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Lightworker Update - 111 Gate!

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Hello Dear Lightworkers:

Well, the year of completion (2+7=9) is over and we are unmistakably

in the year of A New Beginning (2+8=1)!

This 111 Gate has already carried us to a higher frequency of

Ascension. Can you feel the Pure Unconditional Love flowing over the

Earth today, dear Lightworkers?

There is no question that 2008 will be a year of miraculous

transformation for all Life on Earth!

I am told by my Higher Self this day that we are literally on the

verge of a great revelation of Truth. That which was hidden in 2007

is now about to be revealed, bringing forth the powerful outward

manifestations we have been working toward.

Yes, friends, we are about to be delivered! How soon, dear friends?

That depends on how frequently you flow the Higher Self Golden Light

of Love, enveloping the Earth and Humanity!

Please continue to be a clear and open channel for Higher Self Pure

Unconditional Love to flow from your Higher Self , in through your

crown chakra and out through your feet, enveloping the Earth. Do

this at every possible opportunity throughout your day.

While channeling the Light. repeat with feeling: We are All One. I

Love You!

At all times, see Gaia's body, The Earth, enveloped in a Golden Globe

of Pure Unconditional Love!

We are literally hugging Gaia and Mass Consciousness Humanity in a

Golden Hug of Pure Unconditional Love!

Want to maximize the power of your participation in this work? Double

your pleasure and double the power of your Meditation!

My Higher Self has guided me to use the following supercharged


1. Draw the Golden Globe of your Higher Self down to encompass your


2. On breathing in, visualize the Golden Light of Love, flowing down

from your Higher Self , enveloping the Earth and repeat: We are All

One. I Love You.

3. On breathing out, radiate the Golden Light out North, South, East

and West into the mass consciousness matrix and repeat: Higher Self

Pure Unconditional Love to All.

Not only will this double the power of your meditation, but it will

also supercharge you, dear Lightworker, as a beacon of Higher Self

energy in this world!

Pure Higher Self Unconditional Love is enveloping the Earth Today!

Thank you, 111 Gate!

Shine your Light, dear Lightworkers of the world, for all to see and

to be.

You are each a Living Miracle of Love!

We are All One. I Love You,

Wisdom Paradise

Higher Self Awakener & Teacher of Universal Law

Fort Lauderdale, Florida


Forum: http://www.websitetoolbox.com/mb/heaven

Heavenly Light Emporium

Enlightenment & Financial Freedom for Allhttp://www.heavenly-light.us

We are All One. Love One Another!

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