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The Cure Thing

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----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Infinite Joy & LightDate: Jan 8, 2008 12:25 PMShariDate: Jan 8, 2008 10:22 AMVERY TRUE! thanks and blessings to ♂ Georgilla Questions Everything Guerrilla----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: ♂ Georgilla Questions Everything Guerrilla ♀Date: Jan 8, 2008 1:16 PMOK guys, this is my gift to you. I want you all to save the code. Click reply and stick it into word and save it. SO, Instructions:*The Cure for Cancer Mega Post *FOR REPOSTING*-This is set up for you to grab the code, just as it is, real simple and put it into a new post. Please please please do not put any more coding into it for you will affect 19 pages of coding if you don't do it properly.Spread it, Share it, Post it, Blog it, Print it, Walk it, Mail it.Let's Destroy This Myth NOW!Add:♂ Georgilla Ћe Guerrilla ♀ Knows the Cure for CancerThis is a conglomeration of opinions, discoveries, my writing and various experts, ENJOY!BTW, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT ADD ANY CODE TO THIS! It will affect the entire post and I worked ever so hard on this. So again, Enjoy!HOW TO REPOST THIS BULLETIN:1. Click the "Reply to Poster" button at the bottom of this post.2. Copy all the html code, create a new bulletin, paste the code in there.3. Be nice, give credit to the sender(s) and the author when re-posting BUT ADD NO CODEThis is it, Cure for Cancer time. Are you Excited?I

know this amazing woman in Los Angeles who had cancer by the age of 21.

Her parents owned a pizza parlor and she ate pizza, soda and bread all

the time. High intake of milk, meat, processed salt, processed white

flour, and processed sugars are top cancer causes. She changed her diet

and now she's in peak health and almost 40. Cancer and tumors present

in the body indicates a suppressed immune system mostly due to diet and

toxins in your environment.The A.M.A. represents cancer as this

incurable beast when in reality it's much more controllable than we

have been led to believe. For instance, the American Cancer Society

does not recommend that you avoid eating such things as nitrates, a

common food additive found in most meat that is known to be cancer

causing. Our food is loaded with things that cause cancer and deprived

of the cancer preventing vitamins. I'll give you a cure for

cancer, *bam* Eating the inner core of an Apricot seed or Apple seed.

Now how many millions of dollars did that take me to figure out? It

seems like there is constantly people raising money for cancer

research. Where does it all go? I had a woman call me on accident and I

decided to talk to her. She was calling for a number of where to donate

her hair to cancer patients. Her hair would go to a chemo patient. See,

now, chemo and radiation are totally unnecessary in a majority of cases

and they damage the body and destroy the immune system so that it can't

recover. People have good intentions that get thrown into a pool of bad

science and it ends up doing no real good. I'm not saying that

organizations that raise money are wrong or bad, but it's a rat race.

They could spend their money and energy in other more productive ways

like educating their networks to what they are eating.So they

just keep raising money and say "We're working on it, we're getting

close". Truth of the matter is the last thing modern medicine "cured"

was Polio…in the 50's. They are not trying to cure you. They are trying

to make money. Who makes more money than drug companies? They are at

the top of the Fortune 500s. It makes no sense if they were trying to

make you well. Drug companies are the bane of the American people,

sucking us dry. They have found anti-depressants and other prescription

drugs in tap water and streams. We are forever altering nature by our

actions. We must stop the madness and go natural and sustainable.

Pre-Industrial revolution. .:The Gorilla:.♂ Georgilla Ћe Guerrilla ♀The Answer to CancerHas Been Known for Many Years!1CureForCancer.comVitamin

B17 was the subject of great controversy over 20 years ago when some of

the world's top scientists claimed that when consumed, the components

of certain raw fruit seeds make it 100% impossible to develop cancer

and will kill existing cancer in most cases.The pharmaceutical

companies pounced on this claim immediately and demanded that FDA

studies be conducted. The results of these studies are found on this

site and in a book called "World Without Cancer", by G. .

