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Hi All!

My name is and I am a SAHM to 20 month old and 8 week old Mikayla Joy. I nursed for 7 months and felt that it was not long enough. I had a low milk supply and supplemented with a bottle and she ended up refusing to nurse. I do not want to make that mistake again so I am trying to find a support system this time.

I have had trouble nursing Mikayla since she was 2 weeks old and have become quite frustrated. She will suck for a few minutes and then pulls off and cries. I calm her down and she does the same thing over and over. She will suck on her hand so I can tell she is hungry. Even when she does have a good nursing session she will suck, pull off, suck, pull off. It is driving me up the wall and making me sore. I have called LLL and visited my pediatrician and a lactation consultant. I have been told it is an overactive letdown or reflux. My ped gave me Zantac to give her but it seems to make only a little bit of difference. I have tried every trick in the book that the LLL leader told me for overactive letdown (pumping first, trying different positions, etc) She is gaining well so that is not a concern, but when I nurse her it is not the happy experience that I hoped for.

Anyone have any ideas?

Mom to 12/10/98 and Mikayla 6/22/00

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