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bfing classes

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My approach is to gather as much information as possible through classes, books,

other people's experiences, etc. So, I took a breastfeeding class with each of

my kids. I learned different things at each one, and it was interesting to hear

the different ideas presented. My husband came to them also, and this was very

helpful, especially later when he ould help me position the baby and knew to

bring me a nice glass of ice water, etc without me asking/reminding him! I also

of course read everything I could get my hands on and had lots of other sources

of info., including lc's. So, I would vote for taking the class and learning

what you can. If nothing else perhaps you'll meet a good lc who you coulduse

later if need be. I also enjoyed meeting the other Moms and hearing their

experiences. Why not try both the class and LLL?


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My approach is to gather as much information as possible through classes, books,

other people's experiences, etc. So, I took a breastfeeding class with each of

my kids. I learned different things at each one, and it was interesting to hear

the different ideas presented. My husband came to them also, and this was very

helpful, especially later when he ould help me position the baby and knew to

bring me a nice glass of ice water, etc without me asking/reminding him! I also

of course read everything I could get my hands on and had lots of other sources

of info., including lc's. So, I would vote for taking the class and learning

what you can. If nothing else perhaps you'll meet a good lc who you coulduse

later if need be. I also enjoyed meeting the other Moms and hearing their

experiences. Why not try both the class and LLL?


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Thanks all for your input. I looked on the LLL website, they had a list of

local chapters. I found a group that meets right in my area once a month,

so I think I will start going to that!


>Reply-To: breastfeedingegroups

>To: <breastfeedingegroups>

>Subject: RE: bfing classes

>Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 10:49:06 -0700




>I would stick with LLL. There are some good hospital classes but you can't

>be sure of the quality. LLL will definitely help you with quality

>information. :)





>breastfeeding resources and info



> bfing classes



>Hello all,

>Quick question for you. I was on the phone today signing up my son for a

>sibling class and I couldn't decide if I should take the bfing class that

>the hospital offers also. What do you think? Are those classes helpful?

>Or would I just be better off going to some LLL meetings?





>mom to Zachary (7/18/94)

>our angel baby lost @ 16 wks. to mc (12/6/99)

>and Luke due 11/10/00 28 weeks



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>Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!







>Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!




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Thanks all for your input. I looked on the LLL website, they had a list of

local chapters. I found a group that meets right in my area once a month,

so I think I will start going to that!


>Reply-To: breastfeedingegroups

>To: <breastfeedingegroups>

>Subject: RE: bfing classes

>Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 10:49:06 -0700




>I would stick with LLL. There are some good hospital classes but you can't

>be sure of the quality. LLL will definitely help you with quality

>information. :)





>breastfeeding resources and info



> bfing classes



>Hello all,

>Quick question for you. I was on the phone today signing up my son for a

>sibling class and I couldn't decide if I should take the bfing class that

>the hospital offers also. What do you think? Are those classes helpful?

>Or would I just be better off going to some LLL meetings?





>mom to Zachary (7/18/94)

>our angel baby lost @ 16 wks. to mc (12/6/99)

>and Luke due 11/10/00 28 weeks



>Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com





>Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!







>Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!




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Thanks all for your input. I looked on the LLL website, they had a list of

local chapters. I found a group that meets right in my area once a month,

so I think I will start going to that!


>Reply-To: breastfeedingegroups

>To: <breastfeedingegroups>

>Subject: RE: bfing classes

>Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 10:49:06 -0700




>I would stick with LLL. There are some good hospital classes but you can't

>be sure of the quality. LLL will definitely help you with quality

>information. :)





>breastfeeding resources and info



> bfing classes



>Hello all,

>Quick question for you. I was on the phone today signing up my son for a

>sibling class and I couldn't decide if I should take the bfing class that

>the hospital offers also. What do you think? Are those classes helpful?

>Or would I just be better off going to some LLL meetings?





>mom to Zachary (7/18/94)

>our angel baby lost @ 16 wks. to mc (12/6/99)

>and Luke due 11/10/00 28 weeks



>Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com





>Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!







>Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!




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I agree. I'm pregnant, so I can't get hands on experience right now, but I

think that it will help alot to learn and see, so that I can know what a

good latch looks like ahead of time, how to hold my baby while nursing, how

to tell if he's getting enough, etc. I like to think that if I read enough

and hear enough about bfing, I will already know how to deal with any

problems that arise and correct them when they come along. And I will go

into the whole thing feeling confident which can make a big difference if

the beginning is bumpy.

