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From: Annette <andersona@t...>

Date: Thu Nov 23, 2000 10:29pm

Subject: Effective treatment ?

From Annie


Hi, I'm new to this group.

I sought you out to share a treatment approach with you that has

worked for me very well, and since then has also helped a number of


I'm a family doctor in Canada; I was diagnosed with rosacea 2 years

ago. My symptoms were deep-red flushing with any exercise,warm

environment such as a hot shower, sunny day, also when crying (

PMS :) ), alcohol etc. I looked awful, like Rudolf the red-nose

raindeer. Of course I was prescribed Metrogel, took it faithfully,

but wasn't impressed. I didn't yet have the papules or

telangiectasias ( permanently dilated spidery arteries ), but I sure

didn't want to let it go that far. It was also getting worse rapidly.

My doctor gave me the usual spiel, how rosacea is incurable, just

avoid trigger factors, etc. Well, I was upset. I struck out on my

own so to speak and hit the net. I found a lot of research articles

on rosacea, including on medical mebsites for doctors only, such

as " mdconsult.com " , where I found the most relevant ones. The

first interesting article I came across was about several children

with leukemia, who developed a rosacea-like rash ( as you know,

rosacea is an " adult " disease ). Skin biopsies showed -- you guessed

it--- huge loads of the skin mite Demodex Folliculorum. Alright, I

just had to emphazise this. :)

They treated the kids with standard anti-mite treatment, permethrin,

same we use to treat the mother of all mites, Scabies . The rash

cleared. I thought, aha, gotta look at more articles like this. Turns

out, there were quite a number of small, independent medical studies,

where skin biopsies showed rosacea patients had a much higher than

usual load of the generally benign mite demodex folliculorum ( I'll

attach some studies as examples ). So, I tried the treatment on

myself. I used Kwellada on my face ( not supposed to do this as per

instructions on the bottle " use neck down " ). I worked out that a

once - weekly application ( leave on 24 hours ) does the trick. *

*Please note the complete treatment instructions following below .

After 2 months I noticed steady improvement, slow but very steady.

First I thought, when it was all gone , I didn't have to use the

Kwellada anymore, but in the meantime I found out I still have to do

it every 3 weeks or so for maintenance, usually as soon as my nose

starts up again. I measured the intitial steps of improvement by how

red my face would get after a hot shower. The intensity of the

redness gradually diminished, and the total area involved contracted.

First, it was the cheeks,forehead, chin and nose, lastly just the

nose ( Rudolf ) , then that went , too. Basically, over a total of

six months, all of the symptoms completely disappeared ! And stayed

away, with the maintenance treatments, for the last eight months..

Boy, was I excited about this. I had proved my original theory. Well,

not a new theory, according to those studies I mentioned, but I also

haven't heard of a regular patient with rosacea being treated for the

mite problem, only for the secondary bacterial problem, with

antibiotic ointments such as Metronidazole ( Metrogel) etc. Then I

started to try it out on my patients ( it seemed that all of a sudden

nearly everyone had rosacea-----selective perception is an

interesting phenomenon...). So far, it worked on all but one (total

patients so far 21) . I have heard things like my patients'

hairdresser tried it too and had good results. Things like that. I

always say, it might NOT work, but what have you got to lose ?

The treatment is simple, available over the counter ( in Canada at

least ), cheap ( one bottle of Kwellada lotion, i.e. Permethrin 5% ,

lasted me exactly a year. ), and side effects are rare and minimal ---

permethrin for scabies can be used even on infants ! Getting it in

the eyes is not fun, it burns like heck.

I have also found studies linking demodex to animals. One study was

of a boy and his dog. The boy had a rosacea-like rash, and both he

and his dog were heavily loaded with demodex. Treatment for both

eliminated their problem. Since then I found out that most patients

with rosacea get in close contact regularly either with their own

cats/dogs or with those of friends and family. I don't want to cause

undue concern about pets, but I have to report my observations. In

any case it would probably not be too difficult to treat the pets as

well, on and off.

