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A Word To The Wise

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“As a Witness, you begin to discover that you are not that which you have been observing; you are not those things that you have been noticing about your body. Instead, you are the Noticer.” Dr. Wayne W. Dyer (b. 1940) ACCEPTING THE GESTURELearning To Receive As children, most of us are taught to give generously but seldom are we given instruction on how to graciously receive. To give of ourselves, our talent, time, and treasure, comes naturally, but being presented with a gift is often a source of embarrassment or confusion

when it isn't clear how to respond or we feel unworthy. Learning to receive is as much an art as giving and it begins when we open our eyes and ears to the simple gifts we're presented each day. If you fail to express gratitude, even for gifts that seem insignificant, you're unconsciously denying the emotions of the giver, but receiving gratefully lets the giver know that he or she is valued. Many people are uncomfortable receiving and, rather than acknowledge the spirit in which the gift was given, disregard the sentiment with statements like, "You shouldn't have." It is easy to forget that receiving a present, a charitable service, or a complement with grace and sincere gratitude is often a gift in itself. Expressing gratitude means letting someone experience the joy of giving. Gifts of love, service, help, communication, or material things all possess an emotional quality and, as such, have the power to forge or strengthen bonds. In this way, receiving

necessitates yielding to another, which may cause discomfort. We are told that receiving is a form of selfishness, but when giving is done freely and with positive intentions, receiving honors both the giver and the gift. It is necessary to care for oneself and to feel deserving before it becomes possible to accept gifts without discounting the spirit of giving or worrying about relative values. Appreciations needn't be long. Letting someone know that you are truly grateful for their thoughtfulness is enough. Often, a simple, heartfelt 'thank you' will suffice. Giving and receiving are both blessings and each builds its foundation on the other. As we learn to receive, so have we that much more to give. Only when you are willing to accept both openly will you truly be able to experience the magic of generosity and abundance.© Reproductions Permitted http://www.DailyOM.com~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THOUGHTFULNESS: QUOTES Of The

DAY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“When poets write about food it is usually celebratory. However it is also the thoughtful preparation of meals, the serving of meals, meals communally shared that brings a sense of the sacredness to the ordinary.”~ Joyce Carol Oates"There is hunger for ordinary bread, and there is hunger for love, for kindness, for thoughtfulness; and this is the great poverty that makes people suffer so much." ~ Mother of Calcutta (1910-1997) Albanian born Indian missionary and founder of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity. Nobel Prize for Peace in 1979. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PASS IT ONRandom Acts Of Kindness Kindness is contagious. A smile begets a smile, simple courtesies encourage politeness, and a thoughtful gesture lingers in the heart. It feels good to do good and doing good deeds make others feel good.

And so it goes, one good turn deserves another, and kindness becomes a way of life. Kindness is fundamental to life and it is essential in creating healthy, happy human relationships. We all need to be shown kindness and we all need to express it. Acts of kindness connect us to one another. It gives us hope in humanity. Whether random or well planned out and articulated, acts of kindness have a domino affect in creating a better world. Generosity of spirit is just as important as monetary contributions. Sincere acts of kindness are almost always appreciated, even if there is no acknowledgment. For true kindness is unconditional with no thought of reciprocation. Kindness lingers. We may forget the words, or even the person, but we seldom forget the act, a door held open, a cookie from a neighbor, a word of encouragement when we are feeling blue. Try it today. Commit one random act of senseless kindness. Mow a neighbor's lawn, let someone cut in line in front

of you, hand out balloons for no reason, say something nice to everyone you meet. Chances are those that you touch today will "pass it on" to others. We can change the world, one smile at a time. For more information visit Actsofkindness.org © Reproductions Permitted http://www.DailyOM.com~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CAPRICORN: “I USE and I SERVE”FIRST DECAN (Cardinal) INFLUENCE: “THOUGHTFULNESS” December 22nd - December 31st Father Eli taught that the Craft definition of Thoughtfulness is "consideration of others". We cannot fulfill our sense of duty toward others -- which was imposed on us by love -- without the consideration of those toward whom our love is directed. Without thoughtfulness, duty becomes a routine thing devoid of the spirit that should animate all persons professing to love. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~For more on the lessons of

Capricorn see: http://druidcraft.us/astrology.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DO YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE?To learn more about the teachings of the DRUIDIC CRAFT OF THE WISE visit the “Courses” page on the website: http://druidcraft.us You are a blessed being! Misty-Eve*Druidic Craft of the WiseThe American Ritehttp://druidcraft.us “Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of Love.” ~ Hamilton Mabi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A WORD TO THE WISEA Daily Newsletter of Astrological Reflections from The Druid

Perspective~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Share A WORD TO THE WISE with those you care about.Reproductions are permitted with the use of the following tag line:© Reproductions Permitted: http://awordtothewise.info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cheryl

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