28 wks.


>Reply-To: breastfeedingegroups

>To: breastfeedingegroups

>Subject: Re: bfing classes

>Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 20:10:04 -0400


>As a nursery nurse who teaches breastfeeding to new moms I just wanted to

>interject my opinion. It really helps when the moms are prepared with


>ahead of time. Whether by class, reading or by a list like this. It just


>for the mom to have a knowledge base before having the baby, it makes


>the baby and mom successfully breastfeed alot easier for all parties


>Just my opinion



>Lynn Glessner wrote:


> > I didn't go to lll or hospital bf classes because I didn't see how you


> > learn something like that in advance. It seemed like I heard plenty from


> > various pregnancy books and when we were at the hospital post-partum.

> >

> > I do think it would be a great way to make contacts, though.

> >

> > Lynn

> >

> >

> >

> > Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> > http://www.lactivist.com





>Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!




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That's a very good point about taking your husband with you. I think I will

go to the LLL meetings and also go to the class so that dh can come along

and learn too and so I can meet the LC, if that is who teaches the class. I

need as much knowledge as possible because I am really determined to bf

exclusivley and I won't have alot of support. My dh is very supportive and

so is my mother who breastfed all of her kids, but besides that all of my

relatives and friends have strange hang-ups about it, it makes them very

uncomfortable. My friend was over the other day and my 6 yr. old asked if

we would give the baby a bottle and I said " no, I don't think we're going to

use bottles at all, we'll just nurse. " And my friend said " even in public?! "

in shocked tones. LOL.


>Reply-To: breastfeedingegroups

>To: breastfeedingegroups

>Subject: Re: bfing classes

>Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 22:27:58 -0500


>My approach is to gather as much information as possible through classes,


>other people's experiences, etc. So, I took a breastfeeding class with

>each of

>my kids. I learned different things at each one, and it was interesting to


>the different ideas presented. My husband came to them also, and this was


>helpful, especially later when he ould help me position the baby and knew


>bring me a nice glass of ice water, etc without me asking/reminding him! I


>of course read everything I could get my hands on and had lots of other


>of info., including lc's. So, I would vote for taking the class and


>what you can. If nothing else perhaps you'll meet a good lc who you


>later if need be. I also enjoyed meeting the other Moms and hearing their

>experiences. Why not try both the class and LLL?








>Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!




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That's a very good point about taking your husband with you. I think I will

go to the LLL meetings and also go to the class so that dh can come along

and learn too and so I can meet the LC, if that is who teaches the class. I

need as much knowledge as possible because I am really determined to bf

exclusivley and I won't have alot of support. My dh is very supportive and

so is my mother who breastfed all of her kids, but besides that all of my

relatives and friends have strange hang-ups about it, it makes them very

uncomfortable. My friend was over the other day and my 6 yr. old asked if

we would give the baby a bottle and I said " no, I don't think we're going to

use bottles at all, we'll just nurse. " And my friend said " even in public?! "

in shocked tones. LOL.


>Reply-To: breastfeedingegroups

>To: breastfeedingegroups

>Subject: Re: bfing classes

>Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 22:27:58 -0500


>My approach is to gather as much information as possible through classes,


>other people's experiences, etc. So, I took a breastfeeding class with

>each of

>my kids. I learned different things at each one, and it was interesting to


>the different ideas presented. My husband came to them also, and this was


>helpful, especially later when he ould help me position the baby and knew


>bring me a nice glass of ice water, etc without me asking/reminding him! I


>of course read everything I could get my hands on and had lots of other


>of info., including lc's. So, I would vote for taking the class and


>what you can. If nothing else perhaps you'll meet a good lc who you


>later if need be. I also enjoyed meeting the other Moms and hearing their

>experiences. Why not try both the class and LLL?








>Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!




Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

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That's a very good point about taking your husband with you. I think I will

go to the LLL meetings and also go to the class so that dh can come along

and learn too and so I can meet the LC, if that is who teaches the class. I

need as much knowledge as possible because I am really determined to bf

exclusivley and I won't have alot of support. My dh is very supportive and

so is my mother who breastfed all of her kids, but besides that all of my

relatives and friends have strange hang-ups about it, it makes them very

uncomfortable. My friend was over the other day and my 6 yr. old asked if

we would give the baby a bottle and I said " no, I don't think we're going to

use bottles at all, we'll just nurse. " And my friend said " even in public?! "

in shocked tones. LOL.