I think it's probably impossible to eliminate the demodex from one's

environment, just like it's pretty hard to get rid of scabies

forever, unless it was picked up on one's travels .If it developed at

home, it often recurs eventually. Therefore I think that if the

original treatment works, maintenance treatments are the way to

prevent recurrences.

I would like to send my self-concocted treatment outline to you to

review and possibly to try it out. As I said there are no guarantees

it will work at all, and side effects are always a certain

possibility....but there's not too much to lose. And I would be

absolutely ecstatic if it worked for you, too.

I would like to ask you, that if you want to try the treatment,

please fill out the questionnaire pre-treatment, as outlined in the

following pages. I haven't yet had time to think up the 6 months

follow -up questionnaire, but PLEASE< PLEASE<PLEASE , if the

treatment works for you, also fill out the 6-months follow-up

questionnaire for me, I'll send it some other time. I would like to

gather these data and maybe eventually publish a summary of the

results in a G.P. medical magazine. ( The big magazines like

dermatology etc. only accept scientifically and statistically sound

research studies, which I found out cost upwards of 50,000 $, which I

can't afford. Organizing a study through a research agency would take

about 5 years to do !). Also, of course , I would really like to

know about any side effects, or if it doesn't work for someone, even

when following the once-weekly treatment guideline. I am also

interested in knowing if you have pets in your lives somewhere. That

would be so very much appreciated.The icing on the cake would

be " before " and " after six months " close-ups of your face, with

the eyes blocked out if you want. I would love some of those, if it

worked, of course.

Good luck, I hope you'll give it a shot.

Remember, I'll append some relevant articles at the end of this, to

verify that I didn't dream this up.

For the treatment outline I use in my practice, the " ingredients " are

as follows ( I'm giving you the real names because you already know

you have rosacea.

A= Kwellada shampoo

B=Kwellada lotion ( 5% Permethrin) C=Sulfacet face cream or

equivalent antibiotic cream



(Address withheld for people outside my medical group)


I am looking for patients with a one year + history of chronic

recurrent rosacea, for a small study (N=50) involving a new treatment

method . The aim is to substantially reduce symptoms. There are no

guarantees, but so far, positive results.

The premise of the study is that rosacea may be caused or aggravated

by an over-abundance of a mite called DEMODEX FOLLICULORUM. This mite

is a common organism found in skin follicles, but in some people it

overgrows, attracting bacteria which cause inflammation and the

symptoms of rosacea.

Typically, rosacea develops in several stages ( not all people with

rosacea go through all stages) . These stages are:*

Flushing: periodic reddening of the face, aggravated by various

trigger factors, such as hot showers ,emotional upset, alcohol, PMS,


Inflammatory lesions: papules, pustules (pimples)

Edema may be present ( swelling over affected areas)

Telangiectasias may be added with time ( dilated blood vessels)

Ocular rosacea may occur (burning, stinging,tearing etc. of the eyes)

Rhinophyma may sometimes occur in the advanced stages in men ( red,

swollen nose)

cea is a clinical diagnosis, i.e. based on appearance and history

alone.There are no blood tests to confirm or refute the diagnosis. It

is important to see how the symptoms behave when the condition is

treated appropriately.

So far, the assumption is, and experience seems to show, that rosacea

cannot be cured, only controlled with creams or gels. These are

typically antibiotic-based, such as Metrogel (reg. TM).

Sometimes,oral antibiotics are also used and can be quite effective

for treating an acute flare-up. Of course, it is also important to

avoid trigger factors.

However, this small study, (as other similar ones ), tries to

illustrate that one should also attempt to treat for the mite DEMODEX

FOLLICULORUM, in order to achieve better, and more lasting results.

This concept is based on a review of some of the available


Basically, it might seem that DEMODEX can overgrow, attracting

bacteria in the process.It may be that certain substances such as

lipases result in the release of irritant fatty acids, which in turn

lead to the observed skin changes.

So far, the antibacterial-based treatments reduce the bacterial, but

not the DEMODEX load. So, the underlying problem, the DEMODEX ,causes

further flare-ups eventually, and the whole process repeats itself.


& #65389; Treatment is of a six months



& #65389; Topical mite therapy is in the

form of

cream and shampoo , plus oral antibiotics if a heavy bacterial load

seems to be present also.

