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Ascending in the Real World

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Ascending in the Real World

by 14th June 2002

Sometimes people write and ask me - "Do I have to stop watching movies?" "Do I have to sell my house?" "Do I have to leave my job to ascend?"

If you've read articles and updates from people like Mila and Oa from the Spiritual School of Ascension, you will see the sort of sacrifices that they have made in their choice to ascend. However, they have deliberately chosen to 'fast track' in order to make the map for ascension available to others, so they do what has to be done to fulfill the job they have come here to do in this lifetime.

Most other humans seeded to ascend will not get as far as Mila and Oa have in this lifetime, so the extreme sacrifices they have made will not need to be so for others. It will depend on your personal will and how much ascension means to you.

Ultimately what you will be doing as you ascend is RELEASING ATTACHMENTS. Ascension is not a religion that makes you 'give up' everything you enjoy. Ascension is a vibrational rise. As you rise in vibration some attachments will naturally start to fall away. The things that give you joy will change as you ascend so you won't be denying yourself anything. Your continual intent to ascend may bring attachments to your notice - things that will need a conscious effort to release - and once you do, you will go up in vibration another notch.

You will notice this ongoing 'stepping up' effect where the intent to release attachments will bring them to your notice to deal with. Once dealt with you will rise in vibration and no longer feel the attachment. If you don't have the attachment you don't miss the thing that was attached to it. When there is no 'pull' from the attachment cord you will not feel like you are giving up something you want, you will feel like you have released something that no longer serves. This is an important difference - giving up something you want, as opposed to releasing something that is slowing you down.

Once you have started releasing attachments you will know and understand the difference. Then you will not be in fear about what you may release in the future. Your ongoing intent to ascend at a pace you can handle will bring about the changes one step at a time. You can choose at any time to stop changing, but you will probably stop ascending. You may be prompted however by your higher self to keep ascending so the attachments will be brought to your notice.

The 'real world' for most ascending people at this time is still the one in which they must pay the mortgage, go to work, and generally spend their time doing stuff that gives them no joy. This will become more and more of a drag (literally) as you start ascending because on another level you are a part of a new world that is yet to manifest in the physical. So there is that little part of you that knows there must be a better way of living.

The first thing to realise is that the life you are living now, you can break away from. You live in a (relatively) free country and if you simplify your life you need not spend it on a treadmill. There is a story I like about a baby elephant who was chained to a post. The chain was strong and he tried and tried to get away. Eventually he gave up and got used to the fact that he was tied for life to the post. As he grew, his keepers were then able to put smaller and smaller chains on him. By the time he was fully grown he was tied by a string and never ran away because he was conditioned to believe he couldn't. If only he realised he could have just walked away...

If only we could....

Well we can! Nobody is making you do what you do except yourself. But it takes a conscious effort to change the habits of many generations.

Long ago, slaves were bred for work. These were the Homer Simpsons of their time. They plodded along every day, going to work to support a system that kept a few in power and wealth at the top and the rest living in hope while they worked their lives away. Nothing much has changed. Much of the worlds' population is descended from these slaves. We all have that side of ourselves that plods along putting up with our lot.

However, those that are seeded for ascension usually have some other ancestral lineages that remember a time when we were at one with nature and there was no such thing as 'work', when we didn't pollute the earth and kill anything that moved. These are the lineages that start to awaken as you go up in vibration - prompting you to think there must be a better, simpler way to just 'be' without having to spend your day making someone else rich. If you are not seeded for ascension, you will never likely see the point of 'dropping out' of the current system as it is all you know and remember.

When people wonder about selling their house, those ascending are often guided to do it to release the old attachments to the land, house, people, memories and mortgage. There is also a certain thoughtform in the land of 'ownership' - that is, your stamp on this place. Indigenous people have a different way of looking at the land. It is the earth mother and one can never own it, just take care of it as they move around.

So, many ascending people feel guided to get rid of the mortgage and take the equity from their old home, and move into something simpler. Even if it means (in this current system) having to buy the land, one can go there with a completely different thoughtform than one did at their old house. You can intend to caretake earth and anchor ascension from the place you live, whether you purchase, rent or just travel around.

