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Moving into Love and Joy

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Moving into Love and Joy - From Sacred Union: The Journey Home Sri Ram Kaa & Kira Raa: The

next time you feel self-doubt, fear or pain, decide right then to thank

those feelings for catching your attention. Stop what you are doing put

your hand over your heart and really feel the pain of the situation for

a moment. Then ask yourself, Is this true about me? Your inner child (your ego) may respond, Yeah, it's true, I'm flawed, or, I don't belong. Then call forth your soul, your own capacity for unconditional love. Send some love to that hurting part of you and say,

I hear you and I love you, but I am bigger than that point of view. I

AM a Divine Being, filled with Love and creativity. I AM the child of

the Most High. I claim my Truth now. Inhale Love, exhale Love, breathe deeply and keep doing this until you relax into the truth of your Being. You are Love. You

are the canvas upon which the drama of pain and fear is being played

out. You are not the pain or fear; you are indeed bigger than that.

Practice moving your consciousness into the fullness of who you truly

are. Once you have relaxed into the truth of Love, you can then change your orientation. Begin by choosing Joy. State it out loud. I choose Joy now. Let a smile come to your lips. If you do not feel the shift, ask yourself, What point of view is required to create joy right now? Then you might ask, What is keeping me from changing my point of view right now? Try

it. You can change your point of view. Joy is a choice. It just

requires a little practice. From the energy of Joy, you will uncover

fresh solutions to all your challenges.You must practice embracing, knowing and being in the fifth dimension.

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