To order the book call 877-479-3466.Vitamin B17, also know as

Laetrile and Amygdalin is found in most fruit seeds, namely apricot

seeds. The apricot seed was claimed as the cure for all cancers over 35

years ago.It was even more strongly claimed that when one eats

about 7 apricot seeds per day they can never develop cancer, just as

one can never get scurvy if they have an orange every day, or pellagra

if they have some B vitamins every day.The pharmaceuticals

companies together with the medical establishment pushed the FDA into

making it illegal to sell "raw" apricot seeds or vitamin B17 with

information about its effects on cancer. Even to this day, you can't

get raw apricot seeds in your health food store, only the sun dried

ones which have all the important enzymes killed off.Pharmaceutical

companies only conduct studies on patented chemicals they invent so

that at the end of their study, if the drug gets approved, they have

sole rights on its sale. (They make back tons more than the mere 250

million that they invested) They never do studies on foods that can't

be patented and that can be sold by any supermarket.The

information on this site is not just for preventing cancer, it is for

those that have cancer now and are on chemo or radiation at this

moment, as well as for those who have cancer but haven't started any

conventional methods yet.Most of the people that already have

cancer clusters in their body, who eat the apricot seeds and/or take

the vitamin b17 in tablet form show near to complete tumor regression.

Although cancer patients may get rid of their cancer, they also have

the problem of the organ damage that the cancer has caused.This

is another issue where other herbs and remedies are necessary for

proper organ regeneration. Of course when a person's body is completely

eaten up by cancer, the apricot seeds and its extract (laetrile and

vitamin b17) would only prolong their life many times longer than

chemotherapy and might not completely save them.However in many cases high levels of the injectable laetrile will help a great deal with the pain.The

information that you're about to read will guide you in how you can

guarantee a nearly cancer free life or help your body get rid of cancer

if you have it. Cancer CuresAre

Abundant in nature. These cures are, of course, outside the control of

mainstream medicine and they are all labeled "quackery" by the National

Cancer Institute and most Western doctors. Such cures include Amazon

herbs (like graviola), licorice root, oxygen therapy, sunlight therapy,

the injection of phytochemicals from spirulina directly in cancer

tumors, the use of fucoidan supplements (which are extracted from sea

vegetables), antineoplastins (pioneered by Dr. Burzynski),

phytochemicals found in apricot pits (laetrile) and a long list of

other natural therapies that both prevent and reverse cancer in many

forms.Foods Containing B17 (Nitrilosides)Vitamin

B17 appears in abundance in untamed nature. Because B17 is bitter to

the taste, in man's attempt to improve tastes and flavors for his own

pleasure, he has eliminated bitter substances like B17 by selection and

cross-breeding. It can be stated as a general rule that many of the

foods that have been domesticated still contain the vitamin B17 in that

part not eaten by modem man, such as the seeds in apricots. Listed

below is an evaluation of some of the more common foods. Keep in mind

that these are averages only and that specimens vary widely depending

on variety, locale, soil, and climate.Fruits Range*blackberry, domestic lowblackberry, wild highboysenberry med.choke cherry highwild crabapple highmarket cranberry lowSwedish (lignon) cranberry highcurrant med.elderberry med. to highgooseberry med.huckleberry med.loganberry med.mulberry med.quince med.raspberry med.Seeds Range*apple seeds highapricot seed highbuckwheat med.cherry seed highflax med.millet med.nectarine seed highpeach seed highpear seeds highplum seed highprune seed highsquash seeds med.Beans Range*black lowblack-eyed peas lowfava highgarbanzo low to med.green pea lowkidney low to med.lentils med.lima, U.S. lowlima, Burma med.mung med. to highshell lowNuts (all raw) Range*bitter almond highcashew lowmacadamia med. to highSprouts Range*alfalfa med.bamboo highfava med.garbanzo med.mung med.Leaves Range*alfalfa highbeet tops loweucalyptus highspinach lowwater cress lowTubers Range*cassava highsweetpotato lowyams lowRange* 1000 mg ( milligrams ) = 1 gramHigh — above 500 mg nitriloside per 100 grams of food.Medium — above 100 mg nitriloside per 100 grams of food.Low — below 100 mg nitriloside per 100 grams of food. The Myth of SunscreenThis

one is big. This is their game. They lie to you and then sell you

something expensive that you have to use frequently. It again comes

down to proper nutrition and natural remedies as it always does. If you

don't have an aloe plant I'd recommend you get one. They grow well and

easy. I just read about how sun screens give you cancer by

blocking Vitamin D absorption through the skin and because they contain

toxic ingredients like parabens and PG. This all soaks into your skin

and leaves petroleum and toxic residues in whatever water you are in.

