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Re: WOW..... this study shows OVER 50 percent rupture rate.......

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I do recall in my Mentor pamphlet, which I still have, that it showed rates of problems for women with cancer as being MUCH MUCH higher than women who have implants simply for aesthetics. I felt bad for them, because I figure the last thing they need is MORE problems. (isn't cancer enough? now they have to deal with high rates of cap. contracture, etc.?) It just adds insult to injury, in my opinion. They deserve better. We deserve better. We're all women, with or without cancer, and we all deserve better alternatives to feeling good about ourselves than what today's implants & implant techniques have to offer. WOW..... this study shows OVER 50 percent rupture rate.......

http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057

The opinions or assertions presented herein are the private views of the authors and are not to be construed as conveying either an official endorsement or criticism by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, the U. S. Public Health Service, or the Food and Drug Administration.

Address correspondence to S. L. Brown

OBJECTIVE. Silicone gel breast implants have been reported to rupture, but the prevalence of implant rupture in an unreferred population of women is not known. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of implant rupture and the presence of extracapsular silicone gel in an unreferred population of women without regard to the absence or presence of any local or systemic symptoms.

SUBJECTS AND METHODS. Women identified as part of a National Cancer Institute cohort study on breast implants, living in the Birmingham, AL, area were invited to undergo MR imaging of their current silicone gel breast implants at the Kirklin Clinic at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Three radiologists independently examined and rated all MR images for signs of implant rupture and extracapsular silicone.

RESULTS. A total of 344 women with silicone gel breast implants underwent MR imaging. Breast implant rupture was reported by at least two of three radiologists for 378 (55.0%) of the 687 implants in this study. Another 50 implants (7.2%) were rated as indeterminate (suspicious) for rupture. A majority of women in this study, 265 (77.0%) of 344, had at least one breast implant that was rated as ruptured or indeterminate. Radiologists also agreed that silicone gel could be seen outside the fibrous capsule that forms around the implant in 85 (12.4%) of the 687 implants affecting 73 women (21.2%). Factors that affected implant rupture were implant age and location (submuscular or subglandular) . The median implant age at rupture was estimated to be 10.8 years with a 95% confidence interval of 8.4-13.9 years.

CONCLUSION. The prevalence of silent or occult silicone gel breast implant rupture is higher than was previously suspected. Most women in this study had MR imaging evidence of at least one ruptured silicone gel breast implant.


TopAbstractIntroductionSubjects and MethodsResultsDiscussionReferences Surveys and studies have indicated that by 1993, approximately 1.3 million women in the United States had breast implants [1]. Despite the widespread use of silicone gel breast implants, the prevalence of implant rupture is not known [2]. Numerous cases describing both implant rupture and gel migration beyond the capsule have been reported in the literature [2].

One study of 749 women with breast implants in place for a mean of 7.8 years indicated that 5.7% of those women underwent breast surgery because of a ruptured implant [3]. In a study of 317 ish women with implants, 10 (3.1%) had implants replaced after implant rupture [4]. These studies enumerated women who went to surgery with an indication of implant rupture but not women who had implants explanted for other reasons and were incidentally found to have ruptured implants.

Studies describing the status of implants after explantation have reported a much higher prevalence of implant rupture. The prevalence of implants that were not intact was reported to be between 23% and 65% of explanted implants [2, 5,6,7].

The discrepancy between studies of women with an indication of implant rupture before surgery and the higher prevalence of ruptured implants found in explantation studies could be attributed to referral bias in the population having their implants removed. However, this discrepancy could be caused by a mammographically or clinically silent (asymptomatic) rupture. A retrospective examination of screening mammograms from 350 asymptomatic women with breast implants indicated that 16 women (4.6%) had ruptured implants [8]. Mammography is the least sensitive imaging method for examining breast implant rupture with a sensitivity of 11-69% described in studies comparing imaging methods [9,10,11]. MR imaging has been reported to have a sensitivity of 39-76% when radiologists used a body coil, and from 52-95% when they used a breast coil [7, 11,12,13,14,15,16]. In recent MR imaging studies in which radiologists used a breast surface coil and had validated signs of rupture, the sensitivity was 74-94% and the specificity was 85-98% [7, 13, 16]. The specificity reported in these papers is likely underestimated and the sensitivity overestimated because early "learning curve" cases in which rupture was less completely understood than it is now were included.

In our study, an unreferred population of women underwent MR imaging with a breast coil to ascertain the current status of their silicone gel breast implants. Three radiologists independently examined the images for evidence of breast implant rupture. Radiologists also evaluated whether silicone gel had migrated outside the fibrous capsule that forms around the breast implant. Rupture prevalence by implant type (single or standard double lumen), manufacturer, implant location (subglandular or submuscular) , and implant age was also evaluated.

Subjects and Methods

TopAbstractIntroductionSubjects and MethodsResultsDiscussionReferences CohortWomen were identified as eligible for this study on the basis of their participation in a National Cancer Institute (NCI) study that had identified 13,448 women with breast implants at 18 plastic surgery practices [17]. Women from two of the practices (sites) were included in the current study if they responded to the NCI questionnaire and still lived in the Birmingham, AL, area. Of 1247 eligible women, 907 responded to a screening computer-assisted telephone interview that focused on past surgeries in which implants were removed or replaced (the results of this study will be published elsewhere). Of these 907 women, 837 reported still having implants; 654 reported having either single- or double-lumen silicone gel breast implants. Women were invited to participate in MR imaging to determine the status of their silicone gel breast implants, after completing the telephone interview, if they did not have contraindications for undergoing MR imaging (metal implant or battery-activated stimulator, pregnancy, tattoos, body weight >300 pounds, or a history of metal fragments in the eye). The invitation to participate in the MR imaging study was random in that the order in which women were called and interviewed was random. The study had funding for 400 MR examinations and was also constrained by the contract period with the MR imaging facility. Initially, only women within a 50-mile (80-km) radius of the clinic were invited to participate in the MR imaging. As the study progressed, it became clear that adequate MR imaging was available to offer to women outside the immediate area. Women outside the area were called back and subsequent new contacts were invited. Of the 445 women invited to participate in the MR imaging portion of the study, 359 (80.7%) accepted and underwent the examination during the time that the MR imaging clinic had agreed to make examinations available. Fourteen women who underwent MR imaging had saline inflatable implants, and one woman did not have implants. These women were excluded from the analysis of 344 women with 687 silicone gel—filled breast implants.

The protocol for this study was reviewed and approved by five institutional review boards (NCI Special Studies IRB; Food and Drug Administration Research Involving Human Subjects Committee; University of California, San Diego, Human Subjects Committee; University of Alabama at Birmingham Institutional Review Board; and Abt Associates Institutional Review Board). All participants signed a detailed informed consent document. A report with results of the MR imaging was mailed to each participant and to a physician of her choice. A certificate of confidentiality for the study was obtained from the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

MR ImagingWomen were scheduled for MR imaging at the Kirklin Clinic at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. We scanned on a 1.5-T scanner (revision 8.2, SIGNA Horizon; General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI) using a dedicated General Electric bilateral phased array breast surface coil. The goals were to determine whether implants were ruptured and whether any extracapsular silicone was present. After a T2-weighted scout sequence, four sequences were performed on each breast independently, for a total of nine pulse sequences per patient (duration, about 60 min).. Four sequences were used. The first was an axial T2-weighted fast spin-echo inversion-recovery sequence with water suppression over a 16.4-cm cephalocaudad distance centered on the breast (TR/TE, 3000/156; inversion time, 180 msec; echo train length, 16; field of view, 20 cm; slice thickness, 4 mm; matrix, 256 x 192; excitations, one). The second sequence was an axial T2-weighted fast spin-echo sequence with silicone suppression over the same slices as prior series (3000/156; excitations, one). The third was a sagittal T2-weighted fast spin-echo sequence with water suppression including the portion of the implant showing folds (3000/224; field of view, 16 cm; slice thickness, 3 mm; matrix, 256 x 256; excitations, two). The fourth sequence was an axial fast spin-echo T2-weighted sequence with water suppression including portions of the implant showing folds with the same parameters as the third sequence. The goal of this sequence was to look carefully at high resolution in folds outside the implant for signs of silicone gel, which is the most sensitive sign of rupture. An additional initial short tuning sequence was obtained for the final 101 patients to offset a problem with one of the shim gradient coils. Sequences were repeated as necessary (average, 10.1 sequences per initial study). Technologists were trained in the study protocol by the study radiologist. After the in-person training, the study radiologist was available by telephone for consultations at any time. Images were sent to the study radiologist by express mail at least once per week.

MR Evaluation of RuptureThe study radiologist and two consulting radiologists reviewed the 359 patients independently. Criteria to determine rupture were discussed by the radiologists before the consulting radiologists began their evaluation. Radiologists examined images for signs of rupture, including "linguine" sign [14, 18], "wavy line" sign or double "wavy line" sign [7], "anterior spiculation" sign [7], "subcapsular line" sign [15, 16], "keyhole" sign [7, 15, 16], "inverted teardrop" sign [15, 16, 18], "noose" sign [13, 19], "pull-away" sign [7], and the "open loop" sign [10]. The signs previously noted, with different terminology from different authors, describe only two basic phenomena that, considered together, are the criteria we used to describe ruptured implants. The first appearance is that of an implant elastomer shell fully collapsed and enveloped by the silicone gel it once contained. This shows up on MR images as a wavy internal dark line representing the implant elastomer shell, surrounded by the silicone gel that has escaped from the implant. The second appearance is of a thin layer of silicone gel between the implant elastomer shell and the internal surface of the fibrous capsule, or of silicone gel outside the implant as a whole, yet collecting within infoldings of the implant elastomer shell that protrude into the implant itself. All degrees of collapse were grouped together for purposes of analysis. Double-lumen implants were considered ruptured by the same criteria: the appearance of silicone gel outside the implant as a whole. Fluid signal mixing with gel alone was not considered indicative of rupture, although for double-lumen implants this feature may indicate isolated failure of the inner of the two shells. MR imaging only infrequently showed evidence of silicone-fluid bleeding through an intact shell. Findings indeterminate for rupture included one or two images with a possibility of gel in a fold. The presence of extracapsular silicone was noted when observed.

When available, implant type, manufacturer, style, catalog number, and serial number were made known to each radiologist before evaluation. In cases in which the imaging contradicted any provided information, the implant-type evidence from the images was used, and that information was provided by the study radiologist to the other radiologists. Single-lumen silicone gel—filled implants were graded as "ruptured" when silicone gel was seen outside the implant. Standard double-lumen implants were graded as ruptured when silicone gel was seen outside the outer shell. Implants were graded "indeterminate" when there was suspicion, but not certainty, of rupture. Implants were graded as "no evidence of rupture" when they appeared intact.

Readings from each radiologist on rupture status were evaluated for agreement with other radiologists in a pairwise fashion with the weighted kappa statistic. A consensus reading was computed by voting the readings from radiologists and reporting the majority consensus.. In the event that readings spanned the range from no evidence, to indeterminate, to ruptured, the consensus was "indeterminate. " Likewise a consensus reading on the presence of extracapsular silicone was determined by majority vote.

Assignment of Implant GenerationEach implant was classified according to implant generation as defined by s et al. [20] when enough information was available. Implant generation was determined on the basis of implant characteristics, with first generation implants being early thick-shell, mostly thick-gel implants; second generation being thin and intermediate shells that replaced the first generation, excluding "low bleed" implants; and third generation being low bleed implants. Information used to define the generation was implant model, implant catalog number, implant serial number, and, in some cases, MR imaging appearance.

Statistical MethodsLogistic regression was used to model the probability that at least one of the implants in a woman was ruptured or was indeterminate (i.e. the units of observation were women, not implants). Factors considered for the logistic regression model were implant age, implant type, location and manufacturer, site of the surgery practice, and their two-way interactions. Another factor considered was implant generation. In the analysis, we used only women with two implants that had the same values for all factors. We chose a final model on the basis of tests of significance using analysis of deviance. To interpret the odds ratios from the regression, we determined that an odds ratio of 1.0 indicates no association between the characteristic and implant rupture. An odds ratio of 2.0 would indicate that women with the characteristic have twice the odds of occurrence of a ruptured implant as those who do not have the characteristic.

Using the logistic regression models, we estimated the implant age at which the probability of rupture was 0.5 and called this the median age of rupture. We estimated this quantity by backsolving for implant age in the equation, relating the log odds of rupture, or logit, to the linear predictor. This method is commonly used to estimate the median effective dose in dose-response studies [21]. We furthermore estimated the implant age for probabilities of rupture other than 0.5 and plotted the probabilities against these estimates to form a survival curve. Standard errors of the estimated ages were computed by applying the delta method to the function isolating age and its theoretic variance matrix evaluated at the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters. These standard errors were used to form 95% confidence bounds on the survival curve.

The logistic regression model used is equivalent to a survival model on the time to rupture. Time to rupture was either left-censored, when the implant was ruptured, or right-censored, when the implant was not ruptured. In the logistic regression model, the log odds of rupture was modeled as linear in the log of implant age. The logistic model corresponds to assuming that left- and right- censored times to rupture have a log—logistic distribution [22].


TopAbstractIntroductionSubjects and MethodsResultsDiscussionReferences The 359 women who accepted and underwent MR imaging did not differ from the other 888 women in the Alabama study population with respect to age at the time of their first implantation (25 = 3.827, p = 0.575) or year during which their initial implantation occurred (24 = 1.571, p = 0.814). Neither were there differences in women undergoing MR imaging compared with the others with respect to the first implant type (single lumen, double lumen, not known) (22 = 1.210, p = 0.546) or with respect to the manufacturer of their first implant (26 = 3.720, p = 0.714).

The 359 women who accepted and under-went the MR imaging did not differ, with respect to their opinion on whether their current implants were ruptured, from the 86 women who either actively refused the examination or scheduled the examination but did not come to their appointment. Although 31 women (8.6%) who subsequently under-went the examination reported that they thought their current implants were ruptured, seven women (8.0%) invited but declining the examination reported that they thought their implants might be ruptured (chi-square test, p = 0.674). This similarity indicates that the population accepting the MR imaging was not biased with respect to suspecting implant rupture.

Women in the MR imaging cohort had a mean age of 51.4 ± 8.4 years (range, 33-76 years) at the time of the examination. The reason for mammoplasty in the medical record was cosmetic for most women (85%), but 14% had the implants for medical reasons, usually for fibrocystic breasts. Women received their first implants between 1970 and 1988, with a median year of 1981. One woman had only one implant (single lumen), and two women had a single-lumen silicone gel implant in one breast and a standard double-lumen implant in the other. Twenty-four women (7%) had reported that one or both original implants had been surgically removed and replaced. The average breast implant age in this study was 16.5 ± 3.4 years for the 677 implants that had this information available, with a range from 6.4 to 28.0 years since implantation and a median age of 16.4 years.

Table 1 compares the interpretations from the three radiologists. Overall, the radiologists' consensus was that 378 (55%) of the 687 implants in this study were ruptured and that another 50 (7.2%) were indeterminate. Two hundred fifty-nine implants (37.7%) were intact. When viewed on the basis of women, 236 women (68.6%) had at least one ruptured implant. Overall, 108 women (31.4%) had both implants intact, 94 women (27.3%) had one ruptured implant, and 142 women (41.3%) had two ruptured implants. If women with ruptured implants and implants suspicious for rupture were included, then 265 women (77.0%) were affected. A high level of agreement was found between radiologists when compared in pairwise fashion as measured by the weighted kappa statistic. In no case was the kappa statistic less than 0.88, indicating almost perfect agreement [23]. Figures 1,2,3 are representative images of single- and standard double-lumen implants that were rated as ruptured by all three radiologists.

View this table:[in this window][in a new window] TABLE 1 Status of Silicone Gel Breast Implants as Interpreted by Three Radiologists

View larger version (118K):[in this window][in a new window][as a PowerPoint slide] Fig. 1. —Representative MR image of 310-mL single-lumen silicone gel—filled implant placed December 13, 1973, shows characteristic appearance of rupture. Arrow identifies location of silicone gel outside implant shell (i.e., keyhole, inverted teardrop, noose appearance).

View larger version (115K):[in this window][in a new window][as a PowerPoint slide] Fig. 2. — Representative MR image of 220-mL single-lumen silicone gel—filled implant placed December 20, 1982, shows presence of multiple-layered wavy lines representing collapsed implant shell surrounded by silicone gel (i.e., linguine or wavy-line appearance).

View larger version (105K):[in this window][in a new window][as a PowerPoint slide] Fig. 3. —Representative MR image of Hartley-type standard double-lumen implant, originally with 225 mL of inner-lumen silicone gel, placed April 27, 1984, shows characteristic appearance of rupture. Note thicker single posterior shell patch attached to both inner and outer lumen shells on both sides, with thickened central part where gel was originally injected into implant and sealed, all entirely surrounded by silicone gel. Saline was absent from outer lumen at time of this scan.

Migration of silicone beyond the fibrous capsule was observed in 85 breasts. Although affecting 85 (12.4%) of 687 breasts in this study, silicone migration beyond the fibrous capsule in one or both breasts was found in 73 women (21.2%). Figure 4 is a representative MR image of migration of silicone gel from the intracapsular to the extracapsular space. In all but one breast with extracapsular silicone, the radiologists' consensus was that the implant was ruptured or suspicious for rupture. The prevalence of extracapsular silicone for ruptured implants was 84 (22.2%) of 378 ruptured implants. The agreement between radiologists on extracapsular silicone was not as high as for rupture. When compared in a pairwise fashion, the kappa statistic for extracapsular silicone in the left or right breast was between 0.50 and 0.65 (moderate to substantial agreement) [23].

View larger version (103K):[in this window][in a new window][as a PowerPoint slide] Fig. 4. —Representative MR image of migration of silicone shows contiguous spread of silicone gel from intracapsular to extracapsular space. Single-lumen (220 mL) silicone gel—filled implant was placed January 2, 1979.

Table 2 shows implant status by implant type, implant age (shown in 5-year groups), implant location (subglandular, submuscular) , implant manufacturer, and implant generation. The prevalence of rupture in each of the implants and in women is shown. In this univariate analysis, implant age, location, and manufacturer were all factors that had a bearing on rupture. In particular, rupture prevalence increased as implant age increased from 6 to 20 years, but then decreased as age increased to greater than 20 years. Most implants more than 20 years old were from Dow Corning (Midland, MI); Dow Corning implants ruptured less often than implants from other manufacturers. Few first and third generation implants were found in this study; the majority of implants were from the second generation. The average age of each generation from first to third was 25.4 ± 1.1, 16.3 ± 3.3, and 7.4 ± 2.6 years, respectively.

View this table:[in this window][in a new window] TABLE 2 Factors Affecting Rupture as Judged by Consensus Interpretation of MR Images

A multivariate logistic regression model was developed and used to estimate odds ratios of rupture, with each factor adjusting for the other factors in the model. Table 3 lists the estimated odds ratios given by the final model for the outcomes of rupture and of rupture or indeterminate (suspicion of). The estimated odds ratio for a 33% increase in implant age was significantly greater than one for both outcomes according to the corresponding 95% confidence intervals and indicated that increases in implant age increase the risk of these outcomes. Each odds ratio for implant age was calculated from a log odds ratio that was an average of log odds ratios specific to each manufacturer, with the average based on weights proportional to the number of women with implants from these manufacturers. The manufacturers -Uphoff International (Carpenteria, CA) and McGhan/3M (Santa Barbara, CA) were excluded from the model because of the small number of women with implants from these manufacturers (Table 2). Odds ratios for implant location were computed for each site because of variation by site. For the outcome of rupture or indeterminate rupture, the estimated odds ratio for implants located in the submuscular position compared with the subglandular position was significantly greater than 1 for site 2, but not for site 1. For the outcome of rupture, the estimated odds ratio was significantly greater than 1 for both sites.

View this table:[in this window][in a new window] TABLE 3 Multiple Logistic Regression Model of Implant Rupture as Judged by Consensus Interpretation of MR Imaging

The logistic model was further used to compute a survival curve for implants (Figs. 5 and 6). Unlike the survival curves from survival analyses in which probabilities of surviving are estimated at fixed times, in these survival curves, times (i.e., implant ages) are estimated at fixed probabilities. The curves plotted are estimates of implant age obtained at average values of the other factors, in which the average is based on weights for groups within factors that are proportional to the number of women within the groups. (For location effects by site, the weights for location are additionally weighted by site.) The estimated median age of rupture was 10.8 years with a 95% confidence interval of 8.4-13.9, and that of rupture or indeterminate was 9.7 years with a 95% confidence interval of 7.2-13.0.

View larger version (22K):[in this window][in a new window][as a PowerPoint slide] Fig. 5. —Estimated implant ages for probabilities of ruptured implants. CI = confidence interval.

View larger version (25K):[in this window][in a new window][as a PowerPoint slide] Fig. 6. —Estimated implant ages for probabilities of ruptured or indeterminate implants. CI = confidence interval.

The logistic regression model was fit to all women (n = 304) who had two implants with the same values for site and for implant age, type, location, and manufacturer (-Uphoff International and McGhan/3M excluded). The final model was determined by first including all main effects for these factors and then by using analysis of deviance to test for significant two-way interactions. Significant interactions of implant age by manufacturer and implant location by site were included in the model. The interaction of implant location by implant type was also significant but not included because it led to instability in model estimates. Implant generation was also significant but not included because it was highly correlated with implant age, and most implants were of the second generation.


TopAbstractIntroductionSubjects and MethodsResultsDiscussionReferences We assessed a population of women with silicone gel breast implants for breast implant rupture, using breast MR imaging. The prevalence of rupture for the 687 breast implants was 55.0%. This affected 68.6% of the 344 women in the study. If the implants that were indeterminate (suspicious) were included, 265 women (77.0%) were affected. This level of implant rupture assessed by MR imaging is in close agreement with studies in which implant status was assessed after explantation and examination of implants [5, 6, 20], indicating that findings on implant rupture from the explant population may be representative of the implant population in general. Other published studies have enumerated women having surgery because of a suspected implant rupture [3, 4], but these studies clearly would not include the population asymptomatic with respect to rupture. On the basis of the results of this study, a rupture has occurred in the majority of implants and in the majority of patients from a population selected without regard for any local or systemic symptoms of the patient.

Factors that were associated with implant rupture were implant age and location. These factors were also associated with an MR imaging outcome of ruptured or indeterminate. A conservative estimate of median age of implant rupture was 10.8 years. The association of rupture with implant location indicates that submuscular implants were more likely to be ruptured than subglandular implants.

For some manufacturers, rupture prevalence was based on few implants (e.g., -Uphoff International and McGhan/3M), and these data should be interpreted cautiously. Other manufacturers such as Surgitek (Medical Engineering, Racine, WI) had a large number of implants in this study population. It is likely that local variations among surgeons in the preference for manufacturers played a role in the uneven distribution of implants from different manufacturers. Because of limited resources for this study, we could not pursue additional sites that may have provided equal representation of implant manufacturers. A high prevalence of rupture was seen across all manufacturers, excluding McGhan, ranging between 45% and 82%.

s et al. [20] addressed the concept of implant generation as a possible factor in implant rupture. Difficulties with this approach have not yet been addressed fully in the literature and are beyond the scope of this work, mainly involving the definitions of their generations and the ranges of years over which they extended. Notwithstanding those objections, using their basic definitions, s et al. thought that 91.8% (631/687) of the implants in this study were second generation (i.e., thin or intermediate shell thickness, not early thick shell and thick gel, and not low bleed). We considered generation a factor in a logistic regression model but excluded it because implant age is associated with calendar year and therefore measures similar information. In this study all first generation implants (thick shell and thick gel) were manufactured by Dow Corning. Reported to have lower rupture rates than succeeding generations [20], first generation implants (11/24) ruptured more frequently than did second generation implants manufactured by Dow Corning (10/30). Nonetheless, the first generation rupture prevalence of 11 (45.8%) of 24 is less than the overall rupture prevalence of 55.0%. All 24 first generation implants were more than 20 years old, which contributed to the relatively lower rupture prevalence observed among implants more than 20 years old (Table 3). Another possible explanation is that many of the older implants that were inferior have been explanted and explanted implants would not be included in the MR study. This hypothesis is consistent with the observation that the proportion of women reporting an explantation surgery was less for women in the MR imaging study (7%) compared with all women completing the questionnaire (33%).

Another finding of concern was the high prevalence of migration of silicone gel from the fibrous capsule that surrounds the implant. Silicone had migrated beyond the capsule in at least one breast in 21% of the women in this study. Numerous cases of silicone migration from the capsule have been reported in the literature [2, 7]. Any association of silicone migration or breast implant rupture with disease has not been specifically investigated because the status of women with respect to implant rupture or silicone migration has been unknown in studies that have examined risk of disease in women after mammoplasty with silicone implants [24, 25]. The issue of health consequences of free silicone is poorly understood because of the lack of studies in which implant status and health status are both known.

The agreement among the three radiologists in this study as to the status of implants was quite high. MR imaging has been shown to be the most sensitive and specific method of imaging for breast implant rupture [7, 9,10,11, 13, 16]. These results on implant status may be viewed with a high degree of confidence particularly because the results are the consensus of at least two of the three reviewing radiologists. The radiologists' agreement on extracapsular silicone was moderate to substantial. A study to examine the reason for this is planned.

This study had some shortcomings. We could not rule out all sources of bias. We cannot know what effect litigation had on participation in this study: anecdotal evidence suggests that some litigants were encouraged to participate in the NCI study and others were discouraged by their attorneys or others. Although 303 (33.4%) of 907 of women interviewed for this study indicated that they had their implant removed, only 7% of those receiving MR imaging reported having their implants removed and replaced. This discrepancy is because women who had implants removed and not replaced or removed and replaced with saline implants would not be eligible to participate in the MR imaging study. This requirement would result in culling out older implants that were removed because they were ruptured or for other reasons and may have led to an underestimation of the rupture prevalence. However, participants were similar to those declining to participate with respect to their opinion on the status of their current implants. As previously mentioned, implant manufacturers were not represented equally in this study. Although MR imaging is considered the best method for imaging breast implants for rupture, it is not perfect. This study did not include ascertaining implant status for women who subsequently decided to have their implants explanted. Because of the lower sensitivity of MR imaging in depicting uncollapsed rupture, it is likely that these interpretations present an underestimate of the rupture prevalence [7, 13, 16].

Given the past belief that implant rupture was rare, but the current evidence that the prevalence of implant rupture is high, we believe it is time to reevaluate the need to screen women for implant rupture and to develop recommendations for implant removal or replacement in the event of a rupture. Considerable disagreement exists over the appropriate treatment for women with ruptured implants. Individual plastic surgeons have recommended prophylactic explanation of silicone gel breast implants before 8 years after implantation, regardless of evidence of rupture, to avoid the increasing risk of rupture as the implant ages [5]. Others have advised that silicone should be removed from patients symptomatic for connective tissue disease or with other nonspecific illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia [26]. There is agreement that if implant rupture is symptomatic for local complications (breast deformity, siliconoma or granuloma, pain, and migration), the implant should be explanted with the option of replacement [27]. Plastic surgeons will remove an implant if it is ruptured and causes a cosmetic defect, but some may question the health benefit of removing a ruptured implant if it is contained within the scar capsule [28]. Conversely, some plastic surgeons have argued that rupture should always be treated aggressively to prevent extracapsular spread because silicone gel is more difficult to remove once it has migrated [29, 30]. Both the potential for distant migration and subsequent inflammatory reactions have been cited as a reason to explant ruptured implants [31, 32]. Other studies have maintained that silicone poses little or no health risk [33] or that the potential for unnecessary surgical procedures is worrisome [34].

Women considering silicone gel breast implants, which are presently available to some women in clinical studies, should be informed of the possible risk of implant rupture and the possibility that this may necessitate additional surgery.

Acknowledgments We thank women who participated in this study, some of whom received unsettling news on the status of their breast implants. We also appreciate the contributions of Louise Brinton and Jay Lubin from the NCI, who graciously provided access to the NCI cohort and advice on study design. Cay Burich, Vargish, Marilyn Sawyer, and Jon Schmalz from Abt Associates, Inc. in Chicago are to be commended for their diligent work on this complex study. We thank those plastic surgeons who shared their records with the NCI, making this study possible. Finally, we thank all the sponsors of this research in the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, and particularly the Office of Women's Health at the Food and Drug Administration.


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I do recall in my Mentor pamphlet, which I still have, that it showed rates of problems for women with cancer as being MUCH MUCH higher than women who have implants simply for aesthetics. I felt bad for them, because I figure the last thing they need is MORE problems. (isn't cancer enough? now they have to deal with high rates of cap. contracture, etc.?) It just adds insult to injury, in my opinion. They deserve better. We deserve better. We're all women, with or without cancer, and we all deserve better alternatives to feeling good about ourselves than what today's implants & implant techniques have to offer. WOW..... this study shows OVER 50 percent rupture rate.......

http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057

The opinions or assertions presented herein are the private views of the authors and are not to be construed as conveying either an official endorsement or criticism by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, the U. S. Public Health Service, or the Food and Drug Administration.

Address correspondence to S. L. Brown

OBJECTIVE. Silicone gel breast implants have been reported to rupture, but the prevalence of implant rupture in an unreferred population of women is not known. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of implant rupture and the presence of extracapsular silicone gel in an unreferred population of women without regard to the absence or presence of any local or systemic symptoms.

SUBJECTS AND METHODS. Women identified as part of a National Cancer Institute cohort study on breast implants, living in the Birmingham, AL, area were invited to undergo MR imaging of their current silicone gel breast implants at the Kirklin Clinic at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Three radiologists independently examined and rated all MR images for signs of implant rupture and extracapsular silicone.

RESULTS. A total of 344 women with silicone gel breast implants underwent MR imaging. Breast implant rupture was reported by at least two of three radiologists for 378 (55.0%) of the 687 implants in this study. Another 50 implants (7.2%) were rated as indeterminate (suspicious) for rupture. A majority of women in this study, 265 (77.0%) of 344, had at least one breast implant that was rated as ruptured or indeterminate. Radiologists also agreed that silicone gel could be seen outside the fibrous capsule that forms around the implant in 85 (12.4%) of the 687 implants affecting 73 women (21.2%). Factors that affected implant rupture were implant age and location (submuscular or subglandular) . The median implant age at rupture was estimated to be 10.8 years with a 95% confidence interval of 8.4-13.9 years.

CONCLUSION. The prevalence of silent or occult silicone gel breast implant rupture is higher than was previously suspected. Most women in this study had MR imaging evidence of at least one ruptured silicone gel breast implant.


