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1:1:1 Gateway for New beginnings

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1:1:1 Gateway For New Beginning a message from Shala Mata Tuesday, 1 January, 2008viewed 54 times, no comments- be the first to comment! The beginning of any New Year is always a time for a fresh start, where we often contemplate the parts of our lives we wish to change with resolutions or intention. January 1, 2008 ( 1:1:1:) is not only a fresh start but a potent gateway or portal aligning even more creation energy from the Central Sun than ever before. The light of the Central Sun reaches deep into the heart of our beloved Mother Earth and is helping to awaken the lightworkers and starseeds with alchemical transformation. Just as in the 11:11, 12:12, or coming 8:8:8 the 1:1:1 gateway supports a stronger bridge between the 3rd and 5th Dimension. The numerology of 2007 was a “9,” which refers to completion. If we sit quietly and review our own personal lives and the events that we experienced, many will see the thread of “completion” running through and uniting seemingly unrelated experiences. For myself it was revisiting an old health issue that I thought

was long complete. Client comments were often the same “ I really thought I was done with this etc.” Many felt disconnected and questioned their path. Physical symptoms, body pain, sleep disturbances seemed to zap our strength. Sometimes the completion was simple and sometimes not. Each of us individually gained wisdom and knowledge despite the difficult times. Each year moves us closer to 2012, and every year will hold its share of wisdom and energy that will test our patience, endurance, and faith. The individual completions that occurred in 2007 support and further enhance the collective. Over the past year, we began seeing the environment taking centre stage. Countries and individuals are taking pride in living “green,” and new products that support the environment are coming almost daily. We can always find polarity and pockets of energy upon our planet that are dark and seemingly hopeless, however change is happening and things are not always as

they seem. Last month I shared my heartache about the Japanese whale hunt in the Antarctic, where after more than 40 years Humpbacks were once again being hunted along with Minke and Finn Whales. On Dec 21st, it was announced by the Japanese government that they would not take any Humpback Whales in this hunt. See article http://www.seashepherd.org/news/media_071221_2.html this is a small victory but still it is a vast change from a month ago. The 1:1:1 of 2008 offers another grand opportunity to not only plant new seeds but nourish those we planted during the past year of change. 2008 will be year a critical year in the overall polarization upon our planet and how we can mitigate some of its effects. Earth events, political events, weather events, global warming, animal extinction, are all threaded through the polarization we have created. We are being tutored by our 5th Dimensional teachers from many star families, to evolve our telepathic communication abilities. This means not only in “receiving” information but also in “sending”. “2008” will be a year of action. We will be bridging more 5D energy with our 3D energy. The energy of the 1:1:1 will open the gateway, however we must actively pursue the ability to connect, and the ability to direct this energy. The Central Sun energies will create a new wave or platform of energy and light to launch this coming year. We as starseeds and lightworkers can connect to this golden Central Sun light in meditation or by visualizing. We can unite in groups, connecting to each other through our hearts, and then sending or thought projecting this conscious light into the parts of our planet being torn by war, terrorism, storms etc. We can also telepathically connect to the whales, dolphins and ALL animals and

direct this light for their support. We have learned and experienced that as the frequency and vibration increases upon the planet, our physical bodies must adapt quickly. We have discussed the “ascension” symptoms often and how these affect our physical & emotional balance. There are many factors that our body has to cope with – toxins, pollution, electro-magnetic energy, stress, bio-hazards. Our body is a miraculous vehicle of very complex function; however, one of the most necessary in the coming times is a strong immune system – not just for us but also for all the living animals/mammals on our beloved planet. The 1:1:1 portal or gateway will be felt for most of the month of January; however, it will be most potent just before and after the turn of the year. The golden light of the Central Sun is a transcended light, conscious, and aware. During the timing of the 1:1:1 gateway we can unite and weave this cosmic

energy thread into our immune system. We can do this in ceremony with others or alone by calling upon the golden cosmic light of the Central Sun to open our crown chakra and download a stream of this sparkling golden rainbow light energy to support, enhance and upgrade our immune system. Visualize this light spiraling down from your crown through each chakra then collecting in a small puddle beneath your feet. Pull this energy up through your Cosmic Egg (aura) and command this energy to continue to circulate continually for 24 hours. This will create a congruent flow of energy and communication between all four of your bodies, and all you to hold more of this magnificent 5D light. You can also direct this energy to other parts of your body requiring support as needed. The coming year will show us more clearly than ever before how intimately we are all connected to our beloved Mother Earth and every beating heart from every living thing upon this

planet. January will open that awareness and will continue to manifest through out the year. 2008 is numerically a “1” which means new beginnings. I contemplated upon the meaning of this for several days before writing this article. Inherently the feeling that kept coming up repeatedly was anticipation and excitement. This was tempered by the understanding that there is much to be done in the coming months to support the bio-sphere and our evolution. Many of us feel tired and stretched to the limit as 2007 closes, yet deep within our heart is the burning flame that unites us all. In the early days of January as we move through the gateway, we will most likely feel a tremendous uncertainty or anxiety. This is due to the many different streams of conscious light braided together in the gateway. During this time, it is important to remember the seeds you wish to plant and what you wish to experience. Our intentions will be

bathed in this light of potential and we must be aware of our thoughts, actions, and choices. It is also important to understand that the plants, oceans, mountains, rivers, animals will also feel anxious. We can help each of these by telepathically directing this light to each group or area. Often when a higher frequency comes to the planet, those that aren’t able to differentiate the light can become unbalanced, and make choices from fear. As lightworkers we can help hold this light and command a “perfect entry and alignment” in the areas needed. Many threads of potential exist in what is known as our future. Time is not linear but circular, our past, present & future spin concurrently through the circle or illusion of time. There are many predictions at the beginning of each year, based on the potential energy at a given point. Our thoughts, words, and actions feed the potential energy of manifestation. During the

coming months we will refine this process, with conscious thought and action. Each month the New Moon and Full Moon offer tremendous support and opportunity, however the first New Moon and Full Moon of the year anchor the manifestation energy we will surf upon through out the year. Jan 8th – New Moon – this moon will soften the overwhelming energy of the gateway. It will be a very potent time to “consciously” choose what you wise to manifest and to plant those seeds now. Jan 22nd – Full Moon – the light of this moon will become a beacon that ignites our excitement and anticipation for the coming weeks. We will feel the Goddess energy of this moon in a soft soothing way – bringing a new balance. January offers a tremendous wave of energy potential, and the winds of change will blow strong. While the energy may feel overwhelming at times, it will also host profound opportunity to

look deeply within, asking ourselves what is truly in our heart and acting from that pure place of oneness and love. Happy New Year to everyone. Love and Deep Blessings, Shala Cheryl ~ 2008 ~

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