traditions through the Use of Energy Tools

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Honoring Traditions through the Use of Energy Tools

by Gail Lash and Pamela Black

"Earth traditions" can be seen in many forms. Honoring nature and spirit through ancient rituals, building waterways to irrigate agricultural fields, understanding the behavior of animals, rivers, tides, weather, atoms and energy, all can be categorized under the complex subject of Earth traditions. Energy tools embody the synergy between the earth traditions of modern science and of ancient practices. Learning to move energy on a biological and spiritual level is crucial in these modern times.

The Influence of a Changing Earth

If you take a moment to browse NASA's website, you find that we are experiencing the largest solar flare activity in observed history. In February 200,1 the Sun changed pole orientation - north pole became south pole. In the past several years, NASA reports an unprecedented number of X-Class (extreme) flares. Our latest technological devices have been woefully inadequate to measure these record bursts of energy being thrown through our solar system.

As the Sun is the center of the Earth's universe, and a source of primary energy for our planet, this added energetic "boost" has affected our Earth in such a way that we humans are feeling the effects quite dramatically.

Many people have felt a sense of speeding up, things moving faster, emotions arising more quickly. Old emotions - issues we'd thought long resolved - are flaring up. As a result of the many planetary changes we are seeing, we - humankind - no longer match the "heartbeat" of planet Earth. In our striving to keep pace with the Earth's shifting, to again match her rhythms, we are being called upon to release our densest vibratory energies.

We writhe as we recall incidents that spark old angers, fears, resentments, and issues unforgiven. Or worse, we have no conscious recollection of the past torment, so we only feel the residual emotion moving through us in our present time.

If we mistakenly view our emotional upheaval as being caused by or attached to present circumstances, we risk damaging current life situations and relationships. By allowing these old patterns to continue unchecked in our lives, we become "hijacked" by our emotional bodies. Logic is thrown aside; reason, compassion and forgiveness are no longer tools we can call upon to assist us in creating healthy outcomes.

Our Changing "Internal" Climate

A few decades ago, Belgian physicist Ilya Prigogine was awarded the Nobel Prize for his theory of "dissipative structures." In essence, Prigogine had observed that biological organisms evolve only when pressure is exerted upon them. In other words, friction is a necessary component in nature. Nothing grows without stress - no rock, no plant, no person, no family or group. Any organism that is protected from stress ceases to grow, and becomes stagnant. Whether a single cell or a complex human, whether biological, chemical, physical, psychological or social, every structure must undergo pressure to evolve.

Buckminster Fuller spoke often of integrity - the ability of an organism to hold its shape, even through times of stress, and to refine itself to its core components. The challenge for us humans is to face the stresses of our times, and to refine ourselves to our highest - or most core - concept of self. In the increasing stresses of our changing physical landscape, we are pushed not only as individuals but as a collective to reevaluate and strengthen our core beliefs. We see this reflected in our homes, our schools, our government, national policies, economic climate, world scenarios, and finally, in our own hearts.

Psychologically, we are faced with shifting ego structures and emotional demands. Spiritually, we are called by our inner hearts to trust, and to step forward in creating the society and planet we've yearned for in our quiet moments. Mentally, we are confused and uncertain as we seem ill equipped to carve out a new personal foundation, much less a new world order.

Fortunately, times of confusion are often harbingers of change - the darkest light before the dawn, if you will. Transitions are not times of certainty but times of niggling doubts, unsettled fears, small and large worries. But transition is nothing more than the time "between" one reality and another. And the key to mastering the transition gracefully is to understand - but not fight - its nature, and to use tools to shift the changing energies with as much tranquility as possible.

It's All Energy

Energy is the key component of life. As Einstein pointed out, "it's all energy." In simple terms, our physical environment is made of molecules, composed of atoms and as-yet-unnamed particles, which all vibrate at various rates. Physical matter in fact is not solid - it's particles in motion. As we learn to manipulate moving matter, we can change our environment. Thought is energy, and the energy of a commanded thought builds worlds. This concept is the connecting bridge between science and spiritual wisdom. This is the piece that allows us to understand that we in fact are Creator, "made in the image and likeness" of the original Creator. As someone once posed, "Science will prove God before religion does."

Tapping into Energy Tools

The earth is a spiritual entity, just as you and I are. Earth is energetic. In order to tap into its power, indigenous peoples performed ancient rituals that embodied principles of energy management and connection to the Creator.

Based on ancient techniques of the early Essenes that were later held sacred and handed down by Buddhist, Rosicrucian and Mayan traditions, practical and easy energy techniques can bring people into a deeper state of inner knowing, purpose, and joy.

This is not to say that there are no bumps along the road to inner peace! Moving energy, whether in the body or in the ocean, creates "waves" and these can be extremely powerful - both destructive and creative. When energy is harmonized, the song of life is in harmony. By using these ancient tools of energy management, we tap into these traditions and transfer them to modern life, bringing harmony to our busy and hectic urban lifestyles.

As we move through our individual lives, we are bombarded with the energy of everything and everyone around us. Some energies are helpful, while others create struggle or disruption in our lives. Unwanted energies can include other people's demands, commands, and desires of you, their beliefs and small (or large) manipulations, and their "programming" about how life is or should be. Everyone has a better idea how to run your life than you do, right?! Moreover, we are all walking around jumbled with the beliefs and ideas "given us" by parents, schools, peers, churches, government, advertising, the media. Of course, many of these ideas and beliefs were lovingly offered, but they may not be the thoughts or ideal patterns that serve us any longer. As previously noted, our Earth is changing, and many of our former traditions or beliefs may no longer work.

The primary tool for shifting any energy you wish to release is the grounding cord. By "connecting" - through your mental, intentional command - an energy cord from the base of your spine (first chakra) to the center of the planet - you send unwanted energies to be recycled.

Further tools in the energetic toolbox include tools to identify and maintain our energetic boundaries; protection tools (to prevent unwanted energies from entering your field); communication tools; relationship tools (to understand how our energy fields automatically and unconsciously connect with others); and tools to maintain a centered, neutral demeanor even in the midst of difficulties.

Simple, yet many people overlook the power of these tools. As in the grounding cord, connection to physical Earth is necessary for releasing unhealthy energetic patterns. The grounding wire in an electrical system seems simple and unimportant, but ask any electrician what risk is involved when your home is unprotected by grounding. The same applies to a computer without its surge protector.

These elementary, but powerful, tools assist us in understanding where we end and others begin. Only then can we begin to find our own answers. Only then can we truly hear and interpret wisely and sanely our own Higher Selves.

In ancient cultures, these energetic "wisdoms" were given deference and rolled into people's daily lives through practices such as talking circles, sweat lodges, smudging, and blessings. Even curses were founded in an understanding that the power of a passionate emotion - even anger or fear - can generate an energetic shift that can become reality.

The benefit of living in the modern millennium is that we have scientific understanding of these ancient wisdoms, which allows us to resurrect and recreate ancient rituals to bring about true change. In tandem with the changing Earth, humankind is on the edge of creation at its highest level, by bringing eternal truths and new understandings into daily practice.

Energy tools honor earth traditions. When we take the time to ground ourselves, key into the energies of the planet and align ourselves with the natural cycles of life, we pay homage to the greater spirit that connects us to both the earth and sky. Scientific knowledge of energy and spiritual practices using energy exist in harmony like musical notes in a chord.

Gail Lash, Ph.D., and Pamela Black co-teach energetic tools and life skills. Based in Atlanta, they are offering a November workshop in Durham. "When we teach, we help people harness the power of earth and self, and miracles occur." For info call 919-544-1476 or email bpamelamindspring.

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