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We Are The Essence - We Choose To Create

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LightworkerWe are the Essence we choose to create~ thoughts of the day We as individuals make up the essence to that which we choose to create. We are fully capable of creating our own destiny. That is the secret that you must learn to decode. Only you the reader, can know your own truth. You are the one, who can own your power, or turn away and close your eyes to the truth . Each of us has the potential to manifest a world of greatness, beauty and compassion. But our sense of perception is clouded by the memories of fear, judgement, persecution and denial.There is always someone who will tell you that your powers mean nothing~Or that you live in a make believe or fantasy world~ or even that dreams do not come true. I am a dreamer~ I have seen and experienced many things that happen within my dreams~ There are 2 basic ways in which we visit dreamtime~One way is to dream things before they happen~Another way is to actually be in a particular physical location~while you sleep~ and to be able to make things happen~physical manifestation that ripples into the physical world~Being able to create things to happen ~thru the powers of the mind~ The journey that we choose to create within our life's~~ be it yours or mine, is merely a way to unlock those inner secrets~ There is a vast knowledge that lays untapped ~ deep within the core of human potential.A great power that lays waiting to be unleashed~ There is a great burning desire~ deep within the core of our inner potential,to uncover the truth of our Divine and Holy Potential~Those truths are stored within seeds of thought~ Providing the right fertilizer and soil~ for proper germination~is of utmost importance~There is a decoding that is necessary~that translates the information~ into a formulation of thought equations~and anchors that information into the physical world~There are many lessons that are being learned from one another~As we begin to reflect upon one another ~ to communicate with one another~to share our stories with one another~We will begin to understand and know of the great powers that we each hold~and we will begin to embrace those Powers of Divine and Holy Potential~One of those Powers that are laying dormant within the core of human potential~is the ability to disconnect from the physical body~ There are many names placedupon the ability to leave of leaving the body during sleep~Astral Projection, Lucid dreaming~Native Peoples call it Dream walking~and many Medicine People or Shamans use such abilities to travel and see into the Spirit World~Native Peoples~ seem to be more in touch~ with Spirit World~Their ancestral core beliefs~ revolve around an Earth Religion~revolve around Spirit World~ This ability opened to me~after my death experience as a young child~I came to know Spirit World~ not because of choice~but because my death experience~ opened up many doorways to me~that I would not otherwise have recognized ~or even known about~Many times I would find myself~ standing at the besides of sleeping dreamers~trying to awaken them from their sleep~And I believe that as we evolve into our higher potential~May people will begin to awaken~within their dreams~But when and if ~ you awaken within your Dream time~what will you focus upon~ what will you do~Always remember that you hold within side yourself~a Great inner Power~ A power that is vast beyond all terms of the human imagination~We all have trigger points that will become activated~by other Souls of Likeness~Under most circumstances~Male energies are attracted to the fire of female energies~Female energies are attracted to the fire of male energies~In homosexual tendencies~the individual may be attracted to the fire of the same sex~In attraction to other Souls of likeness~I have found that we all hold our own unique frequencies~And when one is searching to connect with another Soul of Likeness~We become attracted to the frequency that their physical body emits~This attraction pulls upon the core of our Divine Being~and one of the most important attributes to such attraction~is the stimulation of fire~ that is ignited within the core of the physical and emotional vehicles~Pulling upon the core of ones fire~ that leads to disconnection of the physical body~where we find ourselves roaming within the Spirit World~In normal female relationships of friendship~female energies will be attracted to one another~not by fire~ but by compassion~and the deep desire to expand consciousness~into wholeness of Spirit~I have had a few female friends tell me~that they had a women Spirit~ standing by their bedsides~giving them messages~I find that many people hold great fear of this Spirit Energy~I am here to tell you my dear Beloved Friends~that ghostly image that stands by your bedside~during the onslaught of dreaming~might just in fact~ be a dreamwalker~ looking for someone to come and play~It's a lonely world out there~ in dreamtime~very view people hold conscious memory to their Spirit body~The roaming