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January 8 , 2008


The What's Up On Planet Earth? energy alerts are offered several times per month by viewing them here. Your financial support makes it possible to continue offering information on this website free of charge. Please make a donation.

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The dust

is beginning to clear and the creations we have been longing for are on

their way to us now, but only with a slow stutter, as things will not

really take off until the end of January. Our new creations and

passions are trying to peek through the din, just waiting to arrive in

full force, but not quite yet. With so much energetic debris flying

around the past few months, due to the deep excavations and cleansings,

there was seemingly no room for anything to take hold or find a clear

passage…but now there is more room, there is more space, and things

will begin to take hold and manifest.


is the month that we will finally land somewhere, be able to take a

breath, and gain a bit of catching up from all the months prior. It is

a settling in point and a grounding point. We are also experiencing a

disconnect from the old, from the cleansing experience, and readying to

connect to the new. For me, this has manifested as having anything

electronic in my home not work or connect to anything! We are also

detoxing and letting go from the experience of the past few months, and

this can create body aches and pains, intestinal distress, headaches,

and fatigue. The experience of the past few months is now being removed

from our systems.


not for long, as this year our creations will begin to be noticed…WE

will be noticed, desired, asked for, and needed. 2008 will most

assuredly be the year of abundance for us. And even if the old world or

much of the mainstream will be shifting, changing, seemingly suffering

and grasping for a foothold, we will remain untouched and unscathed.


will be our time. We will be safe and removed from the old, from the

suffering, from the lack, and from the fear. We will be residing in

another world, a new and different reality, and living the life of our



past few months may have left many of us feeling traumatized,

exhausted, irritable, frazzled, and needing a long rest, or perhaps

even just a period of time for self nurturing and an escape from any

moving energy. And this is what January will give us. There is an

emptiness now, an almost bottoming out, but this is just the in-between

point right before all the magnificence arrives. We may feel as if we

have “dropped†somewhere, but this is only because all the excavating

is finally over.


the bulldozer of deep cleansing has gone to another place for the time

being, even though we are still detoxing, adjusting, and re-aligning.

Are we now soon to arrive in the Promised Land forever more? Will we

arrive in Heaven for a permanent residency? Well……


longer the cleansing and experience of darkness is, the bigger, longer,

and more magnificent the experience of a higher realms reality is when

it eventually arrives. So then, this will be a monumental one indeed.

This new space we can now find ourselves in is a new rung on the

ascension ladder, a very new plateau, and is indeed a bit different

from all the rest.


we will not be able to stay here forever, and we would not want to. As

we progress with our spiritual evolutionary process, we find ourselves

in realities that are more and more pleasant than any before. But

eventually we outgrow them (as we evolve into beings embodying a higher

consciousness, and therefore our desires change), and then….poof! We

must graduate to a new level where we are now vibrating. So then, the

process seems never ending, but the realities get better and better.


new reality exists with creations we have desired. As more and more of

our ego selves or mis-perceptions begin to dissipate, we then begin to

desire and create something different. The ultimate end for this

particular level of reality we have chosen to exist in on the earth

plane, involves a reality of service and of purified creation for the

entire whole.


ultimate goal we had decided upon derived from a blueprint from eons

ago…a blueprint that always worked, and was used in a universal way.

This blueprint was the base for most of the creations of new planets,

for new civilizations, and for new birth of form. It consisted of a

purified self that was connected very fully to Source, as well as a

distinct and unique gift, talent, and focus for each individual.


this way, each individual soul would comprise a piece of the pie, or a

hub of the wheel, and each wheel would have a similar purpose at its

core. And throughout it all, would weave a commonality of Source

energy, which is the glue that holds everything together and serves as

the ultimate connector.


will represent a core, or a hub of commonality? Geographical locations

each contain their own specific energy or theme and purpose. Thus,

those residing there will naturally resonate with that purpose. This

is why some areas do not resonate for us at all, and others feel like a

taste of home. Many communities are now fully embodying a theme and

purpose, whether they are sustainability, a strong sense of community,

high levels of creativity, a deep connection to nature, connections to

the stars, or perhaps even connections to deep within the earth.


