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Re: Happy New Year to All <Rhondie>

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Hello my dear Rhondie,

Wow, my dear friend! It sounds like there is alot happening

for you! I will certainly keep your dear Uncle in my thoughts and

prayers, bless his heart, it is so sad what is happening to him. I

am also keeping you in my thoughts about your mum, I know how hard it

is to lose a parent, it has been 4 years, it gets more tolerable but

the pain never goes away, BIG HUGS lovey! I completely understand as

I know all of this awesome family does that you have been very busy,

dear! I am so proud of you! Getting through school, moving, job,

your brother is there with you, now that is a full plate. I always

have you in my thoughts and as Liane posted to and said so

eloquently, family always keeps in touch, you never really lose that

tie, and I just want you to know I am here for you and if you need

me, just email me and we can chat or I can just send you a silly

picture every day on myspace to make you smile, hehehe It looks

like you have lots under control and good for you having an

optimistic look at 2008, I feel it will be a great year for you and

all! Love and light, Luna



> Hello Family,


> As it's been a long while since I posted, I thought I would say a

quick hello and wish everyone all the best for 2008. I have been

having a lot of trouble with the internet since we moved in October

and I can't seem to look at any comments on myspace from this

computer, so I apologise if I have been very quiet there of late

also! I do appreciate all the comments left for me though, so many



> My studies are coming along slowly but surely, and now that

Christmas/New Year is out of the way, it's back to work for me Monday

as well after 2 weeks break.


> I've enjoyed a much brighter Christmas this year than last and made

it through the first anniversary of mum's death back in the beginning

of December. My younger brother has been living with me since

September and things are going ok there as well.We still have not

managed to co-ordinate between my siblings to sort out her rings (or

anything at all for that matter, she died suddenly and without a

will) and my step father already has a new girlfriend. Ironically,

one of mum's best friends from years ago! We are all a bit shocked at

first that it happened so quickly, but wish them both well and want

them to be happy. I think mum would be laughing her head off! She

lives about 11 hours away, so he is spending a lot of time away from

home visiting her.


> Anyway, things are going as well as can be expected. I'm really

settled in my job now after a few teething problems, and I know this

year will be so much less turbulent than last and I've entered 2008

with a huge amount of relief and a great amount of optimism.


> My Aunt and Uncle who lost their son last year after

he " apparently " suicided (there are many inconsistencies in the

police investigation) are still going through many tribulations with

his ex wife in trying to see their Grandkids. My cousin uncovered a

can of worms before he died and exposed her immoral infidelities so

she has made it very difficult for my Aunt & Uncle to see his kids

and her solicitor recently advised them that she was moving

interstate. This has taken a huge toll on my Uncle's health (not to

mention finances going through the Family Court to try & see the

kids!) so I would ask for them to be placed in the healing grid and

for prayers to help them through this very challenging situation.


> I've been enjoying reading everyone's posts and have been sending

healing to those in need. My thoughts and prayers are with you all


> Love & Light,

> Rhonda






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