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The topic of Energy and Healing

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The topic of Energy Healing

I will try to simplify my views on this as conscise as possible to

not be long-winded....

There are a lot of modalites these days using energy healing...Very

few of them seem to be legitimate, meaning some practictioners charge

SO much for training, it seems ridiculous to me. Me being a healer (a

God-given gift all of us have but may not know it), I see the

differences in modalities and have researched a lot on this topic in


These are my views/conclusions on the whole topic.

1) The only 'healer' in the whole process is the patient's mind. You

are simply an outside force where the percon being healed is ready

for healing and has a BELIEF that it will work. The healer does

nothing really, if you hand it over to God in the beginning, that's

about all you really do. It's up to the patients mind and God whether

the 'healing' actually works. If the healer is arrogant, they are not

using God, but themselves to be built up, like they have special

powers and arrogance is not a product of God.

2) The whole theory of Energy by nature is never destroyed but simply

changes form. By it's changeable qualities in and of itself it is NOT

God. God is changless, timeless, and formless, and cannot be

measured. So " ENERGY " healing is usually temporary and is based on

the level of visualization from the practicioner using quantam

physics to transfer that energy from the practicioner to

the 'patient' using mind stuff. Mind stuff is also NOT GOD. That's

why most of the healings do not work. These practicioners are not

going deep enough into their own bodies to the very center of

themselves which is not seperate from God to really do any lasting


3) Sometimes it does work on the level of love because the patient

may have never experienced the kind of peace that comes from some

kinds of healing. The mystical, meditative experience may free some

blocks and cause the person to relax enough and go inside themselves

for this first time in their lives and may relieve some symptoms,

like stress. It's usually the experience they may remember but don't

realize this really came from them and not an outside source. They

found this place in themselves and some do not realize they can do it

anytime they want.

4) I do not think healing in and of itself is a bad thing, I say just

trust yourself and do your research. Anyone can heal themselves if

they are ready. Do your research and don't be blindsided by large

fees for services. There are several FREE healers in my area and I am

sure we are not the only ones.

5) Healing comes from God, not me, so I cannot charge for such

things. I was given a key which is free to anyone and in my

conscience I cannot charge for something that was so freely given to


6) I also think there is a Karmic issue in some healings. We do not

know if a person chose a certain disease to live in this lifetime. It

was chosen on a soul level and maybe it not up to us to connect with

God to heal such a soul. This is a very touchy subject I wish to

further discuss with anyone willing. I myself have a few disabilies

that have not gone away through various forms of haling so I have

come to a standstill with acceptance on some of them. They are here

for a reason and if and when my soul is ready to let go of them, it

will happen. I trust.

7) When connecting during a healing, we cannot look on the outside to

see if the healing was successful or not. There are no guarantees

that the outside of the person will 'look' healed. There may be other

blocks that were cleared underneath the physical manifestation of the


8) In some cases, it is wise to talk with the 'patient' first to see

how their thoughts on the inside are. What thoughts are they telling

themselves which keep the symptoms in place? When did the symptoms

manifest themselves? What happened just BEFORE the symptoms popped

up? What are some of the core beliefs of the person? Point is, help

them look inside themselves to discover where the problem REALLY is.

The body is the last place it is manifested. It starts with the mind,

traumas, thoughts, life experience. The mind is run by the body and

listens to what the mind says. It is not the other way around.

So What do you guys think?

Here are some helpful resources which helped me come to these


Dissapearance of the Universe by Renard

The Lightworker's Way by Doreen Virtue, PHD

A Course In Miracles

Paramahamsa Nithyananda Self-Healing handbook

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