current themes above are also universal to each and every hub, so it

may seem a bit confusing. But these hubs (or areas on the planet) which

already exist, contain a stronger and more substantial theme in one of

these areas. This is because these themes and predominant energies were

needed to comprise a piece of the whole, and thus contained one

stronger or more exaggerated theme or purpose.


things will balance and even out, each theme mentioned above will be

embodied by each and every hub in equal amounts, and a new and more

distinct purpose will then unfold for each area. This has been the same

for individuals. We were carrying or embodying an exaggerated theme, so

that each theme or purpose within us would contribute to making up a

complete whole.


you have ever found yourself being resistant to or angry with another

individual who seems to be raining on your parade or purpose, or simply

following a different road or passion and cannot seem to agree with

yours, this is only because they are embodying their own specific theme

or purpose, and thus, see much around them through this particular

filter or lens. We needed to embody our own special themes and purposes

in grandiose amounts so that they would not be deterred or watered down

by the lower vibrating energies. When we see through a specific filter,

it is as if nothing else exists, but our own purpose or desire! And all

others may feel like enemies or individuals trying to sabotage us.


this time is over. We have reached a new and different plateau now, and

things will be different than they have ever been before for eons of

time on this planet.

Much is being condensed.

What does this mean and how will we be affected? As so much of the

lower vibrating energies have been usurped and are now residing

elsewhere, we are then left with fewer and fewer energies and creations

within and without. This manifests then, as a condensation of a more

pure state, within and without. The lower vibrating creations, whether

they are in thought forms, emotions, perceptions, physical

manifestations, and the like, can no longer exist in this higher

vibrating space.


then, as certain geographical areas needed to comprise one specific

theme over all others, and individuals the same, which were disbursed

over a larger area of mass on the planet (or lower vibrating mass of

the old world), in order to comprise a whole which resonated to where

we were residing at that time on our ascension ladder, this will no

longer be the case.


hope I am explaining this in a sensical way…it can be difficult to

describe in human language! What this means is that there will be

less…less flying around with no place to reside (as there will be no

anchors to hold these energies), less of the lower vibrating

manifestations in form, as so forth.


of this, the law of attraction will bring together new higher vibrating

manifestations and creations. Each individual vibration which was

embodying a higher purpose or theme for the whole in times past

(whether it be in individual form or in geographical locations, for

instance), will now come together and join with other higher vibrating

creations or individuals.


then, much of everything will now become more refined. This means that

the way and reason that we interact with other energies, including

individuals, will be for a more specific purpose. And in this way, we

will then begin attracting better things and more amazing, loving, and

supportive people into our lives, who match us in our higher states.


locations or communities, and individuals will now no longer have to

embody high amounts of specific purpose, as we will now be interacting

as a smaller and refined whole. There will be much more equal



far as the original blueprint? Even though the original blueprint has

existed and functioned well for eons of time, as it fully supports and

represents the blueprint of creation, we are always free to create a

new world exactly as we please. This is the beauty of the new world.


have come as representatives of every star and far away place, in order

to bring together as much of a higher vibrating contribution and higher

knowledge as possible, in order to create this very new world on the

planet earth. There is then, a perfect representation from each varied

place. And some far away places in the universe were so very hesitant

to send a representative, as they were so advanced that they knew there

would be great and grand challenges for their sensitive children in

this harsh world they had never inhabited before! Thus, much protection

was put into place, even though at times we may doubt that this is so.

It has been an awesome orchestration indeed. So in this regard, then,

the earth is our palette.


beauty in this is that within every new twist and turn, there is an

opportunity for change. We can change the plan at any given moment. And

because of this and because we never really know how things will react,

we never really know what will happen next and when it will happen.

This is why prophecies and timelines of past are moot and

inconsequential. If we were to believe, for instance, in the prophesy

of 2012, we would probably then create just that. But we are more

powerful and far beyond these old prophesies of past. These prophesies

were from another world and another time. Anything can be changed at

any given moment now. This is the beauty of creation. Anything can be changed. We are free to create whatever we choose.


if you may not be consciously aware of it, we meet at regular intervals

and evaluate what is occurring, how we are being affected, and what we

choose to happen next for all of the whole. We are all in this together

at our soul levels, communicating regularly, while we continue to

embody human form and experience it all at the same time. Everything is

continually monitored then, with loving care. And know as well that the

ascension guides we all have with us, are really only aspects of

ourselves. We are always the ones who navigate the course, for

ourselves and for the progression of this ascension process.