TopAbstractIntroductionSubjects and MethodsResultsDiscussionReferences Surveys and studies have indicated that by 1993, approximately 1.3 million women in the United States had breast implants [1]. Despite the widespread use of silicone gel breast implants, the prevalence of implant rupture is not known [2]. Numerous cases describing both implant rupture and gel migration beyond the capsule have been reported in the literature [2].

One study of 749 women with breast implants in place for a mean of 7.8 years indicated that 5.7% of those women underwent breast surgery because of a ruptured implant [3]. In a study of 317 ish women with implants, 10 (3.1%) had implants replaced after implant rupture [4]. These studies enumerated women who went to surgery with an indication of implant rupture but not women who had implants explanted for other reasons and were incidentally found to have ruptured implants.

Studies describing the status of implants after explantation have reported a much higher prevalence of implant rupture. The prevalence of implants that were not intact was reported to be between 23% and 65% of explanted implants [2, 5,6,7].

The discrepancy between studies of women with an indication of implant rupture before surgery and the higher prevalence of ruptured implants found in explantation studies could be attributed to referral bias in the population having their implants removed. However, this discrepancy could be caused by a mammographically or clinically silent (asymptomatic) rupture. A retrospective examination of screening mammograms from 350 asymptomatic women with breast implants indicated that 16 women (4.6%) had ruptured implants [8]. Mammography is the least sensitive imaging method for examining breast implant rupture with a sensitivity of 11-69% described in studies comparing imaging methods [9,10,11]. MR imaging has been reported to have a sensitivity of 39-76% when radiologists used a body coil, and from 52-95% when they used a breast coil [7, 11,12,13,14,15,16]. In recent MR imaging studies in which radiologists used a breast surface coil and had validated signs of rupture, the sensitivity was 74-94% and the specificity was 85-98% [7, 13, 16]. The specificity reported in these papers is likely underestimated and the sensitivity overestimated because early "learning curve" cases in which rupture was less completely understood than it is now were included.

In our study, an unreferred population of women underwent MR imaging with a breast coil to ascertain the current status of their silicone gel breast implants. Three radiologists independently examined the images for evidence of breast implant rupture. Radiologists also evaluated whether silicone gel had migrated outside the fibrous capsule that forms around the breast implant. Rupture prevalence by implant type (single or standard double lumen), manufacturer, implant location (subglandular or submuscular) , and implant age was also evaluated.

Subjects and Methods

TopAbstractIntroductionSubjects and MethodsResultsDiscussionReferences CohortWomen were identified as eligible for this study on the basis of their participation in a National Cancer Institute (NCI) study that had identified 13,448 women with breast implants at 18 plastic surgery practices [17]. Women from two of the practices (sites) were included in the current study if they responded to the NCI questionnaire and still lived in the Birmingham, AL, area. Of 1247 eligible women, 907 responded to a screening computer-assisted telephone interview that focused on past surgeries in which implants were removed or replaced (the results of this study will be published elsewhere). Of these 907 women, 837 reported still having implants; 654 reported having either single- or double-lumen silicone gel breast implants. Women were invited to participate in MR imaging to determine the status of their silicone gel breast implants, after completing the telephone interview, if they did not have contraindications for undergoing MR imaging (metal implant or battery-activated stimulator, pregnancy, tattoos, body weight >300 pounds, or a history of metal fragments in the eye). The invitation to participate in the MR imaging study was random in that the order in which women were called and interviewed was random. The study had funding for 400 MR examinations and was also constrained by the contract period with the MR imaging facility. Initially, only women within a 50-mile (80-km) radius of the clinic were invited to participate in the MR imaging. As the study progressed, it became clear that adequate MR imaging was available to offer to women outside the immediate area. Women outside the area were called back and subsequent new contacts were invited. Of the 445 women invited to participate in the MR imaging portion of the study, 359 (80.7%) accepted and underwent the examination during the time that the MR imaging clinic had agreed to make examinations available. Fourteen women who underwent MR imaging had saline inflatable implants, and one woman did not have implants. These women were excluded from the analysis of 344 women with 687 silicone gel—filled breast implants.

The protocol for this study was reviewed and approved by five institutional review boards (NCI Special Studies IRB; Food and Drug Administration Research Involving Human Subjects Committee; University of California, San Diego, Human Subjects Committee; University of Alabama at Birmingham Institutional Review Board; and Abt Associates Institutional Review Board). All participants signed a detailed informed consent document. A report with results of the MR imaging was mailed to each participant and to a physician of her choice. A certificate of confidentiality for the study was obtained from the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

MR ImagingWomen were scheduled for MR imaging at the Kirklin Clinic at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. We scanned on a 1.5-T scanner (revision 8.2, SIGNA Horizon; General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI) using a dedicated General Electric bilateral phased array breast surface coil. The goals were to determine whether implants were ruptured and whether any extracapsular silicone was present. After a T2-weighted scout sequence, four sequences were performed on each breast independently, for a total of nine pulse sequences per patient (duration, about 60 min).. Four sequences were used. The first was an axial T2-weighted fast spin-echo inversion-recovery sequence with water suppression over a 16.4-cm cephalocaudad distance centered on the breast (TR/TE, 3000/156; inversion time, 180 msec; echo train length, 16; field of view, 20 cm; slice thickness, 4 mm; matrix, 256 x 192; excitations, one). The second sequence was an axial T2-weighted fast spin-echo sequence with silicone suppression over the same slices as prior series (3000/156; excitations, one). The third was a sagittal T2-weighted fast spin-echo sequence with water suppression including the portion of the implant showing folds (3000/224; field of view, 16 cm; slice thickness, 3 mm; matrix, 256 x 256; excitations, two). The fourth sequence was an axial fast spin-echo T2-weighted sequence with water suppression including portions of the implant showing folds with the same parameters as the third sequence. The goal of this sequence was to look carefully at high resolution in folds outside the implant for signs of silicone gel, which is the most sensitive sign of rupture. An additional initial short tuning sequence was obtained for the final 101 patients to offset a problem with one of the shim gradient coils. Sequences were repeated as necessary (average, 10.1 sequences per initial study). Technologists were trained in the study protocol by the study radiologist. After the in-person training, the study radiologist was available by telephone for consultations at any time. Images were sent to the study radiologist by express mail at least once per week.

MR Evaluation of RuptureThe study radiologist and two consulting radiologists reviewed the 359 patients independently. Criteria to determine rupture were discussed by the radiologists before the consulting radiologists began their evaluation. Radiologists examined images for signs of rupture, including "linguine" sign [14, 18], "wavy line" sign or double "wavy line" sign [7], "anterior spiculation" sign [7], "subcapsular line" sign [15, 16], "keyhole" sign [7, 15, 16], "inverted teardrop" sign [15, 16, 18], "noose" sign [13, 19], "pull-away" sign [7], and the "open loop" sign [10]. The signs previously noted, with different terminology from different authors, describe only two basic phenomena that, considered together, are the criteria we used to describe ruptured implants. The first appearance is that of an implant elastomer shell fully collapsed and enveloped by the silicone gel it once contained. This shows up on MR images as a wavy internal dark line representing the implant elastomer shell, surrounded by the silicone gel that has escaped from the implant. The second appearance is of a thin layer of silicone gel between the implant elastomer shell and the internal surface of the fibrous capsule, or of silicone gel outside the implant as a whole, yet collecting within infoldings of the implant elastomer shell that protrude into the implant itself. All degrees of collapse were grouped together for purposes of analysis. Double-lumen implants were considered ruptured by the same criteria: the appearance of silicone gel outside the implant as a whole. Fluid signal mixing with gel alone was not considered indicative of rupture, although for double-lumen implants this feature may indicate isolated failure of the inner of the two shells. MR imaging only infrequently showed evidence of silicone-fluid bleeding through an intact shell. Findings indeterminate for rupture included one or two images with a possibility of gel in a fold. The presence of extracapsular silicone was noted when observed.

When available, implant type, manufacturer, style, catalog number, and serial number were made known to each radiologist before evaluation. In cases in which the imaging contradicted any provided information, the implant-type evidence from the images was used, and that information was provided by the study radiologist to the other radiologists. Single-lumen silicone gel—filled implants were graded as "ruptured" when silicone gel was seen outside the implant. Standard double-lumen implants were graded as ruptured when silicone gel was seen outside the outer shell. Implants were graded "indeterminate" when there was suspicion, but not certainty, of rupture. Implants were graded as "no evidence of rupture" when they appeared intact.

Readings from each radiologist on rupture status were evaluated for agreement with other radiologists in a pairwise fashion with the weighted kappa statistic. A consensus reading was computed by voting the readings from radiologists and reporting the majority consensus.. In the event that readings spanned the range from no evidence, to indeterminate, to ruptured, the consensus was "indeterminate. " Likewise a consensus reading on the presence of extracapsular silicone was determined by majority vote.

Assignment of Implant GenerationEach implant was classified according to implant generation as defined by s et al. [20] when enough information was available. Implant generation was determined on the basis of implant characteristics, with first generation implants being early thick-shell, mostly thick-gel implants; second generation being thin and intermediate shells that replaced the first generation, excluding "low bleed" implants; and third generation being low bleed implants. Information used to define the generation was implant model, implant catalog number, implant serial number, and, in some cases, MR imaging appearance.

Statistical MethodsLogistic regression was used to model the probability that at least one of the implants in a woman was ruptured or was indeterminate (i.e. the units of observation were women, not implants). Factors considered for the logistic regression model were implant age, implant type, location and manufacturer, site of the surgery practice, and their two-way interactions. Another factor considered was implant generation. In the analysis, we used only women with two implants that had the same values for all factors. We chose a final model on the basis of tests of significance using analysis of deviance. To interpret the odds ratios from the regression, we determined that an odds ratio of 1.0 indicates no association between the characteristic and implant rupture. An odds ratio of 2.0 would indicate that women with the characteristic have twice the odds of occurrence of a ruptured implant as those who do not have the characteristic.

Using the logistic regression models, we estimated the implant age at which the probability of rupture was 0.5 and called this the median age of rupture. We estimated this quantity by backsolving for implant age in the equation, relating the log odds of rupture, or logit, to the linear predictor. This method is commonly used to estimate the median effective dose in dose-response studies [21]. We furthermore estimated the implant age for probabilities of rupture other than 0.5 and plotted the probabilities against these estimates to form a survival curve. Standard errors of the estimated ages were computed by applying the delta method to the function isolating age and its theoretic variance matrix evaluated at the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters. These standard errors were used to form 95% confidence bounds on the survival curve.

The logistic regression model used is equivalent to a survival model on the time to rupture. Time to rupture was either left-censored, when the implant was ruptured, or right-censored, when the implant was not ruptured. In the logistic regression model, the log odds of rupture was modeled as linear in the log of implant age. The logistic model corresponds to assuming that left- and right- censored times to rupture have a log—logistic distribution [22].


TopAbstractIntroductionSubjects and MethodsResultsDiscussionReferences The 359 women who accepted and underwent MR imaging did not differ from the other 888 women in the Alabama study population with respect to age at the time of their first implantation (25 = 3.827, p = 0.575) or year during which their initial implantation occurred (24 = 1.571, p = 0.814). Neither were there differences in women undergoing MR imaging compared with the others with respect to the first implant type (single lumen, double lumen, not known) (22 = 1.210, p = 0.546) or with respect to the manufacturer of their first implant (26 = 3.720, p = 0.714).

The 359 women who accepted and under-went the MR imaging did not differ, with respect to their opinion on whether their current implants were ruptured, from the 86 women who either actively refused the examination or scheduled the examination but did not come to their appointment. Although 31 women (8.6%) who subsequently under-went the examination reported that they thought their current implants were ruptured, seven women (8.0%) invited but declining the examination reported that they thought their implants might be ruptured (chi-square test, p = 0.674). This similarity indicates that the population accepting the MR imaging was not biased with respect to suspecting implant rupture.

Women in the MR imaging cohort had a mean age of 51.4 ± 8.4 years (range, 33-76 years) at the time of the examination. The reason for mammoplasty in the medical record was cosmetic for most women (85%), but 14% had the implants for medical reasons, usually for fibrocystic breasts. Women received their first implants between 1970 and 1988, with a median year of 1981. One woman had only one implant (single lumen), and two women had a single-lumen silicone gel implant in one breast and a standard double-lumen implant in the other. Twenty-four women (7%) had reported that one or both original implants had been surgically removed and replaced. The average breast implant age in this study was 16.5 ± 3.4 years for the 677 implants that had this information available, with a range from 6.4 to 28.0 years since implantation and a median age of 16.4 years.

Table 1 compares the interpretations from the three radiologists. Overall, the radiologists' consensus was that 378 (55%) of the 687 implants in this study were ruptured and that another 50 (7.2%) were indeterminate. Two hundred fifty-nine implants (37.7%) were intact. When viewed on the basis of women, 236 women (68.6%) had at least one ruptured implant. Overall, 108 women (31.4%) had both implants intact, 94 women (27.3%) had one ruptured implant, and 142 women (41.3%) had two ruptured implants. If women with ruptured implants and implants suspicious for rupture were included, then 265 women (77.0%) were affected. A high level of agreement was found between radiologists when compared in pairwise fashion as measured by the weighted kappa statistic. In no case was the kappa statistic less than 0.88, indicating almost perfect agreement [23]. Figures 1,2,3 are representative images of single- and standard double-lumen implants that were rated as ruptured by all three radiologists.

View this table:[in this window][in a new window] TABLE 1 Status of Silicone Gel Breast Implants as Interpreted by Three Radiologists

View larger version (118K):[in this window][in a new window][as a PowerPoint slide] Fig. 1. —Representative MR image of 310-mL single-lumen silicone gel—filled implant placed December 13, 1973, shows characteristic appearance of rupture. Arrow identifies location of silicone gel outside implant shell (i.e., keyhole, inverted teardrop, noose appearance).

View larger version (115K):[in this window][in a new window][as a PowerPoint slide] Fig. 2. — Representative MR image of 220-mL single-lumen silicone gel—filled implant placed December 20, 1982, shows presence of multiple-layered wavy lines representing collapsed implant shell surrounded by silicone gel (i.e., linguine or wavy-line appearance).

View larger version (105K):[in this window][in a new window][as a PowerPoint slide] Fig. 3. —Representative MR image of Hartley-type standard double-lumen implant, originally with 225 mL of inner-lumen silicone gel, placed April 27, 1984, shows characteristic appearance of rupture. Note thicker single posterior shell patch attached to both inner and outer lumen shells on both sides, with thickened central part where gel was originally injected into implant and sealed, all entirely surrounded by silicone gel. Saline was absent from outer lumen at time of this scan.

Migration of silicone beyond the fibrous capsule was observed in 85 breasts. Although affecting 85 (12.4%) of 687 breasts in this study, silicone migration beyond the fibrous capsule in one or both breasts was found in 73 women (21.2%). Figure 4 is a representative MR image of migration of silicone gel from the intracapsular to the extracapsular space. In all but one breast with extracapsular silicone, the radiologists' consensus was that the implant was ruptured or suspicious for rupture. The prevalence of extracapsular silicone for ruptured implants was 84 (22.2%) of 378 ruptured implants. The agreement between radiologists on extracapsular silicone was not as high as for rupture. When compared in a pairwise fashion, the kappa statistic for extracapsular silicone in the left or right breast was between 0.50 and 0.65 (moderate to substantial agreement) [23].

View larger version (103K):[in this window][in a new window][as a PowerPoint slide] Fig. 4. —Representative MR image of migration of silicone shows contiguous spread of silicone gel from intracapsular to extracapsular space. Single-lumen (220 mL) silicone gel—filled implant was placed January 2, 1979.

Table 2 shows implant status by implant type, implant age (shown in 5-year groups), implant location (subglandular, submuscular) , implant manufacturer, and implant generation. The prevalence of rupture in each of the implants and in women is shown. In this univariate analysis, implant age, location, and manufacturer were all factors that had a bearing on rupture. In particular, rupture prevalence increased as implant age increased from 6 to 20 years, but then decreased as age increased to greater than 20 years. Most implants more than 20 years old were from Dow Corning (Midland, MI); Dow Corning implants ruptured less often than implants from other manufacturers. Few first and third generation implants were found in this study; the majority of implants were from the second generation. The average age of each generation from first to third was 25.4 ± 1.1, 16.3 ± 3.3, and 7.4 ± 2.6 years, respectively.

View this table:[in this window][in a new window] TABLE 2 Factors Affecting Rupture as Judged by Consensus Interpretation of MR Images

A multivariate logistic regression model was developed and used to estimate odds ratios of rupture, with each factor adjusting for the other factors in the model. Table 3 lists the estimated odds ratios given by the final model for the outcomes of rupture and of rupture or indeterminate (suspicion of). The estimated odds ratio for a 33% increase in implant age was significantly greater than one for both outcomes according to the corresponding 95% confidence intervals and indicated that increases in implant age increase the risk of these outcomes. Each odds ratio for implant age was calculated from a log odds ratio that was an average of log odds ratios specific to each manufacturer, with the average based on weights proportional to the number of women with implants from these manufacturers. The manufacturers -Uphoff International (Carpenteria, CA) and McGhan/3M (Santa Barbara, CA) were excluded from the model because of the small number of women with implants from these manufacturers (Table 2). Odds ratios for implant location were computed for each site because of variation by site. For the outcome of rupture or indeterminate rupture, the estimated odds ratio for implants located in the submuscular position compared with the subglandular position was significantly greater than 1 for site 2, but not for site 1. For the outcome of rupture, the estimated odds ratio was significantly greater than 1 for both sites.

View this table:[in this window][in a new window] TABLE 3 Multiple Logistic Regression Model of Implant Rupture as Judged by Consensus Interpretation of MR Imaging

The logistic model was further used to compute a survival curve for implants (Figs. 5 and 6). Unlike the survival curves from survival analyses in which probabilities of surviving are estimated at fixed times, in these survival curves, times (i.e., implant ages) are estimated at fixed probabilities. The curves plotted are estimates of implant age obtained at average values of the other factors, in which the average is based on weights for groups within factors that are proportional to the number of women within the groups. (For location effects by site, the weights for location are additionally weighted by site.) The estimated median age of rupture was 10.8 years with a 95% confidence interval of 8.4-13.9, and that of rupture or indeterminate was 9.7 years with a 95% confidence interval of 7.2-13.0.

View larger version (22K):[in this window][in a new window][as a PowerPoint slide] Fig. 5. —Estimated implant ages for probabilities of ruptured implants. CI = confidence interval.

View larger version (25K):[in this window][in a new window][as a PowerPoint slide] Fig. 6. —Estimated implant ages for probabilities of ruptured or indeterminate implants. CI = confidence interval.

The logistic regression model was fit to all women (n = 304) who had two implants with the same values for site and for implant age, type, location, and manufacturer (-Uphoff International and McGhan/3M excluded). The final model was determined by first including all main effects for these factors and then by using analysis of deviance to test for significant two-way interactions. Significant interactions of implant age by manufacturer and implant location by site were included in the model. The interaction of implant location by implant type was also significant but not included because it led to instability in model estimates. Implant generation was also significant but not included because it was highly correlated with implant age, and most implants were of the second generation.


TopAbstractIntroductionSubjects and MethodsResultsDiscussionReferences We assessed a population of women with silicone gel breast implants for breast implant rupture, using breast MR imaging. The prevalence of rupture for the 687 breast implants was 55.0%. This affected 68.6% of the 344 women in the study. If the implants that were indeterminate (suspicious) were included, 265 women (77.0%) were affected. This level of implant rupture assessed by MR imaging is in close agreement with studies in which implant status was assessed after explantation and examination of implants [5, 6, 20], indicating that findings on implant rupture from the explant population may be representative of the implant population in general. Other published studies have enumerated women having surgery because of a suspected implant rupture [3, 4], but these studies clearly would not include the population asymptomatic with respect to rupture. On the basis of the results of this study, a rupture has occurred in the majority of implants and in the majority of patients from a population selected without regard for any local or systemic symptoms of the patient.

Factors that were associated with implant rupture were implant age and location. These factors were also associated with an MR imaging outcome of ruptured or indeterminate. A conservative estimate of median age of implant rupture was 10.8 years. The association of rupture with implant location indicates that submuscular implants were more likely to be ruptured than subglandular implants.

For some manufacturers, rupture prevalence was based on few implants (e.g., -Uphoff International and McGhan/3M), and these data should be interpreted cautiously. Other manufacturers such as Surgitek (Medical Engineering, Racine, WI) had a large number of implants in this study population. It is likely that local variations among surgeons in the preference for manufacturers played a role in the uneven distribution of implants from different manufacturers. Because of limited resources for this study, we could not pursue additional sites that may have provided equal representation of implant manufacturers. A high prevalence of rupture was seen across all manufacturers, excluding McGhan, ranging between 45% and 82%.

s et al. [20] addressed the concept of implant generation as a possible factor in implant rupture. Difficulties with this approach have not yet been addressed fully in the literature and are beyond the scope of this work, mainly involving the definitions of their generations and the ranges of years over which they extended. Notwithstanding those objections, using their basic definitions, s et al. thought that 91.8% (631/687) of the implants in this study were second generation (i.e., thin or intermediate shell thickness, not early thick shell and thick gel, and not low bleed). We considered generation a factor in a logistic regression model but excluded it because implant age is associated with calendar year and therefore measures similar information. In this study all first generation implants (thick shell and thick gel) were manufactured by Dow Corning. Reported to have lower rupture rates than succeeding generations [20], first generation implants (11/24) ruptured more frequently than did second generation implants manufactured by Dow Corning (10/30). Nonetheless, the first generation rupture prevalence of 11 (45.8%) of 24 is less than the overall rupture prevalence of 55.0%. All 24 first generation implants were more than 20 years old, which contributed to the relatively lower rupture prevalence observed among implants more than 20 years old (Table 3). Another possible explanation is that many of the older implants that were inferior have been explanted and explanted implants would not be included in the MR study. This hypothesis is consistent with the observation that the proportion of women reporting an explantation surgery was less for women in the MR imaging study (7%) compared with all women completing the questionnaire (33%).

Another finding of concern was the high prevalence of migration of silicone gel from the fibrous capsule that surrounds the implant. Silicone had migrated beyond the capsule in at least one breast in 21% of the women in this study. Numerous cases of silicone migration from the capsule have been reported in the literature [2, 7]. Any association of silicone migration or breast implant rupture with disease has not been specifically investigated because the status of women with respect to implant rupture or silicone migration has been unknown in studies that have examined risk of disease in women after mammoplasty with silicone implants [24, 25]. The issue of health consequences of free silicone is poorly understood because of the lack of studies in which implant status and health status are both known.

The agreement among the three radiologists in this study as to the status of implants was quite high. MR imaging has been shown to be the most sensitive and specific method of imaging for breast implant rupture [7, 9,10,11, 13, 16]. These results on implant status may be viewed with a high degree of confidence particularly because the results are the consensus of at least two of the three reviewing radiologists. The radiologists' agreement on extracapsular silicone was moderate to substantial. A study to examine the reason for this is planned.

This study had some shortcomings. We could not rule out all sources of bias. We cannot know what effect litigation had on participation in this study: anecdotal evidence suggests that some litigants were encouraged to participate in the NCI study and others were discouraged by their attorneys or others. Although 303 (33.4%) of 907 of women interviewed for this study indicated that they had their implant removed, only 7% of those receiving MR imaging reported having their implants removed and replaced. This discrepancy is because women who had implants removed and not replaced or removed and replaced with saline implants would not be eligible to participate in the MR imaging study. This requirement would result in culling out older implants that were removed because they were ruptured or for other reasons and may have led to an underestimation of the rupture prevalence. However, participants were similar to those declining to participate with respect to their opinion on the status of their current implants. As previously mentioned, implant manufacturers were not represented equally in this study. Although MR imaging is considered the best method for imaging breast implants for rupture, it is not perfect. This study did not include ascertaining implant status for women who subsequently decided to have their implants explanted. Because of the lower sensitivity of MR imaging in depicting uncollapsed rupture, it is likely that these interpretations present an underestimate of the rupture prevalence [7, 13, 16].

Given the past belief that implant rupture was rare, but the current evidence that the prevalence of implant rupture is high, we believe it is time to reevaluate the need to screen women for implant rupture and to develop recommendations for implant removal or replacement in the event of a rupture. Considerable disagreement exists over the appropriate treatment for women with ruptured implants. Individual plastic surgeons have recommended prophylactic explanation of silicone gel breast implants before 8 years after implantation, regardless of evidence of rupture, to avoid the increasing risk of rupture as the implant ages [5]. Others have advised that silicone should be removed from patients symptomatic for connective tissue disease or with other nonspecific illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia [26]. There is agreement that if implant rupture is symptomatic for local complications (breast deformity, siliconoma or granuloma, pain, and migration), the implant should be explanted with the option of replacement [27]. Plastic surgeons will remove an implant if it is ruptured and causes a cosmetic defect, but some may question the health benefit of removing a ruptured implant if it is contained within the scar capsule [28]. Conversely, some plastic surgeons have argued that rupture should always be treated aggressively to prevent extracapsular spread because silicone gel is more difficult to remove once it has migrated [29, 30]. Both the potential for distant migration and subsequent inflammatory reactions have been cited as a reason to explant ruptured implants [31, 32]. Other studies have maintained that silicone poses little or no health risk [33] or that the potential for unnecessary surgical procedures is worrisome [34].

Women considering silicone gel breast implants, which are presently available to some women in clinical studies, should be informed of the possible risk of implant rupture and the possibility that this may necessitate additional surgery.

Acknowledgments We thank women who participated in this study, some of whom received unsettling news on the status of their breast implants. We also appreciate the contributions of Louise Brinton and Jay Lubin from the NCI, who graciously provided access to the NCI cohort and advice on study design. Cay Burich, Vargish, Marilyn Sawyer, and Jon Schmalz from Abt Associates, Inc. in Chicago are to be commended for their diligent work on this complex study. We thank those plastic surgeons who shared their records with the NCI, making this study possible. Finally, we thank all the sponsors of this research in the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, and particularly the Office of Women's Health at the Food and Drug Administration.


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Yep, that was me, had cancer, in less than 10

days had severe capsular contracture, ruptured in

less then 4 months, When removed, he dumped my

chest full of silicone. Double whammy.


At 02:03 PM 12/31/2007, you wrote:

>I do recall in my Mentor pamphlet, which I still

>have, that it showed rates of problems for women

>with cancer as being MUCH MUCH higher than women

>who have implants simply for aesthetics. I felt

>bad for them, because I figure the last thing

>they need is MORE problems. (isn't cancer

>enough? now they have to deal with high rates of

>cap. contracture, etc.?) It just adds insult to

>injury, in my opinion. They deserve better. We

>deserve better. We're all women, with or without

>cancer, and we all deserve better alternatives

>to feeling good about ourselves than what

>today's implants & implant techniques have to offer.


> WOW..... this study

>shows OVER 50 percent rupture rate.......



>e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057


>The opinions or assertions presented herein are

>the private views of the authors and are not to

>be construed as conveying either an official

>endorsement or criticism by the United States

>Department of Health and Human Services, the U.

>S. Public Health Service, or the Food and Drug Administration.


>Address correspondence to S. L. Brown



>OBJECTIVE. Silicone gel breast implants have

>been reported to rupture, but the prevalence of

>implant rupture in an unreferred population of

>women is not known. The objective of this study

>was to assess the prevalence of implant rupture

>and the presence of extracapsular silicone gel

>in an unreferred population of women without

>regard to the absence or presence of any local or systemic symptoms.


>SUBJECTS AND METHODS. Women identified as part

>of a National Cancer Institute cohort study on

>breast implants, living in the Birmingham, AL,

>area were invited to undergo MR imaging of their

>current silicone gel breast implants at the

>Kirklin Clinic at the University of Alabama at

>Birmingham. Three radiologists independently

>examined and rated all MR images for signs of

>implant rupture and extracapsular silicone.


>RESULTS. A total of 344 women with silicone gel

>breast implants underwent MR imaging. Breast

>implant rupture was reported by at least two of

>three radiologists for 378 (55.0%) of the 687

>implants in this study. Another 50 implants

>(7.2%) were rated as indeterminate (suspicious)

>for rupture. A majority of women in this study,

>265 (77.0%) of 344, had at least one breast

>implant that was rated as ruptured or

>indeterminate. Radiologists also agreed that

>silicone gel could be seen outside the fibrous

>capsule that forms around the implant in 85

>(12.4%) of the 687 implants affecting 73 women

>(21.2%). Factors that affected implant rupture

>were implant age and location (submuscular or

>subglandular) . The median implant age at

>rupture was estimated to be 10.8 years with a

>95% confidence interval of 8.4-13.9 years.


>CONCLUSION. The prevalence of silent or occult

>silicone gel breast implant rupture is higher

>than was previously suspected. Most women in

>this study had MR imaging evidence of at least

>one ruptured silicone gel breast implant.








>and Methods





>Surveys and studies have indicated that by 1993,

>approximately 1.3 million women in the United

>States had breast implants


>Despite the widespread use of silicone gel

>breast implants, the prevalence of implant

>rupture is not known


>Numerous cases describing both implant rupture

>and gel migration beyond the capsule have been

>reported in the literature



>One study of 749 women with breast implants in

>place for a mean of 7.8 years indicated that

>5.7% of those women underwent breast surgery

>because of a ruptured implant


>In a study of 317 ish women with implants,

>10 (3.1%) had implants replaced after implant



>These studies enumerated women who went to

>surgery with an indication of implant rupture

>but not women who had implants explanted for

>other reasons and were incidentally found to have ruptured implants.


>Studies describing the status of implants after

>explantation have reported a much higher

>prevalence of implant rupture. The prevalence of

>implants that were not intact was reported to be

>between 23% and 65% of explanted implants







>The discrepancy between studies of women with an

>indication of implant rupture before surgery and

>the higher prevalence of ruptured implants found

>in explantation studies could be attributed to

>referral bias in the population having their

>implants removed. However, this discrepancy

>could be caused by a mammographically or

>clinically silent (asymptomatic) rupture. A

>retrospective examination of screening

>mammograms from 350 asymptomatic women with

>breast implants indicated that 16 women (4.6%)

>had ruptured implants


>Mammography is the least sensitive imaging

>method for examining breast implant rupture with

>a sensitivity of 11-69% described in studies

>comparing imaging methods




>MR imaging has been reported to have a

>sensitivity of 39-76% when radiologists used a

>body coil, and from 52-95% when they used a

>breast coil







>In recent MR imaging studies in which

>radiologists used a breast surface coil and had

>validated signs of rupture, the sensitivity was

>74-94% and the specificity was 85-98%




>The specificity reported in these papers is

>likely underestimated and the sensitivity

>overestimated because early " learning curve "

>cases in which rupture was less completely

>understood than it is now were included.


