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US Autism & Asperger Association, Inc.

March 12, 2010

Welcome to USAAA Weekly News, an email newsletter that addresses a range of topics on Autism Spectrum Disorders and Asperger's Syndrome.


— Vaccine Researcher Flees with $2M

— Autism through the lifespan #3: Education

— Autism And Allergies: What Can Your Child Eat?

— 'Clean Room' Pittsburgh Study Could Shed Light On Autism

— Autistic children put in cage

— Shop Our Partners Now

Vaccine Researcher Flees with $2M

ATLANTA -- A Danish scientist who was a lead researcher in two studies that purport to show that mercury used in vaccines do not cause autism is believed to have used forged documents to steal $2 million from Aarhus University in Denmark.

Dr. Poul Thorsen was also a research professor at Emory University from 2003 until June of 2009. Emory University officials gave no reason for Thorsen's departure.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funded research conducted by Thorsen and his colleagues at Aarhus University.

"Aarhus University officials said Thorsen forged documents supposedly from the CDC to obtain the release of $2 million from the university.

The CDC asked the researchers to conduct studies to determine whether thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative and adjuvant used in vaccines, played ay role in causing autism.

The results of the studies, that there was no link between vaccines containing mercury and autism, formed the foundation for the conclusions of several Institute of Medicine reports.

"I think it is quite significant," said Dan Olmsted of the Age of Autism. "I think someone allegedly capable of ripping off his own university by forging documents from the CDC is capable of pulling off anything."

In a statement Aarhus University officials said Thorsen forged documents supposedly from the CDC to obtain the release of $2 million from the university.

Autism advocacy groups are demanding his studies be given a closer look. Those same groups have long claimed that the results of the studies were suspect.

Click here for the video report on A New Twist In The Controversy Over Autism.

Click here for the written report on Vaccine Researcher Flees with $2M.The Huffington Post - Click here for the story Central Figure in CDC Vaccine Cover-Up Absconds With $2M, by F. Kennedy, Jr.

Autism through the lifespan #3: Education

WHYY News and Information

Much of childhood is spent in school. But for children with autism, school isn't just school. Beras behavioral health reporter at WDUQ in Pittsburgh, reports on special education.

From the time they're 5 to the time they're 18, the typical child spends nearly 75 percent of a calendar year in school. For many children, it's where they first interact with adults who aren't their relatives and kids who aren't their siblings. It's where they learn the intricacies of social behaviors, the rigidness of rules and responsibility and of course, reading, writing and arithmetic.

"I do a surprise visit and it is just heartbreaking because I went into the cafeteria and there are like 20 tables filled with kids and there is another table completely empty with him and another kid just sitting and the other kid didn't talk.

For the most part, children go to schools that are closest to their homes. When a child has autism or other special education needs – the places and ways where they are educated –it's a whole different story.

Click here for more information on Autism through the lifespan #3: Education.

Autism And Allergies: What Can Your Child Eat?

by Alison Rose LevyThe Huffington Post

There's an experiment going on right now--but it isn't being conducted by scientists. It's being conducted by parents. In 30 million kitchens across the U.S. that experiment is called "What Can My Child Eat?" In families with children with autism and allergies, the result of that experiment can either be a day of relative calm and comfort, or it can produce anything from brain fog, digestive discomfort, and mood swings, to pain, seizures, skin outbreaks, and severe digestive distress.

"When parents bring their children into his office for a consultation, Cowan reports that "I can often predict that the child's favorite foods are pizza and macaroni and cheese"-- and these are the same foods that children are most allergic to.

While the debate continues as to whether or not laboratory scientists have successfully isolated a single one of the many factors that a growing number of doctors say may contribute to autism, families still have to cope and they still have to feed their children. Citing the conservative statistics of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) pediatrician, Dr. Bock, reported that one in 100 children (one in 48 boys) have autism--although just two years ago it was one in 150. One in 16 children has ADHD, one in 11 has asthma, and one in four has allergies. A staggering one third of all children are affected Bock told the group gathered for "Food Solutions: Managing Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies," held at New York's Urban Zen Center.

Click here for more information on Autism And Allergies: What Can Your Child Eat?

'Clean Room' Pittsburgh Study Could Shed Light On Autism Controversial Study Aims To Detoxify Kids, Reset Immune Systems

PITTSBURGH -- A controversial method is being used in Pittsburgh to study children who live with autism. The method involves having the children spend hours inside a so-called "clean room."

Nationwide, there is one child in every 100 with autism. In Allegheny County, there seems to be a cluster of cases as the county has the highest rate of autism in the state.

"For some reason, many children with autism have poor immune systems and can't get rid of toxin build up in their bodies, Faber said. He wants to see if a pure environment will help reset the immune system and help them detoxify..

Researchers hope to determine whether the local environment is playing a role in the problem. Starting in a few weeks, children and their parents will stay in the new room so researchers can see what happens to them.

Malissa Guerrero's daughter, Mckenzie, is 7 and energetic and has autism. Guerrero said she tried many different things to help, but nothing has worked."I would try anything at least once to try to help her because something has to break her -- something," said Guerrero.

Click here for more information on 'Clean Room' Pittsburgh Study Could Shed Light On Autism.

Autistic children put in cage


"To see the type of facility which autistic children are being penned in is outrageous."

Parents with children at Seven Hills West Public School are angry that pupils with special needs are placed inside a fenced enclosure that has one tree, a bench and a dirt floor.

But the NSW Department of Education has defended the enclosure, saying it is used for new students with disabilities if they require more intense supervision while they adjust to school.

The school has 52 students with special needs.

But Coalition disability spokesman Constance said the treatment of children with autism at the school was inhumane and called for the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission to investigate.

"To see the type of facility which autistic children are being penned in is outrageous," he said.

Click here for more information on Autistic children put in cage.

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