& #65389; Patients may continue own


during study.

& #65389; Short questionnaires, time 0

and 6

months, in conjunction with office visits.

& #65389; Patients are requested to

supply a copy

of the dermatology consult originally diagnosing rosacea.

& #65389; Please, no patients with


disorder, history of anti-social behavior, unstable psychiatric

conditions, or severe self-image problems.

& #65389;

Please ask any interested rosacea patient to call my office to set up

an appointment for the first visit/questionnaire.

Kind regards,

Annette , B.A., M.D.

* From: ROSACEA, a Guide For Physicians, Wilkin,M.D.

** Bibliography supplied upon request

( Some appended for this group)















Please provide a copy of the consultation letter from your GP's








* Please tick off any factors you think might also act as triggers

for a flare-up ( if any) :

_____ hot rooms / hot showers / hot beverages

_____ caffeine

_____ alcohol

_____ sun/wind

_____ for women: PMS

_____ exercise

_____ dairy products

_____ emotional upset / crying

_____ chocolate

_____ spicy foods









* Your rosacea usually consists of:

_____ generalized redness/flushing of the :

_____ cheeks

_____ chin

_____ nose

_____ forehead

_____ both cheeks and nose

_____ all of the above

_____ other

_____ redness/flushing plus pimples (papules, pustules)

_____ pimples only

_____ swelling over some areas of facial skin

_____ tiny, permanently dilated red blood vessels (telangectasias)

_____ eye irritation, such as intermittent burning, tearing etc.

_____ reddened, enlarged nose



* Which treatments ( creams or pills ) have you tried so far,

and briefly mention the results:














* How effective have these treatments been in the reduction or

elimination of your rosacea symptoms?

(a) not at all (B) somewhat

effective © moderately effective

(d) very effective





* This treatment is in a trial phase, i.e., has not yet been proven

to be effective. There is no guarentee that it will work, although a

number of people

in my practice have tried it, and have had good results with it.

* The core ingredients used in the treatment are available over the

counter. If you have allergies precluding you from using these

ingredients, we might

be able to find alternatives .



You will be asked to use three creams. ( Called for now " A, B, and

C " . You will be advised of the names of these products upon receipt

of the

consultation report which diagnosed you as actually having rosacea,

versus another skin condition. It is important for treatment success

to establish the

correct diagnosis.)

In order to improve the chances of success, I will suggest several

additional measures, as outlined below. These are optional, but



Choose a day when you are free from work or other obligations. You

will need treatments A, B,and C . If you choose to follow the steps

described as optional, you will also need laundry detergent, anti-

mite spray, a plastic mattress cover, and a good vacuum cleaner.

1) In the morning, have a thorough whole-body cleanse.

2) Use A as a shampoo, as directed on the bottle.

3) Then, use B. Apply thoroughly to your face, neck, ears,

and downwards to cover each inch of skin including feet and toes.

Avoid mucus membranes, lips and eyes. Let dry for ten minutes,

then put on clothes. Leave on for twenty-four hours.

Note: After several hours, you may note tingling or burning on

your face in the distribution of your rosacea. This would feel

worse when exposed to cold air. If needed, take two Tylenol tablets

to decrease the discomfort. Try to persist with the treatment, unless

the discomfort is severe (which has not happened to anyone yet).

4) Optional:

& #65389; Wash all your clothes and

bedding in as

hot water as allowed by their labels.

& #65389; Spray your furniture with an


mite/anti-scabies spray (available at any pharmacy)

& #65389; Put a plastic mattress- cover

on your


& #65389; Vacuum your carpets thoroughly.

5) After twenty-four hours, wash off treatment B

thoroughly, using a mild cleansing lotion (e.g. Cetaphil) , a mild

soap ( e.g. Dove), or equivalent ,

not based on alcohol or witch hazel.

Towel off.

Apply treatment C to your face, covering every inch of skin including

ears. On the rest of your body, you may use any lotion of your


If your face feels quite dry and uncomfortable, after one hour you

may apply a small amount of a high- quality moisturizer on top of C.

