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Healing Cancer: My Story ( To My Marey and Kanta)

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Hello you all, I just wanted to make public how much I love and admire those two women: and Kanta. I usually say that, when I grow Up I will be somewhat like them. For those that do not know, they have been an example to me of Courage, Bravery and Fortitude. Even If I was to say all that I have to say about those two admirable human Beings, Eternity wourl not be enough.. (my Marey) and Kanta.. I do love you both so very much! In gratitude for all the life lessons you both give me everyday,Liane> > > > Dear Humanity Healing Family,> > > > > I appreciate the postings about cures and> > preventions for cancer. I> > > believe an open discussion is useful and I welcome> > information and> > > views. And the Law of Allowing tells me that we> > can be who we are and> > > think what we think while allowing others to do> > the same.> > >> > > I also offer my perspective, as a cancer survivor.> > I believe cancer is> > > preventable with diet, lifestyle, relaxation and> > positive attitude.> > > And at the same time, things happen. We live the> > lives we live. We> > > experience the stresses we do. We learn the> > lessons from our> > > illnessnesses that we do. Karma may be involved.> > So may genetics.> > > Edgar Cayce, a source I respect, agreed on these> > points. He also> > > stated that treatment such surgery and radiation> > (chemo was not> > > available in his time)were valid and necessary> > parts to save lives.> > > Many of the people who came to him for help came> > too late. He couldn't> > > help them and they were beyond being helped by> > medical treatment too.> > >> > > Until my diagnosis, I had little time or trust for> > the medical> > > cocommunity. I didn't trust doctors. I trusted> > only holistic methods.> > > They had worked for me in the past for whatever> > ailed me.> > >> > > But holistic modalities did not heal my> > pre-cancerous symptoms. My> > > body was too stressed, from factors beyond my> > control. Genetics,> > > extreme early-life (and past-life)trauma, longterm> > caregiving stress,> > > karma and more. I believe that my illness was> > something I agreed to> > > before coming here...so that I could mentor others> > on their respective> > > healing journeys. And, at the point of my> > diagnosis, I allowed myself> > > to trust God, working through my surgeon and my> > chemo nurse, to heal> > > me.> > >> > > My doctor was kind, considerate, smart,> > compassionate and highly> > > skilled. He cared very much for my well-being. I'm> > an intuitive. I> > > KNOW his concern was real and that he cared more> > than he would allow> > > himself to reveal. I am grateful and appreciative> > for my treatment.> > > Yes, during treatment you're in a brain fog.> > You're on drugs! And> > > afterward...your clarity comes back just fine.> > Better than ever, for> > > me. I feel better than I ever have in my life.> > Because I had the> > > surgery, had the traetement... and I did my work.> > >> > > I took the responsibility to do my research, make> > the diet and> > > lifestyle changes, all of it.> > >> > > As a hypnotherapist, I am very aware of the power> > of word. I do not> > > believe that telling people their brains will rot> > from chemo or that> > > chemo will give them cancer is beneficial. Nor do> > I believe in> > > painting a picture of all doctors as predatory> > violaters of the> > > Hippocratic Oath to do no harm. My experience> > showed me otherwise. Had> > > I not had my treatment, I would not be alive> > today, or I would be well> > > on the way home, way beyond treatment. Instead, I> > am alive and well> > > and engaged to be married, and as I said, feeling> > the best I have ever> > > felt in my life, at 57 years old. Better than when> > I was 8, 16, 25,> > > 40, or any age.> > >> > > I'm still a holistically oriented person. I don't> > go running for> > > antibiotics. I know that the prayers and Reiki of> > this family as well> > > as others in my extended family played a huge part> > of my healing. I> > > also know that money drives the market in> > medicine, insurance and> > > drugs, just as it does in the fuel/automobile> > industries. And, in> > > every one of these field, ther are more and more> > older folks who are> > > undergoing inner change and younger folks seeding> > the vocation with> > > dedication, integrity and the spirit of service.> > >> > > I believe that every instition, Medicine,> > Education, Law, Business...> > > could use some Humanity Healing (connection of> > mind and heart, empathy> > > for self and others, understanding that we are all> > connected to each> > > other, to God and to the Earth)...and that this is> > already happening.> > > Let us affirm this. Let us focus on what we want,> > not on what we don't> > > want. I believe that it is Love that illuminates.> > And Love is already> > > at work.> > >> > > It is through thinking and acting with loving and> > compassionate hearts> > > and minds that we make the best impact. Because it> > is not we (our> > > egos) that make the impact! It is the LOVE that is> > working through us.> > >> > > Respectfully offered,> > > In Oneness,> > >> > > Kanta> > >> > > Kanta Bosniak, Spiritual Life Coaching and Guided> > Imagery> > > www.KantaBosniak.com <http://www.KantaBosniak.com>> > > www.myspace.com/kantanancy> > <http://www.myspace.com/kantanancy>> > > > > > > > > Rev. Kanta Bosniak, CHt > Guided Imagery, Coaching & Energy Work > in-office and by telephone > > Weddings, Public Speaking, Workshops> (610) 927-7733 > www.KantaBosniak.com > www.myspace.com/kantanancy> > > ____________________________________________________________________________________> Looking for last minute shopping deals? > Find them fast with Search. http://tools.search./newsearch/category.php?category=shopping>

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