What will be some of the new realities of 2008?


and what we choose to put into our bodies will now change dramatically.

We have reached a vibrational level where we need not be so strict

about what we eat if we want to stay healthy and purified. Simply

blessing our food before we eat it or having an intent that only the

higher vibrating aspects of the food will enter our systems and sustain

us, will be quite enough. And now that we are vibrating so much higher,

we need not even have an intent or provide a blessing, as the law of

attraction will simply connect us automatically with the higher aspects

of what we are consuming. We are at many different levels of vibration

individually, so either of the scenarios above may be effective and



again is the same theme. The higher vibrating aspects of things will be

all that we are affected by and connect with. So in this regard, we

will also be attracting wonderful partners and individuals into our

lives. We will in essence be attracting wonderful everything, with

amazing and perfect connections that will fit us to a tee…all that we

have ever wanted.


though there may seem to exist lower vibrating aspects to things, if we

consciously choose to only accept the higher vibrating ones, and focus

solely on those, then anything and everything else will simply cease to

exist. Or again, some of us may not need to consciously do anything at

all, and simply let things unfold as they may.


must say, that consciously focusing on higher avenues and

manifestations is the way to navigate in the higher realms, only now we

will be much more supported in these ways as the energies we are now

residing in are much higher with much less interference. Navigating

entails focusing on what we want and choose to see. Focusing on

anything else simply gives it fuel and keeps its creation alive and in

our space. Expecting something new and different to occur

will most assuredly ensure its arrival. This involves a willingness to

let go of old expectations and experiences. 2008 will be something very

new indeed.


then, there will be many opportunities in the year to come, all

depending upon where we choose to focus, or reside. We can choose to

exist in a revolving door of repeated patterns and darkness or

mis-perceptions, or we can choose to see a higher way, let much of the

old interpretations drop away, expect only the best and highest, and

know that this will be our new reality.


we are in a state of purification and cleansing, as we have been the

past few months, we usually attract situation which match what we are

cleansing, and thus, it can feel as if we are in hell or some horrible

and unpleasant reality of our worst case scenarios. Like energies

always attract like energies, so when the darker and denser ones are

up, or sometimes our deepest fears, we will attract just those.


that this awesome year of 2008 is upon us, with much cleansing and

re-evaluation having taken place in 2007, we will now begin to attract

through the Law of Attraction, all the manifestations of our dreams, as

a new purified energy will be much more prevalent than ever before!


then, we need only sit tight for a few more weeks, allow this unusual

down time we are currently experiencing to be utilized for some much

needed rest, or perhaps a bit of preparation, and know that things will

be significantly different in times to come.


new and magnificent reality is beginning to peak through the clouds. It

will be different than anything we have experienced thus far. Are you

ready? Do you believe we will have a time of heaven on earth? Are you

willing to allow it to arrive at your door, seemingly all by itself?

Are you ready for incredible abundance and a day to day experience of

living in the world of your dreams? Are you ready to feel the absence

of darkness, and to live a life of joy and bliss? Get ready, because it

is on its way!


Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times...

Until next time,

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Want to read more about the ascension process?

The Ascension Companion, The Ascension Primer, Remembering Your Soul Purpose / A Part Of Ascension, and Staying in Alignment are ready to order in paperback and e-book format!

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>. thank you so much, you are such a wonderful soul sister with

a beneficial information on higher energies to rekindle human lost

higher consciousness.


> January 8 , 2008




> The What's Up On Planet Earth? energy alerts are offered

> several times per month by viewing them here. Your


> support makes it possible to continue offering

information on

> this website free of charge. Please make a donation.

> <http://www.whatsuponplanetearth.com/Donations.htm>




> Notify me when a energy alert is posted!

> <http://www.whatsuponplanetearth.com/elist.htm>

> Greetings!

