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Independence Dayby 8th August 2003

On the 4th of July this year I left my job of nine years. I know that in Australia we don't celebrate Independence Day as they do in America, but I thought it was particularly appropriate that it should coincide with my own independence from work.A week before this, I left a house I had owned for over twelve years. If you had asked me five years ago if I would ever leave it I would have said 'no'. Apart from the fact I hate moving, I loved that house and was very attached to it at the time.The funny thing is, after working hard on releasing all attachments and finishing the karma with the house, land and location, I feel nothing. The people I sold the house to are most likely going to demolish it but I feel no pain or anguish. I sometimes wonder if I should feel more sadness, loss or homesickness but there's nothing. It's like there was another 'me' living there that I have no link to in the present. It is no longer my concern.Equally, in the brief time since I left my very busy job, it's like I was never there. Another aspect of me was there but I have no links to it at all now. The karma is complete and the people are fading from my memory as I am from theirs.The weeks leading up to leaving the city, the job and the house were very stressful and busy as we made our preparations and tied up all 'loose ends'. We stored the furniture and tools we are keeping and bought a caravan. When we finally left Sydney we towed the caravan about 400kms into the countryside to stay on the top of a mountain with relatives, near to where we will be building a house in the future.We parked the caravan, stopped the world and got off. It has taken a little while to come back to equilibrium, adjusting to the higher vibration of our surroundings. There is nothing we have to do, nowhere we need to be by any particular time. We are on the top of a mountain overlooking rolling hills and valleys, forests, creeks, cows, kangaroos, koalas, echidnas and massive numbers of birds of all kinds.Each morning we wake up surrounded by bright red and blue parrots, which pull up the grass, and coloured finches and fairy wrens. A wedge tailed eagle hovers overhead and it's nest is in a nearby tree. There are creeks full of frogs that chirp day and night. At night the sky is so clear and unpolluted you can see thousands more stars than in the city. Last week there was snow in the nearby mountains and we went up to play and had a BBQ in the snow.Energetically, we are adjusting to the much higher vibration and find it much easier to be in present time than in the city. We have spent some time exploring the area where we will be building our house and there are abundant nature spirits and birds as well as assorted animals. It will be a beautiful place for people to eventually visit us for healing and workshops.We are currently in a strange sort of limbo. Once we build our house and get our veggie gardens going we will have plenty to do. In the city, we had more than enough to do. At this time we virtually have nothing to do apart from selling our crystals (there's a waiting list for the builders). Soon we will pack up the crystals, hitch up the caravan and hit the road for a while.Are we having fun yet? You bet! When I left my job everyone was envious, especially the older people. Unlike me who lived week to week, all of these people had plenty more assets and money then I did and could have done what I did with money to spare, yet they stayed... caught in the loop and tied by imaginary chains of their own making. I do not know what my future will bring. But I knew I could not stay in my past. I did not hate my job or my boss or my workmates. What I hated was that somebody else owned my time. That between particular hours in a day I could not go where I wanted or do what I wanted to do. I couldn't choose when I wanted to work, play, garden, meditate. Yet I allowed these rules to be imposed on me voluntarily.I knew I could not continue to ascend in this job and with living in the suburbs. My continued intent to release all karma and attachments and complete with each has allowed me to walk away in a state of energetic freedom and start going up in vibration again after a period of stagnation.Ascension means change in order to evolve. One cannot stay in the old places, patterns, jobs, relationships that one has outgrown and expect to continue to ascend. Allow your higher self and the Earth to guide you to the changes that you need to make in your life in order to continue to ascend. Intend to release the karma and attachments to whatever is slowing you down and you can embrace the changes without pain. Intend to manifest an ascending dream and trust that the future that comes to you has lessons for your growth.Learn to float like a boat on water, don't have an anchor creating drag and holding you back. Look at your anchors - most of them are self created. Time to start casting them off before you sink the boat!A bit of nautical wisdom from one who's taken the plunge....Don't work too hard, :)

Copyright 2003 www.newage.com.au

Reposted with permission of www.newage.com.au

If you are interested in the topic of Ascension or are dealing with Ascension symptoms, we have two groups available at http://groups.myspace.com/AscensionAdSyn and http://.ning.com/group/Ascensionsymptomssupportgroup

There are some excellent discussions going on. Our myspace group has almost 50 members and our Humanity Healing/Ning group has almost 40 members.

Come join us :>)Love and hugs, Cheryl in GAvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegaladyMay we learn to benefit the life of Earth with peace, humble in our needs,

and generous in our giving.Joanne SunshowerStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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