>Reply-To: breastfeedingegroups

>To: breastfeedingegroups

>Subject: Re: bfing classes

>Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 22:27:58 -0500


>My approach is to gather as much information as possible through classes,


>other people's experiences, etc. So, I took a breastfeeding class with

>each of

>my kids. I learned different things at each one, and it was interesting to


>the different ideas presented. My husband came to them also, and this was


>helpful, especially later when he ould help me position the baby and knew


>bring me a nice glass of ice water, etc without me asking/reminding him! I


>of course read everything I could get my hands on and had lots of other


>of info., including lc's. So, I would vote for taking the class and


>what you can. If nothing else perhaps you'll meet a good lc who you


>later if need be. I also enjoyed meeting the other Moms and hearing their

>experiences. Why not try both the class and LLL?








>Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!




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Just check w/LLL before bringing DH. I know my local chapter has 1 every 4 months that the husbands can go through. Otherwise it is mom support. I would hate to have him go and it be a problem. Not that they would say anything but he may be uncomfortable. Just check 1st and find out what their guidelines are and how or when he can come. They may not mind at all.

For the record, No bottles here ever and Ds is almost 9 months old. I nurse in public all the time. I am discreet. For instance, yesterday we were grocery shopping and ds got hungry. He kept pulling at my shirt and doing the sign for milk. He was sitting in the cart so I pulled up my nursing shirt (must for discreet nursing) and flopped it down on his nose and he nursed away. Nobody could see anything but ds's eyes peeking out over the shirt with the drunken sailor look on the wonderful MAMA'S MILK! LOL. Many people commented how cute. Laurie

Re: bfing classes

Margaret,That's a very good point about taking your husband with you. I think I will go to the LLL meetings and also go to the class so that dh can come along and learn too and so I can meet the LC, if that is who teaches the class. I need as much knowledge as possible because I am really determined to bf exclusivley and I won't have alot of support. My dh is very supportive and so is my mother who breastfed all of her kids, but besides that all of my relatives and friends have strange hang-ups about it, it makes them very uncomfortable. My friend was over the other day and my 6 yr. old asked if we would give the baby a bottle and I said "no, I don't think we're going to use bottles at all, we'll just nurse." And my friend said "even in public?!" in shocked tones. LOL.

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That is sweet! He sounds adorable. I'm sure I will nurse in public too,

i'm not going to stay in the house all the time or hide in the bathroom to

bf. That was my answer to my friend's question, that of course I will bf in

public, discreetly. I don't know why she had a picture in her head of me

whipping out my whole boob, lol. About the nursing shirts, I noticed you

said that you use them. I can't make up my mind about this. I have seen

some cute ones and they look like they would make nursing in public easier

but I have had other women tell me that they're not worth the expense and

that blousy regular shirts or button down shirts work fine too. What do you

all think?


>Reply-To: breastfeedingegroups

>To: <breastfeedingegroups>

>Subject: Re: bfing classes

>Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 11:47:24 -0400



> Just check w/LLL before bringing DH. I know my local chapter has 1

>every 4 months that the husbands can go through. Otherwise it is mom

>support. I would hate to have him go and it be a problem. Not that they

>would say anything but he may be uncomfortable. Just check 1st and find

>out what their guidelines are and how or when he can come. They may not

>mind at all.


>For the record, No bottles here ever and Ds is almost 9 months old. I

>nurse in public all the time. I am discreet. For instance, yesterday we

>were grocery shopping and ds got hungry. He kept pulling at my shirt and

>doing the sign for milk. He was sitting in the cart so I pulled up my

>nursing shirt (must for discreet nursing) and flopped it down on his nose

>and he nursed away. Nobody could see anything but ds's eyes peeking out

>over the shirt with the drunken sailor look on the wonderful MAMA'S MILK!

>LOL. Many people commented how cute.



