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Re: The Light Worker's Manifesto: a Primer for Coming Times...

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My husband hears me call him, sometimes very loudly when he is not in the same room with me, but we have known for a long time that he is clairaudient. It is mostly times when I am feeling frustrated with something or worried, or if there is something I would like him to do, like go to the store or cook dinner for me. Mind you now, I never say a word, its just telepathic. We find it amusing :>)

Love and hugs, Cheryl in GAvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegaladyor at: www.angelfire.com/co/Senegalady/index.html

May we learn to benefit the life of Earth with peace, humble in our needs,and generous in our giving.Joanne Sunshower

In a message dated 1/6/2008 8:33:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, thfnebbob@... writes:

I would like to take a moment and say thank you to all who are posting such great information. I'm new here and have been enjoying the postings for the last month or so. Although I do not read all of them I pick and choose the ones that seem to resonate with me.

I was interested to know if anyone else is experiencing simliar lately:

1. Repeated daily triple numbers on the clock. This happens to me AT LEAST three times on a daily basis. For example a glance at the clock and it says 4:44 or 1:11 or 2:22. OR I wake up in the middle of the nite and glance at the clock and it says 3:33. At those moments I recall what I'm thinking or experiencing that moment and then check out Doreen Virtues angel numbers book....it's quite facsinating.

2. Also intense light flashes...I've always seen energy, but these flashes of light are now sustained and I can look at them as they hang in the air. This includes not only white light flashes, but blue and purple and black. There also seems to be other movement going on like something is trying to manisfest.

3. I've heard my name hollard. Not spoken but hollard loudly right behind me near my ear and invariably I jump. Clairaudience I've experienced a few times in my life but I found these instances a bit disturbing because It actually sounded exactly like my husband (who is still among the living I might add). We do live in the same house but he was not in the room when these took place. (one thing I wanted to add....one of my dogs seems to be very connected because she reacts to the light bubbles and actually barked profusely when my name was shouted those two times....I have four dogs in the room at that time and she's the only one that reacted).

Thank you for any input. :)

Deborah <deborahintuitart> wrote:

The Lightworker's Manifesto: A Primer for Coming Times, Part 4

We have given you 12 points of light for lightworkers, which you will find listed once again at the end of this discussion. The third point of light we describe today will help you arrive in a place of greater spiritual freedom: transforming the energies you encounter.

Transforming the Energies You Encounter

There will be times when you encounter what feels like low-vibrational energies. These generally center around negative emotions, though they may also take the form of actions that harm other living things, or behaviors purely derived from ego-based intentions.

Many of you have developed an instinctive avoidance when confronted with what you perceive as "toxic" and low-vibrational energies. There are times in your growth and development when avoidance is the best option you can choose. For instance, it may be better to steer in the other direction than allow your energy to be in enveloped in needless confrontation.

There will, however, come a time when you will find it beneficial and necessary to be able to walk through the world, moving through a variety of energetic patterns without allowing your self to become pulled into patterns you do not choose. This is the path to spiritual freedom, to exist in the world without becoming enslaved by it. Spiritual freedom allows you to remain centered in love and peace no matter what is happening around you. Only those who are free in their hearts can shine a bright enough light on the path ahead to guide those in bondage to freedom. We will offer here some ways in which you are able to move through any situation and maintain a high-vibrational perspective.

Becoming Transparent to Energy

Many lightworkers have chosen to withdraw from energies they feel are negative and detracting from their own energy. Sadly, this results in a life of isolation for those who find it difficult coping with the diverse energies they encounter in the world.

Just as you have come to accept and love the many aspects of your self, you can choose to come into a place of acceptance and appreciation of all the energies, thoughts and feelings swirling around you. This acceptance and appreciation will help you become transparent to these energies, which will allow you to stay calm and centered in your own energy while experiencing the energies of those around you. Becoming transparent may take time and practice for some, but it is well worth making the effort to learn transparency.

