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The Sirius-New Year's Connection by Carol Ann Ciocco

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At Midnight on New Year's Eve, we are directly 'downstream' from Sirius I've often written in this newsletter that the Gregorian Calendar is mostly a " banking " calendar, established for commerce and the paying of bills. I've often advocated our need to bring other calender-awarenesses into our culture, such as the seasonal calendar (the Mayans called it the Haab) which recognizes Solstices and Equinoxes and other seasonal points within the year, and also a more sacred calendar such as the Tzolkin. But

this is one of those times when the Gregorian Calendar is right on the mark! Deeply embedded in our cultural celebrations of " ringing out the old and ringing in the new " is a celestial fact that indeed showers us with the blessings of a new beginning. Around mid-night local time on New Year's Eve the triple star Sirius(the brightest fixed star in our sky) is found directly overhead on the mid-heaven infusing the earth with its starry energy. Because Sirius is the brightest star in our sky, in antiquity it was known as " The Shining One " or " The Scorcher. " The Egyptians called Sirius " Isis " and built their calendar around the rising and setting of this magnificent star. In addition, the Egyptians felt that Sirius could bring immortality to humans.

Freya Owlsdottir shares this info about Sirius: " The Sirius system is directly " upstream " of our solar system within the galactic arm of our Milky Way Galaxy. Because of this, we now know that the polarized energies of Sirius do indeed wash over us. By coming directly towards us, Sirius creates an axis of rotation with Earth relative to the stellar background. Because of this, of all the stars in the sky, only the annual heliacal rising (meaning its visible rising just before the Sun) of Sirius exactly matches the length of our solar year,

365.25 days. Even today, unknown to most of the people of the world, our New Years Eve celebration is a continuation of a most ancient ritual honoring the return of Sirius to the midheaven position at midnight. Occurring down through the ages around January 1st, this midnight alignment marks the moment when the energies of Sirius, directly overhead, most closely touch our lives in her most singular purity. For countless thousands of years and all around the world, without knowing the hidden reason, we have marked this midnight moment by jumping for joy as the rush of this vital connection surges through us.

To be in conscious attendance of Sirius's positional relationship in the midheaven at midnight enables us to receive the empowerment of the Spirit of Sirius directly into our lives.

Sirius is a double or binary star, (the Dogon peoples of Africa have maintained for centuries the

existence of not one, but two companions of Sirius, even long before astronomers were able to telescopically perceive the now-acknowledged companion known as Sirius B.) the companion to Sirius being a very dense and small star that, nonetheless, has immense impact on the rotational pattern of Sirius.

In their dual gravitational pull upon one the other, Sirius and its companion form a beautiful spiral dance. As they rotate relative to their respective gravitational fields, Sirius and Sirius B are observed to twist around each other in a helix-like spiral that has, over the course of its 50 year cycle, the expansive/contractive design of the Golden Proportion, a geometric pattern that is evident in all natural forms, from the seed-heads of a sunflower to the relative proportions of our own bodies and the motions of

hurricanes. Sirius imprints upon us a realignment of our own vibrational patterns, touched by the perfection of the Golden Proportion. If we have gone astray from our original

DNA blueprint of balance and harmony - for instance through toxic food, air, thoughts etc. - the Sirian influence reestablishes balance and harmony within our Body/Mind/Soul. Out with the old, in with the new! " - Freya Owlsdottir

The key word to describe Sirius energies is TRANSFORMATION. This is the gift of mastery that

Sirius flows to us at this time. One of the tools for mastering this gift is the use of

Sacred Geometry and

the Morphic Fields of perfection. The Morphic Fields contain the blueprint for all physical form in its penultimate and perfect expression. This may be why the Egyptians linked Sirius with

immortality, as Sirius holds the codes of perfection that exist in the 6th dimension. These forms will always be there, even if something on earth becomes distorted or even extinct. The Golden Proportion is eternal, and even if our thoughts and actions distort our bodies, our minds, even our souls and our Planet itslef - the ideal of perfection is always held available to us if we choose to allow it to return. It is from this field that we create physical form through the use of imagination and visualization. When you see something as perfect, you are accessing these fields to then activate what you see into physical form. The key to activating the form into being is adding emotion and feeling, specifically Love. So, as the ball drops over Times Square, so does a blast of energy from

Sirius, " The Shining One, " for the creation of perfect and beautiful expressions on Earth. As you are hugging your loved ones and feeling the power of Love, celebration, Joy and gratitude in your hearts, Visualize how you want the Planet to look, how you want your life to look, and how you want yourself (your body, for instance) to look. Visualize the Earth - and all life upon - it in its ultimate perfection.

Allow Sirius-magic to infuse your visualizations into form. This would also be a good time to visualize Peace on Earth, especially with the troubling unrest taking place in Pakistan right now.

Carol Ann Ciocco


www.ThreeMoonOcean.com (site under construction) 724.396.6694

My dear friends, I send you many Sirius Blessings on this New Year's Eve 2007 into 2008. To paraphrase "

The Great Invocation " : May Light and Love and Power restore the perfect plan on Earth.

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