Sun screens are a drug. They have "active ingredients" labeled as they

do a drug. Those ingredients soak right in causing cell damage and

cancer.Then I open People Magazine and they are selling 70 SPF

lotion. 70 SPF.........Way more than you need. Marketed in a magazine

that millions of woman read. The companies who carry these ads should

be held equally responsible. They are lying, false advertising and that

is illegal in this country. But we all know that corporations are

allowed to break the law while the FTC and FDA routinely sue people who

recommend cheap effective cures.It's amazing that this is so

wrong. A country (not sure which one) just funded a major study into

Vitamin D. Vitamin D prevents cancer. If you do a study of people with

cancer you will find they have Vit. D deficiencies. This explains a bit

about the American Cancer Society and how they have no interest in preventing cancer, only treating

it in expensive ways. We never had sunscreen before 50 years ago. Did

they run from tree to tree avoiding the sun? Of course not. The sun is

very vital to health. Also sunlight hitting your eyes is very healthy.

Try not to always block the sun with glasses. G. A World Without CancerThe Story Of Vitamin B17http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=4312930190281243507This

movie cracks the nut wide open. One in 3 women get cancer in their

lifetime and 1 in 2 men get cancer in their lifetime these days. Tons

of things have changed in the past century so it's hard to pin it down.

But what it comes down to is this. Nature equips nature for cancer. You

fight off cancer all the time. Your pancreas does it for you. Thank

your pancreas. *applause* Nature gave you a back up in vitamin B17.

When dogs and cats are sick they go outside and eat grass. They seek

grass rich in B17. They can smell it out. Animals in nature don't get

cancer. Caribou don't get cancer. The native Americans that eat the

Caribou don't get cancer. 100% no cancer and they eat salmon and

caribou almost exclusively. It's the nitrilocide compounds in the

grasses they eat. Same stuff in apple seeds an apricot seeds. B17. B17.

B17.The and the GorillaG. The Science and Politics of Cancer"With No Treatment, you are statistically better than using western orthodox treatments"http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8257934856995183554 & q=vitamin+b17 & hl=enA

2005 speech given by G. on Laetrile, Amygdalin, Vitamin

B17 as cancer therapy. If you are new to this topic, then you might

want to watch " G. - A World Without Cancer - The Story

Of Vitamin B17 "The Hoxsey Cancer CureHow Healing Becomes A Crimehttp://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5528328984547372206 & q=hoxsey & hl=enThis

documentary concerns Harry M. Hoxsey, the former coal miner whose

family's herbal recipe has brought about claims of a cancer cure. All

starting in 1924 with his first clinic, he expanded to 17 states by the

mid 1950s, along the way constantly battling organized medicine that

labeled him a charlatan. Hoxsey's supporters point out he was the

victim of arrests, or "quackdowns" spearheaded by the proponents of

established medical practices. Interviews of patients satisfied with

the results of the controversial treatment are balanced with physicians

from the FDA and the AMA. A clinic in Tijuana, Mexico claims an 80%

success rate, while opponents are naturally skeptical. What is apparent

is that cancer continues to be one of humankind's more dreaded

diseases, and that political and economic forces dominate research and

development. Vale Beat Cancer 3 Times With Apple and Apricot Seedshttp://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=-2793380650380830725 & hl=en

