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Trusting My Own Faithfulness

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To Read The Entire Newsletter, Click Here Capricorn’s 2nd influence of Faithfulness tells us that FAITH, is really that higher word: TRUST… trusting that all is as it should be. If God is good, and all things created by God are good, then there is goodness to be found in everyone and in every situation.It is an act of Faith, for each of us to seek out this goodness and to see the glass as ½ full rather than ½ empty.Do you allow yourself to get upset over little things? When something goes a bit askew in your life, do you put your entire focus on the stupid thing that went wrong? For example, do you habitually give an exasperated exclamation when you drop something or bump into things?Each of these little flare-ups of emotion send out energy in the form of thought waves. These thought waves are vibrations that act like strong magnets

attracting more of the same energy to them on the way back to you. “You get to choose what you offer vibrationally - and in doing so, you get to choose what comes back to you. But if you are letting what you’re observing choose your thoughts, then you’re vibrating all over the place.“~ Abraham-Hicks, http://www.abrahamhicks.comIf you deliberately take the time to take another look at these little irritations, and just say, “Oh well” then instead of putting out an angry vibration, you raise the frequency of your thoughts and send out a higher vibration.This can be very difficult for some, because we’ve been taught that only through hard work can we gain what we want. This is, in fact, exactly backwards. "You cannot significantly change your life, for better or worse, by manipulating the material world. Not by working harder, not by studying longer, not by schmoozing, not by sweating, not by

fasting. Oh sure, these things may help, a little, but change, GREAT CHANGE, is INESCAPABLE, when you first begin manipulating the world of your thoughts. It really IS that simple."~ Totally Unique Thoughts, http://www.tut.com“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”~ Dr. Wayne DyerWhat do you want coming back to you this year? If you always think how you’ve always thought, then you’ll always get what you’ve always got. Maybe it’s time for a change. Maybe it’s time to make a different choice and get something different going on in your life.Each though has energy – and vibrates at a certain frequency. Anger and frustration vibrate at the lower end of the spectrum, while love and joy vibrate at the higher end of the spectrum.The Law of Cause and Effect says that for

every “cause” there is an equal reaction, or “effect”. This has been stated in many ways over the centuries. I’m sure you’ve heard it said that “You reap what you sow”, or “What goes around comes back around.”“You might say, ’Well, how can I not give my attention to the upsetting things that are everywhere?’ And we say, find something that feels good to you - and give your attention to that. “Well, it’s hard,” you say. “It’s hard to focus.” And we say, but that’s what a creator does. A deliberate creator focuses. A deliberate creator decides what he wants in his pie, and puts it in his pie.”~ Abraham-Hicks, http://www.abrahamhicks.comThoughts are things, and just like the boomerang, they come back around with amazing accuracy.Faith then is trusting that all is as it should be. Faith is looking for the goodness or godliness in all situations and in everybody that comes into your life. They are all

there for a reason. Just look at what you’re learning from them!It’s time to make a decision…What do you want coming back to you this year?How will YOUR Faith come back to you, manifesting within the circumstances of your life?It’s worth thinking about… "DON'T AVOID THE VOID"To Learn More, Click Hereor copy and paste the following into your web browser address box:http://awordtothewise.info/content/view/418/1/ *****Forward this Newsletter to a

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