6) From now on, twice a day, wash your face

thoroughly with warm water and a gentle soap (eg. Dove etc.), and

then apply C. Leave C on during

the day. Dab off any excess oilyness with a Kleenex. For women: you

may apply a small amount of oil-free make-up on top of C, although it

may compromise the treatment to some degree. (Unknown)

7) Once a week, repeat steps 3 ( this time, on the FACE

only) and 5 for the rest of the six months ,or as long as needed ,

closely monitoring for side

effects .

You may have noted some improvements in your rosacea after two months

or so. Mostly, this would be noticeable through less frequent

episodes of flushing, which might also be less severe. The dilated

blood vessels in your face (which cause the redness) should slowly

shrink further. This takes time!

The triggers you listed above may still cause flare-ups, but these

should become less often and less noticeable as the blood vessels in

your face keep going back to normal. It is still important to try and

avoid these triggers, to let the blood vessels shrink. You might

notice that the diameter of the total area involved is contracting.

In addition to the above, you might be prescribed an oral antibiotic

to take, depending on the severity of your condition. This would be

useful especially in the presence of a lot of pimples, which is the

same concept applied in the treatment of acne. Acne also involves an

overgrowth of bacteria, as in rosacea.



The significance of Demodex folliculorum density in rosacea.

Erbagci Z - Int J Dermatol - 1998 Jun; 37(6): 421-5 From NIH/NLM


NLM Citation ID:


Full Source Title:

International Journal of Dermatology

Publication Type:

Journal Article



Author Affiliation:

Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine, Gaziantep University,



Erbagci Z; Ozgoztasi O


BACKGROUND: Demodex folliculorum has been reported in rosacea in a

number of clinical studies. As the Demodex mite is also present in

many healthy individuals, it has been suggested that the mite may

have a pathogenic role only when it is present in high densities.

Moreover, some authors have proposed that a mite density above 5/cm2

may be a criterion for the diagnosis of inflammatory rosacea. In this

study, the possible role of D. folliculorum and the importance of

mite density in rosacea were investigated using a skin surface biopsy

technique. METHODS: Thirty-eight patients with rosacea and 38 age-and-

sex-matched healthy subjects entered the study. With the skin surface

biopsy technique, we obtained samples from three facial sites. We

then determined the mite positivities, the mean mite counts in both

study groups, the mean mite densities at each facial site and in the

rosacea subgroups, and the mite densities above 5/cm2. RESULTS: The

mean mite count in the rosacea group (6,684) was significantly higher

than that in controls (2,868; p < 0.05). The cheek was the most

frequently and heavily infested facial region. Ten rosacea patients

and five normal subjects had mite densities over 5/cm2; the

difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS:

cea is a disease of multifactorial origin, and individual

properties may modify the severity of the inflammatory response to

Demodex. We suggest that a certain mite density is not an appropriate

criterion in the diagnosis of the disease; nevertheless, large

numbers of D. folliculorum may have an important role in the

pathogenesis of rosacea, together with other triggering factors.

Major Subjects:

a.. Acne cea / * Diagnosis / Pathology / * Parasitology a..

Facial Dermatoses / * Diagnosis / Pathology / * Parasitology a..

Mite Infestations / * Diagnosis / Pathology / * Parasitology

Additional Subjects:

a.. Adult

a.. Age Distribution a.. Aged a.. Biopsy a.. Case-Control

Studies a.. Diagnosis, Differential a.. Female a.. Human a..

Male a.. Middle Age

Bookmark URL: /das/journal/view/N/10399515?source=HS,MI



A study on Demodex folliculorum in rosacea.

Abd-El-Al AM - J Egypt Soc Parasitol - 1997 Apr; 27(1): 183-95 From


NLM Citation ID:


Full Source Title:

Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology

Publication Type:

Journal Article



Author Affiliation:

Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University,

Nasr City, Cairo.