If you don't feel guided to move from where you are, you can still intend to anchor ascension where you live. Intend to change out all the old electrical gridwork and sacred geometry from the land, house and house foundation and replace it with magnetic gridwork and flow. Try meditating outdoors and feel the grass, see the trees, hear the birds. Lie on the grass and watch the clouds go by. Take your crystals out in the sunshine and sit with them soaking up the rays. There's fun to be had in the suburbs. Give up an hour of television to spend an hour out in nature each day - even if you're just going for a walk. Another great place to meditate and relax is in a nice bath. It will also help detox those tired muscles that ache in ascension.

Try giving up or limiting the sort of things that 'numb' your senses and intuition, like television, computer games, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. These sort of things have been handed to the masses in one form or another for thousands of years to take your mind off the pain and boredom of not being connected to your soul. Once you spend some time making the effort to meditate, commune with nature and make an internal connection to your soul, you will see how empty 'entertainment' really is.

OK, it's hard to meditate straight away, but think about this. You are what you think. When your field is full of horror and fear, this is what you attract. If you entertain yourself with bloodthirsty violent movies, computer games, television and books, the thoughtforms hang around in your field making you feel fearful and attracting violence (like attracts like). If you must entertain yourself, try selecting something that brings feelings of love, joy and humour. I also make it a point after watching entertainment to clear all the thoughtforms from what I've seen back to the person who wrote the script.

I remember coming back from a long plane flight on which four movies had been shown. I had watched them all, and then cleared all thoughtforms. When I was asked what movies they were, I couldn't even remember the names or anything about them. So one can still enjoy something at the time, and then clear it out of the field and not carry it around. As you continue to ascend you will find the current forms of entertainment very limiting and less and less satisfying. I always complain to my husband that there is no longer anything that I want to watch or read as it is all so superficial and pointless. So I just have a nice bath and then go and talk to my crystals.

So you see, it's not a matter of being forced to give up something. As one ascends one WANTS to release all the old baggage. Your simple intent to do so will make it happen or bring it to your attention for you to make it happen. Old friends who you no longer have anything in common with will move on. All the ornaments that you collected will start to seem like pointless dust collectors. All the junk you have stored and are never likely to use will want to be cleared out. The job that takes all your time and energy and gives no pleasure will no longer seem like the great career it once did. So if you still need to work, find something that gives you pleasure. Never mind the identity or job title - that too will dissolve and release as you ascend.

Even family may drift away, as not all those related to you will be ascending. Do you have to give up your family to ascend? This is up to you. You will know if they are abusive or feel if they are draining your energy. In my own case I have a pretty nice family. I intend to 'complete all karma' with all extended family. I have noticed a marked improvement in how certain (non-ascending) family members treat me now that there is no ongoing karma between us. I do not have to stop seeing them. I just see them a few times a year, put protection around myself as a precaution and make sure I release all attachments between us after the visit. I make sure I have not taken on anything of theirs and that they have nothing of mine. I separate in full. This keeps the peace and makes everybody happy.

Ascending family members you will find yourself having more encounters with anyway as both of you will have more karma to release as you ascend. So you don't have to give up seeing family - again, it is the 'attachment' you are releasing, along with any karma, and co-dependent or abusive patterning. Follow your own heart and guidance with all relationships and you will know who to spend time with.

Ascending in the 'real' world is not easy, because you will feel more and more that the world you thought was real is becoming a hollow shell and the REAL world is making its' way gradually into the physical plane and you are becoming more aware of it. You have one foot in each world. At times you will sway one way more than the other, but as the old world dies away and the new one starts to emerge you will feel more at home and at peace.

Your world is as 'real' as you make it. If you fill it with what gives you joy rather than what you hate it could change overnight! It's up to you.

Copyright 2002 - www.newage.com.au Reprinted with permission of www.newage.com.auLove and hugs, Cheryl in GAvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegaladyMay we learn to benefit the life of Earth with peace, humble in our needs,

and generous in our giving.Joanne SunshowerStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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