>In our study, an unreferred population of women

>underwent MR imaging with a breast coil to

>ascertain the current status of their silicone

>gel breast implants. Three radiologists

>independently examined the images for evidence

>of breast implant rupture. Radiologists also

>evaluated whether silicone gel had migrated

>outside the fibrous capsule that forms around

>the breast implant. Rupture prevalence by

>implant type (single or standard double lumen),

>manufacturer, implant location (subglandular or

>submuscular) , and implant age was also evaluated.



>Subjects and Methods




>Subjects and Methods






>Women were identified as eligible for this study

>on the basis of their participation in a

>National Cancer Institute (NCI) study that had

>identified 13,448 women with breast implants at

>18 plastic surgery practices


>Women from two of the practices (sites) were

>included in the current study if they responded

>to the NCI questionnaire and still lived in the

>Birmingham, AL, area. Of 1247 eligible women,

>907 responded to a screening computer-assisted

>telephone interview that focused on past

>surgeries in which implants were removed or

>replaced (the results of this study will be

>published elsewhere). Of these 907 women, 837

>reported still having implants; 654 reported

>having either single- or double-lumen silicone

>gel breast implants. Women were invited to

>participate in MR imaging to determine the

>status of their silicone gel breast implants,

>after completing the telephone interview, if

>they did not have contraindications for

>undergoing MR imaging (metal implant or

>battery-activated stimulator, pregnancy,

>tattoos, body weight >300 pounds, or a history

>of metal fragments in the eye). The invitation

>to participate in the MR imaging study was

>random in that the order in which women were

>called and interviewed was random. The study had

>funding for 400 MR examinations and was also

>constrained by the contract period with the MR

>imaging facility. Initially, only women within a

>50-mile (80-km) radius of the clinic were

>invited to participate in the MR imaging. As the

>study progressed, it became clear that adequate

>MR imaging was available to offer to women

>outside the immediate area. Women outside the

>area were called back and subsequent new

>contacts were invited. Of the 445 women invited

>to participate in the MR imaging portion of the

>study, 359 (80.7%) accepted and underwent the

>examination during the time that the MR imaging

>clinic had agreed to make examinations

>available. Fourteen women who underwent MR

>imaging had saline inflatable implants, and one

>woman did not have implants. These women were

>excluded from the analysis of 344 women with 687

>silicone gel—filled breast implants.


>The protocol for this study was reviewed and

>approved by five institutional review boards

>(NCI Special Studies IRB; Food and Drug

>Administration Research Involving Human Subjects

>Committee; University of California, San Diego,

>Human Subjects Committee; University of Alabama

>at Birmingham Institutional Review Board; and

>Abt Associates Institutional Review Board). All

>participants signed a detailed informed consent

>document. A report with results of the MR

>imaging was mailed to each participant and to a

>physician of her choice. A certificate of

>confidentiality for the study was obtained from

>the United States Department of Health and Human Services.


>MR Imaging

>Women were scheduled for MR imaging at the

>Kirklin Clinic at the University of Alabama at

>Birmingham. We scanned on a 1.5-T scanner

>(revision 8.2, SIGNA Horizon; General Electric

>Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI) using a

>dedicated General Electric bilateral phased

>array breast surface coil. The goals were to

>determine whether implants were ruptured and

>whether any extracapsular silicone was present.

>After a T2-weighted scout sequence, four

>sequences were performed on each breast

>independently, for a total of nine pulse

>sequences per patient (duration, about 60 min)..

>Four sequences were used. The first was an axial

>T2-weighted fast spin-echo inversion-recovery

>sequence with water suppression over a 16.4-cm

>cephalocaudad distance centered on the breast

>(TR/TE, 3000/156; inversion time, 180 msec; echo

>train length, 16; field of view, 20 cm; slice

>thickness, 4 mm; matrix, 256 x 192; excitations,

>one). The second sequence was an axial

>T2-weighted fast spin-echo sequence with

>silicone suppression over the same slices as

>prior series (3000/156; excitations, one). The

>third was a sagittal T2-weighted fast spin-echo

>sequence with water suppression including the

>portion of the implant showing folds (3000/224;

>field of view, 16 cm; slice thickness, 3 mm;

>matrix, 256 x 256; excitations, two). The fourth

>sequence was an axial fast spin-echo T2-weighted

>sequence with water suppression including

>portions of the implant showing folds with the

>same parameters as the third sequence. The goal

>of this sequence was to look carefully at high

>resolution in folds outside the implant for

>signs of silicone gel, which is the most

>sensitive sign of rupture. An additional initial

>short tuning sequence was obtained for the final

>101 patients to offset a problem with one of the

>shim gradient coils. Sequences were repeated as

>necessary (average, 10.1 sequences per initial

>study). Technologists were trained in the study

>protocol by the study radiologist. After the

>in-person training, the study radiologist was

>available by telephone for consultations at any

>time. Images were sent to the study radiologist

>by express mail at least once per week.


>MR Evaluation of Rupture

>The study radiologist and two consulting

>radiologists reviewed the 359 patients

>independently. Criteria to determine rupture

>were discussed by the radiologists before the

>consulting radiologists began their evaluation.

>Radiologists examined images for signs of

>rupture, including " linguine " sign



> " wavy line " sign or double " wavy line " sign


> " anterior spiculation " sign


> " subcapsular line " sign



> " keyhole " sign




> " inverted teardrop " sign




> " noose " sign



> " pull-away " sign


>and the " open loop " sign


>The signs previously noted, with different

>terminology from different authors, describe

>only two basic phenomena that, considered

>together, are the criteria we used to describe

>ruptured implants. The first appearance is that

>of an implant elastomer shell fully collapsed

>and enveloped by the silicone gel it once

>contained. This shows up on MR images as a wavy

>internal dark line representing the implant

>elastomer shell, surrounded by the silicone gel

>that has escaped from the implant. The second

>appearance is of a thin layer of silicone gel

>between the implant elastomer shell and the

>internal surface of the fibrous capsule, or of

>silicone gel outside the implant as a whole, yet

>collecting within infoldings of the implant

>elastomer shell that protrude into the implant

>itself. All degrees of collapse were grouped

>together for purposes of analysis. Double-lumen

>implants were considered ruptured by the same

>criteria: the appearance of silicone gel outside

>the implant as a whole. Fluid signal mixing with

>gel alone was not considered indicative of

>rupture, although for double-lumen implants this

>feature may indicate isolated failure of the

>inner of the two shells. MR imaging only

>infrequently showed evidence of silicone-fluid

>bleeding through an intact shell. Findings

>indeterminate for rupture included one or two

>images with a possibility of gel in a fold. The

>presence of extracapsular silicone was noted when observed.


>When available, implant type, manufacturer,

>style, catalog number, and serial number were

>made known to each radiologist before

>evaluation. In cases in which the imaging

>contradicted any provided information, the

>implant-type evidence from the images was used,

>and that information was provided by the study

>radiologist to the other radiologists.

>Single-lumen silicone gel—filled implants were

>graded as " ruptured " when silicone gel was seen

>outside the implant. Standard double-lumen

>implants were graded as ruptured when silicone

>gel was seen outside the outer shell. Implants

>were graded " indeterminate " when there was

>suspicion, but not certainty, of rupture.

>Implants were graded as " no evidence of rupture " when they appeared intact.


>Readings from each radiologist on rupture status

>were evaluated for agreement with other

>radiologists in a pairwise fashion with the

>weighted kappa statistic. A consensus reading

>was computed by voting the readings from

>radiologists and reporting the majority

>consensus.. In the event that readings spanned

>the range from no evidence, to indeterminate, to

>ruptured, the consensus was " indeterminate. "

>Likewise a consensus reading on the presence of

>extracapsular silicone was determined by majority vote.


>Assignment of Implant Generation

>Each implant was classified according to implant

>generation as defined by s et al.


>when enough information was available. Implant

>generation was determined on the basis of

>implant characteristics, with first generation

>implants being early thick-shell, mostly

>thick-gel implants; second generation being thin

>and intermediate shells that replaced the first

>generation, excluding " low bleed " implants; and

>third generation being low bleed implants.

>Information used to define the generation was

>implant model, implant catalog number, implant

>serial number, and, in some cases, MR imaging appearance.


>Statistical Methods

>Logistic regression was used to model the

>probability that at least one of the implants in

>a woman was ruptured or was indeterminate (i.e.

>the units of observation were women, not

>implants). Factors considered for the logistic

>regression model were implant age, implant type,

>location and manufacturer, site of the surgery

>practice, and their two-way interactions.

>Another factor considered was implant

>generation. In the analysis, we used only women

>with two implants that had the same values for

>all factors. We chose a final model on the basis

>of tests of significance using analysis of

>deviance. To interpret the odds ratios from the

>regression, we determined that an odds ratio of

>1.0 indicates no association between the

>characteristic and implant rupture. An odds

>ratio of 2.0 would indicate that women with the

>characteristic have twice the odds of occurrence

>of a ruptured implant as those who do not have the characteristic.


>Using the logistic regression models, we

>estimated the implant age at which the

>probability of rupture was 0.5 and called this

>the median age of rupture. We estimated this

>quantity by backsolving for implant age in the

>equation, relating the log odds of rupture, or

>logit, to the linear predictor. This method is

>commonly used to estimate the median effective

>dose in dose-response studies


>We furthermore estimated the implant age for

>probabilities of rupture other than 0.5 and

>plotted the probabilities against these

>estimates to form a survival curve. Standard

>errors of the estimated ages were computed by

>applying the delta method to the function

>isolating age and its theoretic variance matrix

>evaluated at the maximum likelihood estimates of

>the parameters. These standard errors were used

>to form 95% confidence bounds on the survival curve.


>The logistic regression model used is equivalent

>to a survival model on the time to rupture. Time

>to rupture was either left-censored, when the

>implant was ruptured, or right-censored, when

>the implant was not ruptured. In the logistic

>regression model, the log odds of rupture was

>modeled as linear in the log of implant age. The

>logistic model corresponds to assuming that

>left- and right- censored times to rupture have

>a log—logistic distribution









>and Methods





>The 359 women who accepted and underwent MR

>imaging did not differ from the other 888 women

>in the Alabama study population with respect to

>age at the time of their first implantation (25

>= 3.827, p = 0.575) or year during which their

>initial implantation occurred (24 = 1.571, p =

>0.814). Neither were there differences in women

>undergoing MR imaging compared with the others

>with respect to the first implant type (single

>lumen, double lumen, not known) (22 = 1.210, p =

>0.546) or with respect to the manufacturer of

>their first implant (26 = 3.720, p = 0.714).


>The 359 women who accepted and under-went the MR

>imaging did not differ, with respect to their

>opinion on whether their current implants were

>ruptured, from the 86 women who either actively

>refused the examination or scheduled the

>examination but did not come to their

>appointment. Although 31 women (8.6%) who

>subsequently under-went the examination reported

>that they thought their current implants were

>ruptured, seven women (8.0%) invited but

>declining the examination reported that they

>thought their implants might be ruptured

>(chi-square test, p = 0.674). This similarity

>indicates that the population accepting the MR

>imaging was not biased with respect to suspecting implant rupture.


>Women in the MR imaging cohort had a mean age of

>51.4 ± 8.4 years (range, 33-76 years) at the

>time of the examination. The reason for

>mammoplasty in the medical record was cosmetic

>for most women (85%), but 14% had the implants

>for medical reasons, usually for fibrocystic

>breasts. Women received their first implants

>between 1970 and 1988, with a median year of

>1981. One woman had only one implant (single

>lumen), and two women had a single-lumen

>silicone gel implant in one breast and a

>standard double-lumen implant in the other.

>Twenty-four women (7%) had reported that one or

>both original implants had been surgically

>removed and replaced. The average breast implant

>age in this study was 16.5 ± 3.4 years for the

>677 implants that had this information

>available, with a range from 6.4 to 28.0 years

>since implantation and a median age of 16.4 years.



>1 compares the interpretations from the three

>radiologists. Overall, the radiologists'

>consensus was that 378 (55%) of the 687 implants

>in this study were ruptured and that another 50

>(7.2%) were indeterminate. Two hundred

>fifty-nine implants (37.7%) were intact. When

>viewed on the basis of women, 236 women (68.6%)

>had at least one ruptured implant. Overall, 108

>women (31.4%) had both implants intact, 94 women

>(27.3%) had one ruptured implant, and 142 women

>(41.3%) had two ruptured implants. If women with

>ruptured implants and implants suspicious for

>rupture were included, then 265 women (77.0%)

>were affected. A high level of agreement was

>found between radiologists when compared in

>pairwise fashion as measured by the weighted

>kappa statistic. In no case was the kappa

>statistic less than 0.88, indicating almost

>perfect agreement






>are representative images of single- and

>standard double-lumen implants that were rated

>as ruptured by all three radiologists.



>View this table:

><http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/175/4/1057/TBL1>[in this window]


>a new window]


> TABLE 1 Status of Silicone Gel Breast

> Implants as Interpreted by Three Radiologists





>View larger version (118K):

><http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/175/4/1057/FIG1>[in this window]


>a new window]


>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 1. —Representative MR image of 310-mL

> single-lumen silicone gel—filled implant placed

> December 13, 1973, shows characteristic

> appearance of rupture. Arrow identifies

> location of silicone gel outside implant shell

> (i.e., keyhole, inverted teardrop, noose appearance).





>View larger version (115K):

><http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/175/4/1057/FIG2>[in this window]


>a new window]


>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 2. — Representative MR image of 220-mL

> single-lumen silicone gel—filled implant placed

> December 20, 1982, shows presence of

> multiple-layered wavy lines representing

> collapsed implant shell surrounded by silicone

> gel (i.e., linguine or wavy-line appearance).





>View larger version (105K):

><http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/175/4/1057/FIG3>[in this window]


>a new window]


>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 3. —Representative MR image of

> Hartley-type standard double-lumen implant,

> originally with 225 mL of inner-lumen silicone

> gel, placed April 27, 1984, shows

> characteristic appearance of rupture. Note

> thicker single posterior shell patch attached

> to both inner and outer lumen shells on both

> sides, with thickened central part where gel

> was originally injected into implant and

> sealed, all entirely surrounded by silicone

> gel. Saline was absent from outer lumen at time of this scan.





>Migration of silicone beyond the fibrous capsule

>was observed in 85 breasts. Although affecting

>85 (12.4%) of 687 breasts in this study,

>silicone migration beyond the fibrous capsule in

>one or both breasts was found in 73 women



>4 is a representative MR image of migration of

>silicone gel from the intracapsular to the

>extracapsular space. In all but one breast with

>extracapsular silicone, the radiologists'

>consensus was that the implant was ruptured or

>suspicious for rupture. The prevalence of

>extracapsular silicone for ruptured implants was

>84 (22.2%) of 378 ruptured implants. The

>agreement between radiologists on extracapsular

>silicone was not as high as for rupture. When

>compared in a pairwise fashion, the kappa

>statistic for extracapsular silicone in the left

>or right breast was between 0.50 and 0.65

>(moderate to substantial agreement)





>View larger version (103K):

><http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/175/4/1057/FIG4>[in this window]


>a new window]


>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 4. —Representative MR image of migration

> of silicone shows contiguous spread of silicone

> gel from intracapsular to extracapsular space.

> Single-lumen (220 mL) silicone gel—filled implant was placed January 2, 1979.






>2 shows implant status by implant type, implant

>age (shown in 5-year groups), implant location

>(subglandular, submuscular) , implant

>manufacturer, and implant generation. The

>prevalence of rupture in each of the implants

>and in women is shown. In this univariate

>analysis, implant age, location, and

>manufacturer were all factors that had a bearing

>on rupture. In particular, rupture prevalence

>increased as implant age increased from 6 to 20

>years, but then decreased as age increased to

>greater than 20 years. Most implants more than

>20 years old were from Dow Corning (Midland,

>MI); Dow Corning implants ruptured less often

>than implants from other manufacturers. Few

>first and third generation implants were found

>in this study; the majority of implants were

>from the second generation. The average age of

>each generation from first to third was 25.4 ±

>1.1, 16.3 ± 3.3, and 7.4 ± 2.6 years, respectively.



>View this table:

><http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/175/4/1057/TBL2>[in this window]


>a new window]


> TABLE 2 Factors Affecting Rupture as Judged

> by Consensus Interpretation of MR Images





>A multivariate logistic regression model was

>developed and used to estimate odds ratios of

>rupture, with each factor adjusting for the

>other factors in the model.


>3 lists the estimated odds ratios given by the

>final model for the outcomes of rupture and of

>rupture or indeterminate (suspicion of). The

>estimated odds ratio for a 33% increase in

>implant age was significantly greater than one

>for both outcomes according to the corresponding

>95% confidence intervals and indicated that

>increases in implant age increase the risk of

>these outcomes. Each odds ratio for implant age

>was calculated from a log odds ratio that was an

>average of log odds ratios specific to each

>manufacturer, with the average based on weights

>proportional to the number of women with

>implants from these manufacturers. The

>manufacturers -Uphoff International

>(Carpenteria, CA) and McGhan/3M (Santa Barbara,

>CA) were excluded from the model because of the

>small number of women with implants from these



>2). Odds ratios for implant location were

>computed for each site because of variation by

>site. For the outcome of rupture or

>indeterminate rupture, the estimated odds ratio

>for implants located in the submuscular position

>compared with the subglandular position was

>significantly greater than 1 for site 2, but not

>for site 1. For the outcome of rupture, the

>estimated odds ratio was significantly greater than 1 for both sites.



>View this table:

><http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/175/4/1057/TBL3>[in this window]


>a new window]


> TABLE 3 Multiple Logistic Regression Model of

> Implant Rupture as Judged by Consensus Interpretation of MR Imaging





>The logistic model was further used to compute a

>survival curve for implants (Figs.




>Unlike the survival curves from survival

>analyses in which probabilities of surviving are

>estimated at fixed times, in these survival

>curves, times (i.e., implant ages) are estimated

>at fixed probabilities. The curves plotted are

>estimates of implant age obtained at average

>values of the other factors, in which the

>average is based on weights for groups within

>factors that are proportional to the number of

>women within the groups. (For location effects

>by site, the weights for location are

>additionally weighted by site.) The estimated

>median age of rupture was 10.8 years with a 95%

>confidence interval of 8.4-13.9, and that of

>rupture or indeterminate was 9.7 years with a

>95% confidence interval of 7.2-13.0.




>View larger version (22K):

><http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/175/4/1057/FIG5>[in this window]


>a new window]


>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 5. —Estimated implant ages for

> probabilities of ruptured implants. CI = confidence interval.





>View larger version (25K):

><http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/175/4/1057/FIG6>[in this window]


>a new window]


>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 6. —Estimated implant ages for

> probabilities of ruptured or indeterminate implants. CI = confidence interval.





>The logistic regression model was fit to all

>women (n = 304) who had two implants with the

>same values for site and for implant age, type,

>location, and manufacturer (-Uphoff

>International and McGhan/3M excluded). The final

>model was determined by first including all main

>effects for these factors and then by using

>analysis of deviance to test for significant

>two-way interactions. Significant interactions

>of implant age by manufacturer and implant

>location by site were included in the model. The

>interaction of implant location by implant type

>was also significant but not included because it

>led to instability in model estimates. Implant

>generation was also significant but not included

>because it was highly correlated with implant

>age, and most implants were of the second generation.








>and Methods





>We assessed a population of women with silicone

>gel breast implants for breast implant rupture,

>using breast MR imaging. The prevalence of

>rupture for the 687 breast implants was 55.0%.

>This affected 68.6% of the 344 women in the

>study. If the implants that were indeterminate

>(suspicious) were included, 265 women (77.0%)

>were affected. This level of implant rupture

>assessed by MR imaging is in close agreement

>with studies in which implant status was

>assessed after explantation and examination of





>indicating that findings on implant rupture from

>the explant population may be representative of

>the implant population in general. Other

>published studies have enumerated women having

>surgery because of a suspected implant rupture



>but these studies clearly would not include the

>population asymptomatic with respect to rupture.

>On the basis of the results of this study, a

>rupture has occurred in the majority of implants

>and in the majority of patients from a

>population selected without regard for any local

>or systemic symptoms of the patient.


>Factors that were associated with implant

>rupture were implant age and location. These

>factors were also associated with an MR imaging

>outcome of ruptured or indeterminate. A

>conservative estimate of median age of implant

>rupture was 10.8 years. The association of

>rupture with implant location indicates that

>submuscular implants were more likely to be

>ruptured than subglandular implants.


>For some manufacturers, rupture prevalence was

>based on few implants (e.g., -Uphoff

>International and McGhan/3M), and these data

>should be interpreted cautiously. Other

>manufacturers such as Surgitek (Medical

>Engineering, Racine, WI) had a large number of

>implants in this study population. It is likely

>that local variations among surgeons in the

>preference for manufacturers played a role in

>the uneven distribution of implants from

>different manufacturers. Because of limited

>resources for this study, we could not pursue

>additional sites that may have provided equal

>representation of implant manufacturers. A high

>prevalence of rupture was seen across all

>manufacturers, excluding McGhan, ranging between 45% and 82%.


>s et al.


>addressed the concept of implant generation as a

>possible factor in implant rupture. Difficulties

>with this approach have not yet been addressed

>fully in the literature and are beyond the scope

>of this work, mainly involving the definitions

>of their generations and the ranges of years

>over which they extended. Notwithstanding those

>objections, using their basic definitions,

>s et al. thought that 91.8% (631/687) of

>the implants in this study were second

>generation (i.e., thin or intermediate shell

>thickness, not early thick shell and thick gel,

>and not low bleed). We considered generation a

>factor in a logistic regression model but

>excluded it because implant age is associated

>with calendar year and therefore measures

>similar information. In this study all first

>generation implants (thick shell and thick gel)

>were manufactured by Dow Corning. Reported to

>have lower rupture rates than succeeding



>first generation implants (11/24) ruptured more

>frequently than did second generation implants

>manufactured by Dow Corning (10/30).

>Nonetheless, the first generation rupture

>prevalence of 11 (45.8%) of 24 is less than the

>overall rupture prevalence of 55.0%. All 24

>first generation implants were more than 20

>years old, which contributed to the relatively

>lower rupture prevalence observed among implants

>more than 20 years old


>3). Another possible explanation is that many of

>the older implants that were inferior have been

>explanted and explanted implants would not be

>included in the MR study. This hypothesis is

>consistent with the observation that the

>proportion of women reporting an explantation

>surgery was less for women in the MR imaging

>study (7%) compared with all women completing the questionnaire (33%).


>Another finding of concern was the high

>prevalence of migration of silicone gel from the

>fibrous capsule that surrounds the implant.

>Silicone had migrated beyond the capsule in at

>least one breast in 21% of the women in this

>study. Numerous cases of silicone migration from

>the capsule have been reported in the literature



>Any association of silicone migration or breast

>implant rupture with disease has not been

>specifically investigated because the status of

>women with respect to implant rupture or

>silicone migration has been unknown in studies

>that have examined risk of disease in women

>after mammoplasty with silicone implants



>The issue of health consequences of free

>silicone is poorly understood because of the

>lack of studies in which implant status and health status are both known.


>The agreement among the three radiologists in

>this study as to the status of implants was

>quite high. MR imaging has been shown to be the

>most sensitive and specific method of imaging

>for breast implant rupture







>These results on implant status may be viewed

>with a high degree of confidence particularly

>because the results are the consensus of at

>least two of the three reviewing radiologists.

>The radiologists' agreement on extracapsular

>silicone was moderate to substantial. A study to

>examine the reason for this is planned.


>This study had some shortcomings. We could not

>rule out all sources of bias. We cannot know

>what effect litigation had on participation in

>this study: anecdotal evidence suggests that

>some litigants were encouraged to participate in

>the NCI study and others were discouraged by

>their attorneys or others. Although 303 (33.4%)

>of 907 of women interviewed for this study

>indicated that they had their implant removed,

>only 7% of those receiving MR imaging reported

>having their implants removed and replaced. This

>discrepancy is because women who had implants

>removed and not replaced or removed and replaced

>with saline implants would not be eligible to

>participate in the MR imaging study. This

>requirement would result in culling out older

>implants that were removed because they were

>ruptured or for other reasons and may have led

>to an underestimation of the rupture prevalence.

>However, participants were similar to those

>declining to participate with respect to their

>opinion on the status of their current implants.

>As previously mentioned, implant manufacturers

>were not represented equally in this study.

>Although MR imaging is considered the best

>method for imaging breast implants for rupture,

>it is not perfect. This study did not include

>ascertaining implant status for women who

>subsequently decided to have their implants

>explanted. Because of the lower sensitivity of

>MR imaging in depicting uncollapsed rupture, it

>is likely that these interpretations present an

>underestimate of the rupture prevalence





>Given the past belief that implant rupture was

>rare, but the current evidence that the

>prevalence of implant rupture is high, we

>believe it is time to reevaluate the need to

>screen women for implant rupture and to develop

>recommendations for implant removal or

>replacement in the event of a rupture.

>Considerable disagreement exists over the

>appropriate treatment for women with ruptured

>implants. Individual plastic surgeons have

>recommended prophylactic explanation of silicone

>gel breast implants before 8 years after

>implantation, regardless of evidence of rupture,

>to avoid the increasing risk of rupture as the

>implant ages


>Others have advised that silicone should be

>removed from patients symptomatic for connective

>tissue disease or with other nonspecific

>illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome or



>There is agreement that if implant rupture is

>symptomatic for local complications (breast

>deformity, siliconoma or granuloma, pain, and

>migration), the implant should be explanted with

>the option of replacement


>Plastic surgeons will remove an implant if it is

>ruptured and causes a cosmetic defect, but some

>may question the health benefit of removing a

>ruptured implant if it is contained within the

>scar capsule


>Conversely, some plastic surgeons have argued

>that rupture should always be treated

>aggressively to prevent extracapsular spread

>because silicone gel is more difficult to remove

>once it has migrated



>Both the potential for distant migration and

>subsequent inflammatory reactions have been

>cited as a reason to explant ruptured implants



>Other studies have maintained that silicone

>poses little or no health risk


>or that the potential for unnecessary surgical

>procedures is worrisome



>Women considering silicone gel breast implants,

>which are presently available to some women in

>clinical studies, should be informed of the

>possible risk of implant rupture and the

>possibility that this may necessitate additional surgery.





>We thank women who participated in this study,

>some of whom received unsettling news on the

>status of their breast implants. We also

>appreciate the contributions of Louise Brinton

>and Jay Lubin from the NCI, who graciously

>provided access to the NCI cohort and advice on

>study design. Cay Burich, Vargish,

>Marilyn Sawyer, and Jon Schmalz from Abt

>Associates, Inc. in Chicago are to be commended

>for their diligent work on this complex study.

>We thank those plastic surgeons who shared their

>records with the NCI, making this study

>possible. Finally, we thank all the sponsors of

>this research in the Department of Health and

>Human Services, National Institutes of Health,

>and particularly the Office of Women's Health at

>the Food and Drug Administration.








>and Methods





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Yep, that was me, had cancer, in less than 10

days had severe capsular contracture, ruptured in

less then 4 months, When removed, he dumped my

chest full of silicone. Double whammy.


At 02:03 PM 12/31/2007, you wrote:

>I do recall in my Mentor pamphlet, which I still

>have, that it showed rates of problems for women

>with cancer as being MUCH MUCH higher than women

>who have implants simply for aesthetics. I felt

>bad for them, because I figure the last thing

>they need is MORE problems. (isn't cancer

>enough? now they have to deal with high rates of

>cap. contracture, etc.?) It just adds insult to

>injury, in my opinion. They deserve better. We

>deserve better. We're all women, with or without

>cancer, and we all deserve better alternatives

>to feeling good about ourselves than what

>today's implants & implant techniques have to offer.


> WOW..... this study

>shows OVER 50 percent rupture rate.......



>e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057


>The opinions or assertions presented herein are

>the private views of the authors and are not to

>be construed as conveying either an official

>endorsement or criticism by the United States

>Department of Health and Human Services, the U.

>S. Public Health Service, or the Food and Drug Administration.


>Address correspondence to S. L. Brown



>OBJECTIVE. Silicone gel breast implants have

>been reported to rupture, but the prevalence of

>implant rupture in an unreferred population of

>women is not known. The objective of this study

>was to assess the prevalence of implant rupture

>and the presence of extracapsular silicone gel

>in an unreferred population of women without

>regard to the absence or presence of any local or systemic symptoms.


>SUBJECTS AND METHODS. Women identified as part

>of a National Cancer Institute cohort study on

>breast implants, living in the Birmingham, AL,

>area were invited to undergo MR imaging of their

>current silicone gel breast implants at the

>Kirklin Clinic at the University of Alabama at

>Birmingham. Three radiologists independently

>examined and rated all MR images for signs of

>implant rupture and extracapsular silicone.


>RESULTS. A total of 344 women with silicone gel

>breast implants underwent MR imaging. Breast

>implant rupture was reported by at least two of

>three radiologists for 378 (55.0%) of the 687

>implants in this study. Another 50 implants

>(7.2%) were rated as indeterminate (suspicious)

>for rupture. A majority of women in this study,

>265 (77.0%) of 344, had at least one breast

>implant that was rated as ruptured or

>indeterminate. Radiologists also agreed that

>silicone gel could be seen outside the fibrous

>capsule that forms around the implant in 85

>(12.4%) of the 687 implants affecting 73 women

>(21.2%). Factors that affected implant rupture

>were implant age and location (submuscular or

>subglandular) . The median implant age at

>rupture was estimated to be 10.8 years with a

>95% confidence interval of 8.4-13.9 years.


>CONCLUSION. The prevalence of silent or occult

>silicone gel breast implant rupture is higher

>than was previously suspected. Most women in

>this study had MR imaging evidence of at least

>one ruptured silicone gel breast implant.








>and Methods





>Surveys and studies have indicated that by 1993,

>approximately 1.3 million women in the United

>States had breast implants


>Despite the widespread use of silicone gel

>breast implants, the prevalence of implant

>rupture is not known


>Numerous cases describing both implant rupture

>and gel migration beyond the capsule have been

>reported in the literature



>One study of 749 women with breast implants in

>place for a mean of 7.8 years indicated that

>5.7% of those women underwent breast surgery

>because of a ruptured implant


>In a study of 317 ish women with implants,

>10 (3.1%) had implants replaced after implant



>These studies enumerated women who went to

>surgery with an indication of implant rupture

>but not women who had implants explanted for

>other reasons and were incidentally found to have ruptured implants.