> Re: bfing classes



> Margaret,

> That's a very good point about taking your husband with you. I think I


> go to the LLL meetings and also go to the class so that dh can come


> and learn too and so I can meet the LC, if that is who teaches the

>class. I

> need as much knowledge as possible because I am really determined to bf

> exclusivley and I won't have alot of support. My dh is very supportive


> so is my mother who breastfed all of her kids, but besides that all of


> relatives and friends have strange hang-ups about it, it makes them very

> uncomfortable. My friend was over the other day and my 6 yr. old asked


> we would give the baby a bottle and I said " no, I don't think we're

>going to

> use bottles at all, we'll just nurse. " And my friend said " even in

>public?! "

> in shocked tones. LOL.





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That is sweet! He sounds adorable. I'm sure I will nurse in public too,

i'm not going to stay in the house all the time or hide in the bathroom to

bf. That was my answer to my friend's question, that of course I will bf in

public, discreetly. I don't know why she had a picture in her head of me

whipping out my whole boob, lol. About the nursing shirts, I noticed you

said that you use them. I can't make up my mind about this. I have seen

some cute ones and they look like they would make nursing in public easier

but I have had other women tell me that they're not worth the expense and

that blousy regular shirts or button down shirts work fine too. What do you

all think?


>Reply-To: breastfeedingegroups

>To: <breastfeedingegroups>

>Subject: Re: bfing classes

>Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 11:47:24 -0400



> Just check w/LLL before bringing DH. I know my local chapter has 1

>every 4 months that the husbands can go through. Otherwise it is mom

>support. I would hate to have him go and it be a problem. Not that they

>would say anything but he may be uncomfortable. Just check 1st and find

>out what their guidelines are and how or when he can come. They may not

>mind at all.


>For the record, No bottles here ever and Ds is almost 9 months old. I

>nurse in public all the time. I am discreet. For instance, yesterday we

>were grocery shopping and ds got hungry. He kept pulling at my shirt and

>doing the sign for milk. He was sitting in the cart so I pulled up my

>nursing shirt (must for discreet nursing) and flopped it down on his nose

>and he nursed away. Nobody could see anything but ds's eyes peeking out

>over the shirt with the drunken sailor look on the wonderful MAMA'S MILK!

>LOL. Many people commented how cute.



> Re: bfing classes



> Margaret,

> That's a very good point about taking your husband with you. I think I


> go to the LLL meetings and also go to the class so that dh can come


> and learn too and so I can meet the LC, if that is who teaches the

>class. I

> need as much knowledge as possible because I am really determined to bf

> exclusivley and I won't have alot of support. My dh is very supportive


> so is my mother who breastfed all of her kids, but besides that all of


> relatives and friends have strange hang-ups about it, it makes them very

> uncomfortable. My friend was over the other day and my 6 yr. old asked


> we would give the baby a bottle and I said " no, I don't think we're

>going to

> use bottles at all, we'll just nurse. " And my friend said " even in

>public?! "

> in shocked tones. LOL.





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That is sweet! He sounds adorable. I'm sure I will nurse in public too,

i'm not going to stay in the house all the time or hide in the bathroom to

bf. That was my answer to my friend's question, that of course I will bf in

public, discreetly. I don't know why she had a picture in her head of me

whipping out my whole boob, lol. About the nursing shirts, I noticed you

said that you use them. I can't make up my mind about this. I have seen

some cute ones and they look like they would make nursing in public easier

but I have had other women tell me that they're not worth the expense and

that blousy regular shirts or button down shirts work fine too. What do you

all think?


>Reply-To: breastfeedingegroups

>To: <breastfeedingegroups>

>Subject: Re: bfing classes

>Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 11:47:24 -0400



> Just check w/LLL before bringing DH. I know my local chapter has 1

>every 4 months that the husbands can go through. Otherwise it is mom

>support. I would hate to have him go and it be a problem. Not that they

>would say anything but he may be uncomfortable. Just check 1st and find

>out what their guidelines are and how or when he can come. They may not

>mind at all.


>For the record, No bottles here ever and Ds is almost 9 months old. I

>nurse in public all the time. I am discreet. For instance, yesterday we

>were grocery shopping and ds got hungry. He kept pulling at my shirt and

>doing the sign for milk. He was sitting in the cart so I pulled up my

>nursing shirt (must for discreet nursing) and flopped it down on his nose

>and he nursed away. Nobody could see anything but ds's eyes peeking out

>over the shirt with the drunken sailor look on the wonderful MAMA'S MILK!