Souls who walk a lonely path~ of Spirit World~I have learned to ask permission before I intrude on another's Space~The echoes of sound and light~ that haunt one's dreams~When I am guided to visit another Soul of likeness~I visit them in Spirit Form~I am come to your side~ to provide you withguidance and direction ~I may be pulled to you because of a certain need~you have expressed~I may be pulled to you~ because the Spirit of your Soul~has called upon me~ and I come to you~ not to bring fear~But I come to visit you~ as an emissary of Light~to give you messages that you might need~to help you evolve to your highest and greatest potential~If you fear me~ you set up a wall of denial~and you may never understand the messages that I bring~Thru out my life time~ I have had many dreamwalkerscome to my bedside~What I found of these dream walkers~ was that they were alwaysHoly people or Medicine People~ of the Native Tribes~Even when doing special Holy Events~ I find that many deceased Tribal People~would follow me home~ tell me their stories~I never held fear to these blessed and Holy Ones~I usually always felt humbled that they choose to find and work with me~They choose me to provide information and guidance~Sometimes there may be occasional "misfits" or dark energy that come knocking on the doorway of your perceptual awareness~You will recognize dark energy~ by the way they make you feel~by the way it makes you feel~always use your inner intuition or gut feeling~ to guide you for direction~If you feel a Spirit energy is carrying or holding negative energy~ protect yourself and tell it to move on~Ask your Spirit Guides for direction~ and what feels best in your heart~If a negative energy form ever try's to intrude upon your space~You have the right of free will to send it on its way~~~~If for some reason you do not feel that you have the Power to send it on its way~never be afraid to ask for help from your Spirit Guides~ that is what they are there for~I myself made that mistake only once~Jumping out of my body~ and battling a persistent negative Spirit~who refused to go away~We personally, are never required to spiritually entanglewith negative energies~But to use and call upon our Spirit Guides~for divine Intervention~And this is highly recommended~for working in the world of higher dimensions~or what I call~ the Spirit World~My words are merely seeds of thought~that might help to lay down an inner foundation~and eventually spark the germination of your own dream seeds~ The seeds of knowledge are hidden within the core of human potential. These seeds of knowledge are stored within the genetic makeup of all people, waiting to be discovered, waiting to be awakened. It is a core knowledge of truth and wisdom~that is stored within the heart of all humanity~Gaining the wisdom of how to share this knowledge~is the hardest part of all~Knowledge is the only thing that will alter the perception of truth and break down those wall of limitation and false belief systems. Embracing our knowledge is the only thing that has potential to alleviate human suffering within this world. The wisdom of knowledge teaches humility, promotes freedom of religion, inspires gratitude and self worth and skills of empowerment. The wisdom of knowledge raises levels of human intelligence to perceive the world thru eyes of expanded awareness. The wisdom teaches us, that we are Divine Beings of light, who are fully capable of Empowering ourselves. Fully capable of expressing our creative abilities in whatever capacity we would freely choose to do so. My focus revolves around healing the earth and all my relations.~ and healing the kingdoms of the world. The Wisdom and Knowledge decoded within my stories is written for the Children of Light, the inner child sleeping within us all. That inner child will need guidance as they evolve into their Divine Blueprint and awaken into the Spirit of their Souls. God instilled within us, a Master Plan of the Divine Blueprint. This Divine Blueprint, lays dormant within the core of our genetic memory. Memory that has been buried under centuries of denial, misuse, abuse and control. We have reached a place inevolution where we must learn to awaken that Divine Being that sleeps within each and every one of us. To awaken the potential of that Divine Being. We must come to realize that we are the sons and daughters of God and our bodies radiate a most magnificent Being, that most of us fail to recognize~We will find that we all hold our different and unique gifts and talents~But it is up to each of us~ to discover and embrace those abilities~People focus to much on the material world~and they have lost touch with Spirit World~Oyate Nimkte Wacin Yelo Mitakuye Oyasin.Kola Lena Cicu Welo Wiconi waste I gift these words to you my friends-~~Apeya Wowastelaka~~~( with love~)Blessings Redfoxseeshttp://intentionalone.com/community http://intentionalone.com/intent4knight http://intentionalone.com/intent4more http://intentionalone.com/theintentionalone http://myspace.com/intentionalone http://myspace.com/knightsintent

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