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Please can people tell me what they use to remove makeup from the eyes

(those of you with ocular rosacea and especially involving blepharitis and

the meibomian glands)! Pleeeease! It is driving me mad. I found something

I liked (didn't irritate lids or cause inflammation of the lids) but made

the insides itchy! Can anyone tell me this: could the itching be due to the

fact that this cleaner possibly stops the pores clogging and more oil s

releasd in to the eye which is faulty causing itching??? I ask this because

when I used to use only water to remove my makup i used to get a lot of

bumps along my lids, irritation in terms of burning, redness and stinging

but no itching......!! So were the blocked glands stopping itching oils

escaping??? I need to know something of the nature of this condition from

those who have answers from experiences (you who have been through it and

live it, not doctors!) Would this itching inside indicate allergy (but

doesn't irritate outsides, rather cools them and calms them) or could the

itching point to the possibility that this stuf is not clogging the

meibomain glands but is rather allowing oils to be released which cause

itching...most of the stinging is gone and my eyes have lost some redness

most of the time....so I am reluctant to give it up but the itching can get

quite bad over the period of 4 or 5 days.

I think my eyes can't take rubbing and water really dries them out..as does

baby shampoo which also irritates. RUBBING is really bad for my eyes and

causes great inflammation and redness which seems to lead to lots of

discomfort and then dryness.

Can ANYBODY shed any light on this or PLEASE RECOMMEND something

non-irritating which will remove my makeup and clean without clogging

glands, causing itching or inflammation?????? RUBBING is out so it has to

be able to remove quickly???

Hazel mentioned almond oil but i think I do have a problem with most

oils...anyway, Hazel, don't oils heat the skin up? With regard to

inflammation, wouldn't this add to this??

Please someone help...I don't know where I am up to.....I am doing a

treaching course and am really struggling because of this. cea and 30

four and five year olds are not a good combination>

Someone please, if you have the answer mail me....especially if you know of

anything naturalish which will clean without irritation and will not need a

lot of rubbing.

Thanks...please respond...can you tell I'm desperate?

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You need to stop wearing eye make-up. I know how hard it is. Since I quit

using mascara and eye liner and began taking the Omega 3, 6, & 9 fatty acids

my eyes have improved 85%. My sight is more important to me than my looks.

On special occaisons I do wear make-up, but I can feel the irratation it

causes. Maybe you should try the diluted baby shampoo again, after you stop

with the eye make-up.

I wish you well :)

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You need to stop wearing eye make-up. I know how hard it is. Since I quit

using mascara and eye liner and began taking the Omega 3, 6, & 9 fatty acids

my eyes have improved 85%. My sight is more important to me than my looks.

On special occaisons I do wear make-up, but I can feel the irratation it

causes. Maybe you should try the diluted baby shampoo again, after you stop

with the eye make-up.

I wish you well :)

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You need to stop wearing eye make-up. I know how hard it is. Since I quit

using mascara and eye liner and began taking the Omega 3, 6, & 9 fatty acids

my eyes have improved 85%. My sight is more important to me than my looks.

On special occaisons I do wear make-up, but I can feel the irratation it

causes. Maybe you should try the diluted baby shampoo again, after you stop

with the eye make-up.

I wish you well :)

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It sounds like an allergic reaction or just a sensitivity so what

you are using to wash your eyes. When I developed rosacea in my eyes they

became very sensitive to alot of products I had used in the past without any

problems. Like you explained it only itches on the inside of your eye. The

same thing with me. I found I was allergic to the mascara I had been using

for years and when I put it on my eye it burned and watered but the outside

of my eyelid remained fine just the inside mucus part reacted to it. I don't

have any great suggestions about what to use it's been mentioned over and

over but I use baby shampoo with great success. You could try to look for

something that says it is hypoallergenic. If you are using something to wash

your eyes and it makes them itch then I say definately it has some chemical

in it you are sensitive to whether you want to call it an allergy or whatever

you just need to find that product that doesn't contain what you are

sensitive too.

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