Abd-El-Al AM; Bayoumy AM; Abou Salem EA


A random sample of 16 female patients suffering from papulopustular

rosacea (PPR) as well as (16) normal female healthy subjects as

control group were adopted in this study to assess of Demodex

folliculorum pathogenesis. It was done through determination of mite

density using a standard skin surface biopsy 10.5 cm2 from different

designated 6 areas on the face, and scanning electron microscopic

study (SEM) as well as total IgE estimation. A trial of treatment

using Crotamiton 10% cream with special program was also attempted.

All subjects ranged between 35-55 years old. All patients with

rosacea and 15 of the control group i.e. 75.93% were found to harbour

mites. The mean mite counts by site distribution were 28.6 & 6.9 on

the cheeks, followed by 14.5 & 3.0 on the forehead and lastly 6.8 &

0.8 on the chin in PPR and control groups respectively. The total

mean mite count in patients was 49.9 initially and 7.9 after

treatment. In the control group it was 10.7 & 10.6 respectively. The

mean total IgE was 169.4 & 168.4 and 96.3 & 98.4 in PPR and control

groups respectively Light and scanning electron microscopy revealed

that all mites were pointing in one direction. Some of them were

containing bacteria inside their gut and on their skin. After

treatment 3 cases (18.75%) were completely cured, 10 cases (62.5%)

gave moderate response while 3 cases (18.75) have no response. In

conclusion, this study supports the pathogenic role of D.

folliculorum in rosacea.

Major Subjects:

a.. Acne cea / Drug Therapy / * Parasitology

a.. Mite Infestations / * Complications / Drug Therapy a.. Mites /

* Growth & Development / Ultrastructure

Additional Subjects:

a.. Adult

a.. Animal a.. Antipruritics / Therapeutic Use a.. Female a..

Hair Follicle / Parasitology / Ultrastructure a.. Human a.. IgE /

Analysis a.. Insecticides / Therapeutic Use a.. Microscopy,

Electron, Scanning a.. Middle Age a.. Toluidines / Therapeutic


Chemical Compound Name:

(Antipruritics); (Insecticides); (Toluidines); 37341-29-0 (IgE); 483-

63-6 (crotamiton)

Bookmark URL: /das/journal/view/N/9958032?source=MI ===




Demodicidosis in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia; an

opportunistic infection occurring with immunosuppression. Ivy SP -

J Pediatr - 1995 Nov; 127(5): 751-4 From NIH/NLM MEDLINE; NCI


NLM Citation ID:


Full Source Title:

Journal of Pediatrics

Publication Type:

Journal Article



Author Affiliation:

Department of Pediatrics, Children's National Medical Center,

Washington, DC 20010, USA.


Ivy SP; Mackall CL; Gore L; Gress RE; Hartley AH


We report demodicidosis in 11 children with acute lymphoblastic

leukemia and a mildly pruritic, erythematous papular dermatitis that

developed in areas rich in sebaceous glands. Dermodex eruptions were

safely and effectively treated with 5% permethrin. Proliferation of

commensal parasites of the skin, Dermodex folliculorum and Dermodex

brevis may be an opportunistic infection of the skin in the

immunocompromised host; the expected abrogation of cell-mediated

immunity secondary to lymphocyte depletion predisposes some children

given chemotherapy for leukemia to mite proliferation.




( Excellent references to research))))) Annie

1. Bonnar E, Ophth MC, Eustace P, et al. The Demodex mite population

in rosacea. J Am Acad Dermatol 1993;28:443-8.

2. Hoekzema R, Hulsebosch HJ, Bos JD. Demodicidosis or rosacea: What

did we treat? Br J Dermatol 1995;133:294-9.

3. WB, ED, Burmeister V. Unilateral demodectic

rosacea. J Am Acad Dermatol 1989;20:915-7.

4. Forton F, Seys B. Density of Demodex folliculorum in rosacea: a

case-control study using standardized skin-surface biopsy. Br J

Dermatol 1993;128:650-9.

5. Mateo JR, Guzman OS, Rubio EF, et al. Demodex- attributed rosacea-

like lesions in AIDS. Acta Derm Venereol 1993;73:437.

6. Ashack RJ, Frost ML, Norins AL. Papular pruritic eruption of

Demodex folliculitis in patients with acquired immunodeficiency

syndrome. J Am Acad Dermatol 1989;21:306-7.

