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How to learn about your past lives

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How to learn about your past livesThere are many ways to investigate your past lives, but it does take time.A total memory will not come bouncing back to you. The more you do thisand more practice you get, the more of the story comes out.Here are some techniques that have worked for me...1. Keep a dream journal. Many times your dreams are past life memories.Write down anything you remember even if it doesn't make sense.2. Pay attention to places, times, languages that hold your interest. Ittook me a long time to realize that my interest in Atlantis was becausemany of my past lives took place there. I'm still trying to learn thedetails. Also, I would be haunted by what I saw whenever I watched amovie about world war 2 and the death camps of the Jewish people. Ittook that and my dreams for me to learn that I was there... that was mylast life before this one.3. Think about your imagination. Where does imagination come from? Dothese ideas come out of the blue? Very rarely are there new souls born,the majority of people are old souls or reborn souls, so imagination israrely new and unique. Imagination is usually a past life memory. Whenyou come up with a new idea, it's most likely something you already did ina past life. So examine the things you do and the ideas that come to youand think about another time that this could have happened....4. Keep a past life journal, that records your dreams, memories,imagination... write down what you "imagine" your past life might havebeen, no matter how wild.5. Look thru books and magazines of places and times, read books aboutancient civilizations. Do any of these seem familiar? Write down thosethat do... add pictures, clippings and drawings of those that do.6. Visit museums, landmarks and historical sites. Pay attention to thefeelings these evoke.7. Pay attention to house styles, furniture, clothing, foods, music, booksand movies, interests and hobbies... there are hints in these. I am drawnto 40's big band music (I know I was alive in the early 40's), Celticmusic, classical, which are hints for me for those time periods... nfurniture and clothing.. I know was alive in the early 1900's. I have anephew is completely immersed in the 1930's; the music, the clothing,swing dancing... I have no doubt that one of his past lives is in the 30's.8. Look at the people you are drawn to... what things to you have incommon with them, does there seem to be a strange attraction to them?I found myself getting frustrated with one of my nephews, but still felta strong attachment to him. I later learned that we had a past lifetogether, which drew us even closer to together. After I shared mymemory with him, suddenly many things made sense to both of us.There are many other ways to learn about your past lives, but they take alot of practice; self-hypnosis, scrying, divinations such as tarot cards.These that I listed can be done by anyone, but please remember it doestake time, and does take complete honesty with yourself. If you are thekind of person who is easily influenced by other people, your subconsciouswill block your memories. But if you can be open minded and open to newideas, your subconscious will open and so will your past life memories.Two books that I like and have helped me are:"Practical Guide to Past Life Memories" by Webster"Discovering Your Past Lives" by Gloria Chadwick.Written and Compiled by Cindi Wafstet© August 2002Permission to share freely as long as credit is given.

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