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Manifesting your Choice

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Manifesting your Choice - From 2012: Atlantean Revelations Archangel Zadkiel (in quotes), Sri Ram Kaa & Kira Raa: "When

you make a choice then opportunity will arise. Opportunities are based

upon co-creation. Choices birth opportunities which then birth

manifestation. In this free-will zone, everything is an opportunity!

The manifestation is yours!" As

we make a conscious choice, our intent flows out into our Divine

Electronic Belt and influences the quality fo the outer world. this

energetic signal calls opportunities to appear before us. These

opportunities ar ethe steps to the full manifestation of what we

originally intended. Sometimes

we make a choice but refuse to take action on the opportunity that

subsequently presents itself. That is, either we don't recognize the

opportunity or we lack the self0trust to take action. Either way, if we

fail to act on the opportunity we have then made anew choice which will

then send out a new energy to our Divine Electronic Belt, thus bringing

other opportunities our way. "How

you manifest your choice is up to you. Opportunity follows choice...It

is your commitment to your choice that generates opportunities. The steps are: 1) Choose; make your choice 2) Claim the Opportunities that arise from the choice 3) Manifest the outcome The

actions you take must align with your choice! The choice offers

opportunities and then you take (aligned) action with those

opportunities. It is in how you navigate your choices that produce the opportunities." Life

reflects our energy. How we respond to that reflection either expands

our love or stalls our expansion in some fashion. Are you ready to

accept the gift of these expressions to propel the expansion of your

consciousness? That we are all here together on Earth is already

determined. How we respond to that fact is an expression of our free

will. Your freedom is in the "how." "All opportunities come forward to support the choice you have made." Let

us find gratitude for the recognition that we are Spirit in form. From

this recognition, we release the grip of mis-creations, and reside in the joy of our wholeness.

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