>LOL. Many people commented how cute.



> Re: bfing classes



> Margaret,

> That's a very good point about taking your husband with you. I think I


> go to the LLL meetings and also go to the class so that dh can come


> and learn too and so I can meet the LC, if that is who teaches the

>class. I

> need as much knowledge as possible because I am really determined to bf

> exclusivley and I won't have alot of support. My dh is very supportive


> so is my mother who breastfed all of her kids, but besides that all of


> relatives and friends have strange hang-ups about it, it makes them very

> uncomfortable. My friend was over the other day and my 6 yr. old asked


> we would give the baby a bottle and I said " no, I don't think we're

>going to

> use bottles at all, we'll just nurse. " And my friend said " even in

>public?! "

> in shocked tones. LOL.





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Some regular shirts do work as good. On the most part I find my Motherswear shirts to work most discreetly. I wouldn't try what I did yesterday with a regular t-shirt or button up shirt. My whole breast would have been exposed. But the crop top allowed me the flexibility to put the shirt on his nose so I was completely covered up. I have done it both ways and for sure the clothes make it much easier and more discreet. Laurie

Re: bfing classes>>> Margaret,> That's a very good point about taking your husband with you. I think I >will> go to the LLL meetings and also go to the class so that dh can come >along> and learn too and so I can meet the LC, if that is who teaches the >class. I> need as much knowledge as possible because I am really determined to bf> exclusivley and I won't have alot of support. My dh is very supportive >and> so is my mother who breastfed all of her kids, but besides that all of >my> relatives and friends have strange hang-ups about it, it makes them very> uncomfortable. My friend was over the other day and my 6 yr. old asked >if> we would give the baby a bottle and I said "no, I don't think we're >going to> use bottles at all, we'll just nurse." And my friend said "even in >public?!"> in shocked tones. LOL.>> >________________________________________________________________________Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.comGive the Gift of Life Breastfeed!http://www.lactivist.com

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Some regular shirts do work as good. On the most part I find my Motherswear shirts to work most discreetly. I wouldn't try what I did yesterday with a regular t-shirt or button up shirt. My whole breast would have been exposed. But the crop top allowed me the flexibility to put the shirt on his nose so I was completely covered up. I have done it both ways and for sure the clothes make it much easier and more discreet. Laurie

Re: bfing classes>>> Margaret,> That's a very good point about taking your husband with you. I think I >will> go to the LLL meetings and also go to the class so that dh can come >along> and learn too and so I can meet the LC, if that is who teaches the >class. I> need as much knowledge as possible because I am really determined to bf> exclusivley and I won't have alot of support. My dh is very supportive >and> so is my mother who breastfed all of her kids, but besides that all of >my> relatives and friends have strange hang-ups about it, it makes them very> uncomfortable. My friend was over the other day and my 6 yr. old asked >if> we would give the baby a bottle and I said "no, I don't think we're >going to> use bottles at all, we'll just nurse." And my friend said "even in >public?!"> in shocked tones. LOL.>> >________________________________________________________________________Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.comGive the Gift of Life Breastfeed!http://www.lactivist.com

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Some regular shirts do work as good. On the most part I find my Motherswear shirts to work most discreetly. I wouldn't try what I did yesterday with a regular t-shirt or button up shirt. My whole breast would have been exposed. But the crop top allowed me the flexibility to put the shirt on his nose so I was completely covered up. I have done it both ways and for sure the clothes make it much easier and more discreet. Laurie

Re: bfing classes>>> Margaret,> That's a very good point about taking your husband with you. I think I >will> go to the LLL meetings and also go to the class so that dh can come >along> and learn too and so I can meet the LC, if that is who teaches the >class. I> need as much knowledge as possible because I am really determined to bf> exclusivley and I won't have alot of support. My dh is very supportive >and> so is my mother who breastfed all of her kids, but besides that all of >my> relatives and friends have strange hang-ups about it, it makes them very> uncomfortable. My friend was over the other day and my 6 yr. old asked >if> we would give the baby a bottle and I said "no, I don't think we're >going to> use bottles at all, we'll just nurse." And my friend said "even in >public?!"> in shocked tones. LOL.>> >________________________________________________________________________Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.comGive the Gift of Life Breastfeed!http://www.lactivist.com

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LOl Amy Lynn, hopefully I *will* get the hang of doing it discreetly and not

scare her off of the idea so she'll nurse her next one. ;)


>Reply-To: breastfeedingegroups

>To: <breastfeedingegroups>

>Subject: Re: bfing classes

>Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 09:26:15 -0500




>You will be an example to your friend of discreet nursing, whether you are

>out together or just visiting in each other's homes. Go girl!!!