Remember, you have chosen to incarnate on the Earth with its many diverse energies. The ultimate goal of any incarnate being is to anchor heaven on earth, therefore becoming their higher self in all situations and encounters.

Becoming transparent requires that you refrain from judging the aspects of a person's behavior with which you don't resonate. In every moment, you can choose to find "harmonizing points" with a person's behavior and essence. Harmonizing points are those traits and behaviors you share in common.

If someone is angry or threatening you, you can see through their behavior to the small child self at the root of such actions. Refrain from jumping into the sand box with this child and acting out an angry exchange. You can choose to merge with your higher self and radiate peace and love, allowing any angry energies to flow right through you. In this way, you pass through life without bringing negative energy into your reality.

Transforming Negative Energies

Once you have learned to become transparent to energies, you may choose to take a further step of transforming negative energies. It is easier to transform energies when you understand the inner workings of energetic patterns. When you encounter a pattern you recognize or experience as "negative," "angry," or "toxic," you can allow yourself to be pulled into it by judging it, fearing it, or aligning with it. Most people have some degree of anger, for example, even if it is forgotten anger from the past that is difficult to access in the present. When one encounters the energetic pattern of anger, any unresolved anger that is within them may be triggered and brought to the surface. They suddenly find themselves feeling angry without knowing why.

This is a gift because it offers an opportunity to bring this emotion into reach of conscious awareness. The key is to recognize that this is happening "within the moment," and bring your own anger into a place of love and acceptance. In loving the emotion, you love the situations from your past that created in you the emotion of anger, understanding these situations were created to help you grow. By holding your anger in a high-vibrational place of love and acceptance, you are able to see how every situation in your life has helped you to grow and evolve spiritually.

From this place of gratitude, you heal the energies within yourself that drew to you the original events where you experienced anger. These events are often difficult to access because they initially occur in childhood or other times in your life when you were vulnerable to the events and actions around you. You do not have to remember each circumstance where you experienced the emotion of anger in order to heal and release it. It is, however, necessary to be able to connect with the emotion in order to heal it.

Each time you encounter low-vibrational energetic patterns, you can choose to gain awareness of any resonant energies within your self and use this as a tool for healing. As you heal these energies within your self, you create energetic pathways for others to also heal and release these energies. In this way, you are able to move through any situation, finding within it kernels of love and gratitude.

Every Person is Creating the Experiences they Need

It is important to release judgment of those who are presently caught up in negative emotions or behaviors. Each person incarnated on the Earth is creating the experiences they need to learn and grow at this moment. Throughout your own arc of lifetimes, you have created experiences at every point along the spectrum of life experience so you could learn and grow.

Many older souls are now experiencing mastery lifetimes where they have moved through and completed a wide variety of Earth school experiences. The final phase of this learning is to stand in a high place and look out over all that you have been, all that you have experienced, and all that you have witnessed with non-judgment and understanding. As you weave together the vast tapestry of your own becoming, you help reinforce the bridge connecting heaven and earth. Others will travel over this bridge and in time it will become a superhighway of oneness and connection.

Next week we will discuss the fourth point of light, practicing kindness and compassion.The Twelve Points of Light for LightworkersOne) Practice Self-Responsibility in All ThingsTwo) Expand Your Beliefs to Take in More of Who You AreThree) Transform the Energies you EncounterFour) Practice Kindness and CompassionFive) Trust in Your Highest VisionSix) Practice Honesty, Clear Seeing & DiscernmentSeven) Release Resistance and Come into a Place of SurrenderEight) Allow Your Spiritual Purpose to Become Your Guiding StarNine) Set the Intention to Work from the Perspective of Your Higher SelfTen) Honor and Work with Your Own EnergyEleven) Learn to Travel in ConsciousnessTwelve) Ask for and Open to Receive Spiritual Guidance<!--[endif]-->

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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thanks Cheryl!

----- Original Message ----From: "senegalady@..." <senegalady@...> Sent: Monday, January 7, 2008 7:48:36 AMSubject: Re: [] The Light Worker's Manifesto: a Primer for Coming Times...