>Studies describing the status of implants after

>explantation have reported a much higher

>prevalence of implant rupture. The prevalence of

>implants that were not intact was reported to be

>between 23% and 65% of explanted implants







>The discrepancy between studies of women with an

>indication of implant rupture before surgery and

>the higher prevalence of ruptured implants found

>in explantation studies could be attributed to

>referral bias in the population having their

>implants removed. However, this discrepancy

>could be caused by a mammographically or

>clinically silent (asymptomatic) rupture. A

>retrospective examination of screening

>mammograms from 350 asymptomatic women with

>breast implants indicated that 16 women (4.6%)

>had ruptured implants


>Mammography is the least sensitive imaging

>method for examining breast implant rupture with

>a sensitivity of 11-69% described in studies

>comparing imaging methods




>MR imaging has been reported to have a

>sensitivity of 39-76% when radiologists used a

>body coil, and from 52-95% when they used a

>breast coil







>In recent MR imaging studies in which

>radiologists used a breast surface coil and had

>validated signs of rupture, the sensitivity was

>74-94% and the specificity was 85-98%




>The specificity reported in these papers is

>likely underestimated and the sensitivity

>overestimated because early " learning curve "

>cases in which rupture was less completely

>understood than it is now were included.


>In our study, an unreferred population of women

>underwent MR imaging with a breast coil to

>ascertain the current status of their silicone

>gel breast implants. Three radiologists

>independently examined the images for evidence

>of breast implant rupture. Radiologists also

>evaluated whether silicone gel had migrated

>outside the fibrous capsule that forms around

>the breast implant. Rupture prevalence by

>implant type (single or standard double lumen),

>manufacturer, implant location (subglandular or

>submuscular) , and implant age was also evaluated.



>Subjects and Methods




>Subjects and Methods






>Women were identified as eligible for this study

>on the basis of their participation in a

>National Cancer Institute (NCI) study that had

>identified 13,448 women with breast implants at

>18 plastic surgery practices


>Women from two of the practices (sites) were

>included in the current study if they responded

>to the NCI questionnaire and still lived in the

>Birmingham, AL, area. Of 1247 eligible women,

>907 responded to a screening computer-assisted

>telephone interview that focused on past

>surgeries in which implants were removed or

>replaced (the results of this study will be

>published elsewhere). Of these 907 women, 837

>reported still having implants; 654 reported

>having either single- or double-lumen silicone

>gel breast implants. Women were invited to

>participate in MR imaging to determine the

>status of their silicone gel breast implants,

>after completing the telephone interview, if

>they did not have contraindications for

>undergoing MR imaging (metal implant or

>battery-activated stimulator, pregnancy,

>tattoos, body weight >300 pounds, or a history

>of metal fragments in the eye). The invitation

>to participate in the MR imaging study was

>random in that the order in which women were

>called and interviewed was random. The study had

>funding for 400 MR examinations and was also

>constrained by the contract period with the MR

>imaging facility. Initially, only women within a

>50-mile (80-km) radius of the clinic were

>invited to participate in the MR imaging. As the

>study progressed, it became clear that adequate

>MR imaging was available to offer to women

>outside the immediate area. Women outside the

>area were called back and subsequent new

>contacts were invited. Of the 445 women invited

>to participate in the MR imaging portion of the

>study, 359 (80.7%) accepted and underwent the

>examination during the time that the MR imaging

>clinic had agreed to make examinations

>available. Fourteen women who underwent MR

>imaging had saline inflatable implants, and one

>woman did not have implants. These women were

>excluded from the analysis of 344 women with 687

>silicone gel—filled breast implants.


>The protocol for this study was reviewed and

>approved by five institutional review boards

>(NCI Special Studies IRB; Food and Drug

>Administration Research Involving Human Subjects

>Committee; University of California, San Diego,

>Human Subjects Committee; University of Alabama

>at Birmingham Institutional Review Board; and

>Abt Associates Institutional Review Board). All

>participants signed a detailed informed consent

>document. A report with results of the MR

>imaging was mailed to each participant and to a

>physician of her choice. A certificate of

>confidentiality for the study was obtained from

>the United States Department of Health and Human Services.


>MR Imaging

>Women were scheduled for MR imaging at the

>Kirklin Clinic at the University of Alabama at

>Birmingham. We scanned on a 1.5-T scanner

>(revision 8.2, SIGNA Horizon; General Electric

>Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI) using a

>dedicated General Electric bilateral phased

>array breast surface coil. The goals were to

>determine whether implants were ruptured and

>whether any extracapsular silicone was present.

>After a T2-weighted scout sequence, four

>sequences were performed on each breast

>independently, for a total of nine pulse

>sequences per patient (duration, about 60 min)..

>Four sequences were used. The first was an axial

>T2-weighted fast spin-echo inversion-recovery

>sequence with water suppression over a 16.4-cm

>cephalocaudad distance centered on the breast

>(TR/TE, 3000/156; inversion time, 180 msec; echo

>train length, 16; field of view, 20 cm; slice

>thickness, 4 mm; matrix, 256 x 192; excitations,

>one). The second sequence was an axial

>T2-weighted fast spin-echo sequence with

>silicone suppression over the same slices as

>prior series (3000/156; excitations, one). The

>third was a sagittal T2-weighted fast spin-echo

>sequence with water suppression including the

>portion of the implant showing folds (3000/224;

>field of view, 16 cm; slice thickness, 3 mm;

>matrix, 256 x 256; excitations, two). The fourth

>sequence was an axial fast spin-echo T2-weighted

>sequence with water suppression including

>portions of the implant showing folds with the

>same parameters as the third sequence. The goal

>of this sequence was to look carefully at high

>resolution in folds outside the implant for

>signs of silicone gel, which is the most

>sensitive sign of rupture. An additional initial

>short tuning sequence was obtained for the final

>101 patients to offset a problem with one of the

>shim gradient coils. Sequences were repeated as

>necessary (average, 10.1 sequences per initial

>study). Technologists were trained in the study

>protocol by the study radiologist. After the

>in-person training, the study radiologist was

>available by telephone for consultations at any

>time. Images were sent to the study radiologist

>by express mail at least once per week.


>MR Evaluation of Rupture

>The study radiologist and two consulting

>radiologists reviewed the 359 patients

>independently. Criteria to determine rupture

>were discussed by the radiologists before the

>consulting radiologists began their evaluation.

>Radiologists examined images for signs of

>rupture, including " linguine " sign



> " wavy line " sign or double " wavy line " sign


> " anterior spiculation " sign


> " subcapsular line " sign



> " keyhole " sign




> " inverted teardrop " sign




> " noose " sign



> " pull-away " sign


>and the " open loop " sign


>The signs previously noted, with different

>terminology from different authors, describe

>only two basic phenomena that, considered

>together, are the criteria we used to describe

>ruptured implants. The first appearance is that

>of an implant elastomer shell fully collapsed

>and enveloped by the silicone gel it once

>contained. This shows up on MR images as a wavy

>internal dark line representing the implant

>elastomer shell, surrounded by the silicone gel

>that has escaped from the implant. The second

>appearance is of a thin layer of silicone gel

>between the implant elastomer shell and the

>internal surface of the fibrous capsule, or of

>silicone gel outside the implant as a whole, yet

>collecting within infoldings of the implant

>elastomer shell that protrude into the implant

>itself. All degrees of collapse were grouped

>together for purposes of analysis. Double-lumen

>implants were considered ruptured by the same

>criteria: the appearance of silicone gel outside

>the implant as a whole. Fluid signal mixing with

>gel alone was not considered indicative of

>rupture, although for double-lumen implants this

>feature may indicate isolated failure of the

>inner of the two shells. MR imaging only

>infrequently showed evidence of silicone-fluid

>bleeding through an intact shell. Findings

>indeterminate for rupture included one or two

>images with a possibility of gel in a fold. The

>presence of extracapsular silicone was noted when observed.


>When available, implant type, manufacturer,

>style, catalog number, and serial number were

>made known to each radiologist before

>evaluation. In cases in which the imaging

>contradicted any provided information, the

>implant-type evidence from the images was used,

>and that information was provided by the study

>radiologist to the other radiologists.

>Single-lumen silicone gel—filled implants were

>graded as " ruptured " when silicone gel was seen

>outside the implant. Standard double-lumen

>implants were graded as ruptured when silicone

>gel was seen outside the outer shell. Implants

>were graded " indeterminate " when there was

>suspicion, but not certainty, of rupture.

>Implants were graded as " no evidence of rupture " when they appeared intact.


>Readings from each radiologist on rupture status

>were evaluated for agreement with other

>radiologists in a pairwise fashion with the

>weighted kappa statistic. A consensus reading

>was computed by voting the readings from

>radiologists and reporting the majority

>consensus.. In the event that readings spanned

>the range from no evidence, to indeterminate, to

>ruptured, the consensus was " indeterminate. "

>Likewise a consensus reading on the presence of

>extracapsular silicone was determined by majority vote.


>Assignment of Implant Generation

>Each implant was classified according to implant

>generation as defined by s et al.


>when enough information was available. Implant

>generation was determined on the basis of

>implant characteristics, with first generation

>implants being early thick-shell, mostly

>thick-gel implants; second generation being thin

>and intermediate shells that replaced the first

>generation, excluding " low bleed " implants; and

>third generation being low bleed implants.

>Information used to define the generation was

>implant model, implant catalog number, implant

>serial number, and, in some cases, MR imaging appearance.


>Statistical Methods

>Logistic regression was used to model the

>probability that at least one of the implants in

>a woman was ruptured or was indeterminate (i.e.

>the units of observation were women, not

>implants). Factors considered for the logistic

>regression model were implant age, implant type,

>location and manufacturer, site of the surgery

>practice, and their two-way interactions.

>Another factor considered was implant

>generation. In the analysis, we used only women

>with two implants that had the same values for

>all factors. We chose a final model on the basis

>of tests of significance using analysis of

>deviance. To interpret the odds ratios from the

>regression, we determined that an odds ratio of

>1.0 indicates no association between the

>characteristic and implant rupture. An odds

>ratio of 2.0 would indicate that women with the

>characteristic have twice the odds of occurrence

>of a ruptured implant as those who do not have the characteristic.


>Using the logistic regression models, we

>estimated the implant age at which the

>probability of rupture was 0.5 and called this

>the median age of rupture. We estimated this

>quantity by backsolving for implant age in the

>equation, relating the log odds of rupture, or

>logit, to the linear predictor. This method is

>commonly used to estimate the median effective

>dose in dose-response studies


>We furthermore estimated the implant age for

>probabilities of rupture other than 0.5 and

>plotted the probabilities against these

>estimates to form a survival curve. Standard

>errors of the estimated ages were computed by

>applying the delta method to the function

>isolating age and its theoretic variance matrix

>evaluated at the maximum likelihood estimates of

>the parameters. These standard errors were used

>to form 95% confidence bounds on the survival curve.


>The logistic regression model used is equivalent

>to a survival model on the time to rupture. Time

>to rupture was either left-censored, when the

>implant was ruptured, or right-censored, when

>the implant was not ruptured. In the logistic

>regression model, the log odds of rupture was

>modeled as linear in the log of implant age. The

>logistic model corresponds to assuming that

>left- and right- censored times to rupture have

>a log—logistic distribution









>and Methods





>The 359 women who accepted and underwent MR

>imaging did not differ from the other 888 women

>in the Alabama study population with respect to

>age at the time of their first implantation (25

>= 3.827, p = 0.575) or year during which their

>initial implantation occurred (24 = 1.571, p =

>0.814). Neither were there differences in women

>undergoing MR imaging compared with the others

>with respect to the first implant type (single

>lumen, double lumen, not known) (22 = 1.210, p =

>0.546) or with respect to the manufacturer of

>their first implant (26 = 3.720, p = 0.714).


>The 359 women who accepted and under-went the MR

>imaging did not differ, with respect to their

>opinion on whether their current implants were

>ruptured, from the 86 women who either actively

>refused the examination or scheduled the

>examination but did not come to their

>appointment. Although 31 women (8.6%) who

>subsequently under-went the examination reported

>that they thought their current implants were

>ruptured, seven women (8.0%) invited but

>declining the examination reported that they

>thought their implants might be ruptured

>(chi-square test, p = 0.674). This similarity

>indicates that the population accepting the MR

>imaging was not biased with respect to suspecting implant rupture.


>Women in the MR imaging cohort had a mean age of

>51.4 ± 8.4 years (range, 33-76 years) at the

>time of the examination. The reason for

>mammoplasty in the medical record was cosmetic

>for most women (85%), but 14% had the implants

>for medical reasons, usually for fibrocystic

>breasts. Women received their first implants

>between 1970 and 1988, with a median year of

>1981. One woman had only one implant (single

>lumen), and two women had a single-lumen

>silicone gel implant in one breast and a

>standard double-lumen implant in the other.

>Twenty-four women (7%) had reported that one or

>both original implants had been surgically

>removed and replaced. The average breast implant

>age in this study was 16.5 ± 3.4 years for the

>677 implants that had this information

>available, with a range from 6.4 to 28.0 years

>since implantation and a median age of 16.4 years.



>1 compares the interpretations from the three

>radiologists. Overall, the radiologists'

>consensus was that 378 (55%) of the 687 implants

>in this study were ruptured and that another 50

>(7.2%) were indeterminate. Two hundred

>fifty-nine implants (37.7%) were intact. When

>viewed on the basis of women, 236 women (68.6%)

>had at least one ruptured implant. Overall, 108

>women (31.4%) had both implants intact, 94 women

>(27.3%) had one ruptured implant, and 142 women

>(41.3%) had two ruptured implants. If women with

>ruptured implants and implants suspicious for

>rupture were included, then 265 women (77.0%)

>were affected. A high level of agreement was

>found between radiologists when compared in

>pairwise fashion as measured by the weighted

>kappa statistic. In no case was the kappa

>statistic less than 0.88, indicating almost

>perfect agreement






>are representative images of single- and

>standard double-lumen implants that were rated

>as ruptured by all three radiologists.



>View this table:

><http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/175/4/1057/TBL1>[in this window]


>a new window]


> TABLE 1 Status of Silicone Gel Breast

> Implants as Interpreted by Three Radiologists





>View larger version (118K):

><http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/175/4/1057/FIG1>[in this window]


>a new window]


>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 1. —Representative MR image of 310-mL

> single-lumen silicone gel—filled implant placed

> December 13, 1973, shows characteristic

> appearance of rupture. Arrow identifies

> location of silicone gel outside implant shell

> (i.e., keyhole, inverted teardrop, noose appearance).





>View larger version (115K):

><http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/175/4/1057/FIG2>[in this window]


>a new window]


>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 2. — Representative MR image of 220-mL

> single-lumen silicone gel—filled implant placed

> December 20, 1982, shows presence of

> multiple-layered wavy lines representing

> collapsed implant shell surrounded by silicone

> gel (i.e., linguine or wavy-line appearance).





>View larger version (105K):

><http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/175/4/1057/FIG3>[in this window]


>a new window]


>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 3. —Representative MR image of

> Hartley-type standard double-lumen implant,

> originally with 225 mL of inner-lumen silicone

> gel, placed April 27, 1984, shows

> characteristic appearance of rupture. Note

> thicker single posterior shell patch attached

> to both inner and outer lumen shells on both

> sides, with thickened central part where gel

> was originally injected into implant and

> sealed, all entirely surrounded by silicone

> gel. Saline was absent from outer lumen at time of this scan.





>Migration of silicone beyond the fibrous capsule

>was observed in 85 breasts. Although affecting

>85 (12.4%) of 687 breasts in this study,

>silicone migration beyond the fibrous capsule in

>one or both breasts was found in 73 women



>4 is a representative MR image of migration of

>silicone gel from the intracapsular to the

>extracapsular space. In all but one breast with

>extracapsular silicone, the radiologists'

>consensus was that the implant was ruptured or

>suspicious for rupture. The prevalence of

>extracapsular silicone for ruptured implants was

>84 (22.2%) of 378 ruptured implants. The

>agreement between radiologists on extracapsular

>silicone was not as high as for rupture. When

>compared in a pairwise fashion, the kappa

>statistic for extracapsular silicone in the left

>or right breast was between 0.50 and 0.65

>(moderate to substantial agreement)





>View larger version (103K):

><http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/175/4/1057/FIG4>[in this window]


>a new window]


>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 4. —Representative MR image of migration

> of silicone shows contiguous spread of silicone

> gel from intracapsular to extracapsular space.

> Single-lumen (220 mL) silicone gel—filled implant was placed January 2, 1979.






>2 shows implant status by implant type, implant

>age (shown in 5-year groups), implant location

>(subglandular, submuscular) , implant

>manufacturer, and implant generation. The

>prevalence of rupture in each of the implants

>and in women is shown. In this univariate

>analysis, implant age, location, and

>manufacturer were all factors that had a bearing

>on rupture. In particular, rupture prevalence

>increased as implant age increased from 6 to 20

>years, but then decreased as age increased to

>greater than 20 years. Most implants more than

>20 years old were from Dow Corning (Midland,

>MI); Dow Corning implants ruptured less often

>than implants from other manufacturers. Few

>first and third generation implants were found

>in this study; the majority of implants were

>from the second generation. The average age of

>each generation from first to third was 25.4 ±

>1.1, 16.3 ± 3.3, and 7.4 ± 2.6 years, respectively.



>View this table:

><http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/175/4/1057/TBL2>[in this window]


>a new window]


> TABLE 2 Factors Affecting Rupture as Judged

> by Consensus Interpretation of MR Images





>A multivariate logistic regression model was

>developed and used to estimate odds ratios of

>rupture, with each factor adjusting for the

>other factors in the model.


>3 lists the estimated odds ratios given by the

>final model for the outcomes of rupture and of

>rupture or indeterminate (suspicion of). The

>estimated odds ratio for a 33% increase in

>implant age was significantly greater than one

>for both outcomes according to the corresponding

>95% confidence intervals and indicated that

>increases in implant age increase the risk of

>these outcomes. Each odds ratio for implant age

>was calculated from a log odds ratio that was an

>average of log odds ratios specific to each

>manufacturer, with the average based on weights

>proportional to the number of women with

>implants from these manufacturers. The

>manufacturers -Uphoff International

>(Carpenteria, CA) and McGhan/3M (Santa Barbara,

>CA) were excluded from the model because of the

>small number of women with implants from these



>2). Odds ratios for implant location were

>computed for each site because of variation by

>site. For the outcome of rupture or

>indeterminate rupture, the estimated odds ratio

>for implants located in the submuscular position

>compared with the subglandular position was

>significantly greater than 1 for site 2, but not

>for site 1. For the outcome of rupture, the

>estimated odds ratio was significantly greater than 1 for both sites.



>View this table:

><http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/175/4/1057/TBL3>[in this window]


>a new window]


> TABLE 3 Multiple Logistic Regression Model of

> Implant Rupture as Judged by Consensus Interpretation of MR Imaging





>The logistic model was further used to compute a

>survival curve for implants (Figs.




>Unlike the survival curves from survival

>analyses in which probabilities of surviving are

>estimated at fixed times, in these survival

>curves, times (i.e., implant ages) are estimated

>at fixed probabilities. The curves plotted are

>estimates of implant age obtained at average

>values of the other factors, in which the

>average is based on weights for groups within

>factors that are proportional to the number of

>women within the groups. (For location effects

>by site, the weights for location are

>additionally weighted by site.) The estimated

>median age of rupture was 10.8 years with a 95%

>confidence interval of 8.4-13.9, and that of

>rupture or indeterminate was 9.7 years with a

>95% confidence interval of 7.2-13.0.




>View larger version (22K):

><http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/175/4/1057/FIG5>[in this window]


>a new window]


>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 5. —Estimated implant ages for

> probabilities of ruptured implants. CI = confidence interval.





>View larger version (25K):

><http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/175/4/1057/FIG6>[in this window]


>a new window]


>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 6. —Estimated implant ages for

> probabilities of ruptured or indeterminate implants. CI = confidence interval.





>The logistic regression model was fit to all

>women (n = 304) who had two implants with the

>same values for site and for implant age, type,

>location, and manufacturer (-Uphoff

>International and McGhan/3M excluded). The final

>model was determined by first including all main

>effects for these factors and then by using

>analysis of deviance to test for significant

>two-way interactions. Significant interactions

>of implant age by manufacturer and implant

>location by site were included in the model. The

>interaction of implant location by implant type

>was also significant but not included because it

>led to instability in model estimates. Implant

>generation was also significant but not included

>because it was highly correlated with implant

>age, and most implants were of the second generation.








>and Methods





>We assessed a population of women with silicone

>gel breast implants for breast implant rupture,

>using breast MR imaging. The prevalence of

>rupture for the 687 breast implants was 55.0%.

>This affected 68.6% of the 344 women in the

>study. If the implants that were indeterminate

>(suspicious) were included, 265 women (77.0%)

>were affected. This level of implant rupture

>assessed by MR imaging is in close agreement

>with studies in which implant status was

>assessed after explantation and examination of





>indicating that findings on implant rupture from

>the explant population may be representative of

>the implant population in general. Other

>published studies have enumerated women having

>surgery because of a suspected implant rupture



>but these studies clearly would not include the

>population asymptomatic with respect to rupture.

>On the basis of the results of this study, a

>rupture has occurred in the majority of implants

>and in the majority of patients from a

>population selected without regard for any local

>or systemic symptoms of the patient.


>Factors that were associated with implant

>rupture were implant age and location. These

>factors were also associated with an MR imaging

>outcome of ruptured or indeterminate. A

>conservative estimate of median age of implant

>rupture was 10.8 years. The association of

>rupture with implant location indicates that

>submuscular implants were more likely to be

>ruptured than subglandular implants.


>For some manufacturers, rupture prevalence was

>based on few implants (e.g., -Uphoff

>International and McGhan/3M), and these data

>should be interpreted cautiously. Other

>manufacturers such as Surgitek (Medical

>Engineering, Racine, WI) had a large number of

>implants in this study population. It is likely

>that local variations among surgeons in the

>preference for manufacturers played a role in

>the uneven distribution of implants from

>different manufacturers. Because of limited

>resources for this study, we could not pursue

>additional sites that may have provided equal

>representation of implant manufacturers. A high

>prevalence of rupture was seen across all

>manufacturers, excluding McGhan, ranging between 45% and 82%.


>s et al.


>addressed the concept of implant generation as a

>possible factor in implant rupture. Difficulties

>with this approach have not yet been addressed

>fully in the literature and are beyond the scope

>of this work, mainly involving the definitions

>of their generations and the ranges of years

>over which they extended. Notwithstanding those

>objections, using their basic definitions,

>s et al. thought that 91.8% (631/687) of

>the implants in this study were second

>generation (i.e., thin or intermediate shell

>thickness, not early thick shell and thick gel,

>and not low bleed). We considered generation a

>factor in a logistic regression model but

>excluded it because implant age is associated

>with calendar year and therefore measures

>similar information. In this study all first

>generation implants (thick shell and thick gel)

>were manufactured by Dow Corning. Reported to

>have lower rupture rates than succeeding



>first generation implants (11/24) ruptured more

>frequently than did second generation implants

>manufactured by Dow Corning (10/30).

>Nonetheless, the first generation rupture

>prevalence of 11 (45.8%) of 24 is less than the

>overall rupture prevalence of 55.0%. All 24

>first generation implants were more than 20

>years old, which contributed to the relatively

>lower rupture prevalence observed among implants

>more than 20 years old


>3). Another possible explanation is that many of

>the older implants that were inferior have been

>explanted and explanted implants would not be

>included in the MR study. This hypothesis is

>consistent with the observation that the

>proportion of women reporting an explantation

>surgery was less for women in the MR imaging

>study (7%) compared with all women completing the questionnaire (33%).


>Another finding of concern was the high

>prevalence of migration of silicone gel from the

>fibrous capsule that surrounds the implant.

>Silicone had migrated beyond the capsule in at

>least one breast in 21% of the women in this

>study. Numerous cases of silicone migration from

>the capsule have been reported in the literature



>Any association of silicone migration or breast

>implant rupture with disease has not been

>specifically investigated because the status of

>women with respect to implant rupture or

>silicone migration has been unknown in studies

>that have examined risk of disease in women

>after mammoplasty with silicone implants



>The issue of health consequences of free

>silicone is poorly understood because of the

>lack of studies in which implant status and health status are both known.


>The agreement among the three radiologists in

>this study as to the status of implants was

>quite high. MR imaging has been shown to be the

>most sensitive and specific method of imaging

>for breast implant rupture







>These results on implant status may be viewed

>with a high degree of confidence particularly

>because the results are the consensus of at

>least two of the three reviewing radiologists.

>The radiologists' agreement on extracapsular

>silicone was moderate to substantial. A study to

>examine the reason for this is planned.


>This study had some shortcomings. We could not

>rule out all sources of bias. We cannot know

>what effect litigation had on participation in

>this study: anecdotal evidence suggests that

>some litigants were encouraged to participate in

>the NCI study and others were discouraged by

>their attorneys or others. Although 303 (33.4%)

>of 907 of women interviewed for this study

>indicated that they had their implant removed,

>only 7% of those receiving MR imaging reported

>having their implants removed and replaced. This

>discrepancy is because women who had implants

>removed and not replaced or removed and replaced

>with saline implants would not be eligible to

>participate in the MR imaging study. This

>requirement would result in culling out older

>implants that were removed because they were

>ruptured or for other reasons and may have led

>to an underestimation of the rupture prevalence.

>However, participants were similar to those

>declining to participate with respect to their

>opinion on the status of their current implants.

>As previously mentioned, implant manufacturers

>were not represented equally in this study.

>Although MR imaging is considered the best

>method for imaging breast implants for rupture,

>it is not perfect. This study did not include

>ascertaining implant status for women who

>subsequently decided to have their implants

>explanted. Because of the lower sensitivity of

>MR imaging in depicting uncollapsed rupture, it

>is likely that these interpretations present an

>underestimate of the rupture prevalence





>Given the past belief that implant rupture was

>rare, but the current evidence that the

>prevalence of implant rupture is high, we

>believe it is time to reevaluate the need to

>screen women for implant rupture and to develop

>recommendations for implant removal or

>replacement in the event of a rupture.

>Considerable disagreement exists over the

>appropriate treatment for women with ruptured

>implants. Individual plastic surgeons have

>recommended prophylactic explanation of silicone

>gel breast implants before 8 years after

>implantation, regardless of evidence of rupture,

>to avoid the increasing risk of rupture as the

>implant ages


>Others have advised that silicone should be

>removed from patients symptomatic for connective

>tissue disease or with other nonspecific

>illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome or



>There is agreement that if implant rupture is

>symptomatic for local complications (breast

>deformity, siliconoma or granuloma, pain, and

>migration), the implant should be explanted with

>the option of replacement


>Plastic surgeons will remove an implant if it is

>ruptured and causes a cosmetic defect, but some

>may question the health benefit of removing a

>ruptured implant if it is contained within the

>scar capsule


>Conversely, some plastic surgeons have argued

>that rupture should always be treated

>aggressively to prevent extracapsular spread

>because silicone gel is more difficult to remove

>once it has migrated



>Both the potential for distant migration and

>subsequent inflammatory reactions have been

>cited as a reason to explant ruptured implants



>Other studies have maintained that silicone

>poses little or no health risk


>or that the potential for unnecessary surgical

>procedures is worrisome



>Women considering silicone gel breast implants,

>which are presently available to some women in

>clinical studies, should be informed of the

>possible risk of implant rupture and the

>possibility that this may necessitate additional surgery.





>We thank women who participated in this study,

>some of whom received unsettling news on the

>status of their breast implants. We also

>appreciate the contributions of Louise Brinton

>and Jay Lubin from the NCI, who graciously

>provided access to the NCI cohort and advice on

>study design. Cay Burich, Vargish,

>Marilyn Sawyer, and Jon Schmalz from Abt

>Associates, Inc. in Chicago are to be commended

>for their diligent work on this complex study.

>We thank those plastic surgeons who shared their

>records with the NCI, making this study

>possible. Finally, we thank all the sponsors of

>this research in the Department of Health and

>Human Services, National Institutes of Health,

>and particularly the Office of Women's Health at

>the Food and Drug Administration.








>and Methods





> * Silverman BG, Brown SL, Bright RA,

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> * Netscher DT, Weizer G, Malone RS,

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> * Berg WA, Caskey CI, Hamper UM, et al..

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> * Gorcyzca DP, Sinha S, Ahn CY, et al.

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> * Soo MS, Kornguth PJ, Walsh R, Elenberger

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It's so unfair. WOW..... this study

>shows OVER 50 percent rupture rate.......


><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057>http://www.ajronlin

>e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057


>The opinions or assertions presented herein are

>the private views of the authors and are not to

>be construed as conveying either an official

>endorsement or criticism by the United States

>Department of Health and Human Services, the U.

>S. Public Health Service, or the Food and Drug Administration.


>Address correspondence to S. L. Brown



>OBJECTIVE. Silicone gel breast implants have

>been reported to rupture, but the prevalence of

>implant rupture in an unreferred population of

>women is not known. The objective of this study

>was to assess the prevalence of implant rupture

>and the presence of extracapsular silicone gel

>in an unreferred population of women without

>regard to the absence or presence of any local or systemic symptoms.


>SUBJECTS AND METHODS. Women identified as part

>of a National Cancer Institute cohort study on

>breast implants, living in the Birmingham, AL,

>area were invited to undergo MR imaging of their

>current silicone gel breast implants at the

>Kirklin Clinic at the University of Alabama at

>Birmingham. Three radiologists independently

>examined and rated all MR images for signs of

>implant rupture and extracapsular silicone.


>RESULTS. A total of 344 women with silicone gel

>breast implants underwent MR imaging. Breast

>implant rupture was reported by at least two of

>three radiologists for 378 (55.0%) of the 687

>implants in this study. Another 50 implants

>(7.2%) were rated as indeterminate (suspicious)

>for rupture. A majority of women in this study,

>265 (77.0%) of 344, had at least one breast

>implant that was rated as ruptured or

>indeterminate. Radiologists also agreed that

>silicone gel could be seen outside the fibrous

>capsule that forms around the implant in 85

>(12.4%) of the 687 implants affecting 73 women

>(21.2%). Factors that affected implant rupture

>were implant age and location (submuscular or

>subglandular) . The median implant age at

>rupture was estimated to be 10.8 years with a

>95% confidence interval of 8.4-13.9 years.


