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Fw: Need for Response

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----- Forwarded Message ----From: ACE Chair Shapiro acechair@...---------- Forwarded message ----------Date: Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 9:10 AMSubject: Need for ResponseTo: Shhoaglund@...Hello all,At times it is necessary for me to call on you for assistance. Now isone of those times.I had sent everyone an article the other day from the Wall StreetJournal that documented some issues related to the stimulus dollarsthat were intended for special education. They were IDEA

funds. IDEAis the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. There is aprovision from the federal government that allows school districts toutilize those dollars outside of ESE. Considering that those dollarswere intended for ESE; our population continues to increase eventhough the overall population of Broward County students isdecreasing; needs of the students continues to grow; needs are leftunmet at times due to a taxed system of more kids than the currentbudget allows; etc, etc…. our students should come first whenconsidering how to best utilize the stimulus dollars.According to the article:The budget for Broward County's Exceptional Student Education programgrew to $503.7 million this school year, $50 million of which comesfrom the extra stimulus funding for special-needs students. That makescurrent-year levels 10% higher than a year

ago.With a 10% increase, we should see improvements across the board inspecial education.It is my belief that ESE dollars should be used for ESE students andif other students can benefit from those supports that are intendedfor our kids, then great…. Not the other way around as the articlestated.Some of the areas of need are:· Years ago the ACE committee fought for aDistrict level Certified Behavior Analyst position. That positionsits today unfilled. Considering the impact of behavior on a childwith autism on their overall growth and education, this is a vitalarea of need.· Autism specific area office specialists

havedecreased over the last few years, making it more difficult to obtainassistance for the schools when needed.· Sensory needs are difficult to meet becausesensory rooms are not in place or have been removed where they onceexisted.· Classroom aids/assistants for kids with highfunctioning autism so that they can remain in their “least restrictiveenvironment†are difficult to come by.· Our middle schools are in serious need for kidswith autism. The need for aids, social skills groups, on site autismsupports, behavioral supports,

classrooms set up to meet theirbehavioral needs while still allowing for grade level curriculum, etc· High school programs that support preparednessfor all students, from the kids who need the intensive services of anSVE room to those kids who are in the general population. High schoolkids who are in gen ed oftentimes are so consumed with the rigor ofthe course requirements that social skills and independent functioningskills are left to the wayside. 18-22 years old kids at the other endof the spectrum in the SVE classes should all be receiving CommunityBased Instruction for vocational skills across the board. There aremany schools doing a fine job with this, but we still need to growacross the

district.· Preschool programs exist that have noplaygrounds because the playground equipment at some of the elementaryschools are not approved for children younger than 5.· Along with our overall population growth, thecenter schools continue to grow as well. These schools hold some ofour most complex students. Innovative and creative ideas for thesechildren and young adults should be encouraged and not met withbudgetary constraints.Please take a moment and think about the needs of your child. Thinkabout what you believe an educational program would look like for himor her that would prepare them for the coming years in school, as

wellas the years after graduation. Write to your school boardrepresentative and superintendent and share with them how important itis to remember that if it were not for the ESE students, there wouldhave been no IDEA stimulus dollars. Remember to be courteous andrespectful in your letter or phone call. We want to have our SchoolBoard understand our concerns and know that we want to work togetherfor the needs of all.To find out who your school board representative is go toBrowardschools.com Here are their email addresses.mdinnen@..., jennifer.gottlieb@...,rbartleman@..., phyllis.hope@...,skraft@..., ann.murray@...,marcia.simmons@..., ruth.lutz@...ktynan@...james.notter@...Thank you for taking your time to advocate for children with special needs.Regards,Stacey Hoaglund-- ACE Chairwww.freewebs.com/acechair

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