My husband hears me call him, sometimes very loudly when he is not in the same room with me, but we have known for a long time that he is clairaudient. It is mostly times when I am feeling frustrated with something or worried, or if there is something I would like him to do, like go to the store or cook dinner for me. Mind you now, I never say a word, its just telepathic. We find it amusing :>)

Love and hugs, Cheryl in GAvisit me at: www.myspace. com/senegaladyor at: www.angelfire. com/co/Senegalad y/index.html

May we learn to benefit the life of Earth with peace, humble in our needs,and generous in our giving.Joanne Sunshower

In a message dated 1/6/2008 8:33:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, thfnebbob (DOT) com writes:

I would like to take a moment and say thank you to all who are posting such great information. I'm new here and have been enjoying the postings for the last month or so. Although I do not read all of them I pick and choose the ones that seem to resonate with me.

I was interested to know if anyone else is experiencing simliar lately:

1. Repeated daily triple numbers on the clock. This happens to me AT LEAST three times on a daily basis. For example a glance at the clock and it says 4:44 or 1:11 or 2:22. OR I wake up in the middle of the nite and glance at the clock and it says 3:33. At those moments I recall what I'm thinking or experiencing that moment and then check out Doreen Virtues angel numbers book....it's quite facsinating.

2. Also intense light flashes...I' ve always seen energy, but these flashes of light are now sustained and I can look at them as they hang in the air. This includes not only white light flashes, but blue and purple and black. There also seems to be other movement going on like something is trying to manisfest.

3. I've heard my name hollard. Not spoken but hollard loudly right behind me near my ear and invariably I jump. Clairaudience I've experienced a few times in my life but I found these instances a bit disturbing because It actually sounded exactly like my husband (who is still among the living I might add). We do live in the same house but he was not in the room when these took place. (one thing I wanted to add....one of my dogs seems to be very connected because she reacts to the light bubbles and actually barked profusely when my name was shouted those two times....I have four dogs in the room at that time and she's the only one that reacted).

Thank you for any input. :)

Deborah <deborahintuitart (DOT) com> wrote:

The Lightworker' s Manifesto: A Primer for Coming Times, Part 4

We have given you 12 points of light for lightworkers, which you will find listed once again at the end of this discussion. The third point of light we describe today will help you arrive in a place of greater spiritual freedom: transforming the energies you encounter.

Transforming the Energies You Encounter

There will be times when you encounter what feels like low-vibrational energies. These generally center around negative emotions, though they may also take the form of actions that harm other living things, or behaviors purely derived from ego-based intentions.

Many of you have developed an instinctive avoidance when confronted with what you perceive as "toxic" and low-vibrational energies. There are times in your growth and development when avoidance is the best option you can choose. For instance, it may be better to steer in the other direction than allow your energy to be in enveloped in needless confrontation.

There will, however, come a time when you will find it beneficial and necessary to be able to walk through the world, moving through a variety of energetic patterns without allowing your self to become pulled into patterns you do not choose. This is the path to spiritual freedom, to exist in the world without becoming enslaved by it. Spiritual freedom allows you to remain centered in love and peace no matter what is happening around you. Only those who are free in their hearts can shine a bright enough light on the path ahead to guide those in bondage to freedom. We will offer here some ways in which you are able to move through any situation and maintain a high-vibrational perspective.

Becoming Transparent to Energy

Many lightworkers have chosen to withdraw from energies they feel are negative and detracting from their own energy. Sadly, this results in a life of isolation for those who find it difficult coping with the diverse energies they encounter in the world.

Just as you have come to accept and love the many aspects of your self, you can choose to come into a place of acceptance and appreciation of all the energies, thoughts and feelings swirling around you. This acceptance and appreciation will help you become transparent to these energies, which will allow you to stay calm and centered in your own energy while experiencing the energies of those around you. Becoming transparent may take time and practice for some, but it is well worth making the effort to learn transparency.