> The dust is beginning to clear and the creations we have been


> for are on their way to us now, but only with a slow stutter, as


> will not really take off until the end of January. Our new

creations and

> passions are trying to peek through the din, just waiting to arrive


> full force, but not quite yet. With so much energetic debris flying

> around the past few months, due to the deep excavations and


> there was seemingly no room for anything to take hold or find a


> passage…but now there is more room, there is more space, and

> things will begin to take hold and manifest.




> January is the month that we will finally land somewhere, be able to

> take a breath, and gain a bit of catching up from all the months


> It is a settling in point and a grounding point. We are also

> experiencing a disconnect from the old, from the cleansing


> and readying to connect to the new. For me, this has manifested as

> having anything electronic in my home not work or connect to


> We are also detoxing and letting go from the experience of the past


> months, and this can create body aches and pains, intestinal


> headaches, and fatigue. The experience of the past few months is now

> being removed from our systems.




> But not for long, as this year our creations will begin to be

> noticed…WE will be noticed, desired, asked for, and needed. 2008

> will most assuredly be the year of abundance for us. And even if

the old

> world or much of the mainstream will be shifting, changing,


> suffering and grasping for a foothold, we will remain untouched and

> unscathed.




> It will be our time. We will be safe and removed from the old, from


> suffering, from the lack, and from the fear. We will be residing in

> another world, a new and different reality, and living the life of


> dreams.




> These past few months may have left many of us feeling traumatized,

> exhausted, irritable, frazzled, and needing a long rest, or perhaps


> just a period of time for self nurturing and an escape from any


> energy. And this is what January will give us. There is an emptiness

> now, an almost bottoming out, but this is just the in-between point

> right before all the magnificence arrives. We may feel as if we have

> “dropped†somewhere, but this is only because all the

> excavating is finally over.




> Yes, the bulldozer of deep cleansing has gone to another place for


> time being, even though we are still detoxing, adjusting, and

> re-aligning. Are we now soon to arrive in the Promised Land forever

> more? Will we arrive in Heaven for a permanent residency?

> Well……




> The longer the cleansing and experience of darkness is, the bigger,

> longer, and more magnificent the experience of a higher realms


> is when it eventually arrives. So then, this will be a monumental


> indeed. This new space we can now find ourselves in is a new rung

on the

> ascension ladder, a very new plateau, and is indeed a bit different


> all the rest.




> But we will not be able to stay here forever, and we would not want


> As we progress with our spiritual evolutionary process, we find

> ourselves in realities that are more and more pleasant than any


> But eventually we outgrow them (as we evolve into beings embodying a

> higher consciousness, and therefore our desires change), and

> then….poof! We must graduate to a new level where we are now

> vibrating. So then, the process seems never ending, but the


> get better and better.




> Each new reality exists with creations we have desired. As more and


> of our ego selves or mis-perceptions begin to dissipate, we then


> to desire and create something different. The ultimate end for this

> particular level of reality we have chosen to exist in on the earth

> plane, involves a reality of service and of purified creation for


> entire whole.




> The ultimate goal we had decided upon derived from a blueprint from


> ago…a blueprint that always worked, and was used in a universal

> way. This blueprint was the base for most of the creations of new

> planets, for new civilizations, and for new birth of form. It


> of a purified self that was connected very fully to Source, as well

as a

> distinct and unique gift, talent, and focus for each individual.




> In this way, each individual soul would comprise a piece of the

pie, or

> a hub of the wheel, and each wheel would have a similar purpose at


> core. And throughout it all, would weave a commonality of Source


> which is the glue that holds everything together and serves as the

> ultimate connector.




> What will represent a core, or a hub of commonality? Geographical

> locations each contain their own specific energy or theme and


> Thus, those residing there will naturally resonate with that


> This is why some areas do not resonate for us at all, and others


> like a taste of home. Many communities are now fully embodying a


> and purpose, whether they are sustainability, a strong sense of

> community, high levels of creativity, a deep connection to nature,

> connections to the stars, or perhaps even connections to deep

within the

> earth.




> The current themes above are also universal to each and every hub,

so it

> may seem a bit confusing. But these hubs (or areas on the planet)


> already exist, contain a stronger and more substantial theme in one


> these areas. This is because these themes and predominant energies


> needed to comprise a piece of the whole, and thus contained one


> or more exaggerated theme or purpose.