>CONCLUSION. The prevalence of silent or occult

>silicone gel breast implant rupture is higher

>than was previously suspected. Most women in

>this study had MR imaging evidence of at least

>one ruptured silicone gel breast implant.




><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# top>Top

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# ABS>Abstract


><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC1>Subjects

>and Methods

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC2>Results

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC3>Discussion

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# BIBL>References


>Surveys and studies have indicated that by 1993,

>approximately 1.3 million women in the United

>States had breast implants

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF1>1].

>Despite the widespread use of silicone gel

>breast implants, the prevalence of implant

>rupture is not known

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF2>2].

>Numerous cases describing both implant rupture

>and gel migration beyond the capsule have been

>reported in the literature

>[<http://www.ajronlin e..org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF2>2].


>One study of 749 women with breast implants in

>place for a mean of 7.8 years indicated that

>5.7% of those women underwent breast surgery

>because of a ruptured implant

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF3>3].

>In a study of 317 ish women with implants,

>10 (3.1%) had implants replaced after implant


>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF4>4].

>These studies enumerated women who went to

>surgery with an indication of implant rupture

>but not women who had implants explanted for

>other reasons and were incidentally found to have ruptured implants.


>Studies describing the status of implants after

>explantation have reported a much higher

>prevalence of implant rupture. The prevalence of

>implants that were not intact was reported to be

>between 23% and 65% of explanted implants

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF2>2,

><http://www.ajronlin e..org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF5>5,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF6>6,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7].



>The discrepancy between studies of women with an

>indication of implant rupture before surgery and

>the higher prevalence of ruptured implants found

>in explantation studies could be attributed to

>referral bias in the population having their

>implants removed. However, this discrepancy

>could be caused by a mammographically or

>clinically silent (asymptomatic) rupture. A

>retrospective examination of screening

>mammograms from 350 asymptomatic women with

>breast implants indicated that 16 women (4.6%)

>had ruptured implants

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF8>8].

>Mammography is the least sensitive imaging

>method for examining breast implant rupture with

>a sensitivity of 11-69% described in studies

>comparing imaging methods

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF9>9,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF10>10,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF11>11].

>MR imaging has been reported to have a

>sensitivity of 39-76% when radiologists used a

>body coil, and from 52-95% when they used a

>breast coil

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF11>11,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF12>12,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF13>13,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF14>14,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF15>15,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF16>16].

>In recent MR imaging studies in which

>radiologists used a breast surface coil and had

>validated signs of rupture, the sensitivity was

>74-94% and the specificity was 85-98%

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF13>13,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF16>16].

>The specificity reported in these papers is

>likely underestimated and the sensitivity

>overestimated because early "learning curve"

>cases in which rupture was less completely

>understood than it is now were included.


>In our study, an unreferred population of women

>underwent MR imaging with a breast coil to

>ascertain the current status of their silicone

>gel breast implants. Three radiologists

>independently examined the images for evidence

>of breast implant rupture. Radiologists also

>evaluated whether silicone gel had migrated

>outside the fibrous capsule that forms around

>the breast implant. Rupture prevalence by

>implant type (single or standard double lumen),

>manufacturer, implant location (subglandular or

>submuscular) , and implant age was also evaluated.



>Subjects and Methods

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# top>Top

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# ABS>Abstract

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# BDY>Introduction

>Subjects and Methods

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC2>Results

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC3>Discussion

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# BIBL>References



>Women were identified as eligible for this study

>on the basis of their participation in a

>National Cancer Institute (NCI) study that had

>identified 13,448 women with breast implants at

>18 plastic surgery practices

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF17>17].

>Women from two of the practices (sites) were

>included in the current study if they responded

>to the NCI questionnaire and still lived in the

>Birmingham, AL, area. Of 1247 eligible women,

>907 responded to a screening computer-assisted

>telephone interview that focused on past

>surgeries in which implants were removed or

>replaced (the results of this study will be

>published elsewhere). Of these 907 women, 837

>reported still having implants; 654 reported

>having either single- or double-lumen silicone

>gel breast implants. Women were invited to

>participate in MR imaging to determine the

>status of their silicone gel breast implants,

>after completing the telephone interview, if

>they did not have contraindications for

>undergoing MR imaging (metal implant or

>battery-activated stimulator, pregnancy,

>tattoos, body weight >300 pounds, or a history

>of metal fragments in the eye). The invitation

>to participate in the MR imaging study was

>random in that the order in which women were

>called and interviewed was random. The study had

>funding for 400 MR examinations and was also

>constrained by the contract period with the MR

>imaging facility. Initially, only women within a

>50-mile (80-km) radius of the clinic were

>invited to participate in the MR imaging. As the

>study progressed, it became clear that adequate

>MR imaging was available to offer to women

>outside the immediate area. Women outside the

>area were called back and subsequent new

>contacts were invited. Of the 445 women invited

>to participate in the MR imaging portion of the

>study, 359 (80.7%) accepted and underwent the

>examination during the time that the MR imaging

>clinic had agreed to make examinations

>available. Fourteen women who underwent MR

>imaging had saline inflatable implants, and one

>woman did not have implants. These women were

>excluded from the analysis of 344 women with 687

>silicone gel—filled breast implants.


>The protocol for this study was reviewed and

>approved by five institutional review boards

>(NCI Special Studies IRB; Food and Drug

>Administration Research Involving Human Subjects

>Committee; University of California, San Diego,

>Human Subjects Committee; University of Alabama

>at Birmingham Institutional Review Board; and

>Abt Associates Institutional Review Board). All

>participants signed a detailed informed consent

>document. A report with results of the MR

>imaging was mailed to each participant and to a

>physician of her choice. A certificate of

>confidentiality for the study was obtained from

>the United States Department of Health and Human Services.


>MR Imaging

>Women were scheduled for MR imaging at the

>Kirklin Clinic at the University of Alabama at

>Birmingham. We scanned on a 1.5-T scanner

>(revision 8.2, SIGNA Horizon; General Electric

>Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI) using a

>dedicated General Electric bilateral phased

>array breast surface coil. The goals were to

>determine whether implants were ruptured and

>whether any extracapsular silicone was present.

>After a T2-weighted scout sequence, four

>sequences were performed on each breast

>independently, for a total of nine pulse

>sequences per patient (duration, about 60 min)..

>Four sequences were used. The first was an axial

>T2-weighted fast spin-echo inversion-recovery

>sequence with water suppression over a 16.4-cm

>cephalocaudad distance centered on the breast

>(TR/TE, 3000/156; inversion time, 180 msec; echo

>train length, 16; field of view, 20 cm; slice

>thickness, 4 mm; matrix, 256 x 192; excitations,

>one). The second sequence was an axial

>T2-weighted fast spin-echo sequence with

>silicone suppression over the same slices as

>prior series (3000/156; excitations, one). The

>third was a sagittal T2-weighted fast spin-echo

>sequence with water suppression including the

>portion of the implant showing folds (3000/224;

>field of view, 16 cm; slice thickness, 3 mm;

>matrix, 256 x 256; excitations, two). The fourth

>sequence was an axial fast spin-echo T2-weighted

>sequence with water suppression including

>portions of the implant showing folds with the

>same parameters as the third sequence. The goal

>of this sequence was to look carefully at high

>resolution in folds outside the implant for

>signs of silicone gel, which is the most

>sensitive sign of rupture. An additional initial

>short tuning sequence was obtained for the final

>101 patients to offset a problem with one of the

>shim gradient coils. Sequences were repeated as

>necessary (average, 10.1 sequences per initial

>study). Technologists were trained in the study

>protocol by the study radiologist. After the

>in-person training, the study radiologist was

>available by telephone for consultations at any

>time. Images were sent to the study radiologist

>by express mail at least once per week.


>MR Evaluation of Rupture

>The study radiologist and two consulting

>radiologists reviewed the 359 patients

>independently. Criteria to determine rupture

>were discussed by the radiologists before the

>consulting radiologists began their evaluation.

>Radiologists examined images for signs of

>rupture, including "linguine" sign

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF14>14,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF18>18],

>"wavy line" sign or double "wavy line" sign

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7],

>"anterior spiculation" sign

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7],

>"subcapsular line" sign

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF15>15,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF16>16],

>"keyhole" sign

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7,

><http://www.ajronlin e..org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF15>15,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF16>16],

>"inverted teardrop" sign

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF15>15,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF16>16,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF18>18],

>"noose" sign

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF13>13,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF19>19],

>"pull-away" sign

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7],

>and the "open loop" sign

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF10>10].

>The signs previously noted, with different

>terminology from different authors, describe

>only two basic phenomena that, considered

>together, are the criteria we used to describe

>ruptured implants. The first appearance is that

>of an implant elastomer shell fully collapsed

>and enveloped by the silicone gel it once

>contained. This shows up on MR images as a wavy

>internal dark line representing the implant

>elastomer shell, surrounded by the silicone gel

>that has escaped from the implant. The second

>appearance is of a thin layer of silicone gel

>between the implant elastomer shell and the

>internal surface of the fibrous capsule, or of

>silicone gel outside the implant as a whole, yet

>collecting within infoldings of the implant

>elastomer shell that protrude into the implant

>itself. All degrees of collapse were grouped

>together for purposes of analysis. Double-lumen

>implants were considered ruptured by the same

>criteria: the appearance of silicone gel outside

>the implant as a whole. Fluid signal mixing with

>gel alone was not considered indicative of

>rupture, although for double-lumen implants this

>feature may indicate isolated failure of the

>inner of the two shells. MR imaging only

>infrequently showed evidence of silicone-fluid

>bleeding through an intact shell. Findings

>indeterminate for rupture included one or two

>images with a possibility of gel in a fold. The

>presence of extracapsular silicone was noted when observed.


>When available, implant type, manufacturer,

>style, catalog number, and serial number were

>made known to each radiologist before

>evaluation. In cases in which the imaging

>contradicted any provided information, the

>implant-type evidence from the images was used,

>and that information was provided by the study

>radiologist to the other radiologists.

>Single-lumen silicone gel—filled implants were

>graded as "ruptured" when silicone gel was seen

>outside the implant. Standard double-lumen

>implants were graded as ruptured when silicone

>gel was seen outside the outer shell. Implants

>were graded "indeterminate" when there was

>suspicion, but not certainty, of rupture.

>Implants were graded as "no evidence of rupture" when they appeared intact.


>Readings from each radiologist on rupture status

>were evaluated for agreement with other

>radiologists in a pairwise fashion with the

>weighted kappa statistic. A consensus reading

>was computed by voting the readings from

>radiologists and reporting the majority

>consensus.. In the event that readings spanned

>the range from no evidence, to indeterminate, to

>ruptured, the consensus was "indeterminate. "

>Likewise a consensus reading on the presence of

>extracapsular silicone was determined by majority vote.


>Assignment of Implant Generation

>Each implant was classified according to implant

>generation as defined by s et al.

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF20>20]

>when enough information was available. Implant

>generation was determined on the basis of

>implant characteristics, with first generation

>implants being early thick-shell, mostly

>thick-gel implants; second generation being thin

>and intermediate shells that replaced the first

>generation, excluding "low bleed" implants; and

>third generation being low bleed implants.

>Information used to define the generation was

>implant model, implant catalog number, implant

>serial number, and, in some cases, MR imaging appearance.


>Statistical Methods

>Logistic regression was used to model the

>probability that at least one of the implants in

>a woman was ruptured or was indeterminate (i.e.

>the units of observation were women, not

>implants). Factors considered for the logistic

>regression model were implant age, implant type,

>location and manufacturer, site of the surgery

>practice, and their two-way interactions.

>Another factor considered was implant

>generation. In the analysis, we used only women

>with two implants that had the same values for

>all factors. We chose a final model on the basis

>of tests of significance using analysis of

>deviance. To interpret the odds ratios from the

>regression, we determined that an odds ratio of

>1.0 indicates no association between the

>characteristic and implant rupture. An odds

>ratio of 2.0 would indicate that women with the

>characteristic have twice the odds of occurrence

>of a ruptured implant as those who do not have the characteristic.


>Using the logistic regression models, we

>estimated the implant age at which the

>probability of rupture was 0.5 and called this

>the median age of rupture. We estimated this

>quantity by backsolving for implant age in the

>equation, relating the log odds of rupture, or

>logit, to the linear predictor. This method is

>commonly used to estimate the median effective

>dose in dose-response studies

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF21>21].

>We furthermore estimated the implant age for

>probabilities of rupture other than 0.5 and

>plotted the probabilities against these

>estimates to form a survival curve. Standard

>errors of the estimated ages were computed by

>applying the delta method to the function

>isolating age and its theoretic variance matrix

>evaluated at the maximum likelihood estimates of

>the parameters. These standard errors were used

>to form 95% confidence bounds on the survival curve.


>The logistic regression model used is equivalent

>to a survival model on the time to rupture. Time

>to rupture was either left-censored, when the

>implant was ruptured, or right-censored, when

>the implant was not ruptured. In the logistic

>regression model, the log odds of rupture was

>modeled as linear in the log of implant age. The

>logistic model corresponds to assuming that

>left- and right- censored times to rupture have

>a log—logistic distribution

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF22>22].




><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# top>Top

><http://www.. ajronline. org/cgi/content/ full/175/ 4/1057#ABS>Abstract

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# BDY>Introduction

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC1>Subjects

>and Methods


><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC3>Discussion

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# BIBL>References


>The 359 women who accepted and underwent MR

>imaging did not differ from the other 888 women

>in the Alabama study population with respect to

>age at the time of their first implantation (25

>= 3.827, p = 0.575) or year during which their

>initial implantation occurred (24 = 1.571, p =

>0.814). Neither were there differences in women

>undergoing MR imaging compared with the others

>with respect to the first implant type (single

>lumen, double lumen, not known) (22 = 1.210, p =

>0.546) or with respect to the manufacturer of

>their first implant (26 = 3.720, p = 0.714).


>The 359 women who accepted and under-went the MR

>imaging did not differ, with respect to their

>opinion on whether their current implants were

>ruptured, from the 86 women who either actively

>refused the examination or scheduled the

>examination but did not come to their

>appointment. Although 31 women (8.6%) who

>subsequently under-went the examination reported

>that they thought their current implants were

>ruptured, seven women (8.0%) invited but

>declining the examination reported that they

>thought their implants might be ruptured

>(chi-square test, p = 0.674). This similarity

>indicates that the population accepting the MR

>imaging was not biased with respect to suspecting implant rupture.


>Women in the MR imaging cohort had a mean age of

>51.4 ± 8.4 years (range, 33-76 years) at the

>time of the examination. The reason for

>mammoplasty in the medical record was cosmetic

>for most women (85%), but 14% had the implants

>for medical reasons, usually for fibrocystic

>breasts. Women received their first implants

>between 1970 and 1988, with a median year of

>1981. One woman had only one implant (single

>lumen), and two women had a single-lumen

>silicone gel implant in one breast and a

>standard double-lumen implant in the other.

>Twenty-four women (7%) had reported that one or

>both original implants had been surgically

>removed and replaced. The average breast implant

>age in this study was 16.5 ± 3.4 years for the

>677 implants that had this information

>available, with a range from 6.4 to 28.0 years

>since implantation and a median age of 16.4 years.


><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# TBL1>Table

>1 compares the interpretations from the three

>radiologists. Overall, the radiologists'

>consensus was that 378 (55%) of the 687 implants

>in this study were ruptured and that another 50

>(7.2%) were indeterminate. Two hundred

>fifty-nine implants (37.7%) were intact. When

>viewed on the basis of women, 236 women (68.6%)

>had at least one ruptured implant. Overall, 108

>women (31.4%) had both implants intact, 94 women

>(27.3%) had one ruptured implant, and 142 women

>(41.3%) had two ruptured implants. If women with

>ruptured implants and implants suspicious for

>rupture were included, then 265 women (77.0%)

>were affected. A high level of agreement was

>found between radiologists when compared in

>pairwise fashion as measured by the weighted

>kappa statistic. In no case was the kappa

>statistic less than 0.88, indicating almost

>perfect agreement

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF23>23].


><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# FIG1>1,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# FIG2>2,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# FIG3>3

>are representative images of single- and

>standard double-lumen implants that were rated

>as ruptured by all three radiologists.



>View this table:

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ TBL1>[in this window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/175/ 4/1057/TBL1>[in

>a new window]


> TABLE 1 Status of Silicone Gel Breast

> Implants as Interpreted by Three Radiologists





>View larger version (118K):

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG1>[in this window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/175/ 4/1057/FIG1>[in

>a new window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG1>[as

>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 1. —Representative MR image of 310-mL

> single-lumen silicone gel—filled implant placed

> December 13, 1973, shows characteristic

> appearance of rupture. Arrow identifies

> location of silicone gel outside implant shell

> (i.e., keyhole, inverted teardrop, noose appearance).





>View larger version (115K):

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG2>[in this window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/175/ 4/1057/FIG2>[in

>a new window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG2>[as

>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 2. — Representative MR image of 220-mL

> single-lumen silicone gel—filled implant placed

> December 20, 1982, shows presence of

> multiple-layered wavy lines representing

> collapsed implant shell surrounded by silicone

> gel (i.e., linguine or wavy-line appearance).





>View larger version (105K):

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG3>[in this window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/175/ 4/1057/FIG3>[in

>a new window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG3>[as

>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 3. —Representative MR image of

> Hartley-type standard double-lumen implant,

> originally with 225 mL of inner-lumen silicone

> gel, placed April 27, 1984, shows

> characteristic appearance of rupture. Note

> thicker single posterior shell patch attached

> to both inner and outer lumen shells on both

> sides, with thickened central part where gel

> was originally injected into implant and

> sealed, all entirely surrounded by silicone

> gel. Saline was absent from outer lumen at time of this scan.





>Migration of silicone beyond the fibrous capsule

>was observed in 85 breasts. Although affecting

>85 (12.4%) of 687 breasts in this study,

>silicone migration beyond the fibrous capsule in

>one or both breasts was found in 73 women


><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# FIG4>Figure

>4 is a representative MR image of migration of

>silicone gel from the intracapsular to the

>extracapsular space. In all but one breast with

>extracapsular silicone, the radiologists'

>consensus was that the implant was ruptured or

>suspicious for rupture. The prevalence of

>extracapsular silicone for ruptured implants was

>84 (22.2%) of 378 ruptured implants. The

>agreement between radiologists on extracapsular

>silicone was not as high as for rupture. When

>compared in a pairwise fashion, the kappa

>statistic for extracapsular silicone in the left

>or right breast was between 0.50 and 0.65

>(moderate to substantial agreement)

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF23>23].




>View larger version (103K):

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG4>[in this window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/175/ 4/1057/FIG4>[in

>a new window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG4>[as

>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 4. —Representative MR image of migration

> of silicone shows contiguous spread of silicone

> gel from intracapsular to extracapsular space.

> Single-lumen (220 mL) silicone gel—filled implant was placed January 2, 1979.





><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# TBL2>Table

>2 shows implant status by implant type, implant

>age (shown in 5-year groups), implant location

>(subglandular, submuscular) , implant

>manufacturer, and implant generation. The

>prevalence of rupture in each of the implants

>and in women is shown. In this univariate

>analysis, implant age, location, and

>manufacturer were all factors that had a bearing

>on rupture. In particular, rupture prevalence

>increased as implant age increased from 6 to 20

>years, but then decreased as age increased to

>greater than 20 years. Most implants more than

>20 years old were from Dow Corning (Midland,

>MI); Dow Corning implants ruptured less often

>than implants from other manufacturers. Few

>first and third generation implants were found

>in this study; the majority of implants were

>from the second generation. The average age of

>each generation from first to third was 25.4 ±

>1.1, 16.3 ± 3.3, and 7.4 ± 2.6 years, respectively.



>View this table:

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ TBL2>[in this window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/175/ 4/1057/TBL2>[in

>a new window]


> TABLE 2 Factors Affecting Rupture as Judged

> by Consensus Interpretation of MR Images





>A multivariate logistic regression model was

>developed and used to estimate odds ratios of

>rupture, with each factor adjusting for the

>other factors in the model.

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# TBL3>Table

>3 lists the estimated odds ratios given by the

>final model for the outcomes of rupture and of

>rupture or indeterminate (suspicion of). The

>estimated odds ratio for a 33% increase in

>implant age was significantly greater than one

>for both outcomes according to the corresponding

>95% confidence intervals and indicated that

>increases in implant age increase the risk of

>these outcomes. Each odds ratio for implant age

>was calculated from a log odds ratio that was an

>average of log odds ratios specific to each

>manufacturer, with the average based on weights

>proportional to the number of women with

>implants from these manufacturers. The

>manufacturers -Uphoff International

>(Carpenteria, CA) and McGhan/3M (Santa Barbara,

>CA) were excluded from the model because of the

>small number of women with implants from these


>(<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# TBL2>Table

>2). Odds ratios for implant location were

>computed for each site because of variation by

>site. For the outcome of rupture or

>indeterminate rupture, the estimated odds ratio

>for implants located in the submuscular position

>compared with the subglandular position was

>significantly greater than 1 for site 2, but not

>for site 1. For the outcome of rupture, the

>estimated odds ratio was significantly greater than 1 for both sites..



>View this table:

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ TBL3>[in this window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/175/ 4/1057/TBL3>[in

>a new window]


> TABLE 3 Multiple Logistic Regression Model of

> Implant Rupture as Judged by Consensus Interpretation of MR Imaging





>The logistic model was further used to compute a

>survival curve for implants (Figs.

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# FIG5>5


><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# FIG6>6).

>Unlike the survival curves from survival

>analyses in which probabilities of surviving are

>estimated at fixed times, in these survival

>curves, times (i.e., implant ages) are estimated

>at fixed probabilities. The curves plotted are

>estimates of implant age obtained at average

>values of the other factors, in which the

>average is based on weights for groups within

>factors that are proportional to the number of

>women within the groups. (For location effects

>by site, the weights for location are

>additionally weighted by site.) The estimated

>median age of rupture was 10.8 years with a 95%

>confidence interval of 8.4-13.9, and that of

>rupture or indeterminate was 9.7 years with a

>95% confidence interval of 7.2-13.0.




>View larger version (22K):

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG5>[in this window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/175/ 4/1057/FIG5>[in

>a new window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG5>[as

>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 5. —Estimated implant ages for

> probabilities of ruptured implants. CI = confidence interval.





>View larger version (25K):

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG6>[in this window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/175/ 4/1057/FIG6>[in

>a new window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG6>[as

>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 6. —Estimated implant ages for

> probabilities of ruptured or indeterminate implants. CI = confidence interval.





>The logistic regression model was fit to all

>women (n = 304) who had two implants with the

>same values for site and for implant age, type,

>location, and manufacturer (-Uphoff

>International and McGhan/3M excluded). The final

>model was determined by first including all main

>effects for these factors and then by using

>analysis of deviance to test for significant

>two-way interactions. Significant interactions

>of implant age by manufacturer and implant

>location by site were included in the model. The

>interaction of implant location by implant type

>was also significant but not included because it

>led to instability in model estimates. Implant

>generation was also significant but not included

>because it was highly correlated with implant

>age, and most implants were of the second generation.




><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# top>Top

><http://www.. ajronline. org/cgi/content/ full/175/ 4/1057#ABS>Abstract

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# BDY>Introduction

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC1>Subjects

>and Methods

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC2>Results


><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# BIBL>References


>We assessed a population of women with silicone

>gel breast implants for breast implant rupture,

>using breast MR imaging. The prevalence of

>rupture for the 687 breast implants was 55.0%.

>This affected 68.6% of the 344 women in the

>study. If the implants that were indeterminate

>(suspicious) were included, 265 women (77.0%)

>were affected. This level of implant rupture

>assessed by MR imaging is in close agreement

>with studies in which implant status was

>assessed after explantation and examination of


>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF5>5,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF6>6,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF20>20],

>indicating that findings on implant rupture from

>the explant population may be representative of

>the implant population in general. Other

>published studies have enumerated women having

>surgery because of a suspected implant rupture

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF3>3,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF4>4],

>but these studies clearly would not include the

>population asymptomatic with respect to rupture.

>On the basis of the results of this study, a

>rupture has occurred in the majority of implants

>and in the majority of patients from a

>population selected without regard for any local

>or systemic symptoms of the patient.


>Factors that were associated with implant

>rupture were implant age and location. These

>factors were also associated with an MR imaging

>outcome of ruptured or indeterminate. A

>conservative estimate of median age of implant

>rupture was 10.8 years. The association of

>rupture with implant location indicates that

>submuscular implants were more likely to be

>ruptured than subglandular implants.


>For some manufacturers, rupture prevalence was

>based on few implants (e..g., -Uphoff

>International and McGhan/3M), and these data

>should be interpreted cautiously. Other

>manufacturers such as Surgitek (Medical

>Engineering, Racine, WI) had a large number of

>implants in this study population. It is likely

>that local variations among surgeons in the

>preference for manufacturers played a role in

>the uneven distribution of implants from

>different manufacturers. Because of limited

>resources for this study, we could not pursue

>additional sites that may have provided equal

>representation of implant manufacturers. A high

>prevalence of rupture was seen across all

>manufacturers, excluding McGhan, ranging between 45% and 82%.


>s et al.

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF20>20]

>addressed the concept of implant generation as a

>possible factor in implant rupture. Difficulties

>with this approach have not yet been addressed

>fully in the literature and are beyond the scope

>of this work, mainly involving the definitions

>of their generations and the ranges of years

>over which they extended. Notwithstanding those

>objections, using their basic definitions,

>s et al. thought that 91.8% (631/687) of

>the implants in this study were second

>generation (i.e., thin or intermediate shell

>thickness, not early thick shell and thick gel,

>and not low bleed). We considered generation a

>factor in a logistic regression model but

>excluded it because implant age is associated

>with calendar year and therefore measures

>similar information. In this study all first

>generation implants (thick shell and thick gel)

>were manufactured by Dow Corning. Reported to

>have lower rupture rates than succeeding


>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF20>20],

>first generation implants (11/24) ruptured more

>frequently than did second generation implants

>manufactured by Dow Corning (10/30).

>Nonetheless, the first generation rupture

>prevalence of 11 (45.8%) of 24 is less than the

>overall rupture prevalence of 55.0%. All 24

>first generation implants were more than 20

>years old, which contributed to the relatively

>lower rupture prevalence observed among implants

>more than 20 years old

>(<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# TBL3>Table

>3). Another possible explanation is that many of

>the older implants that were inferior have been

>explanted and explanted implants would not be

>included in the MR study. This hypothesis is

>consistent with the observation that the

>proportion of women reporting an explantation

>surgery was less for women in the MR imaging

>study (7%) compared with all women completing the questionnaire (33%).


>Another finding of concern was the high

>prevalence of migration of silicone gel from the

>fibrous capsule that surrounds the implant.

>Silicone had migrated beyond the capsule in at

>least one breast in 21% of the women in this

>study. Numerous cases of silicone migration from

>the capsule have been reported in the literature

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF2>2,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7].

>Any association of silicone migration or breast

>implant rupture with disease has not been

>specifically investigated because the status of

>women with respect to implant rupture or

>silicone migration has been unknown in studies

>that have examined risk of disease in women

>after mammoplasty with silicone implants

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF24>24,

><http://www.ajronlin e..org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF25>25].

>The issue of health consequences of free

>silicone is poorly understood because of the

>lack of studies in which implant status and health status are both known.


>The agreement among the three radiologists in

>this study as to the status of implants was

>quite high. MR imaging has been shown to be the

>most sensitive and specific method of imaging

>for breast implant rupture

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF9>9,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF10>10,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF11>11,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF13>13,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF16>16].

>These results on implant status may be viewed

>with a high degree of confidence particularly

>because the results are the consensus of at

>least two of the three reviewing radiologists.

>The radiologists' agreement on extracapsular

>silicone was moderate to substantial. A study to

>examine the reason for this is planned.


>This study had some shortcomings. We could not

>rule out all sources of bias. We cannot know

>what effect litigation had on participation in

>this study: anecdotal evidence suggests that

>some litigants were encouraged to participate in

>the NCI study and others were discouraged by

>their attorneys or others. Although 303 (33.4%)

>of 907 of women interviewed for this study

>indicated that they had their implant removed,

>only 7% of those receiving MR imaging reported

>having their implants removed and replaced. This

>discrepancy is because women who had implants

>removed and not replaced or removed and replaced

>with saline implants would not be eligible to

>participate in the MR imaging study. This

>requirement would result in culling out older

>implants that were removed because they were

>ruptured or for other reasons and may have led

>to an underestimation of the rupture prevalence.

>However, participants were similar to those

>declining to participate with respect to their

>opinion on the status of their current implants.

>As previously mentioned, implant manufacturers

>were not represented equally in this study.

>Although MR imaging is considered the best

>method for imaging breast implants for rupture,

>it is not perfect. This study did not include

>ascertaining implant status for women who

>subsequently decided to have their implants

>explanted. Because of the lower sensitivity of

>MR imaging in depicting uncollapsed rupture, it

>is likely that these interpretations present an

>underestimate of the rupture prevalence

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF13>13,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF16>16].


>Given the past belief that implant rupture was

>rare, but the current evidence that the

>prevalence of implant rupture is high, we

>believe it is time to reevaluate the need to

>screen women for implant rupture and to develop

>recommendations for implant removal or

>replacement in the event of a rupture.

>Considerable disagreement exists over the

>appropriate treatment for women with ruptured

>implants. Individual plastic surgeons have

>recommended prophylactic explanation of silicone

>gel breast implants before 8 years after

>implantation, regardless of evidence of rupture,

>to avoid the increasing risk of rupture as the

>implant ages

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF5>5].

>Others have advised that silicone should be

>removed from patients symptomatic for connective

>tissue disease or with other nonspecific

>illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome or


>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF26>26].

>There is agreement that if implant rupture is

>symptomatic for local complications (breast

>deformity, siliconoma or granuloma, pain, and

>migration), the implant should be explanted with

>the option of replacement

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF27>27].

>Plastic surgeons will remove an implant if it is

>ruptured and causes a cosmetic defect, but some

>may question the health benefit of removing a

>ruptured implant if it is contained within the

>scar capsule

>[<http://www.. ajronline. org/cgi/content/ full/175/ 4/1057#REF28>28].