Vale, Champion arm wrestler has fought and cured cancer 3 times through

eating raw apple and apricot seeds that contain a little known vitamin

B17. The Big Pharmaceutical giants don't want people to know this

little fact so they have encouraged the FDA to ban the sale of raw

apricot or Vitamin B17 ~ Amygdalin Laetrile as it is also known. You

can however order the seeds online from other countries. Search the

web... there are endless testimonials of persons that have sent various

cancers into complete remission because of these little seeds. God

Bless you... there is always a way to LIFE in his Kingdom!This

article gives a good low-down on the politics of cancer "research". The

Cancer Industry has a perfect crime set up. They have invented an

"incurable disease" that only they can treat their expensive ways that

inevitably kill most people. Meanwhile they know it's curable and rake

in billions every year to research it more and more and more. It is

circular logic. The cancer cures are towards the bottom. They have done

statistics on patients that receive conventional treatments and

patients that underwent no treatment. You were statistically better off

with NO TREATMENT.New science proves that cancer is reversibleOrganized medicine insists that cancer cannot be curedby Mike www.newstarget.comOriginally published August 3 2004Fascinating

new research is showing that cancer is reversible. A cloning experiment

conducted on cancer cells showed that those very same cells can revert

to healthy cells and result in the creation of a healthy organism, free

of cancer. This is ground-breaking new research on cancer because it

shows that malignancy is not the inevitable fate of cancer cells.There's

more to this than you might suspect. The official position on cancer by

the National Cancer Institute and organized medicine has long been that

cancer is not reversible -- once a person has cancer, they can never be

cured. In fact, the word "cure" has typically been grounds for a

lawsuit by the FDA (or certainly the oppression or regulation of any

therapy making such a claim). It's a convenient position by organized

medicine, because as long as they can get people to believe the idea

that cancer cannot be cured, they can outlaw all anti-cancer therapies

based on the idea that since there is no such thing as a cure, anything

claiming to offer a cure must be quackery.It's circular

reasoning, of course, based on a faulty premise that has now been

proven false by this new scientific research. Cancer cells can revert

to healthy cells, and healthy organisms can be produced from malignant

cancer cells.You probably won't hear much about this in the

popular press or from the National Cancer Institute. This scientific

finding is incompatible with the commonly held beliefs of those in

charge of cancer research and cancer propaganda. And, as is common in

modern medicine, any scientific evidence that is incompatible with

their current beliefs is simply tossed aside and ignored. See, modern

medicine isn't really about the search for scientific truth; it's about

the search for selective truth -- any sort of truth that agrees with

their current belief systems and supports their financial interests. In

that sense, modern medicine is more like a religion. It is based on a

series of dogmatic beliefs that don't hold water under scientific

scrutiny. The hard science says that cancer cells can revert to healthy

cells, but the industry says cancer cannot be reversed.This is

not new information for naturopathic physicians, Chinese medical

practitioners, and holistic nutritionists -- we've known for a long

time that cancer is reversible. In fact, cancer is one of the diseases

that is the easiest to reverse. And because this website does not sell

any products whatsoever, under free speech guidelines, I can tell you

the truth about cancer, and state without qualification that there are

many cures for cancer that are both well proven and readily available

to those suffering from this chronic disease.Cancer CuresThese

cures are, of course, outside the control of mainstream medicine and

they are all labeled "quackery" by the National Cancer Institute and

most Western doctors. Such cures include Amazon herbs (like graviola),

licorice root, oxygen therapy, sunlight therapy, the injection of

phytochemicals from spirulina directly in cancer tumors, the use of

fucoidan supplements (which are extracted from sea vegetables),

antineoplastins (pioneered by Dr. Burzynski), phytochemicals found in

apricot pits (laetrile) and a long list of other natural therapies that

both prevent and reverse cancer in many forms.The bottom line

is that science is now proving that cancer is reversible, thereby

verifying something that the natural healing community has both known

and practiced for literally thousands of years. In time, perhaps

western medicine will pull its head out of the dark ages and come to

recognize that the human body is a remarkable healer. It can conquer

cancer and other chronic diseases if simply given the chance and the

proper nutrients. The cure for cancer exists right now, today, and it

is available to those who are willing to recognize it.Cancer is the Perfect Racket(There's some poor quality sound in 2 places). NBC

News Clip: "Most effective treatment for AIDS and cancer in History.