> Ultimately, things will balance and even out, each theme mentioned


> will be embodied by each and every hub in equal amounts, and a new


> more distinct purpose will then unfold for each area. This has been


> same for individuals. We were carrying or embodying an exaggerated

> theme, so that each theme or purpose within us would contribute to

> making up a complete whole.




> If you have ever found yourself being resistant to or angry with


> individual who seems to be raining on your parade or purpose, or


> following a different road or passion and cannot seem to agree with

> yours, this is only because they are embodying their own specific


> or purpose, and thus, see much around them through this particular

> filter or lens. We needed to embody our own special themes and


> in grandiose amounts so that they would not be deterred or watered


> by the lower vibrating energies. When we see through a specific


> it is as if nothing else exists, but our own purpose or desire! And


> others may feel like enemies or individuals trying to sabotage us.




> But this time is over. We have reached a new and different plateau


> and things will be different than they have ever been before for

eons of

> time on this planet.




> Much is being condensed. What does this mean and how will we be

> affected? As so much of the lower vibrating energies have been


> and are now residing elsewhere, we are then left with fewer and


> energies and creations within and without. This manifests then, as a

> condensation of a more pure state, within and without. The lower

> vibrating creations, whether they are in thought forms, emotions,

> perceptions, physical manifestations, and the like, can no longer


> in this higher vibrating space.




> So then, as certain geographical areas needed to comprise one


> theme over all others, and individuals the same, which were


> over a larger area of mass on the planet (or lower vibrating mass

of the

> old world), in order to comprise a whole which resonated to where we

> were residing at that time on our ascension ladder, this will no


> be the case.




> I hope I am explaining this in a sensical way…it can be difficult

> to describe in human language! What this means is that there will be

> less…less flying around with no place to reside (as there will be

> no anchors to hold these energies), less of the lower vibrating

> manifestations in form, as so forth.




> Because of this, the law of attraction will bring together new


> vibrating manifestations and creations. Each individual vibration


> was embodying a higher purpose or theme for the whole in times past

> (whether it be in individual form or in geographical locations, for

> instance), will now come together and join with other higher


> creations or individuals.




> So then, much of everything will now become more refined. This means

> that the way and reason that we interact with other energies,


> individuals, will be for a more specific purpose. And in this way,


> will then begin attracting better things and more amazing, loving,


> supportive people into our lives, who match us in our higher states.




> Geographical locations or communities, and individuals will now no

> longer have to embody high amounts of specific purpose, as we will


> be interacting as a smaller and refined whole. There will be much


> equal representation.




> As far as the original blueprint? Even though the original

blueprint has

> existed and functioned well for eons of time, as it fully supports


> represents the blueprint of creation, we are always free to create

a new

> world exactly as we please. This is the beauty of the new world.




> We have come as representatives of every star and far away place, in

> order to bring together as much of a higher vibrating contribution


> higher knowledge as possible, in order to create this very new

world on

> the planet earth. There is then, a perfect representation from each

> varied place. And some far away places in the universe were so very

> hesitant to send a representative, as they were so advanced that


> knew there would be great and grand challenges for their sensitive

> children in this harsh world they had never inhabited before! Thus,


> protection was put into place, even though at times we may doubt


> this is so. It has been an awesome orchestration indeed. So in this

> regard, then, the earth is our palette.




> The beauty in this is that within every new twist and turn, there

is an

> opportunity for change. We can change the plan at any given moment.


> because of this and because we never really know how things will


> we never really know what will happen next and when it will happen.


> is why prophecies and timelines of past are moot and

inconsequential. If

> we were to believe, for instance, in the prophesy of 2012, we would

> probably then create just that. But we are more powerful and far


> these old prophesies of past. These prophesies were from another


> and another time. Anything can be changed at any given moment now.


> is the beauty of creation. Anything can be changed. We are free to

> create whatever we choose.




> Even if you may not be consciously aware of it, we meet at regular

> intervals and evaluate what is occurring, how we are being

affected, and

> what we choose to happen next for all of the whole. We are all in


> together at our soul levels, communicating regularly, while we


> to embody human form and experience it all at the same time.


> is continually monitored then, with loving care. And know as well


> the ascension guides we all have with us, are really only aspects of

> ourselves. We are always the ones who navigate the course, for


> and for the progression of this ascension process.




