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The Gayatri Mantra

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Gayatri Mantra is the most powerful mantra for spiritual growth. It

contains the vibrations of the upper luminous spheres of light and the

spiritual powers and potencies that are in them and invokes them to the

Earth plane. It enlightens the mind and the intellect, energizes and

increases light in the aura, vitalizes the prana, provides the energy

and method to overcome lower level beings and attunes us to the Masters. The Long Form: OM BHUH, OM BHUVAHA, OM SWAHA OM MAHA, OM JANAHA, OM TAPAHA, OM SATYAM, OM, TAT SAVITUR VARENYAM, BHARGO DEVASYA DHIMAHI DHIYO YONAHA PROCHODAYAT (Om Boo, Om Boo-vah-ha, Om Swah-ha, Om Mah-ha, Om Jah-nah-ha, Om Tah-pah-ha, Om Saht-yahm, Om, Taht Sah-vee-toor Vahr-ehn-yum Bhahr-go Deh-vahs-yah Dee-mah-hee Dee-yoh Yohn-ah-ha Prah-choh dah-yaht) The Translation Om Bhur = Earth plane= 1st chakra Om Bhuvaha= Atomspheric plane= 2nd chakra Om Swaha= Solar region= 3rd chakra Om Maha= First Spiritual region beyond the Sun: Heart vibration= 4th chakra Om Janaha= Second Spiritual region beyond the Sun: Power of the Divine Spiritual word= 5th chakra Om

Tapaha= Third Spiritual region beyond the Sun: Sphere of the

progenitors. Realm of the highest spiritual understanding while still

indentified with individual existence= 6th chakra Om Satyam= The abode of supreme truth: absorpation into the Supreme= 7th chakra Om Tat Savitur Varenyam= That realm of truth which is beyond human comprehension

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