>Amy Lynn





>Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!




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LOl Amy Lynn, hopefully I *will* get the hang of doing it discreetly and not

scare her off of the idea so she'll nurse her next one. ;)


>Reply-To: breastfeedingegroups

>To: <breastfeedingegroups>

>Subject: Re: bfing classes

>Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 09:26:15 -0500




>You will be an example to your friend of discreet nursing, whether you are

>out together or just visiting in each other's homes. Go girl!!!


>Amy Lynn





>Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!




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Practice in front of the mirror. It is a great way to see what's showing.

If you can watch your reflection instead of the baby while you are

latching-on, you are ready to nurse anywear!!LOL.

Amy Lynn

Re: bfing classes

> LOl Amy Lynn, hopefully I *will* get the hang of doing it discreetly and


> scare her off of the idea so she'll nurse her next one. ;)



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Practice in front of the mirror. It is a great way to see what's showing.

If you can watch your reflection instead of the baby while you are

latching-on, you are ready to nurse anywear!!LOL.

Amy Lynn

Re: bfing classes

> LOl Amy Lynn, hopefully I *will* get the hang of doing it discreetly and


> scare her off of the idea so she'll nurse her next one. ;)



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Practice in front of the mirror. It is a great way to see what's showing.

If you can watch your reflection instead of the baby while you are

latching-on, you are ready to nurse anywear!!LOL.

Amy Lynn

Re: bfing classes

> LOl Amy Lynn, hopefully I *will* get the hang of doing it discreetly and


> scare her off of the idea so she'll nurse her next one. ;)



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Good tip. I'll do that. I also figured that dh will be coming along with

me on my first public nursing attempts so he can stand in front of me while

the baby latches on. Just added insurance while i'm getting to be a

seasoned pro, like you all. :0)


>Reply-To: breastfeedingegroups

>To: <breastfeedingegroups>

>Subject: Re: bfing classes

>Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 23:09:27 -0500


>Practice in front of the mirror. It is a great way to see what's showing.

>If you can watch your reflection instead of the baby while you are

>latching-on, you are ready to nurse anywear!!LOL.


>Amy Lynn

> Re: bfing classes



> > LOl Amy Lynn, hopefully I *will* get the hang of doing it discreetly and


> > scare her off of the idea so she'll nurse her next one. ;)

> >

> >






>Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!




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Good tip. I'll do that. I also figured that dh will be coming along with

me on my first public nursing attempts so he can stand in front of me while

the baby latches on. Just added insurance while i'm getting to be a

seasoned pro, like you all. :0)


>Reply-To: breastfeedingegroups

>To: <breastfeedingegroups>

>Subject: Re: bfing classes

>Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 23:09:27 -0500


>Practice in front of the mirror. It is a great way to see what's showing.

>If you can watch your reflection instead of the baby while you are

>latching-on, you are ready to nurse anywear!!LOL.


>Amy Lynn

> Re: bfing classes



> > LOl Amy Lynn, hopefully I *will* get the hang of doing it discreetly and


> > scare her off of the idea so she'll nurse her next one. ;)

> >

> >






>Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!




Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

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Good tip. I'll do that. I also figured that dh will be coming along with

me on my first public nursing attempts so he can stand in front of me while

the baby latches on. Just added insurance while i'm getting to be a

seasoned pro, like you all. :0)


>Reply-To: breastfeedingegroups

>To: <breastfeedingegroups>

>Subject: Re: bfing classes

>Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 23:09:27 -0500


>Practice in front of the mirror. It is a great way to see what's showing.

>If you can watch your reflection instead of the baby while you are

>latching-on, you are ready to nurse anywear!!LOL.


>Amy Lynn

> Re: bfing classes



> > LOl Amy Lynn, hopefully I *will* get the hang of doing it discreetly and


> > scare her off of the idea so she'll nurse her next one. ;)

> >

> >






>Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!




Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

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