>Conversely, some plastic surgeons have argued

>that rupture should always be treated

>aggressively to prevent extracapsular spread

>because silicone gel is more difficult to remove

>once it has migrated

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF29>29,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF30>30].

>Both the potential for distant migration and

>subsequent inflammatory reactions have been

>cited as a reason to explant ruptured implants

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF31>31,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF32>32].

>Other studies have maintained that silicone

>poses little or no health risk

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF33>33]

>or that the potential for unnecessary surgical

>procedures is worrisome

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF34>34].


>Women considering silicone gel breast implants,

>which are presently available to some women in

>clinical studies, should be informed of the

>possible risk of implant rupture and the

>possibility that this may necessitate additional surgery.





>We thank women who participated in this study,

>some of whom received unsettling news on the

>status of their breast implants. We also

>appreciate the contributions of Louise Brinton

>and Jay Lubin from the NCI, who graciously

>provided access to the NCI cohort and advice on

>study design. Cay Burich, Vargish,

>Marilyn Sawyer, and Jon Schmalz from Abt

>Associates, Inc. in Chicago are to be commended

>for their diligent work on this complex study.

>We thank those plastic surgeons who shared their

>records with the NCI, making this study

>possible. Finally, we thank all the sponsors of

>this research in the Department of Health and

>Human Services, National Institutes of Health,

>and particularly the Office of Women's Health at

>the Food and Drug Administration.




><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# top>Top

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# ABS>Abstract

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# BDY>Introduction

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC1>Subjects

>and Methods

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC2>Results

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC3>Discussion



> * Silverman BG, Brown SL, Bright RA,

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> * Reynolds HE, Buckwalter KA, VP,

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> * Netscher DT, Weizer G, Malone RS,

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> * Gorcyzca DP, Sinha S, Ahn CY, et al.

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> * Soo MS, Kornguth PJ, Walsh R, et al..

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> * Gorczyca DP, Schneider E, DeBruhl ND, et

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> * Berg WA, ND, Zerhouni EA, Chang

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It's so unfair. WOW..... this study

>shows OVER 50 percent rupture rate.......


><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057>http://www.ajronlin

>e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057


>The opinions or assertions presented herein are

>the private views of the authors and are not to

>be construed as conveying either an official

>endorsement or criticism by the United States

>Department of Health and Human Services, the U.

>S. Public Health Service, or the Food and Drug Administration.


>Address correspondence to S. L. Brown



>OBJECTIVE. Silicone gel breast implants have

>been reported to rupture, but the prevalence of

>implant rupture in an unreferred population of

>women is not known. The objective of this study

>was to assess the prevalence of implant rupture

>and the presence of extracapsular silicone gel

>in an unreferred population of women without

>regard to the absence or presence of any local or systemic symptoms.


>SUBJECTS AND METHODS. Women identified as part

>of a National Cancer Institute cohort study on

>breast implants, living in the Birmingham, AL,

>area were invited to undergo MR imaging of their

>current silicone gel breast implants at the

>Kirklin Clinic at the University of Alabama at

>Birmingham. Three radiologists independently

>examined and rated all MR images for signs of

>implant rupture and extracapsular silicone.


>RESULTS. A total of 344 women with silicone gel

>breast implants underwent MR imaging. Breast

>implant rupture was reported by at least two of

>three radiologists for 378 (55.0%) of the 687

>implants in this study. Another 50 implants

>(7.2%) were rated as indeterminate (suspicious)

>for rupture. A majority of women in this study,

>265 (77.0%) of 344, had at least one breast

>implant that was rated as ruptured or

>indeterminate. Radiologists also agreed that

>silicone gel could be seen outside the fibrous

>capsule that forms around the implant in 85

>(12.4%) of the 687 implants affecting 73 women

>(21.2%). Factors that affected implant rupture

>were implant age and location (submuscular or

>subglandular) . The median implant age at

>rupture was estimated to be 10.8 years with a

>95% confidence interval of 8.4-13.9 years.


>CONCLUSION. The prevalence of silent or occult

>silicone gel breast implant rupture is higher

>than was previously suspected. Most women in

>this study had MR imaging evidence of at least

>one ruptured silicone gel breast implant.




><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# top>Top

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# ABS>Abstract


><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC1>Subjects

>and Methods

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC2>Results

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC3>Discussion

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# BIBL>References


>Surveys and studies have indicated that by 1993,

>approximately 1.3 million women in the United

>States had breast implants

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF1>1].

>Despite the widespread use of silicone gel

>breast implants, the prevalence of implant

>rupture is not known

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF2>2].

>Numerous cases describing both implant rupture

>and gel migration beyond the capsule have been

>reported in the literature

>[<http://www.ajronlin e..org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF2>2].


>One study of 749 women with breast implants in

>place for a mean of 7.8 years indicated that

>5.7% of those women underwent breast surgery

>because of a ruptured implant

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF3>3].

>In a study of 317 ish women with implants,

>10 (3.1%) had implants replaced after implant


>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF4>4].

>These studies enumerated women who went to

>surgery with an indication of implant rupture

>but not women who had implants explanted for

>other reasons and were incidentally found to have ruptured implants.


>Studies describing the status of implants after

>explantation have reported a much higher

>prevalence of implant rupture. The prevalence of

>implants that were not intact was reported to be

>between 23% and 65% of explanted implants

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF2>2,

><http://www.ajronlin e..org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF5>5,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF6>6,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7].



>The discrepancy between studies of women with an

>indication of implant rupture before surgery and

>the higher prevalence of ruptured implants found

>in explantation studies could be attributed to

>referral bias in the population having their

>implants removed. However, this discrepancy

>could be caused by a mammographically or

>clinically silent (asymptomatic) rupture. A

>retrospective examination of screening

>mammograms from 350 asymptomatic women with

>breast implants indicated that 16 women (4.6%)

>had ruptured implants

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF8>8].

>Mammography is the least sensitive imaging

>method for examining breast implant rupture with

>a sensitivity of 11-69% described in studies

>comparing imaging methods

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF9>9,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF10>10,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF11>11].

>MR imaging has been reported to have a

>sensitivity of 39-76% when radiologists used a

>body coil, and from 52-95% when they used a

>breast coil

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF11>11,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF12>12,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF13>13,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF14>14,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF15>15,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF16>16].

>In recent MR imaging studies in which

>radiologists used a breast surface coil and had

>validated signs of rupture, the sensitivity was

>74-94% and the specificity was 85-98%

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF13>13,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF16>16].

>The specificity reported in these papers is

>likely underestimated and the sensitivity

>overestimated because early "learning curve"

>cases in which rupture was less completely

>understood than it is now were included.


>In our study, an unreferred population of women

>underwent MR imaging with a breast coil to

>ascertain the current status of their silicone

>gel breast implants. Three radiologists

>independently examined the images for evidence

>of breast implant rupture. Radiologists also

>evaluated whether silicone gel had migrated

>outside the fibrous capsule that forms around

>the breast implant. Rupture prevalence by

>implant type (single or standard double lumen),

>manufacturer, implant location (subglandular or

>submuscular) , and implant age was also evaluated.



>Subjects and Methods

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# top>Top

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# ABS>Abstract

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# BDY>Introduction

>Subjects and Methods

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC2>Results

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC3>Discussion

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# BIBL>References



>Women were identified as eligible for this study

>on the basis of their participation in a

>National Cancer Institute (NCI) study that had

>identified 13,448 women with breast implants at

>18 plastic surgery practices

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF17>17].

>Women from two of the practices (sites) were

>included in the current study if they responded

>to the NCI questionnaire and still lived in the

>Birmingham, AL, area. Of 1247 eligible women,

>907 responded to a screening computer-assisted

>telephone interview that focused on past

>surgeries in which implants were removed or

>replaced (the results of this study will be

>published elsewhere). Of these 907 women, 837

>reported still having implants; 654 reported

>having either single- or double-lumen silicone

>gel breast implants. Women were invited to

>participate in MR imaging to determine the

>status of their silicone gel breast implants,

>after completing the telephone interview, if

>they did not have contraindications for

>undergoing MR imaging (metal implant or

>battery-activated stimulator, pregnancy,

>tattoos, body weight >300 pounds, or a history

>of metal fragments in the eye). The invitation

>to participate in the MR imaging study was

>random in that the order in which women were

>called and interviewed was random. The study had

>funding for 400 MR examinations and was also

>constrained by the contract period with the MR

>imaging facility. Initially, only women within a

>50-mile (80-km) radius of the clinic were

>invited to participate in the MR imaging. As the

>study progressed, it became clear that adequate

>MR imaging was available to offer to women

>outside the immediate area. Women outside the

>area were called back and subsequent new

>contacts were invited. Of the 445 women invited

>to participate in the MR imaging portion of the

>study, 359 (80.7%) accepted and underwent the

>examination during the time that the MR imaging

>clinic had agreed to make examinations

>available. Fourteen women who underwent MR

>imaging had saline inflatable implants, and one

>woman did not have implants. These women were

>excluded from the analysis of 344 women with 687

>silicone gel—filled breast implants.


>The protocol for this study was reviewed and

>approved by five institutional review boards

>(NCI Special Studies IRB; Food and Drug

>Administration Research Involving Human Subjects

>Committee; University of California, San Diego,

>Human Subjects Committee; University of Alabama

>at Birmingham Institutional Review Board; and

>Abt Associates Institutional Review Board). All

>participants signed a detailed informed consent

>document. A report with results of the MR

>imaging was mailed to each participant and to a

>physician of her choice. A certificate of

>confidentiality for the study was obtained from

>the United States Department of Health and Human Services.


>MR Imaging

>Women were scheduled for MR imaging at the

>Kirklin Clinic at the University of Alabama at

>Birmingham. We scanned on a 1.5-T scanner

>(revision 8.2, SIGNA Horizon; General Electric

>Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI) using a

>dedicated General Electric bilateral phased

>array breast surface coil. The goals were to

>determine whether implants were ruptured and

>whether any extracapsular silicone was present.

>After a T2-weighted scout sequence, four

>sequences were performed on each breast

>independently, for a total of nine pulse

>sequences per patient (duration, about 60 min)..

>Four sequences were used. The first was an axial

>T2-weighted fast spin-echo inversion-recovery

>sequence with water suppression over a 16.4-cm

>cephalocaudad distance centered on the breast

>(TR/TE, 3000/156; inversion time, 180 msec; echo

>train length, 16; field of view, 20 cm; slice

>thickness, 4 mm; matrix, 256 x 192; excitations,

>one). The second sequence was an axial

>T2-weighted fast spin-echo sequence with

>silicone suppression over the same slices as

>prior series (3000/156; excitations, one). The

>third was a sagittal T2-weighted fast spin-echo

>sequence with water suppression including the

>portion of the implant showing folds (3000/224;

>field of view, 16 cm; slice thickness, 3 mm;

>matrix, 256 x 256; excitations, two). The fourth

>sequence was an axial fast spin-echo T2-weighted

>sequence with water suppression including

>portions of the implant showing folds with the

>same parameters as the third sequence. The goal

>of this sequence was to look carefully at high

>resolution in folds outside the implant for

>signs of silicone gel, which is the most

>sensitive sign of rupture. An additional initial

>short tuning sequence was obtained for the final

>101 patients to offset a problem with one of the

>shim gradient coils. Sequences were repeated as

>necessary (average, 10.1 sequences per initial

>study). Technologists were trained in the study

>protocol by the study radiologist. After the

>in-person training, the study radiologist was

>available by telephone for consultations at any

>time. Images were sent to the study radiologist

>by express mail at least once per week.


>MR Evaluation of Rupture

>The study radiologist and two consulting

>radiologists reviewed the 359 patients

>independently. Criteria to determine rupture

>were discussed by the radiologists before the

>consulting radiologists began their evaluation.

>Radiologists examined images for signs of

>rupture, including "linguine" sign

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF14>14,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF18>18],

>"wavy line" sign or double "wavy line" sign

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7],

>"anterior spiculation" sign

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7],

>"subcapsular line" sign

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF15>15,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF16>16],

>"keyhole" sign

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7,

><http://www.ajronlin e..org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF15>15,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF16>16],

>"inverted teardrop" sign

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF15>15,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF16>16,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF18>18],

>"noose" sign

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF13>13,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF19>19],

>"pull-away" sign

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7],

>and the "open loop" sign

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF10>10].

>The signs previously noted, with different

>terminology from different authors, describe

>only two basic phenomena that, considered

>together, are the criteria we used to describe

>ruptured implants. The first appearance is that

>of an implant elastomer shell fully collapsed

>and enveloped by the silicone gel it once

>contained. This shows up on MR images as a wavy

>internal dark line representing the implant

>elastomer shell, surrounded by the silicone gel

>that has escaped from the implant. The second

>appearance is of a thin layer of silicone gel

>between the implant elastomer shell and the

>internal surface of the fibrous capsule, or of

>silicone gel outside the implant as a whole, yet

>collecting within infoldings of the implant

>elastomer shell that protrude into the implant

>itself. All degrees of collapse were grouped

>together for purposes of analysis. Double-lumen

>implants were considered ruptured by the same

>criteria: the appearance of silicone gel outside

>the implant as a whole. Fluid signal mixing with

>gel alone was not considered indicative of

>rupture, although for double-lumen implants this

>feature may indicate isolated failure of the

>inner of the two shells. MR imaging only

>infrequently showed evidence of silicone-fluid

>bleeding through an intact shell. Findings

>indeterminate for rupture included one or two

>images with a possibility of gel in a fold. The

>presence of extracapsular silicone was noted when observed.


>When available, implant type, manufacturer,

>style, catalog number, and serial number were

>made known to each radiologist before

>evaluation. In cases in which the imaging

>contradicted any provided information, the

>implant-type evidence from the images was used,

>and that information was provided by the study

>radiologist to the other radiologists.

>Single-lumen silicone gel—filled implants were

>graded as "ruptured" when silicone gel was seen

>outside the implant. Standard double-lumen

>implants were graded as ruptured when silicone

>gel was seen outside the outer shell. Implants

>were graded "indeterminate" when there was

>suspicion, but not certainty, of rupture.

>Implants were graded as "no evidence of rupture" when they appeared intact.


>Readings from each radiologist on rupture status

>were evaluated for agreement with other

>radiologists in a pairwise fashion with the

>weighted kappa statistic. A consensus reading

>was computed by voting the readings from

>radiologists and reporting the majority

>consensus.. In the event that readings spanned

>the range from no evidence, to indeterminate, to

>ruptured, the consensus was "indeterminate. "

>Likewise a consensus reading on the presence of

>extracapsular silicone was determined by majority vote.


>Assignment of Implant Generation

>Each implant was classified according to implant

>generation as defined by s et al.

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF20>20]

>when enough information was available. Implant

>generation was determined on the basis of

>implant characteristics, with first generation

>implants being early thick-shell, mostly

>thick-gel implants; second generation being thin

>and intermediate shells that replaced the first

>generation, excluding "low bleed" implants; and

>third generation being low bleed implants.

>Information used to define the generation was

>implant model, implant catalog number, implant

>serial number, and, in some cases, MR imaging appearance.


>Statistical Methods

>Logistic regression was used to model the

>probability that at least one of the implants in

>a woman was ruptured or was indeterminate (i.e.

>the units of observation were women, not

>implants). Factors considered for the logistic

>regression model were implant age, implant type,

>location and manufacturer, site of the surgery

>practice, and their two-way interactions.

>Another factor considered was implant

>generation. In the analysis, we used only women

>with two implants that had the same values for

>all factors. We chose a final model on the basis

>of tests of significance using analysis of

>deviance. To interpret the odds ratios from the

>regression, we determined that an odds ratio of

>1.0 indicates no association between the

>characteristic and implant rupture. An odds

>ratio of 2.0 would indicate that women with the

>characteristic have twice the odds of occurrence

>of a ruptured implant as those who do not have the characteristic.


>Using the logistic regression models, we

>estimated the implant age at which the

>probability of rupture was 0.5 and called this

>the median age of rupture. We estimated this

>quantity by backsolving for implant age in the

>equation, relating the log odds of rupture, or

>logit, to the linear predictor. This method is

>commonly used to estimate the median effective

>dose in dose-response studies

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF21>21].

>We furthermore estimated the implant age for

>probabilities of rupture other than 0.5 and

>plotted the probabilities against these

>estimates to form a survival curve. Standard

>errors of the estimated ages were computed by

>applying the delta method to the function

>isolating age and its theoretic variance matrix

>evaluated at the maximum likelihood estimates of

>the parameters. These standard errors were used

>to form 95% confidence bounds on the survival curve.


>The logistic regression model used is equivalent

>to a survival model on the time to rupture. Time

>to rupture was either left-censored, when the

>implant was ruptured, or right-censored, when

>the implant was not ruptured. In the logistic

>regression model, the log odds of rupture was

>modeled as linear in the log of implant age. The

>logistic model corresponds to assuming that

>left- and right- censored times to rupture have

>a log—logistic distribution

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF22>22].




><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# top>Top

><http://www.. ajronline. org/cgi/content/ full/175/ 4/1057#ABS>Abstract

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# BDY>Introduction

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC1>Subjects

>and Methods


><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC3>Discussion

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# BIBL>References


>The 359 women who accepted and underwent MR

>imaging did not differ from the other 888 women

>in the Alabama study population with respect to

>age at the time of their first implantation (25

>= 3.827, p = 0.575) or year during which their

>initial implantation occurred (24 = 1.571, p =

>0.814). Neither were there differences in women

>undergoing MR imaging compared with the others

>with respect to the first implant type (single

>lumen, double lumen, not known) (22 = 1.210, p =

>0.546) or with respect to the manufacturer of

>their first implant (26 = 3.720, p = 0.714).


>The 359 women who accepted and under-went the MR

>imaging did not differ, with respect to their

>opinion on whether their current implants were

>ruptured, from the 86 women who either actively

>refused the examination or scheduled the

>examination but did not come to their

>appointment. Although 31 women (8.6%) who

>subsequently under-went the examination reported

>that they thought their current implants were

>ruptured, seven women (8.0%) invited but

>declining the examination reported that they

>thought their implants might be ruptured

>(chi-square test, p = 0.674). This similarity

>indicates that the population accepting the MR

>imaging was not biased with respect to suspecting implant rupture.


>Women in the MR imaging cohort had a mean age of

>51.4 ± 8.4 years (range, 33-76 years) at the

>time of the examination. The reason for

>mammoplasty in the medical record was cosmetic

>for most women (85%), but 14% had the implants

>for medical reasons, usually for fibrocystic

>breasts. Women received their first implants

>between 1970 and 1988, with a median year of

>1981. One woman had only one implant (single

>lumen), and two women had a single-lumen

>silicone gel implant in one breast and a

>standard double-lumen implant in the other.

>Twenty-four women (7%) had reported that one or

>both original implants had been surgically

>removed and replaced. The average breast implant

>age in this study was 16.5 ± 3.4 years for the

>677 implants that had this information

>available, with a range from 6.4 to 28.0 years

>since implantation and a median age of 16.4 years.


><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# TBL1>Table

>1 compares the interpretations from the three

>radiologists. Overall, the radiologists'

>consensus was that 378 (55%) of the 687 implants

>in this study were ruptured and that another 50

>(7.2%) were indeterminate. Two hundred

>fifty-nine implants (37.7%) were intact. When

>viewed on the basis of women, 236 women (68.6%)

>had at least one ruptured implant. Overall, 108

>women (31.4%) had both implants intact, 94 women

>(27.3%) had one ruptured implant, and 142 women

>(41.3%) had two ruptured implants. If women with

>ruptured implants and implants suspicious for

>rupture were included, then 265 women (77.0%)

>were affected. A high level of agreement was

>found between radiologists when compared in

>pairwise fashion as measured by the weighted

>kappa statistic. In no case was the kappa

>statistic less than 0.88, indicating almost

>perfect agreement

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF23>23].


><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# FIG1>1,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# FIG2>2,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# FIG3>3

>are representative images of single- and

>standard double-lumen implants that were rated

>as ruptured by all three radiologists.



>View this table:

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ TBL1>[in this window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/175/ 4/1057/TBL1>[in

>a new window]


> TABLE 1 Status of Silicone Gel Breast

> Implants as Interpreted by Three Radiologists





>View larger version (118K):

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG1>[in this window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/175/ 4/1057/FIG1>[in

>a new window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG1>[as

>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 1. —Representative MR image of 310-mL

> single-lumen silicone gel—filled implant placed

> December 13, 1973, shows characteristic

> appearance of rupture. Arrow identifies

> location of silicone gel outside implant shell

> (i.e., keyhole, inverted teardrop, noose appearance).





>View larger version (115K):

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG2>[in this window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/175/ 4/1057/FIG2>[in

>a new window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG2>[as

>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 2. — Representative MR image of 220-mL

> single-lumen silicone gel—filled implant placed

> December 20, 1982, shows presence of

> multiple-layered wavy lines representing

> collapsed implant shell surrounded by silicone

> gel (i.e., linguine or wavy-line appearance).





>View larger version (105K):

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG3>[in this window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/175/ 4/1057/FIG3>[in

>a new window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG3>[as

>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 3. —Representative MR image of

> Hartley-type standard double-lumen implant,

> originally with 225 mL of inner-lumen silicone

> gel, placed April 27, 1984, shows

> characteristic appearance of rupture. Note

> thicker single posterior shell patch attached

> to both inner and outer lumen shells on both

> sides, with thickened central part where gel

> was originally injected into implant and

> sealed, all entirely surrounded by silicone

> gel. Saline was absent from outer lumen at time of this scan.





>Migration of silicone beyond the fibrous capsule

>was observed in 85 breasts. Although affecting

>85 (12.4%) of 687 breasts in this study,

>silicone migration beyond the fibrous capsule in

>one or both breasts was found in 73 women


><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# FIG4>Figure

>4 is a representative MR image of migration of

>silicone gel from the intracapsular to the

>extracapsular space. In all but one breast with

>extracapsular silicone, the radiologists'

>consensus was that the implant was ruptured or

>suspicious for rupture. The prevalence of

>extracapsular silicone for ruptured implants was

>84 (22.2%) of 378 ruptured implants. The

>agreement between radiologists on extracapsular

>silicone was not as high as for rupture. When

>compared in a pairwise fashion, the kappa

>statistic for extracapsular silicone in the left

>or right breast was between 0.50 and 0.65

>(moderate to substantial agreement)

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF23>23].




>View larger version (103K):

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG4>[in this window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/175/ 4/1057/FIG4>[in

>a new window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG4>[as

>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 4. —Representative MR image of migration

> of silicone shows contiguous spread of silicone

> gel from intracapsular to extracapsular space.

> Single-lumen (220 mL) silicone gel—filled implant was placed January 2, 1979.





><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# TBL2>Table

>2 shows implant status by implant type, implant

>age (shown in 5-year groups), implant location

>(subglandular, submuscular) , implant

>manufacturer, and implant generation. The

>prevalence of rupture in each of the implants

>and in women is shown. In this univariate

>analysis, implant age, location, and

>manufacturer were all factors that had a bearing

>on rupture. In particular, rupture prevalence

>increased as implant age increased from 6 to 20

>years, but then decreased as age increased to

>greater than 20 years. Most implants more than

>20 years old were from Dow Corning (Midland,

>MI); Dow Corning implants ruptured less often

>than implants from other manufacturers. Few

>first and third generation implants were found

>in this study; the majority of implants were

>from the second generation. The average age of

>each generation from first to third was 25.4 ±

>1.1, 16.3 ± 3.3, and 7.4 ± 2.6 years, respectively.



>View this table:

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ TBL2>[in this window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/175/ 4/1057/TBL2>[in

>a new window]


> TABLE 2 Factors Affecting Rupture as Judged

> by Consensus Interpretation of MR Images





>A multivariate logistic regression model was

>developed and used to estimate odds ratios of

>rupture, with each factor adjusting for the

>other factors in the model.

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# TBL3>Table

>3 lists the estimated odds ratios given by the

>final model for the outcomes of rupture and of

>rupture or indeterminate (suspicion of). The

>estimated odds ratio for a 33% increase in

>implant age was significantly greater than one

>for both outcomes according to the corresponding

>95% confidence intervals and indicated that

>increases in implant age increase the risk of

>these outcomes. Each odds ratio for implant age

>was calculated from a log odds ratio that was an

>average of log odds ratios specific to each

>manufacturer, with the average based on weights

>proportional to the number of women with

>implants from these manufacturers. The

>manufacturers -Uphoff International

>(Carpenteria, CA) and McGhan/3M (Santa Barbara,

>CA) were excluded from the model because of the

>small number of women with implants from these


>(<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# TBL2>Table

>2). Odds ratios for implant location were

>computed for each site because of variation by

>site. For the outcome of rupture or

>indeterminate rupture, the estimated odds ratio

>for implants located in the submuscular position

>compared with the subglandular position was

>significantly greater than 1 for site 2, but not

>for site 1. For the outcome of rupture, the

>estimated odds ratio was significantly greater than 1 for both sites..



>View this table:

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ TBL3>[in this window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/175/ 4/1057/TBL3>[in

>a new window]


> TABLE 3 Multiple Logistic Regression Model of

> Implant Rupture as Judged by Consensus Interpretation of MR Imaging





>The logistic model was further used to compute a

>survival curve for implants (Figs.

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# FIG5>5


><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# FIG6>6).

>Unlike the survival curves from survival

>analyses in which probabilities of surviving are

>estimated at fixed times, in these survival

>curves, times (i.e., implant ages) are estimated

>at fixed probabilities. The curves plotted are

>estimates of implant age obtained at average

>values of the other factors, in which the

>average is based on weights for groups within

>factors that are proportional to the number of

>women within the groups. (For location effects

>by site, the weights for location are

>additionally weighted by site.) The estimated

>median age of rupture was 10.8 years with a 95%

>confidence interval of 8.4-13.9, and that of

>rupture or indeterminate was 9.7 years with a

>95% confidence interval of 7.2-13.0.




>View larger version (22K):

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG5>[in this window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/175/ 4/1057/FIG5>[in

>a new window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG5>[as

>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 5. —Estimated implant ages for

> probabilities of ruptured implants. CI = confidence interval.





>View larger version (25K):

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG6>[in this window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/175/ 4/1057/FIG6>[in

>a new window]

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057/ FIG6>[as

>a PowerPoint slide]

> Fig. 6. —Estimated implant ages for

> probabilities of ruptured or indeterminate implants. CI = confidence interval.





>The logistic regression model was fit to all

>women (n = 304) who had two implants with the

>same values for site and for implant age, type,

>location, and manufacturer (-Uphoff

>International and McGhan/3M excluded). The final

>model was determined by first including all main

>effects for these factors and then by using

>analysis of deviance to test for significant

>two-way interactions. Significant interactions

>of implant age by manufacturer and implant

>location by site were included in the model. The

>interaction of implant location by implant type

>was also significant but not included because it

>led to instability in model estimates. Implant

>generation was also significant but not included

>because it was highly correlated with implant

>age, and most implants were of the second generation.




><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# top>Top

><http://www.. ajronline. org/cgi/content/ full/175/ 4/1057#ABS>Abstract

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# BDY>Introduction

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC1>Subjects

>and Methods

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC2>Results


><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# BIBL>References


>We assessed a population of women with silicone

>gel breast implants for breast implant rupture,

>using breast MR imaging. The prevalence of

>rupture for the 687 breast implants was 55.0%.

>This affected 68.6% of the 344 women in the

>study. If the implants that were indeterminate

>(suspicious) were included, 265 women (77.0%)

>were affected. This level of implant rupture

>assessed by MR imaging is in close agreement

>with studies in which implant status was

>assessed after explantation and examination of


>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF5>5,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF6>6,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF20>20],

>indicating that findings on implant rupture from

>the explant population may be representative of

>the implant population in general. Other

>published studies have enumerated women having

>surgery because of a suspected implant rupture

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF3>3,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF4>4],

>but these studies clearly would not include the

>population asymptomatic with respect to rupture.

>On the basis of the results of this study, a

>rupture has occurred in the majority of implants

>and in the majority of patients from a

>population selected without regard for any local

>or systemic symptoms of the patient.


>Factors that were associated with implant

>rupture were implant age and location. These

>factors were also associated with an MR imaging

>outcome of ruptured or indeterminate. A

>conservative estimate of median age of implant

>rupture was 10.8 years. The association of

>rupture with implant location indicates that

>submuscular implants were more likely to be

>ruptured than subglandular implants.


>For some manufacturers, rupture prevalence was

>based on few implants (e..g., -Uphoff

>International and McGhan/3M), and these data

>should be interpreted cautiously. Other

>manufacturers such as Surgitek (Medical

>Engineering, Racine, WI) had a large number of

>implants in this study population. It is likely

>that local variations among surgeons in the

>preference for manufacturers played a role in

>the uneven distribution of implants from

>different manufacturers. Because of limited

>resources for this study, we could not pursue

>additional sites that may have provided equal

>representation of implant manufacturers. A high

>prevalence of rupture was seen across all

>manufacturers, excluding McGhan, ranging between 45% and 82%.


>s et al.

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF20>20]

>addressed the concept of implant generation as a

>possible factor in implant rupture. Difficulties

>with this approach have not yet been addressed

>fully in the literature and are beyond the scope

>of this work, mainly involving the definitions

>of their generations and the ranges of years

>over which they extended. Notwithstanding those

>objections, using their basic definitions,

>s et al. thought that 91.8% (631/687) of

>the implants in this study were second

>generation (i.e., thin or intermediate shell

>thickness, not early thick shell and thick gel,

>and not low bleed). We considered generation a

>factor in a logistic regression model but

>excluded it because implant age is associated

>with calendar year and therefore measures

>similar information. In this study all first

>generation implants (thick shell and thick gel)

>were manufactured by Dow Corning. Reported to

>have lower rupture rates than succeeding


>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF20>20],

>first generation implants (11/24) ruptured more

>frequently than did second generation implants

>manufactured by Dow Corning (10/30).

>Nonetheless, the first generation rupture

>prevalence of 11 (45.8%) of 24 is less than the

>overall rupture prevalence of 55.0%. All 24

>first generation implants were more than 20

>years old, which contributed to the relatively

>lower rupture prevalence observed among implants

>more than 20 years old

>(<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# TBL3>Table

>3). Another possible explanation is that many of

>the older implants that were inferior have been

>explanted and explanted implants would not be

>included in the MR study. This hypothesis is

>consistent with the observation that the

>proportion of women reporting an explantation

>surgery was less for women in the MR imaging

>study (7%) compared with all women completing the questionnaire (33%).


>Another finding of concern was the high

>prevalence of migration of silicone gel from the

>fibrous capsule that surrounds the implant.

