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RE: Entering the Portal of Self-Love By DL Zeta

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"{God I ask from You the well-being, and to be grateful for the well-being"}.

Love & LightAnoudi

From: deborah@...Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 04:43:24 +0000Subject: [] Entering the Portal of Self-Love By DL Zeta

Entering the Portal of Self-Love

Some of the questions that flicker on the screens of many minds in your world surround love. You may have found your self wondering exactly what is love - why it is that so much of what at first seems to be love is actually un-love. You may look around you and see the word "love" used in situations where there is little kindness or compassion. At times, the word love is used to explain or justify acts of deception and violence. It is true, in your world the word love is sometimes used to describe intentions that are the opposite of love. When viewed from this perspective, it is easy to see how many develop a sense of distrust around the word love.

Unconditional Love Is the Highest Vibration in the Universe

The true vibration of love has nothing to do with negative emotions or low-vibrational intentions. In this way, it is easy to recognize the feeling state of true love. Unconditional love lifts you up. It never brings you down. If you are experiencing pain and suffering, you are experiencing un-love. There is no need to be distressed by this. When you recognize you are experiencing un-love, you are only a few steps from experiencing unconditional love. All circumstances can be transformed with awareness.

True Love Begins with Self-love

True love is at its root self-love. Self-love is love of one's essence, love of the spark or spirit that is life. It is this spark that ties you to all that exists in this universe. Cultivating self-love is cultivating this spark of all-that-is that exists within your self.

In your world, self-love is sometimes viewed as "self-centered." Self-centeredness carries with it negative connotations. This is a misunderstanding. Part of wholeness is being centered within your self. To be centered other than "within your self" creates imbalances that lead to dependencies, addictions, over-investment in physical reality, and other conditions of "un-love."

Loving Your Self Is Holographic to Loving Others

It is difficult to love others if you do not love your self. The relationship you have with your self is holographic to the relationship you have with others. Everyone in your life reflects to you some aspect of your self. In this way, you draw to you those who vibrate in resonance with some aspect of your energy.

Self-love is where love for all others incubates. When you experience oneness with all aspects of your self, you experience oneness with others.

Discovering Aspects of Your Self You Don't Love

Through the Law of Attraction you may draw to you circumstances of un-love if you don't fully love your self.

Your relationships with others can help you discover aspects of your self you have not yet loved. If a person reflects to you some aspect of your self you don't love, this can trigger a reaction. This is something to pay attention to. It is the feelings you have about parts of your self you don't yet love that stand in the way of unconditional love. Before you can experience true love, you must love every part of your self, even those parts you don't believe are worthy of love.

If there is a part of your self that is not giving, or who is unkind to others, send this part of your self love. This part of your self is crying out for love in the only way it knows how. If you look closely at these behaviors, you will find younger aspects of your self who have not felt loved. You can talk to these aspects and ask them why they feel as they do. Most always, you will find at the root of these behaviors misunderstandings stemming from an emotional wound. Ask these parts what you can do to help them heal.

By reaching out to these wounded parts of your self, you are handing your self the lifeline you have always wished someone would extend to you. This is self-love, which requires patience and forgiveness, the focus of a quiet mind, the willingness to listen, the willingness to release judgment and the courage to face your fears. These are all qualities of love. The person who has learned to practice these qualities within themselves extends these qualities out to the world.

Self-love Creates the Foundation for the New Earth

Imagine how different your world would be if each person on the Earth practiced self-love. We can tell you how this world would manifest itself. There would no longer be wars or violence. There would no longer be murder or cruelty to animals. Scarcity consciousness, unkindness, negative emotions and "un-love" would not exist in such a world. This is because a person who is in harmony within themselves is in harmony with all others. As each person practices self-love, this naturally extends to all beings on the planet and the planet itself. Each day becomes another glorious dance with spirit where you bring the light of unconditional love into every decision, every action and every intention.

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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