Federal Jury found, Cedars Sinai Medical Center and UCLA have lost the

Vaccines intentionally and awarded Dr. Sam Chachoua $10-million dollars.The Illusion of DiseaseBy Mike 3-14-5NewsTarget.ComThere

is a curious tendency in conventional medicine to label a set of

symptoms as a disease. For example, I recently spotted a poster touting

a new drug for osteoporosis. It was written by a drug company and it

said this: "Osteoporosis is a disease that causes weak and fragile

bones." The poster went on to say that you need a particular drug to

counteract this "disease."Yet the language is all backward.

Osteoporosis is not a disease that causes weak bones. Osteoporosis is

the name given to a diagnosis of weak bones. In other words, the weak

bones happened first, and then the diagnosis followed.Another

drug company defines osteoporosis as "the disease that causes bones to

become thinner." Again, the cause and effect are reversed. And that's

how drug companies want people to think about diseases and symptoms:

First you "get" the disease, then you are "diagnosed" just in time to

take an expensive new drug for the rest of your life.But it's

all hogwash. There is no such disease as osteoporosis. It's just a name

for a pattern of symptoms that indicate you've let your bones get

fragile. And to treat it, western doctors will give you prescriptions

for drugs that claim to make your bones less brittle.We should

really call it Brittle Bones Disease, and describe the treatment in

plain language - exercise, vitamin D, mineral supplements with calcium

and strontium, natural sunlight, and the avoidance of substances like

soft drinks, white flour, and added sugars, which strip away bone mass.Diabetes

is another condition given a complex name that puts its solution out of

reach of the average patient. Type 2 diabetes isn't technically a

disease. It's just a natural metabolic side effect of consuming refined

carbohydrates and added sugars in large quantities without engaging in

regular physical exercise.The name "diabetes" is meaningless to

the average person. It should be called Excessive Sugar Disease. If it

were called Excessive Sugar Disease, the solution to it would be rather

apparent.Cancer is another disease named after its symptom. To

this day, most doctors and patients still believe that cancer is a

physical thing: a tumor. In reality, a tumor is only a side effect of

cancer, not its cause. A tumor is simply a physical manifestation of a

cancer pattern that is expressed by the body.When a person "has

cancer," what they really have is a sluggish or suppressed immune

system. And that would be a far better name for the disease: Suppressed

Immune System Disorder.If cancer were actually called that, it

would seem ridiculous to try to cure it by cutting out tumors and

destroying the immune system with chemotherapy. These are the two most

popular treatments for cancer, and they do nothing to support the

patient's immune system or prevent future occurrences. That's exactly

why most people who undergo chemotherapy or the removal of tumors end

up with yet more cancer down the road.The cure for cancer

already exists, and it's found in every human body. Your body kills

cancer cells as a routine daily task, and it has done it thousands of

times in your lifetime.All we have to do is stop poisoning our

bodies with cancer-causing chemicals and start feeding ourselves the

materials our bodies need to beat chronic disease. Instead of searching

for new technological cures, our money and time would be better spent

making people aware of the existing cures and prevention strategies

available right now.Here's another example: high cholesterol.

Conventional medicine says that high cholesterol is caused by a

chemical imbalance in the liver, the organ that produces cholesterol.

Thus the treatment is drugs (statin drugs) that inhibit the liver's

production of cholesterol. Upon taking these drugs, the high

cholesterol (the "disease") is regulated.But the fatal flaw in

this approach is once again evident: The symptom is not the cause of

the disease. There is another cause, one that is routinely ignored by

conventional medicine, doctors, drug companies, and even patients. The

root cause of high cholesterol is primarily dietary. A person who eats

foods that are high in saturated fats and hydrogenated oils will

inevitably produce more bad cholesterol. It's simple cause and effect,

not some bizarre behavior by the liver."There's a great deal of

ego invested in the medical community, and they sure don't want to make

health sound attainable to the average person."If the disease

were accurately named, it would be called Fatty Food Choice Disease.