> What will be some of the new realities of 2008?




> Food and what we choose to put into our bodies will now change

> dramatically. We have reached a vibrational level where we need not


> so strict about what we eat if we want to stay healthy and purified.

> Simply blessing our food before we eat it or having an intent that


> the higher vibrating aspects of the food will enter our systems and

> sustain us, will be quite enough. And now that we are vibrating so


> higher, we need not even have an intent or provide a blessing, as


> law of attraction will simply connect us automatically with the


> aspects of what we are consuming. We are at many different levels of

> vibration individually, so either of the scenarios above may be

> effective and appropriate.




> Here again is the same theme. The higher vibrating aspects of things

> will be all that we are affected by and connect with. So in this


> we will also be attracting wonderful partners and individuals into


> lives. We will in essence be attracting wonderful everything, with

> amazing and perfect connections that will fit us to a tee…all that

> we have ever wanted.




> Even though there may seem to exist lower vibrating aspects to


> if we consciously choose to only accept the higher vibrating ones,


> focus solely on those, then anything and everything else will simply

> cease to exist. Or again, some of us may not need to consciously do

> anything at all, and simply let things unfold as they may.




> I must say, that consciously focusing on higher avenues and

> manifestations is the way to navigate in the higher realms, only

now we

> will be much more supported in these ways as the energies we are now

> residing in are much higher with much less interference. Navigating

> entails focusing on what we want and choose to see. Focusing on


> else simply gives it fuel and keeps its creation alive and in our


> Expecting something new and different to occur will most assuredly

> ensure its arrival. This involves a willingness to let go of old

> expectations and experiences. 2008 will be something very new





> So then, there will be many opportunities in the year to come, all

> depending upon where we choose to focus, or reside. We can choose to

> exist in a revolving door of repeated patterns and darkness or

> mis-perceptions, or we can choose to see a higher way, let much of


> old interpretations drop away, expect only the best and highest, and

> know that this will be our new reality.




> When we are in a state of purification and cleansing, as we have


> the past few months, we usually attract situation which match what


> are cleansing, and thus, it can feel as if we are in hell or some

> horrible and unpleasant reality of our worst case scenarios. Like

> energies always attract like energies, so when the darker and denser

> ones are up, or sometimes our deepest fears, we will attract just





> Now that this awesome year of 2008 is upon us, with much cleansing


> re-evaluation having taken place in 2007, we will now begin to


> through the Law of Attraction, all the manifestations of our

dreams, as

> a new purified energy will be much more prevalent than ever before!




> So then, we need only sit tight for a few more weeks, allow this


> down time we are currently experiencing to be utilized for some much

> needed rest, or perhaps a bit of preparation, and know that things


> be significantly different in times to come.




> A new and magnificent reality is beginning to peak through the


> It will be different than anything we have experienced thus far.

Are you

> ready? Do you believe we will have a time of heaven on earth? Are


> willing to allow it to arrive at your door, seemingly all by

itself? Are

> you ready for incredible abundance and a day to day experience of


> in the world of your dreams? Are you ready to feel the absence of

> darkness, and to live a life of joy and bliss? Get ready, because

it is

> on its way!


> www.whatsuponplanetearth.com

> <http://www.whatsuponplanetearth.com/latest.htm>




> Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and


> in your life in these miraculous times...


> Until next time,


> [Evolution glyph swirl]

> Send this Energy Alert to a Friend



> Spanish Translation of Energy Alert

> <http://www.manantialcaduceo.com.ar/karen_bishop/index.htm>

> Italian Translation of Energy Alert


> Portuguese Translation of Energy Alert

> <http://www.novasenergias.net/oquesepassanoplanetaterra/>


> French Translation of Energy Alert

> <http://www.anneduquesne.com/categorie-1064357.html>


> German Translation of Energy Alert

> <http://energy-mover.net/viewforum.php?

f=47 & sid=3401c36ffaade43ae56d98d4\

> b71de4cf>


> Slovenian Translation of Energy Alert



> Want to read more about the ascension process?

> The Ascension Companion,

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> Primer <http://www.whatsuponplanetearth.com/APbook.htm> ,

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