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[FW] [ The Daily Motivator - Begin]

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Today is the day to begin. This new year is a blank canvas

Upon which you have the delightful opportunity to paint.

As you do, be authentic. Your greatest accomplishments are

The ones that contain the greatest quantity of you.

Be innovative and creative. The challenges you face will

Melt away when you apply fresh, original thinking to them.

Remember not to take yourself too seriously. You'll climb

Much higher when you're thoroughly enjoying the effort.

As you move forward, do so with genuine and persistent

Integrity. That way, the results you create will be results

That are actually worth attaining.

Today you stand at the beginning of a grand adventure, with

The very real and present opportunity to shape this year

Into the best one ever. Begin now, take the initiative, and

Never stop living life according to who you know you are.

Ralph Marston

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