That would make more sense to people. And the obvious solution to the

disease would be to choose foods that aren't so fatty. Of course, that

may be a bit of an oversimplification, since you have to distinguish

between healthy fats and unhealthy fats. But at least the name would

give patients a better idea of what's actually going on.Outside

the United States , the names of diseases in other languages (such as

Chinese) more accurately describe their actual causes. In western

medicine, however, the name of the disease obscures the root cause.

That makes all diseases sound far more complex and mysterious than they

really are.That's a shame, because the treatments and cures for

virtually all chronic diseases are actually quite simple and can be

described in plain language. Preventing and reversing these diseases

only requires language that describes things like making different food

choices, getting more natural sunlight, drinking more water, engaging

in regular physical exercise, avoiding specific toxins, supplementing

your diet, and so on.There is a degree of arrogance in the

language of western medicine, and this arrogance propagates the

separation between doctors and their patients. Separation never results

in healing. In order to create healing, we must bring together healers

and patients by using plain language that real people understand and

that real people can act upon.There's a great deal of ego

invested in the medical community, and they sure don't want to make

health sound attainable to the average person. Making the language of

disease complicated keeps it out of reach of the public.But

health is attainable by every single person. It isn't rocket science.

It's not complex. And it doesn't require a prescription. Health is

easy, it is straightforward, and it is direct. And, for the most part,

it is available free of charge if you invoke the healing power of

sunlight, pure water, stress reduction, exercise, and healthy food

choices.Cheap, Safe Drug Kills Most CancersIt

is already used for other illnesses and has been proven safe but I

don't think this has gone through human trials though. Very promising.

We are getting close to really understanding the mechanism of cancer

and not just saying "Yeah, we're getting close" to finding a cure.

There are many cures fr cancer, you only need look or ask me :-)DCA CANCER CUREDCA-Dichloroacetate Cancer Curehttp://view.break.com/330550 - Watch more free videosDCA from Wikipediahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DichloroacetateApoptosis from Wikipediahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ApoptosisCheap, Safe Drug Kills Most CancersAndy Coghlan, New ScientistJanuary 20, 2007It

sounds almost too good to be true: a cheap and simple drug that kills

almost all cancers by switching off their "immortality". The drug,

dichloroacetate (DCA), has already been used for years to treat rare

metabolic disorders and so is known to be relatively safe.It also has no patent, meaning it could be manufactured for a fraction of the cost of newly developed drugs.Evangelos

Michelakis of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, and his

colleagues tested DCA on human cells cultured outside the body and

found that it killed lung, breast and brain cancer cells, but not

healthy cells. Tumours in rats deliberately infected with human cancer

also shrank drastically when they were fed DCA-laced water for several

weeks.DCA attacks a unique feature of cancer cells: the fact that

they make their energy throughout the main body of the cell, rather

than in distinct organelles called mitochondria. This process, called

glycolysis, is inefficient and uses up vast amounts of sugar.Until

now it had been assumed that cancer cells used glycolysis because their

mitochondria were irreparably damaged. However, Michelakis's

experiments prove this is not the case, because DCA reawakened the

mitochondria in cancer cells. The cells then withered and died (Cancer

Cell, DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2006.10.020).Michelakis suggests that the

switch to glycolysis as an energy source occurs when cells in the

middle of an abnormal but benign lump don't get enough oxygen for their

mitochondria to work properly (see diagram). In order to survive, they

switch off their mitochondria and start producing energy through

glycolysis.Crucially, though, mitochondria do another job in cells:

they activate apoptosis, the process by which abnormal cells

self-destruct. When cells switch mitochondria off, they become

"immortal", outliving other cells in the tumour and so becoming

dominant. Once reawakened by DCA, mitochondria reactivate apoptosis and

order the abnormal cells to die."The results are intriguing because they point to a critical role that mitochondria play:they