Remember, you have chosen to incarnate on the Earth with its many diverse energies. The ultimate goal of any incarnate being is to anchor heaven on earth, therefore becoming their higher self in all situations and encounters.

Becoming transparent requires that you refrain from judging the aspects of a person's behavior with which you don't resonate. In every moment, you can choose to find "harmonizing points" with a person's behavior and essence. Harmonizing points are those traits and behaviors you share in common.

If someone is angry or threatening you, you can see through their behavior to the small child self at the root of such actions. Refrain from jumping into the sand box with this child and acting out an angry exchange. You can choose to merge with your higher self and radiate peace and love, allowing any angry energies to flow right through you. In this way, you pass through life without bringing negative energy into your reality.

Transforming Negative Energies

Once you have learned to become transparent to energies, you may choose to take a further step of transforming negative energies. It is easier to transform energies when you understand the inner workings of energetic patterns. When you encounter a pattern you recognize or experience as "negative," "angry," or "toxic," you can allow yourself to be pulled into it by judging it, fearing it, or aligning with it. Most people have some degree of anger, for example, even if it is forgotten anger from the past that is difficult to access in the present. When one encounters the energetic pattern of anger, any unresolved anger that is within them may be triggered and brought to the surface. They suddenly find themselves feeling angry without knowing why.

This is a gift because it offers an opportunity to bring this emotion into reach of conscious awareness. The key is to recognize that this is happening "within the moment," and bring your own anger into a place of love and acceptance. In loving the emotion, you love the situations from your past that created in you the emotion of anger, understanding these situations were created to help you grow. By holding your anger in a high-vibrational place of love and acceptance, you are able to see how every situation in your life has helped you to grow and evolve spiritually.

From this place of gratitude, you heal the energies within yourself that drew to you the original events where you experienced anger. These events are often difficult to access because they initially occur in childhood or other times in your life when you were vulnerable to the events and actions around you. You do not have to remember each circumstance where you experienced the emotion of anger in order to heal and release it. It is, however, necessary to be able to connect with the emotion in order to heal it.

Each time you encounter low-vibrational energetic patterns, you can choose to gain awareness of any resonant energies within your self and use this as a tool for healing. As you heal these energies within your self, you create energetic pathways for others to also heal and release these energies. In this way, you are able to move through any situation, finding within it kernels of love and gratitude.

Every Person is Creating the Experiences they Need

It is important to release judgment of those who are presently caught up in negative emotions or behaviors. Each person incarnated on the Earth is creating the experiences they need to learn and grow at this moment. Throughout your own arc of lifetimes, you have created experiences at every point along the spectrum of life experience so you could learn and grow.

Many older souls are now experiencing mastery lifetimes where they have moved through and completed a wide variety of Earth school experiences. The final phase of this learning is to stand in a high place and look out over all that you have been, all that you have experienced, and all that you have witnessed with non-judgment and understanding. As you weave together the vast tapestry of your own becoming, you help reinforce the bridge connecting heaven and earth. Others will travel over this bridge and in time it will become a superhighway of oneness and connection.

Next week we will discuss the fourth point of light, practicing kindness and compassion.The Twelve Points of Light for LightworkersOne) Practice Self-Responsibility in All ThingsTwo) Expand Your Beliefs to Take in More of Who You AreThree) Transform the Energies you EncounterFour) Practice Kindness and CompassionFive) Trust in Your Highest VisionSix) Practice Honesty, Clear Seeing & DiscernmentSeven) Release Resistance and Come into a Place of SurrenderEight) Allow Your Spiritual Purpose to Become Your Guiding StarNine) Set the Intention to Work from the Perspective of Your Higher SelfTen) Honor and Work with Your Own EnergyEleven) Learn to Travel in ConsciousnessTwelve) Ask for and Open to Receive Spiritual Guidance<!--[endif]-->

For more information, visit http://www.celestia lvision.org

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