>Silicone had migrated beyond the capsule in at

>least one breast in 21% of the women in this

>study. Numerous cases of silicone migration from

>the capsule have been reported in the literature

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF2>2,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7].

>Any association of silicone migration or breast

>implant rupture with disease has not been

>specifically investigated because the status of

>women with respect to implant rupture or

>silicone migration has been unknown in studies

>that have examined risk of disease in women

>after mammoplasty with silicone implants

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF24>24,

><http://www.ajronlin e..org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF25>25].

>The issue of health consequences of free

>silicone is poorly understood because of the

>lack of studies in which implant status and health status are both known.


>The agreement among the three radiologists in

>this study as to the status of implants was

>quite high. MR imaging has been shown to be the

>most sensitive and specific method of imaging

>for breast implant rupture

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF9>9,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF10>10,<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF11>11,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF13>13,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF16>16].

>These results on implant status may be viewed

>with a high degree of confidence particularly

>because the results are the consensus of at

>least two of the three reviewing radiologists.

>The radiologists' agreement on extracapsular

>silicone was moderate to substantial. A study to

>examine the reason for this is planned.


>This study had some shortcomings. We could not

>rule out all sources of bias. We cannot know

>what effect litigation had on participation in

>this study: anecdotal evidence suggests that

>some litigants were encouraged to participate in

>the NCI study and others were discouraged by

>their attorneys or others. Although 303 (33.4%)

>of 907 of women interviewed for this study

>indicated that they had their implant removed,

>only 7% of those receiving MR imaging reported

>having their implants removed and replaced. This

>discrepancy is because women who had implants

>removed and not replaced or removed and replaced

>with saline implants would not be eligible to

>participate in the MR imaging study. This

>requirement would result in culling out older

>implants that were removed because they were

>ruptured or for other reasons and may have led

>to an underestimation of the rupture prevalence.

>However, participants were similar to those

>declining to participate with respect to their

>opinion on the status of their current implants.

>As previously mentioned, implant manufacturers

>were not represented equally in this study.

>Although MR imaging is considered the best

>method for imaging breast implants for rupture,

>it is not perfect. This study did not include

>ascertaining implant status for women who

>subsequently decided to have their implants

>explanted. Because of the lower sensitivity of

>MR imaging in depicting uncollapsed rupture, it

>is likely that these interpretations present an

>underestimate of the rupture prevalence

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF7>7,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF13>13,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF16>16].


>Given the past belief that implant rupture was

>rare, but the current evidence that the

>prevalence of implant rupture is high, we

>believe it is time to reevaluate the need to

>screen women for implant rupture and to develop

>recommendations for implant removal or

>replacement in the event of a rupture.

>Considerable disagreement exists over the

>appropriate treatment for women with ruptured

>implants. Individual plastic surgeons have

>recommended prophylactic explanation of silicone

>gel breast implants before 8 years after

>implantation, regardless of evidence of rupture,

>to avoid the increasing risk of rupture as the

>implant ages

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF5>5].

>Others have advised that silicone should be

>removed from patients symptomatic for connective

>tissue disease or with other nonspecific

>illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome or


>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF26>26].

>There is agreement that if implant rupture is

>symptomatic for local complications (breast

>deformity, siliconoma or granuloma, pain, and

>migration), the implant should be explanted with

>the option of replacement

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF27>27].

>Plastic surgeons will remove an implant if it is

>ruptured and causes a cosmetic defect, but some

>may question the health benefit of removing a

>ruptured implant if it is contained within the

>scar capsule

>[<http://www.. ajronline. org/cgi/content/ full/175/ 4/1057#REF28>28].

>Conversely, some plastic surgeons have argued

>that rupture should always be treated

>aggressively to prevent extracapsular spread

>because silicone gel is more difficult to remove

>once it has migrated

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF29>29,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF30>30].

>Both the potential for distant migration and

>subsequent inflammatory reactions have been

>cited as a reason to explant ruptured implants

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF31>31,

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF32>32].

>Other studies have maintained that silicone

>poses little or no health risk

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF33>33]

>or that the potential for unnecessary surgical

>procedures is worrisome

>[<http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# REF34>34].


>Women considering silicone gel breast implants,

>which are presently available to some women in

>clinical studies, should be informed of the

>possible risk of implant rupture and the

>possibility that this may necessitate additional surgery.





>We thank women who participated in this study,

>some of whom received unsettling news on the

>status of their breast implants. We also

>appreciate the contributions of Louise Brinton

>and Jay Lubin from the NCI, who graciously

>provided access to the NCI cohort and advice on

>study design. Cay Burich, Vargish,

>Marilyn Sawyer, and Jon Schmalz from Abt

>Associates, Inc. in Chicago are to be commended

>for their diligent work on this complex study.

>We thank those plastic surgeons who shared their

>records with the NCI, making this study

>possible. Finally, we thank all the sponsors of

>this research in the Department of Health and

>Human Services, National Institutes of Health,

>and particularly the Office of Women's Health at

>the Food and Drug Administration.




><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# top>Top

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# ABS>Abstract

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# BDY>Introduction

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC1>Subjects

>and Methods

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC2>Results

><http://www.ajronlin e.org/cgi/ content/full/ 175/4/1057# SEC3>Discussion



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Darling Dede:

Thank you for this. , please read this article, and you will then know the truth. Honey, they are experts at getting away with murder. Women like us live a lifetime of suffering, and they love it. They think that if we were stupid enough to have this garbage implanted into our bodies then we deserve to suffer....how sick are they??

Dede, how are you today? What you have been through would make a very interesting book. Why not think about writing a book, because it would be a big selller. You have written most of it in your emails; therefore, you would just have to print it off. I know that it would take some time to put everything in order, but it would be worth it.

Sending love and strength to you..........Us


WOW..... this study shows OVER 50 percent rupture rate.......


The opinions or assertions presented herein are the private views of the authors and are not to be construed as conveying either an official endorsement or criticism by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, the U. S. Public Health Service, or the Food and Drug Administration.

Address correspondence to S. L. Brown

OBJECTIVE. Silicone gel breast implants have been reported to rupture, but the prevalence of implant rupture in an unreferred population of women is not known. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of implant rupture and the presence of extracapsular silicone gel in an unreferred population of women without regard to the absence or presence of any local or systemic symptoms.

SUBJECTS AND METHODS. Women identified as part of a National Cancer Institute cohort study on breast implants, living in the Birmingham, AL, area were invited to undergo MR imaging of their current silicone gel breast implants at the Kirklin Clinic at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Three radiologists independently examined and rated all MR images for signs of implant rupture and extracapsular silicone.

RESULTS. A total of 344 women with silicone gel breast implants underwent MR imaging. Breast implant rupture was reported by at least two of three radiologists for 378 (55.0%) of the 687 implants in this study. Another 50 implants (7.2%) were rated as indeterminate (suspicious) for rupture. A majority of women in this study, 265 (77.0%) of 344, had at least one breast implant that was rated as ruptured or indeterminate. Radiologists also agreed that silicone gel could be seen outside the fibrous capsule that forms around the implant in 85 (12.4%) of the 687 implants affecting 73 women (21.2%). Factors that affected implant rupture were implant age and location (submuscular or subglandular). The median implant age at rupture was estimated to be 10.8 years with a 95% confidence interval of 8.4-13.9 years.

CONCLUSION. The prevalence of silent or occult silicone gel breast implant rupture is higher than was previously suspected. Most women in this study had MR imaging evidence of at least one ruptured silicone gel breast implant.


TopAbstractIntroductionSubjects and MethodsResultsDiscussionReferences Surveys and studies have indicated that by 1993, approximately 1.3 million women in the United States had breast implants [1]. Despite the widespread use of silicone gel breast implants, the prevalence of implant rupture is not known [2]. Numerous cases describing both implant rupture and gel migration beyond the capsule have been reported in the literature [2].

One study of 749 women with breast implants in place for a mean of 7.8 years indicated that 5.7% of those women underwent breast surgery because of a ruptured implant [3]. In a study of 317 ish women with implants, 10 (3.1%) had implants replaced after implant rupture [4]. These studies enumerated women who went to surgery with an indication of implant rupture but not women who had implants explanted for other reasons and were incidentally found to have ruptured implants.

Studies describing the status of implants after explantation have reported a much higher prevalence of implant rupture. The prevalence of implants that were not intact was reported to be between 23% and 65% of explanted implants [2, 5,6,7].

The discrepancy between studies of women with an indication of implant rupture before surgery and the higher prevalence of ruptured implants found in explantation studies could be attributed to referral bias in the population having their implants removed. However, this discrepancy could be caused by a mammographically or clinically silent (asymptomatic) rupture. A retrospective examination of screening mammograms from 350 asymptomatic women with breast implants indicated that 16 women (4.6%) had ruptured implants [8]. Mammography is the least sensitive imaging method for examining breast implant rupture with a sensitivity of 11-69% described in studies comparing imaging methods [9,10,11]. MR imaging has been reported to have a sensitivity of 39-76% when radiologists used a body coil, and from 52-95% when they used a breast coil [7, 11,12,13,14,15,16]. In recent MR imaging studies in which radiologists used a breast surface coil and had validated signs of rupture, the sensitivity was 74-94% and the specificity was 85-98% [7, 13, 16]. The specificity reported in these papers is likely underestimated and the sensitivity overestimated because early "learning curve" cases in which rupture was less completely understood than it is now were included.

In our study, an unreferred population of women underwent MR imaging with a breast coil to ascertain the current status of their silicone gel breast implants. Three radiologists independently examined the images for evidence of breast implant rupture. Radiologists also evaluated whether silicone gel had migrated outside the fibrous capsule that forms around the breast implant. Rupture prevalence by implant type (single or standard double lumen), manufacturer, implant location (subglandular or submuscular), and implant age was also evaluated.

Subjects and Methods

TopAbstractIntroductionSubjects and MethodsResultsDiscussionReferences CohortWomen were identified as eligible for this study on the basis of their participation in a National Cancer Institute (NCI) study that had identified 13,448 women with breast implants at 18 plastic surgery practices [17]. Women from two of the practices (sites) were included in the current study if they responded to the NCI questionnaire and still lived in the Birmingham, AL, area. Of 1247 eligible women, 907 responded to a screening computer-assisted telephone interview that focused on past surgeries in which implants were removed or replaced (the results of this study will be published elsewhere). Of these 907 women, 837 reported still having implants; 654 reported having either single- or double-lumen silicone gel breast implants. Women were invited to participate in MR imaging to determine the status of their silicone gel breast implants, after completing the telephone interview, if they did not have contraindications for undergoing MR imaging (metal implant or battery-activated stimulator, pregnancy, tattoos, body weight >300 pounds, or a history of metal fragments in the eye). The invitation to participate in the MR imaging study was random in that the order in which women were called and interviewed was random. The study had funding for 400 MR examinations and was also constrained by the contract period with the MR imaging facility. Initially, only women within a 50-mile (80-km) radius of the clinic were invited to participate in the MR imaging. As the study progressed, it became clear that adequate MR imaging was available to offer to women outside the immediate area. Women outside the area were called back and subsequent new contacts were invited. Of the 445 women invited to participate in the MR imaging portion of the study, 359 (80.7%) accepted and underwent the examination during the time that the MR imaging clinic had agreed to make examinations available. Fourteen women who underwent MR imaging had saline inflatable implants, and one woman did not have implants. These women were excluded from the analysis of 344 women with 687 silicone gel—filled breast implants.

The protocol for this study was reviewed and approved by five institutional review boards (NCI Special Studies IRB; Food and Drug Administration Research Involving Human Subjects Committee; University of California, San Diego, Human Subjects Committee; University of Alabama at Birmingham Institutional Review Board; and Abt Associates Institutional Review Board). All participants signed a detailed informed consent document. A report with results of the MR imaging was mailed to each participant and to a physician of her choice. A certificate of confidentiality for the study was obtained from the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

MR ImagingWomen were scheduled for MR imaging at the Kirklin Clinic at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. We scanned on a 1.5-T scanner (revision 8.2, SIGNA Horizon; General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI) using a dedicated General Electric bilateral phased array breast surface coil. The goals were to determine whether implants were ruptured and whether any extracapsular silicone was present. After a T2-weighted scout sequence, four sequences were performed on each breast independently, for a total of nine pulse sequences per patient (duration, about 60 min). Four sequences were used. The first was an axial T2-weighted fast spin-echo inversion-recovery sequence with water suppression over a 16.4-cm cephalocaudad distance centered on the breast (TR/TE, 3000/156; inversion time, 180 msec; echo train length, 16; field of view, 20 cm; slice thickness, 4 mm; matrix, 256 x 192; excitations, one). The second sequence was an axial T2-weighted fast spin-echo sequence with silicone suppression over the same slices as prior series (3000/156; excitations, one). The third was a sagittal T2-weighted fast spin-echo sequence with water suppression including the portion of the implant showing folds (3000/224; field of view, 16 cm; slice thickness, 3 mm; matrix, 256 x 256; excitations, two). The fourth sequence was an axial fast spin-echo T2-weighted sequence with water suppression including portions of the implant showing folds with the same parameters as the third sequence. The goal of this sequence was to look carefully at high resolution in folds outside the implant for signs of silicone gel, which is the most sensitive sign of rupture. An additional initial short tuning sequence was obtained for the final 101 patients to offset a problem with one of the shim gradient coils. Sequences were repeated as necessary (average, 10.1 sequences per initial study). Technologists were trained in the study protocol by the study radiologist. After the in-person training, the study radiologist was available by telephone for consultations at any time. Images were sent to the study radiologist by express mail at least once per week.

MR Evaluation of RuptureThe study radiologist and two consulting radiologists reviewed the 359 patients independently. Criteria to determine rupture were discussed by the radiologists before the consulting radiologists began their evaluation. Radiologists examined images for signs of rupture, including "linguine" sign [14, 18], "wavy line" sign or double "wavy line" sign [7], "anterior spiculation" sign [7], "subcapsular line" sign [15, 16], "keyhole" sign [7, 15, 16], "inverted teardrop" sign [15, 16, 18], "noose" sign [13, 19], "pull-away" sign [7], and the "open loop" sign [10]. The signs previously noted, with different terminology from different authors, describe only two basic phenomena that, considered together, are the criteria we used to describe ruptured implants. The first appearance is that of an implant elastomer shell fully collapsed and enveloped by the silicone gel it once contained. This shows up on MR images as a wavy internal dark line representing the implant elastomer shell, surrounded by the silicone gel that has escaped from the implant. The second appearance is of a thin layer of silicone gel between the implant elastomer shell and the internal surface of the fibrous capsule, or of silicone gel outside the implant as a whole, yet collecting within infoldings of the implant elastomer shell that protrude into the implant itself. All degrees of collapse were grouped together for purposes of analysis. Double-lumen implants were considered ruptured by the same criteria: the appearance of silicone gel outside the implant as a whole. Fluid signal mixing with gel alone was not considered indicative of rupture, although for double-lumen implants this feature may indicate isolated failure of the inner of the two shells. MR imaging only infrequently showed evidence of silicone-fluid bleeding through an intact shell. Findings indeterminate for rupture included one or two images with a possibility of gel in a fold. The presence of extracapsular silicone was noted when observed.

When available, implant type, manufacturer, style, catalog number, and serial number were made known to each radiologist before evaluation. In cases in which the imaging contradicted any provided information, the implant-type evidence from the images was used, and that information was provided by the study radiologist to the other radiologists. Single-lumen silicone gel—filled implants were graded as "ruptured" when silicone gel was seen outside the implant. Standard double-lumen implants were graded as ruptured when silicone gel was seen outside the outer shell. Implants were graded "indeterminate" when there was suspicion, but not certainty, of rupture. Implants were graded as "no evidence of rupture" when they appeared intact.

Readings from each radiologist on rupture status were evaluated for agreement with other radiologists in a pairwise fashion with the weighted kappa statistic. A consensus reading was computed by voting the readings from radiologists and reporting the majority consensus. In the event that readings spanned the range from no evidence, to indeterminate, to ruptured, the consensus was "indeterminate." Likewise a consensus reading on the presence of extracapsular silicone was determined by majority vote.

Assignment of Implant GenerationEach implant was classified according to implant generation as defined by s et al. [20] when enough information was available. Implant generation was determined on the basis of implant characteristics, with first generation implants being early thick-shell, mostly thick-gel implants; second generation being thin and intermediate shells that replaced the first generation, excluding "low bleed" implants; and third generation being low bleed implants. Information used to define the generation was implant model, implant catalog number, implant serial number, and, in some cases, MR imaging appearance.

Statistical MethodsLogistic regression was used to model the probability that at least one of the implants in a woman was ruptured or was indeterminate (i.e. the units of observation were women, not implants). Factors considered for the logistic regression model were implant age, implant type, location and manufacturer, site of the surgery practice, and their two-way interactions. Another factor considered was implant generation. In the analysis, we used only women with two implants that had the same values for all factors. We chose a final model on the basis of tests of significance using analysis of deviance. To interpret the odds ratios from the regression, we determined that an odds ratio of 1.0 indicates no association between the characteristic and implant rupture. An odds ratio of 2.0 would indicate that women with the characteristic have twice the odds of occurrence of a ruptured implant as those who do not have the characteristic.

Using the logistic regression models, we estimated the implant age at which the probability of rupture was 0.5 and called this the median age of rupture. We estimated this quantity by backsolving for implant age in the equation, relating the log odds of rupture, or logit, to the linear predictor. This method is commonly used to estimate the median effective dose in dose-response studies [21]. We furthermore estimated the implant age for probabilities of rupture other than 0.5 and plotted the probabilities against these estimates to form a survival curve. Standard errors of the estimated ages were computed by applying the delta method to the function isolating age and its theoretic variance matrix evaluated at the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters. These standard errors were used to form 95% confidence bounds on the survival curve.

The logistic regression model used is equivalent to a survival model on the time to rupture. Time to rupture was either left-censored, when the implant was ruptured, or right-censored, when the implant was not ruptured. In the logistic regression model, the log odds of rupture was modeled as linear in the log of implant age. The logistic model corresponds to assuming that left- and right- censored times to rupture have a log—logistic distribution [22].


TopAbstractIntroductionSubjects and MethodsResultsDiscussionReferences The 359 women who accepted and underwent MR imaging did not differ from the other 888 women in the Alabama study population with respect to age at the time of their first implantation (25 = 3.827, p = 0.575) or year during which their initial implantation occurred (24 = 1.571, p = 0.814). Neither were there differences in women undergoing MR imaging compared with the others with respect to the first implant type (single lumen, double lumen, not known) (22 = 1.210, p = 0.546) or with respect to the manufacturer of their first implant (26 = 3.720, p = 0.714).

The 359 women who accepted and under-went the MR imaging did not differ, with respect to their opinion on whether their current implants were ruptured, from the 86 women who either actively refused the examination or scheduled the examination but did not come to their appointment. Although 31 women (8.6%) who subsequently under-went the examination reported that they thought their current implants were ruptured, seven women (8.0%) invited but declining the examination reported that they thought their implants might be ruptured (chi-square test, p = 0.674). This similarity indicates that the population accepting the MR imaging was not biased with respect to suspecting implant rupture.

Women in the MR imaging cohort had a mean age of 51.4 ± 8.4 years (range, 33-76 years) at the time of the examination. The reason for mammoplasty in the medical record was cosmetic for most women (85%), but 14% had the implants for medical reasons, usually for fibrocystic breasts. Women received their first implants between 1970 and 1988, with a median year of 1981. One woman had only one implant (single lumen), and two women had a single-lumen silicone gel implant in one breast and a standard double-lumen implant in the other. Twenty-four women (7%) had reported that one or both original implants had been surgically removed and replaced. The average breast implant age in this study was 16.5 ± 3.4 years for the 677 implants that had this information available, with a range from 6.4 to 28.0 years since implantation and a median age of 16.4 years.

Table 1 compares the interpretations from the three radiologists. Overall, the radiologists' consensus was that 378 (55%) of the 687 implants in this study were ruptured and that another 50 (7.2%) were indeterminate. Two hundred fifty-nine implants (37.7%) were intact. When viewed on the basis of women, 236 women (68.6%) had at least one ruptured implant. Overall, 108 women (31.4%) had both implants intact, 94 women (27.3%) had one ruptured implant, and 142 women (41.3%) had two ruptured implants. If women with ruptured implants and implants suspicious for rupture were included, then 265 women (77.0%) were affected. A high level of agreement was found between radiologists when compared in pairwise fashion as measured by the weighted kappa statistic. In no case was the kappa statistic less than 0.88, indicating almost perfect agreement [23]. Figures 1,2,3 are representative images of single- and standard double-lumen implants that were rated as ruptured by all three radiologists.

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TABLE 1 Status of Silicone Gel Breast Implants as Interpreted by Three Radiologists

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Fig. 1. —Representative MR image of 310-mL single-lumen silicone gel—filled implant placed December 13, 1973, shows characteristic appearance of rupture. Arrow identifies location of silicone gel outside implant shell (i.e., keyhole, inverted teardrop, noose appearance).

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Fig. 2. — Representative MR image of 220-mL single-lumen silicone gel—filled implant placed December 20, 1982, shows presence of multiple-layered wavy lines representing collapsed implant shell surrounded by silicone gel (i.e., linguine or wavy-line appearance).

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Fig. 3. —Representative MR image of Hartley-type standard double-lumen implant, originally with 225 mL of inner-lumen silicone gel, placed April 27, 1984, shows characteristic appearance of rupture. Note thicker single posterior shell patch attached to both inner and outer lumen shells on both sides, with thickened central part where gel was originally injected into implant and sealed, all entirely surrounded by silicone gel. Saline was absent from outer lumen at time of this scan.

Migration of silicone beyond the fibrous capsule was observed in 85 breasts. Although affecting 85 (12.4%) of 687 breasts in this study, silicone migration beyond the fibrous capsule in one or both breasts was found in 73 women (21.2%). Figure 4 is a representative MR image of migration of silicone gel from the intracapsular to the extracapsular space. In all but one breast with extracapsular silicone, the radiologists' consensus was that the implant was ruptured or suspicious for rupture. The prevalence of extracapsular silicone for ruptured implants was 84 (22.2%) of 378 ruptured implants. The agreement between radiologists on extracapsular silicone was not as high as for rupture. When compared in a pairwise fashion, the kappa statistic for extracapsular silicone in the left or right breast was between 0.50 and 0.65 (moderate to substantial agreement) [23].

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Fig. 4. —Representative MR image of migration of silicone shows contiguous spread of silicone gel from intracapsular to extracapsular space. Single-lumen (220 mL) silicone gel—filled implant was placed January 2, 1979.

Table 2 shows implant status by implant type, implant age (shown in 5-year groups), implant location (subglandular, submuscular), implant manufacturer, and implant generation. The prevalence of rupture in each of the implants and in women is shown. In this univariate analysis, implant age, location, and manufacturer were all factors that had a bearing on rupture. In particular, rupture prevalence increased as implant age increased from 6 to 20 years, but then decreased as age increased to greater than 20 years. Most implants more than 20 years old were from Dow Corning (Midland, MI); Dow Corning implants ruptured less often than implants from other manufacturers. Few first and third generation implants were found in this study; the majority of implants were from the second generation. The average age of each generation from first to third was 25.4 ± 1.1, 16.3 ± 3.3, and 7.4 ± 2.6 years, respectively.

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TABLE 2 Factors Affecting Rupture as Judged by Consensus Interpretation of MR Images

A multivariate logistic regression model was developed and used to estimate odds ratios of rupture, with each factor adjusting for the other factors in the model. Table 3 lists the estimated odds ratios given by the final model for the outcomes of rupture and of rupture or indeterminate (suspicion of). The estimated odds ratio for a 33% increase in implant age was significantly greater than one for both outcomes according to the corresponding 95% confidence intervals and indicated that increases in implant age increase the risk of these outcomes. Each odds ratio for implant age was calculated from a log odds ratio that was an average of log odds ratios specific to each manufacturer, with the average based on weights proportional to the number of women with implants from these manufacturers. The manufacturers -Uphoff International (Carpenteria, CA) and McGhan/3M (Santa Barbara, CA) were excluded from the model because of the small number of women with implants from these manufacturers (Table 2). Odds ratios for implant location were computed for each site because of variation by site. For the outcome of rupture or indeterminate rupture, the estimated odds ratio for implants located in the submuscular position compared with the subglandular position was significantly greater than 1 for site 2, but not for site 1. For the outcome of rupture, the estimated odds ratio was significantly greater than 1 for both sites.

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TABLE 3 Multiple Logistic Regression Model of Implant Rupture as Judged by Consensus Interpretation of MR Imaging

The logistic model was further used to compute a survival curve for implants (Figs. 5 and 6). Unlike the survival curves from survival analyses in which probabilities of surviving are estimated at fixed times, in these survival curves, times (i.e., implant ages) are estimated at fixed probabilities. The curves plotted are estimates of implant age obtained at average values of the other factors, in which the average is based on weights for groups within factors that are proportional to the number of women within the groups. (For location effects by site, the weights for location are additionally weighted by site.) The estimated median age of rupture was 10.8 years with a 95% confidence interval of 8.4-13.9, and that of rupture or indeterminate was 9.7 years with a 95% confidence interval of 7.2-13.0.

View larger version (22K):[in this window][in a new window][as a PowerPoint slide]

Fig. 5. —Estimated implant ages for probabilities of ruptured implants. CI = confidence interval.

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Fig. 6. —Estimated implant ages for probabilities of ruptured or indeterminate implants. CI = confidence interval.

The logistic regression model was fit to all women (n = 304) who had two implants with the same values for site and for implant age, type, location, and manufacturer (-Uphoff International and McGhan/3M excluded). The final model was determined by first including all main effects for these factors and then by using analysis of deviance to test for significant two-way interactions. Significant interactions of implant age by manufacturer and implant location by site were included in the model. The interaction of implant location by implant type was also significant but not included because it led to instability in model estimates. Implant generation was also significant but not included because it was highly correlated with implant age, and most implants were of the second generation.


TopAbstractIntroductionSubjects and MethodsResultsDiscussionReferences We assessed a population of women with silicone gel breast implants for breast implant rupture, using breast MR imaging. The prevalence of rupture for the 687 breast implants was 55.0%. This affected 68.6% of the 344 women in the study. If the implants that were indeterminate (suspicious) were included, 265 women (77.0%) were affected. This level of implant rupture assessed by MR imaging is in close agreement with studies in which implant status was assessed after explantation and examination of implants [5, 6, 20], indicating that findings on implant rupture from the explant population may be representative of the implant population in general. Other published studies have enumerated women having surgery because of a suspected implant rupture [3, 4], but these studies clearly would not include the population asymptomatic with respect to rupture. On the basis of the results of this study, a rupture has occurred in the majority of implants and in the majority of patients from a population selected without regard for any local or systemic symptoms of the patient.

Factors that were associated with implant rupture were implant age and location. These factors were also associated with an MR imaging outcome of ruptured or indeterminate. A conservative estimate of median age of implant rupture was 10.8 years. The association of rupture with implant location indicates that submuscular implants were more likely to be ruptured than subglandular implants.

For some manufacturers, rupture prevalence was based on few implants (e.g., -Uphoff International and McGhan/3M), and these data should be interpreted cautiously. Other manufacturers such as Surgitek (Medical Engineering, Racine, WI) had a large number of implants in this study population. It is likely that local variations among surgeons in the preference for manufacturers played a role in the uneven distribution of implants from different manufacturers. Because of limited resources for this study, we could not pursue additional sites that may have provided equal representation of implant manufacturers. A high prevalence of rupture was seen across all manufacturers, excluding McGhan, ranging between 45% and 82%.

s et al. [20] addressed the concept of implant generation as a possible factor in implant rupture. Difficulties with this approach have not yet been addressed fully in the literature and are beyond the scope of this work, mainly involving the definitions of their generations and the ranges of years over which they extended. Notwithstanding those objections, using their basic definitions, s et al. thought that 91.8% (631/687) of the implants in this study were second generation (i.e., thin or intermediate shell thickness, not early thick shell and thick gel, and not low bleed). We considered generation a factor in a logistic regression model but excluded it because implant age is associated with calendar year and therefore measures similar information. In this study all first generation implants (thick shell and thick gel) were manufactured by Dow Corning. Reported to have lower rupture rates than succeeding generations [20], first generation implants (11/24) ruptured more frequently than did second generation implants manufactured by Dow Corning (10/30). Nonetheless, the first generation rupture prevalence of 11 (45.8%) of 24 is less than the overall rupture prevalence of 55.0%. All 24 first generation implants were more than 20 years old, which contributed to the relatively lower rupture prevalence observed among implants more than 20 years old (Table 3). Another possible explanation is that many of the older implants that were inferior have been explanted and explanted implants would not be included in the MR study. This hypothesis is consistent with the observation that the proportion of women reporting an explantation surgery was less for women in the MR imaging study (7%) compared with all women completing the questionnaire (33%).

Another finding of concern was the high prevalence of migration of silicone gel from the fibrous capsule that surrounds the implant. Silicone had migrated beyond the capsule in at least one breast in 21% of the women in this study. Numerous cases of silicone migration from the capsule have been reported in the literature [2, 7]. Any association of silicone migration or breast implant rupture with disease has not been specifically investigated because the status of women with respect to implant rupture or silicone migration has been unknown in studies that have examined risk of disease in women after mammoplasty with silicone implants [24, 25]. The issue of health consequences of free silicone is poorly understood because of the lack of studies in which implant status and health status are both known.

The agreement among the three radiologists in this study as to the status of implants was quite high. MR imaging has been shown to be the most sensitive and specific method of imaging for breast implant rupture [7, 9,10,11, 13, 16]. These results on implant status may be viewed with a high degree of confidence particularly because the results are the consensus of at least two of the three reviewing radiologists. The radiologists' agreement on extracapsular silicone was moderate to substantial. A study to examine the reason for this is planned.

This study had some shortcomings. We could not rule out all sources of bias. We cannot know what effect litigation had on participation in this study: anecdotal evidence suggests that some litigants were encouraged to participate in the NCI study and others were discouraged by their attorneys or others. Although 303 (33.4%) of 907 of women interviewed for this study indicated that they had their implant removed, only 7% of those receiving MR imaging reported having their implants removed and replaced. This discrepancy is because women who had implants removed and not replaced or removed and replaced with saline implants would not be eligible to participate in the MR imaging study. This requirement would result in culling out older implants that were removed because they were ruptured or for other reasons and may have led to an underestimation of the rupture prevalence. However, participants were similar to those declining to participate with respect to their opinion on the status of their current implants. As previously mentioned, implant manufacturers were not represented equally in this study. Although MR imaging is considered the best method for imaging breast implants for rupture, it is not perfect. This study did not include ascertaining implant status for women who subsequently decided to have their implants explanted. Because of the lower sensitivity of MR imaging in depicting uncollapsed rupture, it is likely that these interpretations present an underestimate of the rupture prevalence [7, 13, 16].