impart a unique trait to cancer cells that can be exploited for cancer

therapy," says Dario Altieri, director of the University of

Massachusetts Cancer Center in Worcester.The phenomenon might also

explain how secondary cancers form. Glycolysis generates lactic acid,

which can break down the collagen matrix holding cells together. This

means abnormal cells can be released and float to other parts of the

body, where they seed new tumours.DCA can cause pain, numbness and

gait disturbances in some patients, but this may be a price worth

paying if it turns out to be effective against all cancers. The next

step is to run clinical trials of DCA in people with cancer. These may

have to be funded by charities, universities and governments:

pharmaceutical companies are unlikely to pay because they can't make

money on unpatented medicines. The pay-off is that if DCA does work, it

will be easy to manufacture and dirt cheap. e, a cancer

cell biologist at the University of Dundee in the UK, says the findings

challenge the current assumption that mutations, not metabolism, spark

off cancers. "The question is: which comes first?" he says.Chemo Drugs 'Destroy Brain Cells' Chemotherapy Can Cause Severe Side EffectsDrugs used to destroy cancer cells may actually be more harmful to healthy cells in the brain, research suggests.A team from New York's University of Rochester found several types of key brain cell were highly vulnerable to the drugs.They

say it might help explain side effects such as seizures and memory loss

associated with chemotherapy - collectively dubbed 'chemo brain'.The research is published in the Journal of Biology.This is the first study that puts chemo brain on a sound scientific footingDr Mark NobleUniversity of RochesterDrug therapy for cancer can prompt a wide range of neurological side effects, even the onset of dementia.But they were thought not to be directly linked to the drug treatment itself.Instead, some doctors have put them down to the patient's vulnerable psychological state.The

latest study found that dose levels typically used when treating

patients killed 40% to 80% of cancer cells - but 70% to 100% of human

brain cells grown in the lab, and caused serious damage to brain cells

when given to mice. Several types of healthy brain cell continued to

die for at least six weeks after exposure.Common drugs testedLead

researcher Dr Mark Noble said: "This is the first study that puts chemo

brain on a sound scientific footing, in terms of neurobiology and

cellularbiology."The Rochester team carried out tests with

three drugs used to treat a wide range of cancers: carmustine,

cisplatin and cytosine arabinoside. All three drugs were toxic to

several types of brain cell whose job is to repair other cells in the

brain - even at very low concentrations. They also killed off

oligodenrocyte cells, which play a key role in the transmission of

messages around the nervous system.The researchers suggest

damage to cells in the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory and

learning, is most likely to explain chemo brain symptoms. Professor

Toy, Cancer Research UK¿s medical director, said: "The doses of

therapy needed to treat cancer while leaving the body's healthy cells

as unharmed as possible is a fine balance judged by experienced

specialists.*---Translation: "We have to carefully measure the

poison we're giving you so that you don't die. We're good at it because

if you die, we stop getting money""They aim to maximize benefits and minimize damage. Unfortunately side-effects can include toxicity to the brain.*---Brain

Toxicity seems unimportant to this "Cancer Specialist". The body is not

Berlin in 1943, you can't just kill indiscriminately. These are the

same people that loved putting leeches on us to drain the humors. This

is one of their new ideas."This research in mice may hopefully suggest new ways of researching how this toxicity might be overcome.*---Instead

of realizing that Chemo is not the way, they want to spend more money,

the name of the game, on "research" instead of looking upon successes

all over the world in Alternative cancer research."It is important

to remember, however, that all presently available cancer treatments

have gone through extensive clinical trials to ensure that their

benefits outweigh unwanted effects.*---This is the assumption

of every Western doctor. "The research says this". How long have these

drugs been around? How about long term studies? The drug regulation

bureaus in this country are atrocious. Aspirin is on the market now

having never been approved. Oh guess what, it dissolves your stomach

lining, but Bayer aspirin is still allowed to suggest taking it

everyday."No patient should stop their treatment because of this research."*---And

then we come to the point. After the research to confirms the Chemo

drugs carpet bomb the cells in your body and do heavy damage to the

brain we get the AMA claptrap "YOU SHALL NOT SEEK ALTERNATIVES". This

is the standard in America. STAND IN LINE. TAKE THIS PILL.NO.If all video and other links do not appear just see http://alternativehm.blogspot.com

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