7. Dominey A, Rosen T, Tschen J. Papulonodular demodicidosis

associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. J Am Acad

Dermatol 1989;20:197-201.

8. Banuls J, Ramon D, Aniz E, et al. Papular pruritic eruption with

human immunodeficiency virus infection. Int J Dermatol 1991;30:801-3.

9. Sahn EE, Sheridan DM. Demodicidosis in a child with leukemia. J Am

Acad Dermatol 1992;27:799-801.

10. Dominey A, Rschen J, Rosen T, et al. Pityriasis folliculorum

revisited. J Am Acad Dermatol 1989;21:81-4.

11. Jimenez-Acosta F, Planas L, Penneys N. Demodex mites contain

immunoreactive lipase. Arch Dermatol 1989;125:1436-7.




[blepharitis. Demodex folliculorum, associated pathogen spectrum and

specific therapy] Demmler M - Ophthalmologe - 1997 Mar; 94(3): 191-


NLM Citation ID:


Original Title:

Blepharitis. Demodex folliculorum, assoziiertes Erregerspektrum und

spezifische Therapie.

Full Source Title:


Publication Type:

Journal Article



Author Affiliation:

Augenklinik, Universitat Munchen.


Demmler M; de Kaspar HM; Mohring C; Klauss V


Demodex folliculorum has been demonstrated with an elevated frequency

in patients with blepharitis, and is thought to cause therapy-

resistant blepharitis. This paper presents the germ spectrum of

patients with blepharitis and demodex and discusses the efficiency of

a specific therapy. METHODS: In all, 3152 cilia from 139 patients

with blepharitis (38% blepharitis, 44% blepharoconjunctivitis,

others) and 108 persons with quiet eyes were examined for demodex.

Smears n = 125, from the conjunctive of symptomatic patients were

investigated for bacteria, 3 weeks of therapy with mercury ointment,

2%: n, cortisone (prednisolone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone,

fluorometholone) or antibiotics after antibiogram (gentamicin,

kanamicin, neomicin, erythromicin, ofloxacin, polymyxin-B, colistin)

followed in all Demodex-positive blepharitis patients (n = 41).

RESULTS: Demodex was found in 52% (62/139) of patients with chronic

blepharitis, as against 20% (3/15) of those with acute blepharitis

(statistically significant difference, chi 2-test, alpha = 2.5%) and

in 29% of quiet eyes (statistically significantly less, alpha = 2.5%,

chi 2-test). Gram-positive cocci were isolated from 79% of 57 Demodex-

positive patients with blepharitis and 72% of 68 Demodex-negative

patients anaerobes in 39% and 37%, gram-negative rods in 11% and 3%

(statistically significant difference for gram-negative rods, alpha =

5%, chi 2-test). Of the patients with Demodex, 25% apparently had no

more parasites after mercury ointment, 2% (n = 8) and lindan (n = 5)

and 15% after cortisone and antibiotics (n = 13). (The best and

statistically very significant results (alpha = 1%) were those

obtained with mercury ointment, 2%, and lindan: t-test for connected

spot checks). CONCLUSIONS: Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria

grew more often in patients with Demodex. Demodex seems to be a

mediator of chronic blepharitis; we recommend that mites be sought in

cilia of chronic blepharitis patients. Mercury ointment, 2% and

lindan proved efficient for specific therapy, the main problem being

the laborious application and toxicity.

Major Subjects:

a.. Blepharitis / * Diagnosis / Drug Therapy / Etiology a.. Mite

Infestations / Complications / * Diagnosis / Drug Therapy

Additional Subjects:

a.. Administration, Topical

a.. Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Steroidal / Administration & Dosage

a.. English Abstract a.. Female a.. Human a.. ne /

Administration & Dosage a.. Male a.. Mercury Compounds /

Administration & Dosage a.. Middle Age a.. Prospective Studies

Chemical Compound Name:

(Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Steroidal); (Mercury Compounds); 58-89-9


Bookmark URL: /das/journal/view/N/9383030?source=HS,MI



Okay, that's enough for today.

Please let me know what you think about this.



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