Given the past belief that implant rupture was rare, but the current evidence that the prevalence of implant rupture is high, we believe it is time to reevaluate the need to screen women for implant rupture and to develop recommendations for implant removal or replacement in the event of a rupture. Considerable disagreement exists over the appropriate treatment for women with ruptured implants. Individual plastic surgeons have recommended prophylactic explanation of silicone gel breast implants before 8 years after implantation, regardless of evidence of rupture, to avoid the increasing risk of rupture as the implant ages [5]. Others have advised that silicone should be removed from patients symptomatic for connective tissue disease or with other nonspecific illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia [26]. There is agreement that if implant rupture is symptomatic for local complications (breast deformity, siliconoma or granuloma, pain, and migration), the implant should be explanted with the option of replacement [27]. Plastic surgeons will remove an implant if it is ruptured and causes a cosmetic defect, but some may question the health benefit of removing a ruptured implant if it is contained within the scar capsule [28]. Conversely, some plastic surgeons have argued that rupture should always be treated aggressively to prevent extracapsular spread because silicone gel is more difficult to remove once it has migrated [29, 30]. Both the potential for distant migration and subsequent inflammatory reactions have been cited as a reason to explant ruptured implants [31, 32]. Other studies have maintained that silicone poses little or no health risk [33] or that the potential for unnecessary surgical procedures is worrisome [34].

Women considering silicone gel breast implants, which are presently available to some women in clinical studies, should be informed of the possible risk of implant rupture and the possibility that this may necessitate additional surgery.

Acknowledgments We thank women who participated in this study, some of whom received unsettling news on the status of their breast implants. We also appreciate the contributions of Louise Brinton and Jay Lubin from the NCI, who graciously provided access to the NCI cohort and advice on study design. Cay Burich, Vargish, Marilyn Sawyer, and Jon Schmalz from Abt Associates, Inc. in Chicago are to be commended for their diligent work on this complex study. We thank those plastic surgeons who shared their records with the NCI, making this study possible. Finally, we thank all the sponsors of this research in the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, and particularly the Office of Women's Health at the Food and Drug Administration.


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Darling Dede:

Thank you for this. , please read this article, and you will then know the truth. Honey, they are experts at getting away with murder. Women like us live a lifetime of suffering, and they love it. They think that if we were stupid enough to have this garbage implanted into our bodies then we deserve to suffer....how sick are they??

Dede, how are you today? What you have been through would make a very interesting book. Why not think about writing a book, because it would be a big selller. You have written most of it in your emails; therefore, you would just have to print it off. I know that it would take some time to put everything in order, but it would be worth it.

Sending love and strength to you..........Us


WOW..... this study shows OVER 50 percent rupture rate.......


The opinions or assertions presented herein are the private views of the authors and are not to be construed as conveying either an official endorsement or criticism by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, the U. S. Public Health Service, or the Food and Drug Administration.

Address correspondence to S. L. Brown

OBJECTIVE. Silicone gel breast implants have been reported to rupture, but the prevalence of implant rupture in an unreferred population of women is not known. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of implant rupture and the presence of extracapsular silicone gel in an unreferred population of women without regard to the absence or presence of any local or systemic symptoms.

SUBJECTS AND METHODS. Women identified as part of a National Cancer Institute cohort study on breast implants, living in the Birmingham, AL, area were invited to undergo MR imaging of their current silicone gel breast implants at the Kirklin Clinic at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Three radiologists independently examined and rated all MR images for signs of implant rupture and extracapsular silicone.

RESULTS. A total of 344 women with silicone gel breast implants underwent MR imaging. Breast implant rupture was reported by at least two of three radiologists for 378 (55.0%) of the 687 implants in this study. Another 50 implants (7.2%) were rated as indeterminate (suspicious) for rupture. A majority of women in this study, 265 (77.0%) of 344, had at least one breast implant that was rated as ruptured or indeterminate. Radiologists also agreed that silicone gel could be seen outside the fibrous capsule that forms around the implant in 85 (12.4%) of the 687 implants affecting 73 women (21.2%). Factors that affected implant rupture were implant age and location (submuscular or subglandular). The median implant age at rupture was estimated to be 10.8 years with a 95% confidence interval of 8.4-13.9 years.

CONCLUSION. The prevalence of silent or occult silicone gel breast implant rupture is higher than was previously suspected. Most women in this study had MR imaging evidence of at least one ruptured silicone gel breast implant.


TopAbstractIntroductionSubjects and MethodsResultsDiscussionReferences Surveys and studies have indicated that by 1993, approximately 1.3 million women in the United States had breast implants [1]. Despite the widespread use of silicone gel breast implants, the prevalence of implant rupture is not known [2]. Numerous cases describing both implant rupture and gel migration beyond the capsule have been reported in the literature [2].

One study of 749 women with breast implants in place for a mean of 7.8 years indicated that 5.7% of those women underwent breast surgery because of a ruptured implant [3]. In a study of 317 ish women with implants, 10 (3.1%) had implants replaced after implant rupture [4]. These studies enumerated women who went to surgery with an indication of implant rupture but not women who had implants explanted for other reasons and were incidentally found to have ruptured implants.

Studies describing the status of implants after explantation have reported a much higher prevalence of implant rupture. The prevalence of implants that were not intact was reported to be between 23% and 65% of explanted implants [2, 5,6,7].

The discrepancy between studies of women with an indication of implant rupture before surgery and the higher prevalence of ruptured implants found in explantation studies could be attributed to referral bias in the population having their implants removed. However, this discrepancy could be caused by a mammographically or clinically silent (asymptomatic) rupture. A retrospective examination of screening mammograms from 350 asymptomatic women with breast implants indicated that 16 women (4.6%) had ruptured implants [8]. Mammography is the least sensitive imaging method for examining breast implant rupture with a sensitivity of 11-69% described in studies comparing imaging methods [9,10,11]. MR imaging has been reported to have a sensitivity of 39-76% when radiologists used a body coil, and from 52-95% when they used a breast coil [7, 11,12,13,14,15,16]. In recent MR imaging studies in which radiologists used a breast surface coil and had validated signs of rupture, the sensitivity was 74-94% and the specificity was 85-98% [7, 13, 16]. The specificity reported in these papers is likely underestimated and the sensitivity overestimated because early "learning curve" cases in which rupture was less completely understood than it is now were included.

In our study, an unreferred population of women underwent MR imaging with a breast coil to ascertain the current status of their silicone gel breast implants. Three radiologists independently examined the images for evidence of breast implant rupture. Radiologists also evaluated whether silicone gel had migrated outside the fibrous capsule that forms around the breast implant. Rupture prevalence by implant type (single or standard double lumen), manufacturer, implant location (subglandular or submuscular), and implant age was also evaluated.

Subjects and Methods

TopAbstractIntroductionSubjects and MethodsResultsDiscussionReferences CohortWomen were identified as eligible for this study on the basis of their participation in a National Cancer Institute (NCI) study that had identified 13,448 women with breast implants at 18 plastic surgery practices [17]. Women from two of the practices (sites) were included in the current study if they responded to the NCI questionnaire and still lived in the Birmingham, AL, area. Of 1247 eligible women, 907 responded to a screening computer-assisted telephone interview that focused on past surgeries in which implants were removed or replaced (the results of this study will be published elsewhere). Of these 907 women, 837 reported still having implants; 654 reported having either single- or double-lumen silicone gel breast implants. Women were invited to participate in MR imaging to determine the status of their silicone gel breast implants, after completing the telephone interview, if they did not have contraindications for undergoing MR imaging (metal implant or battery-activated stimulator, pregnancy, tattoos, body weight >300 pounds, or a history of metal fragments in the eye). The invitation to participate in the MR imaging study was random in that the order in which women were called and interviewed was random. The study had funding for 400 MR examinations and was also constrained by the contract period with the MR imaging facility. Initially, only women within a 50-mile (80-km) radius of the clinic were invited to participate in the MR imaging. As the study progressed, it became clear that adequate MR imaging was available to offer to women outside the immediate area. Women outside the area were called back and subsequent new contacts were invited. Of the 445 women invited to participate in the MR imaging portion of the study, 359 (80.7%) accepted and underwent the examination during the time that the MR imaging clinic had agreed to make examinations available. Fourteen women who underwent MR imaging had saline inflatable implants, and one woman did not have implants. These women were excluded from the analysis of 344 women with 687 silicone gel—filled breast implants.

The protocol for this study was reviewed and approved by five institutional review boards (NCI Special Studies IRB; Food and Drug Administration Research Involving Human Subjects Committee; University of California, San Diego, Human Subjects Committee; University of Alabama at Birmingham Institutional Review Board; and Abt Associates Institutional Review Board). All participants signed a detailed informed consent document. A report with results of the MR imaging was mailed to each participant and to a physician of her choice. A certificate of confidentiality for the study was obtained from the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

MR ImagingWomen were scheduled for MR imaging at the Kirklin Clinic at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. We scanned on a 1.5-T scanner (revision 8.2, SIGNA Horizon; General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI) using a dedicated General Electric bilateral phased array breast surface coil. The goals were to determine whether implants were ruptured and whether any extracapsular silicone was present. After a T2-weighted scout sequence, four sequences were performed on each breast independently, for a total of nine pulse sequences per patient (duration, about 60 min). Four sequences were used. The first was an axial T2-weighted fast spin-echo inversion-recovery sequence with water suppression over a 16.4-cm cephalocaudad distance centered on the breast (TR/TE, 3000/156; inversion time, 180 msec; echo train length, 16; field of view, 20 cm; slice thickness, 4 mm; matrix, 256 x 192; excitations, one). The second sequence was an axial T2-weighted fast spin-echo sequence with silicone suppression over the same slices as prior series (3000/156; excitations, one). The third was a sagittal T2-weighted fast spin-echo sequence with water suppression including the portion of the implant showing folds (3000/224; field of view, 16 cm; slice thickness, 3 mm; matrix, 256 x 256; excitations, two). The fourth sequence was an axial fast spin-echo T2-weighted sequence with water suppression including portions of the implant showing folds with the same parameters as the third sequence. The goal of this sequence was to look carefully at high resolution in folds outside the implant for signs of silicone gel, which is the most sensitive sign of rupture. An additional initial short tuning sequence was obtained for the final 101 patients to offset a problem with one of the shim gradient coils. Sequences were repeated as necessary (average, 10.1 sequences per initial study). Technologists were trained in the study protocol by the study radiologist. After the in-person training, the study radiologist was available by telephone for consultations at any time. Images were sent to the study radiologist by express mail at least once per week.

MR Evaluation of RuptureThe study radiologist and two consulting radiologists reviewed the 359 patients independently. Criteria to determine rupture were discussed by the radiologists before the consulting radiologists began their evaluation. Radiologists examined images for signs of rupture, including "linguine" sign [14, 18], "wavy line" sign or double "wavy line" sign [7], "anterior spiculation" sign [7], "subcapsular line" sign [15, 16], "keyhole" sign [7, 15, 16], "inverted teardrop" sign [15, 16, 18], "noose" sign [13, 19], "pull-away" sign [7], and the "open loop" sign [10]. The signs previously noted, with different terminology from different authors, describe only two basic phenomena that, considered together, are the criteria we used to describe ruptured implants. The first appearance is that of an implant elastomer shell fully collapsed and enveloped by the silicone gel it once contained. This shows up on MR images as a wavy internal dark line representing the implant elastomer shell, surrounded by the silicone gel that has escaped from the implant. The second appearance is of a thin layer of silicone gel between the implant elastomer shell and the internal surface of the fibrous capsule, or of silicone gel outside the implant as a whole, yet collecting within infoldings of the implant elastomer shell that protrude into the implant itself. All degrees of collapse were grouped together for purposes of analysis. Double-lumen implants were considered ruptured by the same criteria: the appearance of silicone gel outside the implant as a whole. Fluid signal mixing with gel alone was not considered indicative of rupture, although for double-lumen implants this feature may indicate isolated failure of the inner of the two shells. MR imaging only infrequently showed evidence of silicone-fluid bleeding through an intact shell. Findings indeterminate for rupture included one or two images with a possibility of gel in a fold. The presence of extracapsular silicone was noted when observed.

When available, implant type, manufacturer, style, catalog number, and serial number were made known to each radiologist before evaluation. In cases in which the imaging contradicted any provided information, the implant-type evidence from the images was used, and that information was provided by the study radiologist to the other radiologists. Single-lumen silicone gel—filled implants were graded as "ruptured" when silicone gel was seen outside the implant. Standard double-lumen implants were graded as ruptured when silicone gel was seen outside the outer shell. Implants were graded "indeterminate" when there was suspicion, but not certainty, of rupture. Implants were graded as "no evidence of rupture" when they appeared intact.

Readings from each radiologist on rupture status were evaluated for agreement with other radiologists in a pairwise fashion with the weighted kappa statistic. A consensus reading was computed by voting the readings from radiologists and reporting the majority consensus. In the event that readings spanned the range from no evidence, to indeterminate, to ruptured, the consensus was "indeterminate." Likewise a consensus reading on the presence of extracapsular silicone was determined by majority vote.

Assignment of Implant GenerationEach implant was classified according to implant generation as defined by s et al. [20] when enough information was available. Implant generation was determined on the basis of implant characteristics, with first generation implants being early thick-shell, mostly thick-gel implants; second generation being thin and intermediate shells that replaced the first generation, excluding "low bleed" implants; and third generation being low bleed implants. Information used to define the generation was implant model, implant catalog number, implant serial number, and, in some cases, MR imaging appearance.

Statistical MethodsLogistic regression was used to model the probability that at least one of the implants in a woman was ruptured or was indeterminate (i.e. the units of observation were women, not implants). Factors considered for the logistic regression model were implant age, implant type, location and manufacturer, site of the surgery practice, and their two-way interactions. Another factor considered was implant generation. In the analysis, we used only women with two implants that had the same values for all factors. We chose a final model on the basis of tests of significance using analysis of deviance. To interpret the odds ratios from the regression, we determined that an odds ratio of 1.0 indicates no association between the characteristic and implant rupture. An odds ratio of 2.0 would indicate that women with the characteristic have twice the odds of occurrence of a ruptured implant as those who do not have the characteristic.

Using the logistic regression models, we estimated the implant age at which the probability of rupture was 0.5 and called this the median age of rupture. We estimated this quantity by backsolving for implant age in the equation, relating the log odds of rupture, or logit, to the linear predictor. This method is commonly used to estimate the median effective dose in dose-response studies [21]. We furthermore estimated the implant age for probabilities of rupture other than 0.5 and plotted the probabilities against these estimates to form a survival curve. Standard errors of the estimated ages were computed by applying the delta method to the function isolating age and its theoretic variance matrix evaluated at the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters. These standard errors were used to form 95% confidence bounds on the survival curve.

The logistic regression model used is equivalent to a survival model on the time to rupture. Time to rupture was either left-censored, when the implant was ruptured, or right-censored, when the implant was not ruptured. In the logistic regression model, the log odds of rupture was modeled as linear in the log of implant age. The logistic model corresponds to assuming that left- and right- censored times to rupture have a log—logistic distribution [22].


TopAbstractIntroductionSubjects and MethodsResultsDiscussionReferences The 359 women who accepted and underwent MR imaging did not differ from the other 888 women in the Alabama study population with respect to age at the time of their first implantation (25 = 3.827, p = 0.575) or year during which their initial implantation occurred (24 = 1.571, p = 0.814). Neither were there differences in women undergoing MR imaging compared with the others with respect to the first implant type (single lumen, double lumen, not known) (22 = 1.210, p = 0.546) or with respect to the manufacturer of their first implant (26 = 3.720, p = 0.714).

The 359 women who accepted and under-went the MR imaging did not differ, with respect to their opinion on whether their current implants were ruptured, from the 86 women who either actively refused the examination or scheduled the examination but did not come to their appointment. Although 31 women (8.6%) who subsequently under-went the examination reported that they thought their current implants were ruptured, seven women (8.0%) invited but declining the examination reported that they thought their implants might be ruptured (chi-square test, p = 0.674). This similarity indicates that the population accepting the MR imaging was not biased with respect to suspecting implant rupture.

Women in the MR imaging cohort had a mean age of 51.4 ± 8.4 years (range, 33-76 years) at the time of the examination. The reason for mammoplasty in the medical record was cosmetic for most women (85%), but 14% had the implants for medical reasons, usually for fibrocystic breasts. Women received their first implants between 1970 and 1988, with a median year of 1981. One woman had only one implant (single lumen), and two women had a single-lumen silicone gel implant in one breast and a standard double-lumen implant in the other. Twenty-four women (7%) had reported that one or both original implants had been surgically removed and replaced. The average breast implant age in this study was 16.5 ± 3.4 years for the 677 implants that had this information available, with a range from 6.4 to 28.0 years since implantation and a median age of 16.4 years.

Table 1 compares the interpretations from the three radiologists. Overall, the radiologists' consensus was that 378 (55%) of the 687 implants in this study were ruptured and that another 50 (7.2%) were indeterminate. Two hundred fifty-nine implants (37.7%) were intact. When viewed on the basis of women, 236 women (68.6%) had at least one ruptured implant. Overall, 108 women (31.4%) had both implants intact, 94 women (27.3%) had one ruptured implant, and 142 women (41.3%) had two ruptured implants. If women with ruptured implants and implants suspicious for rupture were included, then 265 women (77.0%) were affected. A high level of agreement was found between radiologists when compared in pairwise fashion as measured by the weighted kappa statistic. In no case was the kappa statistic less than 0.88, indicating almost perfect agreement [23]. Figures 1,2,3 are representative images of single- and standard double-lumen implants that were rated as ruptured by all three radiologists.

View this table:[in this window][in a new window]

TABLE 1 Status of Silicone Gel Breast Implants as Interpreted by Three Radiologists

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Fig. 1. —Representative MR image of 310-mL single-lumen silicone gel—filled implant placed December 13, 1973, shows characteristic appearance of rupture. Arrow identifies location of silicone gel outside implant shell (i.e., keyhole, inverted teardrop, noose appearance).

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Fig. 2. — Representative MR image of 220-mL single-lumen silicone gel—filled implant placed December 20, 1982, shows presence of multiple-layered wavy lines representing collapsed implant shell surrounded by silicone gel (i.e., linguine or wavy-line appearance).

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Fig. 3. —Representative MR image of Hartley-type standard double-lumen implant, originally with 225 mL of inner-lumen silicone gel, placed April 27, 1984, shows characteristic appearance of rupture. Note thicker single posterior shell patch attached to both inner and outer lumen shells on both sides, with thickened central part where gel was originally injected into implant and sealed, all entirely surrounded by silicone gel. Saline was absent from outer lumen at time of this scan.

Migration of silicone beyond the fibrous capsule was observed in 85 breasts. Although affecting 85 (12.4%) of 687 breasts in this study, silicone migration beyond the fibrous capsule in one or both breasts was found in 73 women (21.2%). Figure 4 is a representative MR image of migration of silicone gel from the intracapsular to the extracapsular space. In all but one breast with extracapsular silicone, the radiologists' consensus was that the implant was ruptured or suspicious for rupture. The prevalence of extracapsular silicone for ruptured implants was 84 (22.2%) of 378 ruptured implants. The agreement between radiologists on extracapsular silicone was not as high as for rupture. When compared in a pairwise fashion, the kappa statistic for extracapsular silicone in the left or right breast was between 0.50 and 0.65 (moderate to substantial agreement) [23].

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Fig. 4. —Representative MR image of migration of silicone shows contiguous spread of silicone gel from intracapsular to extracapsular space. Single-lumen (220 mL) silicone gel—filled implant was placed January 2, 1979.

Table 2 shows implant status by implant type, implant age (shown in 5-year groups), implant location (subglandular, submuscular), implant manufacturer, and implant generation. The prevalence of rupture in each of the implants and in women is shown. In this univariate analysis, implant age, location, and manufacturer were all factors that had a bearing on rupture. In particular, rupture prevalence increased as implant age increased from 6 to 20 years, but then decreased as age increased to greater than 20 years. Most implants more than 20 years old were from Dow Corning (Midland, MI); Dow Corning implants ruptured less often than implants from other manufacturers. Few first and third generation implants were found in this study; the majority of implants were from the second generation. The average age of each generation from first to third was 25.4 ± 1.1, 16.3 ± 3.3, and 7.4 ± 2.6 years, respectively.

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TABLE 2 Factors Affecting Rupture as Judged by Consensus Interpretation of MR Images

A multivariate logistic regression model was developed and used to estimate odds ratios of rupture, with each factor adjusting for the other factors in the model. Table 3 lists the estimated odds ratios given by the final model for the outcomes of rupture and of rupture or indeterminate (suspicion of). The estimated odds ratio for a 33% increase in implant age was significantly greater than one for both outcomes according to the corresponding 95% confidence intervals and indicated that increases in implant age increase the risk of these outcomes. Each odds ratio for implant age was calculated from a log odds ratio that was an average of log odds ratios specific to each manufacturer, with the average based on weights proportional to the number of women with implants from these manufacturers. The manufacturers -Uphoff International (Carpenteria, CA) and McGhan/3M (Santa Barbara, CA) were excluded from the model because of the small number of women with implants from these manufacturers (Table 2). Odds ratios for implant location were computed for each site because of variation by site. For the outcome of rupture or indeterminate rupture, the estimated odds ratio for implants located in the submuscular position compared with the subglandular position was significantly greater than 1 for site 2, but not for site 1. For the outcome of rupture, the estimated odds ratio was significantly greater than 1 for both sites.

View this table:[in this window][in a new window]

TABLE 3 Multiple Logistic Regression Model of Implant Rupture as Judged by Consensus Interpretation of MR Imaging

The logistic model was further used to compute a survival curve for implants (Figs. 5 and 6). Unlike the survival curves from survival analyses in which probabilities of surviving are estimated at fixed times, in these survival curves, times (i.e., implant ages) are estimated at fixed probabilities. The curves plotted are estimates of implant age obtained at average values of the other factors, in which the average is based on weights for groups within factors that are proportional to the number of women within the groups. (For location effects by site, the weights for location are additionally weighted by site.) The estimated median age of rupture was 10.8 years with a 95% confidence interval of 8.4-13.9, and that of rupture or indeterminate was 9.7 years with a 95% confidence interval of 7.2-13.0.

View larger version (22K):[in this window][in a new window][as a PowerPoint slide]

Fig. 5. —Estimated implant ages for probabilities of ruptured implants. CI = confidence interval.

View larger version (25K):[in this window][in a new window][as a PowerPoint slide]

Fig. 6. —Estimated implant ages for probabilities of ruptured or indeterminate implants. CI = confidence interval.

The logistic regression model was fit to all women (n = 304) who had two implants with the same values for site and for implant age, type, location, and manufacturer (-Uphoff International and McGhan/3M excluded). The final model was determined by first including all main effects for these factors and then by using analysis of deviance to test for significant two-way interactions. Significant interactions of implant age by manufacturer and implant location by site were included in the model. The interaction of implant location by implant type was also significant but not included because it led to instability in model estimates. Implant generation was also significant but not included because it was highly correlated with implant age, and most implants were of the second generation.


TopAbstractIntroductionSubjects and MethodsResultsDiscussionReferences We assessed a population of women with silicone gel breast implants for breast implant rupture, using breast MR imaging. The prevalence of rupture for the 687 breast implants was 55.0%. This affected 68.6% of the 344 women in the study. If the implants that were indeterminate (suspicious) were included, 265 women (77.0%) were affected. This level of implant rupture assessed by MR imaging is in close agreement with studies in which implant status was assessed after explantation and examination of implants [5, 6, 20], indicating that findings on implant rupture from the explant population may be representative of the implant population in general. Other published studies have enumerated women having surgery because of a suspected implant rupture [3, 4], but these studies clearly would not include the population asymptomatic with respect to rupture. On the basis of the results of this study, a rupture has occurred in the majority of implants and in the majority of patients from a population selected without regard for any local or systemic symptoms of the patient.

Factors that were associated with implant rupture were implant age and location. These factors were also associated with an MR imaging outcome of ruptured or indeterminate. A conservative estimate of median age of implant rupture was 10.8 years. The association of rupture with implant location indicates that submuscular implants were more likely to be ruptured than subglandular implants.

For some manufacturers, rupture prevalence was based on few implants (e.g., -Uphoff International and McGhan/3M), and these data should be interpreted cautiously. Other manufacturers such as Surgitek (Medical Engineering, Racine, WI) had a large number of implants in this study population. It is likely that local variations among surgeons in the preference for manufacturers played a role in the uneven distribution of implants from different manufacturers. Because of limited resources for this study, we could not pursue additional sites that may have provided equal representation of implant manufacturers. A high prevalence of rupture was seen across all manufacturers, excluding McGhan, ranging between 45% and 82%.

s et al. [20] addressed the concept of implant generation as a possible factor in implant rupture. Difficulties with this approach have not yet been addressed fully in the literature and are beyond the scope of this work, mainly involving the definitions of their generations and the ranges of years over which they extended. Notwithstanding those objections, using their basic definitions, s et al. thought that 91.8% (631/687) of the implants in this study were second generation (i.e., thin or intermediate shell thickness, not early thick shell and thick gel, and not low bleed). We considered generation a factor in a logistic regression model but excluded it because implant age is associated with calendar year and therefore measures similar information. In this study all first generation implants (thick shell and thick gel) were manufactured by Dow Corning. Reported to have lower rupture rates than succeeding generations [20], first generation implants (11/24) ruptured more frequently than did second generation implants manufactured by Dow Corning (10/30). Nonetheless, the first generation rupture prevalence of 11 (45.8%) of 24 is less than the overall rupture prevalence of 55.0%. All 24 first generation implants were more than 20 years old, which contributed to the relatively lower rupture prevalence observed among implants more than 20 years old (Table 3). Another possible explanation is that many of the older implants that were inferior have been explanted and explanted implants would not be included in the MR study. This hypothesis is consistent with the observation that the proportion of women reporting an explantation surgery was less for women in the MR imaging study (7%) compared with all women completing the questionnaire (33%).

Another finding of concern was the high prevalence of migration of silicone gel from the fibrous capsule that surrounds the implant. Silicone had migrated beyond the capsule in at least one breast in 21% of the women in this study. Numerous cases of silicone migration from the capsule have been reported in the literature [2, 7]. Any association of silicone migration or breast implant rupture with disease has not been specifically investigated because the status of women with respect to implant rupture or silicone migration has been unknown in studies that have examined risk of disease in women after mammoplasty with silicone implants [24, 25]. The issue of health consequences of free silicone is poorly understood because of the lack of studies in which implant status and health status are both known.

The agreement among the three radiologists in this study as to the status of implants was quite high. MR imaging has been shown to be the most sensitive and specific method of imaging for breast implant rupture [7, 9,10,11, 13, 16]. These results on implant status may be viewed with a high degree of confidence particularly because the results are the consensus of at least two of the three reviewing radiologists. The radiologists' agreement on extracapsular silicone was moderate to substantial. A study to examine the reason for this is planned.

This study had some shortcomings. We could not rule out all sources of bias. We cannot know what effect litigation had on participation in this study: anecdotal evidence suggests that some litigants were encouraged to participate in the NCI study and others were discouraged by their attorneys or others. Although 303 (33.4%) of 907 of women interviewed for this study indicated that they had their implant removed, only 7% of those receiving MR imaging reported having their implants removed and replaced. This discrepancy is because women who had implants removed and not replaced or removed and replaced with saline implants would not be eligible to participate in the MR imaging study. This requirement would result in culling out older implants that were removed because they were ruptured or for other reasons and may have led to an underestimation of the rupture prevalence. However, participants were similar to those declining to participate with respect to their opinion on the status of their current implants. As previously mentioned, implant manufacturers were not represented equally in this study. Although MR imaging is considered the best method for imaging breast implants for rupture, it is not perfect. This study did not include ascertaining implant status for women who subsequently decided to have their implants explanted. Because of the lower sensitivity of MR imaging in depicting uncollapsed rupture, it is likely that these interpretations present an underestimate of the rupture prevalence [7, 13, 16].

Given the past belief that implant rupture was rare, but the current evidence that the prevalence of implant rupture is high, we believe it is time to reevaluate the need to screen women for implant rupture and to develop recommendations for implant removal or replacement in the event of a rupture. Considerable disagreement exists over the appropriate treatment for women with ruptured implants. Individual plastic surgeons have recommended prophylactic explanation of silicone gel breast implants before 8 years after implantation, regardless of evidence of rupture, to avoid the increasing risk of rupture as the implant ages [5]. Others have advised that silicone should be removed from patients symptomatic for connective tissue disease or with other nonspecific illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia [26]. There is agreement that if implant rupture is symptomatic for local complications (breast deformity, siliconoma or granuloma, pain, and migration), the implant should be explanted with the option of replacement [27]. Plastic surgeons will remove an implant if it is ruptured and causes a cosmetic defect, but some may question the health benefit of removing a ruptured implant if it is contained within the scar capsule [28]. Conversely, some plastic surgeons have argued that rupture should always be treated aggressively to prevent extracapsular spread because silicone gel is more difficult to remove once it has migrated [29, 30]. Both the potential for distant migration and subsequent inflammatory reactions have been cited as a reason to explant ruptured implants [31, 32]. Other studies have maintained that silicone poses little or no health risk [33] or that the potential for unnecessary surgical procedures is worrisome [34].

Women considering silicone gel breast implants, which are presently available to some women in clinical studies, should be informed of the possible risk of implant rupture and the possibility that this may necessitate additional surgery.

Acknowledgments We thank women who participated in this study, some of whom received unsettling news on the status of their breast implants. We also appreciate the contributions of Louise Brinton and Jay Lubin from the NCI, who graciously provided access to the NCI cohort and advice on study design. Cay Burich, Vargish, Marilyn Sawyer, and Jon Schmalz from Abt Associates, Inc. in Chicago are to be commended for their diligent work on this complex study. We thank those plastic surgeons who shared their records with the NCI, making this study possible. Finally, we thank all the sponsors of this research in the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, and particularly the Office of Women's Health at the Food and Drug Administration.


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